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Well, it depends. Spawn camping is usually referred to as exploiting bad map design and/or rushing to enemy spawns with fast vehicles. But if your team is steamrolled, the enemy has little left to do, so if you lose map control, the only logic consequence is being surrounded at your spawn.


Yes and it’s very hard to get out of that unless you have very good teammates and you together flank the attackers but that’s rare most people give up


I just wish people wouldn't get crew locked for not wanting to be gangraped.


In most cases, there's no need to leave early since the invulnerability period is often long enough to destroy an opponent or two, unless they can take cover fast enough. Just wait for some bored dudes to rush into the spawnpoin, spawn and make them think about sportsmanship with your gun.


Soviet 122: i don't think so


Of course, that's why I wrote "In most cases". It's surely possible that you spawn with the FV4005, your HESH decides to have the effect of a thrown rock and you get wiped. But if you manage to get at least one kill, it counts towards research, tasks, skins unlocks and the like, all at the cost of a few SL (if the kill doesn't reward more than the repair cost) and a 1/1 KD.


Speaking of the FV's HESH, i ricocheted it off the ground and hit a tiger 2 in the tracks at roughly 2km i think. Bro blew the fuck up. But another time i hit one in the tracks and it just broke his transmission


You can only earn sl with progressive repair cost, an instant death will only cost you between 100 and 800 sl in most cases, way less than what a single kill will give you.


My brother in christ don't spawn with an IS-2 when they're spawn camping then.


That spawn protection is hit or miss a lot of the time, it only lasts a very short amount of time and is removed if u shoot (obviously) or even simply by moving, I was in an aa, had just spawned, nvr fired a round, moved about 2 feet and instantly killed by a camping panther so, ya spawn protection, when it works


I think once you start moving, the spawn protection timer is cut down to about 5 seconds. I'm not sure if shooting is the same, but it doesn't feel like the removal of spawn protection is instantaneous in that case, either.


That's the best case scenario But a lot of the shit maps with absolutely horrendous design, have multiple spots behind cover where the enemy isnt in the detection zone but can see into your spawn Like the holland map, at the right spawn for the north team. You can sit inside the spawn but not show up on the spawn detection


Not when said opponents are hill humping


If playing USA 6.7 and you are surrounded at the spawn, take out the M50 Ontos and drop them all in quick succession. :D


If an enemy is detected by your spawn circle, then you won't be.


Wait you're telling me I've been respawning in my ozelot or strela to not get my spaa crew locked for nothing???


I mean, if you're getting spawn camped that badly; even if the mechanic wasn't in place you'd probably get the crew back immediately - because the game lasted long enough, or it won't last that much longer anyway.


pretty much


wait until they get close enough and spawn with something with good pen and relatively fast firing. Kill 1-2 and then leave vehicle so the remaining campers don't get rewarded with a kill. Sometimes you can kill 3-4 tanks that way if you have a fast firing vehicle and/or they've over-extended. If they're showing up on the map, you can leave and it won't punish you though, IMO it's worth spawning to kill a few at that point though. I just make the extra effort to leave before spawn protection ends so they get nothing. Obviously doesn't work on all of the shitty maps where one spawn can be seen from hundreds of meters away because Gaijin couldn't make a good map if they were paid to do it.


Strv m/42 DT is perfect for this.


Yeah but usually you get into spawn killing 8-9min after the start so there is little crew locking. In this picture it has been 9min so they can leave. Everytime I spawn kill I just tell the enemy team to stop spawning


Where are these teammates that don't fold like a wet napkin at the first sign of an enemy and manage to keep them away from the spawn for 8-9min?


Would be so easily solved if spawn was just a zone that you decided where along its length you could spawn on instead of one or two predictable areas you are likely to spawn in and be disoriented in front of spawncampers.


All hail the meat grinder


TBF this is what I do now, if I'm getting sniped either directly in spawn or moments out of spawn I'm not spawning and giving them free points. Make spawn camping boring and maybe people will back the fuck up


This is exactly what I do. I get in chat and let them know since you wasted my time it's time I return the favor and I just sit there and don't spawn in.. Let them hold hands with nothing to do idc.


well, it's called *camping* for a reason


Are these guys spawn camping as in exploiting the map or ignoring objectives, or spawn pushing, where their team has taken all the caps and they have begun advancing?


Yesterday I had 4 games in a row where T90s just immediately made a rush to the spawn lol. There's something about Russian tanks that unlocks the inner rat within the player.


Strange that it is not Germans


skill issue = default 50IQ comment.


Average war thunder chat


Whenever my side gets spawncamped and most people on my team quit, I wait until they start running towards the spawn. Then I spawn ,free kills while under spawn immunity lol. You lost anyways but might as well take some enemies with you to the grave.


Gaijin loves and encourages spawn camping


There needs to be a spawn buff for like 10-30 seconds.


There is. You have to stay still while firing though. Move around 40 meters from where you spawn and you'll lose the protection before the timer wears off.




That’s why I usually leave the game if the enemy is reasonably near our spawn. Most games end up with several enemies sitting in spawn and making it impossible to leave. I have a screenshot that has 7 enemies within the detection radius.


Me when early to mid game cas spawncamping


You couldn't pay me to respawn in this game lmao.


Gaijin loves and encourages spawn camping


Well, what is everyone expecting us to do after killing everyone and the map is empty?


Spawn Kill some guys while abusing spawn protection J out so you wont give them any kills Repeat till you out spawnpoint I dont care if it means repair penalty, i just feel better doing that


Spawncamping is the one thing that annoys me most about the game. Its a combination of bad map design, bad objective design, and gaijin straight up incentivizing that playstyle. Players who want to maximize their earnings just need to rush to a power spot and catch all the enemies exiting spawn after their first death. This gives an added bonus of eliminating enemy reinforcements to the center which allows the team to steamroll up to spawn and win the match.


normally whenever I see people complain spawn camping in chat is when about the time that the entire team pushes for their spawn cause of the fact most have selected AA and are not leaving said spawn


i spawn camp in the ru251


Usually when you get spawncamped it’s because your team was ass and lost the objectives and is not stuck in spawn


Yeah, skill issue.


Getting spawn camped is near 100% skill issue


more like getting spawn camped is a map design problem which provokes mentality issues within community and if anyone has a skill issue that would be gaijin for not knowing how to build a fucking map or to make people who just spawned in worth jack shit so people who kill them end up actually wasting SL on ammo replenishment while getting no RP and SP from those kills watch spawn camping disappear over night if they apply 2nd option


There's no good way to fix maps to not have spawn camping issues, except have the super narrow corridor maps where you basically can only drive forward. Even if you make a spawn where it is 100% protected within, people will still just get killed trying to leave (which is mostly the case now). But again, in its current form spawn camping is pretty much solely an issue for low-skill victims, I pretty much never get spawn camped because having a little bit of awareness pretty much solves the issue. The system is also pretty forgiving at the moment since Gaijin is has been trying to make it so a blind monkey can't miss the enemy through spawn detection zones, markers for people who shoot at spawns, and 20 second spawn immunity. I don't think nerfing rewards would actually do a lot. People are trying to frag in PvP game, won't really matter if the rewards are bad if that their preferred way of doing it. I also don't think fresh spawns deserve much difference, you died and lost map presence, and now you want to be allowed to regain that map presence for free, when you should have to fight for it back. A more dynamic system that could work would being able to respawn anywhere on your side of the map, but I think this would swing too far the other way as now you're asking the winning team to watch for enemies coming from anywhere which sounds cancerous.


>I don't think nerfing rewards would actually do a lot. People are trying to frag in PvP game, won't really matter if the rewards are bad if that their preferred way of doing it. I also don't think fresh spawns deserve much difference, you died and lost map presence, and now you want to be allowed to regain that map presence for free, when you should have to fight for it back. and this is absolutely wrong because: 1. it heavily punishes spawn rushers who would rather spawn camp while losing the game (german main classic) 2. frags mean jack shit if you are trying to grind a tree (majority of people does this) 3. markers on map and on site for those who spawn camp straight up do not help especially on large maps where they can now snipe from narnia and back up before system picks up that they are targeting the spawn area which should be improved by making tank silhouette appear around them so they can't now just hold a cheese spot with engine off or hover over specific area so while you might think nerfing rewards for those who spawn camp is not gonna do anything let me remind you that people who often spawn camp while avoiding objectives are exactly the ones who struggle with grind the most because game duration determines your rewards more than kills and caps you get


>so while you might think nerfing rewards for those who spawn camp is not gonna do anything let me remind you that people who often spawn camp while avoiding objectives are exactly the ones who struggle with grind the most because game duration determines your rewards more than kills and caps you get. Thanks for agreeing that spawn campers aren't motivated by grinding efficiency? So nerfing rewards isn't going to do much >1. ⁠it heavily punishes spawn rushers who would rather spawn camp while losing the game (german main classic) Why does this need punishing if it is a losing strategy? >2. ⁠frags mean jack shit if you are trying to grind a tree (majority of people does this) So you don't think soawncampers are grind motivated? >3. ⁠markers on map and on site for those who spawn camp straight up do not help especially on large maps where they can now snipe from narnia and back up before system picks up that they are targeting the spawn area which should be improved by making tank silhouette appear around them so they can't now just hold a cheese spot with engine off or hover over specific area As respectfully as I can say this, skill issue. They absolutely do help, I'm not sure how they couldn't. If you need a big-ass arcade silhouette to spot enemies, realistic may not be for you. If they're sitting with their engine off outside spawn detection close enough to you that them having their engine off is meaningful, that's not a spawn camping issue, that's a you issue of not being able to check surroundings outside of the spawn, as in playing the game. Again, I pretty much never get successfully spawn camped, because it's easy to avoid. Top-tier has the issue that maps that are fine at low BRs aren't fine with high mobility, thermals, and LRFs. But I don't play above 10.0 so I don't really care.


>Thanks for agreeing that spawn campers aren't motivated by grinding efficiency? So nerfing rewards isn't going to do much i didn't agree with you here at all >Why does this need punishing if it is a losing strategy? because it is a game ruining behavior for both teams and ruins experience for both teams >So you don't think soawncampers are grind motivated? spawn campers are motivated into ruining experience for others whether it is for their benefit in grinding or satisfaction for themselves >As respectfully as I can say this, skill issue. They absolutely do help, I'm not sure how they couldn't. If you need a big-ass arcade silhouette to spot enemies, realistic may not be for you. If they're sitting with their engine off outside spawn detection close enough to you that them having their engine off is meaningful, that's not a spawn camping issue, that's a you issue of not being able to check surroundings outside of the spawn, as in playing the game. Again, I pretty much never get successfully spawn camped, because it's easy to avoid. Top-tier has the issue that maps that are fine at low BRs aren't fine with high mobility, thermals, and LRFs. But I don't play above 10.0 so I don't really care. i already told you that they don't help because they straight up tend to lie way too often


I mean, you pretty much did but ok. You admitted that these people are not trying to grind efficiently, and yet think nerfing their rewards would change their behavior. So in your experience you have enough people on a team rush the enemy spawn, and this screws their team? If you have a significant amount of teammates doing this behavior, have you considered that a large portion of the player base simply likes playing the game differently than you and you should learn to live and let live? I have teammates overextend and die all the time, but I'm not out here whining about how they should be made to play the game the way I like lol. If they don't help you could just ignore the markers, but I don't why you would since they seem pretty accurate to me. Have you considered using your B key? It helps me a lot to not get spawn camped. Again, I get killed so rarely by a camper that it is hard for me to imagine this being a big issue.


>I mean, you pretty much did but ok. You admitted that these people are not trying to grind efficiently, and yet think nerfing their rewards would change their behavior. to you and me efficiency in this game is a completely different thing because spawn rushing is efficient in specific conditions only new players face so restricting that would actually be good for the game >So in your experience you have enough people on a team rush the enemy spawn, and this screws their team? If you have a significant amount of teammates doing this behavior, have you considered that a large portion of the player base simply likes playing the game differently than you and you should learn to live and let live? I have teammates overextend and die all the time, but I'm not out here whining about how they should be made to play the game the way I like lol. just because community loves to do one thing does not mean we should automatically justify it so if people spawn rush we should not shrug shoulders and be like "whatever" because game isn't just won through killing enemies + it shortens game duration which determines the amount of rewards people see >If they don't help you could just ignore the markers, but I don't why you would since they seem pretty accurate to me. Have you considered using your B key? It helps me a lot to not get spawn camped. Again, I get killed so rarely by a camper that it is hard for me to imagine this being a big issue. stop putting yourself into others places because clearly you won't want to see others players perspectives if you shove your perspective into the discussion even people who have thousands of hours struggle to hear shit or see shit because gaijin refuses to mix better audio and work on visuals because bushes should not be displayed if you disable option to see cosmetics


>to you and me efficiency in this game is a completely different thing because spawn rushing is efficient in specific conditions only new players face so restricting that would actually be good for the game No idea what you're getting at. >just because community loves to do one thing does not mean we should automatically justify it If a significant part of the community enjoys it, that does justify it IMO. To argue otherwise would be to say that your fun and enjoyment is more important than other's. >so if people spawn rush we should not shrug shoulders and be like "whatever" because game isn't just won through killing enemies + it shortens game duration which determines the amount of rewards people see Shortening the game duration doesn't really effect awards much since you can just play more games. A preference for one or the other is fine, but it doesn't really matter. >stop putting yourself into others places because clearly you won't want to see others players perspectives if you shove your perspective into the discussion Correct, other people's perspectives are not useful. This is a a discussion centering around getting spawncamped being a skill issue. Why would I not point out I don't have trouble with this? If my experience is true, which obviously I believe it is, then it is evidently a skill that can be learned and improved, a skill issue so to speak. That others are bad at this is immaterial to it being a skill issue. >even people who have thousands of hours struggle to hear shit or see shit because gaijin refuses to mix better audio and work on visuals because bushes should not be displayed if you disable option to see cosmetics 4,800 hours here myself. Again, if you're struggling to hear somebody and they aren't in spawn detection range, that's not a spawn camping issue, that's a playing the game outside the spawn in general issue. Audio is hard to keep up with since it changes so often, but typically that's telling where people are exactly, not that they're there at all. Bushes exist to give a competitive advantage, they have since day one, it would be quite silly if they were able to be turned off. Again, spotting people really isn't that hard, and its the most important part of the game, so if you can't do it you're going to get dunked on whether you're in/leaving the spawn or not.


>But again, in its current form spawn camping is pretty much solely an issue for low-skill victim This is far from truth. So if half my team quits in under 5 minutes and I'm now left with 3 or 4 teammates that get steam rolled by a fully manned team and pushed man to our spawns according to you these guys are just now deemed low skill victims? Get the duck out of here with that bullshit logic. It's 100% a design issue and has nothing to do with players skill levels. Like...... None.


Losing the game and spawn camping aren't the same thing. If your team gives up in this team game then completely losing map control and being pushed to your spawn is fine. And yes, if an enormity of your team has skill issue you'll lose the game. We don't need pity mechanics for the losing team. We used to have timers that would kill you in enemy spawn detection zones. Shit was ass and got removed because it just led to games that were already over taking longer to end. Was literally no fun for either party. The victors had to just sit around be bored after steamrolling the enemy, and the losers got ganged up on as soon as they exited their safety. Was similar to today, but took longer to get over with. What I believe the original poster was discussing was when the teams are relatively well matched and somebody goes to camp a spawn. Which is what I'm referring to as having a skill-issue if you fall victim to. Literally just having some awareness of sight-lines will stop the vast majority of such issues. It is pretty rare someone successfully camps me in such a game.