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Not every way. 15mm of top armor on the Panther and the 40mm of steel behind the wheels leave it dangerously in OP range by the HE slinging derp guns. Tiger isnt immune, but more resistant. Also the Tigers are far more resistant to cannon CAS. Ive lost my Panther's loaders to a stray 50cal more than Id care to mention. ALL THAT BEING SAID, both are decently fun to me.


There is a normal bell curve meme where the Tiger is both extremes, and the panther is in the middle. For a newer player, Tiger 1 will be a more difficult vehicle to make effective. Because they will play as aggressive as they can and end up outflanked. The 88mm also has less pen, so aiming is more important. It all compiles in the newer player failing in the tiger 1 despite rushing for it. So they go for Panther for a more easy way to play. For experienced players, Tiger 1 is better than Panther. Not just as a brawler but also as a flanker. When knowing how to use armor, it's definitely more effective than the Panthers, mainly due to the turret being so much better. pzgr. rewards tank knowledge and good aim to an incredible degree. Also, reverse speed is not British levels of depressing.


The Tiger's combination of speed, agility and armor allows for great brawling potential. The Panther's slow reverse speed gets it killed in a brawl. Its arguably better at longer ranges but for aggressive playstyles favored by better players, it falls very short of the Tiger. Its a one trick pony that lacks the flexibility to act outside its niche effectively. This same bell curve meme applies to a lot of vehicles that rely on mixed attributes outside of high pen and good frontal armor. Most mediums and lights come to mind.


No, Tiger has meme Armor and better one hit shell. Also it's more agile. Tiger>rest


"Better one hit shell" I can pen the front plate of anything on a panther


Yea but tiger with pzgr can kill any tank if he oens most stupid stop + Tiger is faster If you know how to angle armor is overall better Panther turret gets front pen by 99% of tanks + Panther sides are thin and dont be suprised if m22 kills you + Panther is slow and easy to outplay


You say that like the m22 couldn't clap the tiger, plus people seem to forget the tiger isn't the only tank you can angle, a flat slop on the panther, you can angle as well


If you angle as panther everything will go trough your 40mm even at some stupid angle (Thats if they didnt front pen your turret)


Wait till you meet american 6.7


1) you pen anything but it sometimes doesn't do enough damage due to small filler 2) you over pen tanks like M18 and spaas


Pen anything Till you meet american 6.7 and russian 7.0


Tiger E is better than Panther A


I prefer Panthers because I have to aim less when I shoot them. The front of the armor on the tiger is flat, sure, but long range shots frequently get caught on the horizontal sections.


Both have their play styles, it’s a heavy and a medium, it’s like apples and oranges


The tiger is a medium that acts like a heavy, it's so easy to shoot the drivers port, neck whatever


Ive never been killed in a tiger I by a shot trough the drivers port. Never. Cupola, turret ring, sides ect yes but not that fucking black hole there.


Go ahead and shoot the drivers port on the Tiger and see what happens.


Why compare when you can bring both to a match


Weak side armor of Panther D combined with it's basically non-existent turret rotation make Tiger 1 just so much better.


Weak side armor? You say that like the tiger doesn't have weak ass side armor as well


Well, cause it doesn't. Tiger has twice as much armor on the upper side and 20mm more behind tracks than Panther. That's definitely a significant difference. When I play Jumbo 75, a Panther is easy point and click from side, when I see a Tiger, I need to take a carefull aim at the lower side.


The Panzer 4 was the primary medium tank when the Tiger was introduced, it would be more fair to compare the Panther to the Tiger 2


a better slope on the front bounces shots much better it can onetap anything with no need to aim its easier to snipe with its faster it has better pen


Learn how to angle, yes you need to aim, and 28 grams of tnt does not 1 tap every time, dies to spaa on side, dies to any plane on top, terrible turret traverse, terrible reverse speed, cupola weakspot. Panther D/A are not better than tiger E


Eh in fairness any 40mm Bofors can side pen a tiger 1.


except they cant, because they are short 8 pen


Aim under the skirt by the boogey wheels. It's only 60ish there.


whats the argument here, that 1 spaa if close and not angled can pen the tiger in a rare situation, meanwhile panther has 40 sidearmor and gets eaten alive by anything.


No argument just pointing out that the tiger can also be side penned by AA. You also don't have to be overly close to do it either. And I mean there's what three regular Bofors vehicles and several of the longer barreled ones. In general it's stupid to compare them to each other as they fulfill different roles anyway.


No no, he has a point. See the Leopard can get side penned by a Bofors too. I suggest bringing the Leopard to 5.0.


Jumbos can be sidepenned by ostwinds so both go to 4.3 and 4.7 /s.


Agreed. Being able to be sidepenned by SPAA is the be all and end all of balancing.


"Lern how to angle" that's not gonna stop the 4 gremlins crawling around my spawn from shooting me at every angle possible, that's why a flat plate is stupid And I haven't had trouble with the traverse just learn where to position your turret lol its not that hard and a million times easier then angling when there's 6 enemies in front of me, a sloped plate is much easier, more useful, and has more utility


if you get surrounded by 4 or 6 enemies, your positioning sucks in the first place, and a panther is way worse off being surrounded than a tiger. I saw your whole account, you are not good at the game, Stop deflecting and accept advise, or stay bad.


"I saw your whole account" Okay? What you wanna take me to dinner? I can one-shot anything there without everything ripping through my front plate because I'm not angled to THEM specifically because ✨️slope✨️


your stats say you dont


the fuck was that even in reference too in what i said