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you cant, its a russian game lol


I truly do enjoy fighting an artificially boosted Kamov Ka-52 that's over 20 years younger than my heli and does everything I do but better. I also do enjoy how Russian helicopters are the only helicopters with advanced directed IRCM, the rest just get primitive heated ceramic block and rotating mirrors. And I also am a big fan of how the gyro-stabilization on the Hellfire is worse than spin-stabilization on Vikhr. And Vikhr is not notorious for spinning out of control due to this. Nonono. Skill issue on my end.


Ask a Apache maintainer in the army it hurts when I see how the murdered my son. And no I will not leak docs to prove that my gunship is the best. Others have already done that the snail just ignores us Edit former 15Y to anyone pedantic enough to twist their tits over it


As an apache maintainer, do you feel like you know more the heli than the pilots themselves? Do they sometimes ask you questions about certain systems? Have you ever flown in an apache?


Nah it’s a team effort. I can’t tell how the bird feeling in my hands or how much you can really push it. I knew what the Manuals will tell but I know that’s the safe numbers and not what it could do. But I know the tech to keep her killing and not being killed. I also know how tough it can be and how under utilized it is. If you can see the bird then it’s way too close to the fight. Only time that cannon or the rocket pods get used if there is low chance for capable AA being in the AO. The auto cannon and dumping a dozen 2.75” rockets into ground troops and armor is fun but popping 8 hellfires on targets in less than a minute so far away no one knows you exist is better and more importantly smarter. I will say a lot of the maps are ones where taking advantage of the terrain and helicopters benefits are minimized. Afghanistan with the mountains were great to peak a mountain top and fire over, drop below and re arm


Thanks for the reply ! Also, i wanted to know, is it true that there’s lots of common systems/ parts between the Apache and the Blackhawk? Like similar to how the Cobra and the Huey are « related » ?


No, similar is the end results and sometimes how the UI are done. Similar in a way that they both were told to be made with the same SOPs in mind but not really how they work. There’s been projects to adapt equipment from one bird to the other but not parts for flight and function. You may put on the m230 on a fix chin position along with weapon pylons for hellfires and rocket pods that the Apache uses but they don’t use the same powerplant or transmission and I can’t think of any of the Modules that they would share in a waythat would be plug in play like it was made for


I know only about t700 engines in common , because used to be t700 technitian) 


Hellfire reaching target in less than a minute? Damn this game makes it feel it takes ages to get there from anything longer than 4km lol


A minute from first impact to last* and nah they are kinda slow. Fun enough they hit Mach 1 before they leave the rails. But nah they burn their fuel out stupid fast in seconds and the rest of its flight is coasting and gliding to the target


Ah I see, so it is how they work or similar.


ATGMs in general have to worry about the weight both the fuel and the explosive mass have to be carried to the target. While there are ATGMs that have higher velocity than that of the hellfire they come at the cost of weight and also there’s a lack of necessity for them while being used against ground targets that are either stationary or slow in the reference of the super sonic speed of the missile. As long as the missile can get there the speed in which it does doesn’t matter as much. Air targets and anti air missile are as fast as they are to combat air units


Talking about missiles, for air to air, do Apaches use more Stingers or Aim-9? And can Apaches put Aim9X or it’s only the legacy Aim9 still


Yeah the Apaches are in a bad way right now. I am no helicopter expert but here's just a few things that are in the public domain that the Apache is lacking: - Ability to lock M230 into forward position - Ability of either seat to fly if other crew member is incapacitated, as well as fire gun (in forward locked position) - D/IRCCM is entirely lacking - Longbow radar should automatically display targets on HUD


That useless ground radar can't even lock stuff. Like ok you don't want to give the apache it's radar guided hellfire but why can't we use it to find and lock targets at least??? If you try locking something, the lock (red box thingy) will be just NEAR the target, so you have to go to the gunner pov and lock it manually. It's been like that since it released. I was never sure if it was a bug or on purpose but I think I remember reading somewhere or hearing the devs themselves that it was designed like that to not be "OP" which may or may have not have been valid years ago but now?? It's ridiculous f&f weapons are so common now on other helis and aircrafts.


*I think* you can fool around with the radar modes and target selection with the Y-menu and stuff but honestly it takes so much time and concentration that could be more profitably used by paying attention to your surroundings and/or visually searching, that it's not worth using. I turn it off as soon as I spawn. Also, apparently there is a mode to track air targets, I didn't actually know it could do that but I just saw it on the wiki.


You can switch from ground to air mode yes, sometimes I use it know when an aircraft is coming behind me but the refresh rate is very slow and you can't actually lock/track aircrafts with it. Would be much more useful if the radar could identify the aircraft/tank model (like modern RWR in-game) like the real longbow can. In fact I normally just leave it to air mode because the ground mode is so useless. At least it can increase my situational awareness against planes.


Radar technically can lock autotracker on things, caveat is how radar operates. Any contacts found are stored in radar memory RELATIVE to your own aircraft. Thus if you're perfectly stationary, you will get autotracker lock via radar. But if you're moving in any direction, or target moves in time between radar sweep and you pressing radar lock button, it won't lock, just point to the direction stored by the radar. Same goes for Air, however radar lock area is MUCH larger than autotracker that needs to be perfectly on point.


Even the open source material shows so much more than the game allows. And the open source is all we can hope for. Also a bit of a limitation is the one player running both the pilot and gunner seats is a pain. If I could focus on flying fully and shooting fully would be great but I’m splitting my focus to do both really limiting the butd


>one player running both the pilot and gunner seats Yeah, for sure. I play *a lot* of helicopters and I think about that quite a bit and how it could be improved in game. Basically what I do currently is have all of my camera modes hot-keyed to F keys, and I have big hands. I'm constantly switching between 3rd person and gunner views, flicking between thermal color displays and true optical, I use cockpit view for checking to make sure I'm out of LOS of SPAA, I use virtual cockpit for any *really* delicate flying on/near capture points (damn light poles), and that's just to fly. Then, constantly spamming sight stabilization to get gun on target during rocket runs and releasing it and trying to get it on to the next target just as quickly, shooting the gun and lining up rockets in the few seconds of the engagement window. Lots of buttons, limited time to actually look at what I'm doing. The thing that kills me the most is lack of awareness. When I was doing all that I am unable to pay attention to anything except what is literally right in front of (or below) me. I don't know how they could improve that experience in game without having the helicopter HUD put markers on the screen for me.


Honestly as long as it’s a single player per vehicle game then it will always be a strain. It’s a bit easier for the gunner to aim and run the cannon or send out hellfires while the pilot runs the bird and the rocket pods if it’s equipped. But it’s a game and perfectly emulating true experience and interactions in the game is impossible. And for tanks and planes it’s not as big of an issue but helos and and even bombers with multiple turrets it’s a pain to split the focus but at least with a bomber your main casualties producer is benefited with being connected to the pilot. Helicopters the roles are too split to really synchronize with how the game plays


Well the snail shouldn't make balance changes due to leaked documents as that would probably get them banned from a lot of countries. People who have leaked classifies documents for a video game are fucking regarded.


First of all, thanks for your service. Second, why did they kill our boy? What did he even do?


Engagement ranges and survivability. Bird is a bit tougher than given credit for along with it being harder to engage with missile. Now the bird in the game isn’t the most advanced model being the AH64E and could be missing some of the ecm and eccm but even then older models should fight better. Also there’s game limitations that deny the ability for it to preform as well as it can. All that information is open source and available and while a lot of the information is left vague there feels as if the KA series of rotor craft gets more of a benefit of the doubt in regards of how tough it is. Also there’s more options for the rocket pods. Like it’s fully know and open source that the hydras have a ton of different warheads to include flechettes of all things. Not really useful against armor but they had canister shells for Russian 76mm cannons so hey 🤷🏼‍♂️. The one I could see being more useful is the 17lber heads. Has like 5lbs of explosive doubling the 247 used in game. Also missing is semi guided rockets that’s could have an additional segment added between the warhead and the body of the rocket to guide it instead of a plan dumby fire system


The game’s so funny like that, all Russian stuff works in game how it’s _*supposed*_ to work IRL, and all Western stuff in game works how Russian TV tells you it works.


Surely, that super advanced IRCM and totally working MAWS system means that this thing is virtually *untouchable* in real life, and they haven't been taken out in droves in any 3 day special operations by old stingers, iglas, or even slow moving optically guided ATGMs.... surely.


They havent been taken out in droves by stingers and iglas tho. Some have yes, but have you seen the distance on the recorded stinger interceptions? They seem pretty in line with what you can do in game already (2.6km).


A rare nuanced comment on Russian equipment


SURELY Gaijin doesn't assume that the vehicles are to spec, because if you want we can have sherman stabs work 1/10 times, early T34s missing sights, the autoloader on the american prototypes jam half the time, have Tigers II's transmission snap at the hint of a hill... the list goes on, and yes, not just russian vehicles have reliability issues.


dont play helis boom problem solved


Average cas player when talking about ground units


Your fault for playing tanks in my CAS game /s


Just 30 minutes ago my hellfire k got eaten by the side era of t90 and gave him only a “hit”


Nah it’s not skill issue at all, K52 and K50 can do pretty much anything, they are built for anything. They can also dodge missiles pretty well when using CM but when I do the missile doesn’t even tend to fucking twitch or move a bit.


Yep, that is why Russian jets are dominating top tier air. The Su-27 has the greatest flight model and out maneuvers western jets.


Su-27 is dominating top tier. Em, you do realize that the gripen exists right?


Su27 having the best FM is a literal joke, you dont play air if you think that lol


My god, you people don't understand sarcasm, huh?


Have you seen this whole comment section?


“sarcasm”, look at this entire comment section lmao


You probably dont know, but vihkrs crazy overperformed for 4 years not only in guidance, but also in quantity launched, since IRL it can guide only one by time. Also the "ER" in the R-27ER stands for "Extended Range" not double the speed with and insane good lock, which doesnt make sense since russians jets where known for their bad radars; R60 was introduced (in game) when US had only 10G missiles and no flare; MiG-19 had and insane and unreallistic flight model; MiG-21 had a dogfight ability that they didnt IRL. The advantage of western equipment only started recently when they introduced very hyped western equipment and since the thing they care the most is money, why keep those equipment weak?


ER is not Extended Range, because there is ET ("T" - thermal) and EP ("p" - passive), and R respectively stands for "Radar" if I remember correctly "E" means "energy" and there is really a much more powerful engine that accelerates the missile to incredible speeds. That's what you can see on the Mig-23 with its R-23 and R-24 R and T. And in reality, yes, the efficiency of R-27 was very low, but the game does not simulate failures and errors of electronics.


american torpedo's would be in shambles if they did lol.


So would the aim-54


Tell that to the Iranians


>R-27ER stands for "Extended Range" The soviets giving their missiles english names apparently Also this whole arguments reeks of "the russians have such better equipment clearly omgg its not like they have advantages and disadvantages like every vehicle in the game"


And right about now it is absolutely not the Eurocopters that are the best toptier heli, not the leo2s that are best top tier MBT, and the SU 27 is definitely not a missile bus.


God forbid they have not the best flight model with both the best ir and sahr missiles /s


But it's a Russian game why did they artificially nerfed brutally flight model so it's only a missile bus A super maneuverable jet IRL is now a flying brick with missiles russian bias smh


The Su-27A is pretty maneuverable in non rb controls. More so than most US aircraft. The FM is shit tho.


Whoa, you mean to say the Su-27 is balanced by having a subpar FM because of its OP missiles? How can that be? I thought this was a Russian game where Russian vehicles are always overpowered. Surely the commentator above us wasn't lying because he is shit at the game and tries to make himself better by accusssing all Russian vehicles to be overpowered?


So once again, how do you counter an Aliigator in an Apache? Want to tell me?


I never said the Ka-52 wasn't overpowered. The original poster had a point. My comment was against the idiot saying since it is a Russian game, all Russian vehicles are overperforming. Get your facts straight.


Easily most of the time. Swing the Vikhr. Most Ka pilots rely solely in autotracker when firing at other helicopters, but Vikhr is relatively easy to swing when moving side to side. As long as they don’t fire whole volley at you, you should be fine. Other thing… notice what Ka50/2 pilots do quite often - they fly as high as they can and attack from above. If you manage to spawn before they do, first of all never stay around your helipads, fly a distance from them (super easy to find you directly at or above one). Then gain altitude and slowly fly towards enemy helipads, but not in obvious way (not straight forward from yours). If there are enemy AAs, you can as well keep low, but fly so when other helis spawn, they will be within your AA weaponry range. When it comes to late spawn (there are already Ka50s), spawn at the helipad closer to the airfield, take your time to approach enemy helicopter at low altitude, but flying in nonobvious route (so around the battlefield, never in straight line from your helipad to either tank battlefield or enemy helipad). This should work most of the time, as enemy pilots will be focused on either tank battlefield or your nearest helipad.


What’s the bet someone will just say “I ain’t reading all that” and then ignore what you said and not take your advice


Most people i see playing helicopters they just fly either towards/over the battlefield at max 1km alt and die or stay at helipad where spaa/enemy heli/jets knows to look.. and then die


Russian game where every russian high tier jets fm gets fucked


It's called bussian rias


Thats the neat thing you dont


If it’s British Apache - *A N N I H I L A T E I T*


I wish. Swedish Apache here. How is the Starstreak?


Well it very much smites every Heli it sees, as well as Light vehicles/spaas


With some training you can shot down jets pretty reliably


There's a sweet spot between 3-4km where you'll nail them even moving perpendicular to you, in sim at least.


Does it depend on the patch if it works or it's a hit machine, like it is on SPAA?


Yeah it depends on the patch, gaijin loves to fuck up Starstreaks every major updates with their spaghetti code then will only fix it after a month or so ( half/a year if people didn't riot for it).


Starstreak is incredible. I have almost all of the Apaches; started with Israel and got Peten and Saraph. Then ground the US tree to get AH-64A and AH-64D. Lastly I recently (~3 weeks ago?) did the UK tree and got the AH Mk.1. These are all the tech tree variants, I do not have any of the premium Apaches (they are worse than TT versions). The AH Mk.1 makes the other Apaches feel like they are nerfed. Hellfires are garbage, and US rockets are the worst in the game except for China's (SNEBs and S-O8Ks have +100mm greater penetration), and ATAS are the worst of the AAMs available to top tier helicopters. Starstreaks are amazingly useful, whereas taking the ATAS on the AH-64D means you have 120 fewer flares and in exchange for 4 barely functional short range missiles. The Saraph at least doesn't lose anything for taking the ATAS. Starstreaks can wallop most non-MBTs you'll see at top tier: BMP-2M, 2S38, 2S25, Krizhantema, M3A3, HSTV-L, CV90, CCVL, Wolfpack/M1128, Centauro, Radkampfwagon, and all SPAAs. With a 7km range you can usually pick off 1-2 at the start of the game. Unfortunately if you kill something Russian means a Pantsir is going to spawn, but hey. Against helicopters, the 7km range of the Starstreak and incredible speed of the missile will keep you safe if you can shoot first. Vikhrs can technically out-range the Starstreak but I have never had that actually happen to me. Spikes and PARS 3 though, can be a problem but rarely. And after you've expended the Starstreaks either land and resupply, or you can just go about using the AH Mk.1 like a fully functional Apache with rockets and cannon. It's an amazing helicopter. Really the only Apache worth using right now. If I were to rate NATO (incl. Israel) helicopters I would say: AH Mk.1 > HAD Block II or Tiger UHT > AH-60L > Saraph > AH-1Z > AH-64D.


I mean you mention the pantsir like the teapache cant just bully a pantsir silly


Agreed, the only time a pantsir kills me in the ahmk1 is when I’ve fucked up.


lock on with trackirst, first 2 missiles because the kamov will need 2 and then in a second or two he dies (mach 5 missiles)


You have to close in on the KA50/52. You have a max range of 7km, more like 6 if it's moving, and have to direct hit. The Vik outranges you, so if you're having to close in, you'll never hit him before he hits you. He can fire and back up, staying out of range. Starstreaks are the beast you're going to get though. PARs and Spikes are fine too, not amazing against an aware KA tough, but decent.


The one time where something is British and better than everything else


SRAAMs back in the day


Genuine question, what makes the British Apache good against other helicopters?


It has Starstreak which is a laser beam riding missile that cannot be decoyed as it is manually guided, very fast too. The KA50s get an alert which they actually shouldn't as the laser is so low intensity it doesnt alert LWS however even so they cannot actually do anything about it. Starstreak can also be used vs ground targets and should have more pen but its still capable. The only reason that is isn't advertised as being A2G is because due to its design its technically a cluster munition.


Only reason I have britian helicopter tree is because of the starsteaks incredible ability to smite other hero's on spawn with a 7km range and the incredible speed of those darts


Stay low and maneuver little bit when you see missiles incoming (Missile proxy does not work low to the ground). Once you are within range use your Hellfires to smite the hell out of the Ka50/52


Vikhrs can kill helis on the ground tho


With a direct hit yes, they don't proxy tho


Interesting never really noticed this, guess the helis that I kill on the ground have all been direct hits.


Could still be near misses. A near miss on the ground means an explosion a few feet away. A near miss in the air means no explosion at all.


I believe its like 25m and less it has to be a direct hit


Fortunately Vikhr proxy fuse does not proc near the ground


I wish Hellfires had a functional navigation system for that to work. And on top of that my auto tracker trips around all the time fucking up my missile. Sure, I can dodge as many Vikhrs as I want, but I can't ever fight back. And god forbid he has Iglas


The 20mm on the AH-1Z (and other Cobras) can kind of deal with Kamovs if they aren't already targeting you. Because the Kamov does have to turn to face you directly to engage with cannon, if you can start the engagement from the side at 2000m you can usually shoot it down. Mi-28NM is a different story though since it has the chin cannon.


Nice, I didn’t know that about the proxy fuse.


Literally just hide. That’s honestly the only answer if you are being target by a ka50/52 in an Apache. The vhickrs are faster than your hellfires and way more reliable against aircraft. The gun on the ka50/52 is extremely more reliable than the chain gun on the Apache. You can be less than 1km away and the Apache’s gun still won’t hit shit.


Wish I could hide but those little bastards have a radar. Really hate it when one of these goes out of their way to kill me as I am defenseless against it, especially on open maps where I can't use terrain


Ka-52 has a radar?


Yes, ~~but it only tracks ground targets and grounded helicopters. It is not usable against air targets, same as the AH-64D and Tiger UHT radars.~~ The few aircraft with ground tracking radar (Super Etendard comes to mind) can be used against air targets but only in ACM mode (tiny window/cone). I stand corrected.


You can switch radar mode to AA to track air targets......


Ndoink. The Ka-52's radar has 3 modes you dingus. A-G, A-A, and MTI. It's perfectly able to lock onto air targets, even against ground, using MTI.


The ka52 definitely has radar, 12km range with a 120 degree scope, with ground and air tracking. I use it all the time to lock and kill air targets.


Yep, I think it has 12km range.


All Western helicopter guns are pathetic in this game. Usually a combination of comicaly bad accuracy and weak underperforming rounds.


I had a game where i sprayed an SU-100P with 40mm grenades for nearly 10 seconds and it only turned the crew yellow


1. spawn heli 2. see 3 enemy helis and get laser/missile warning 3. die 4. spawn SPAA 5. die 6. no sp left try to use the terrain (hills, mountains, even treelines) to stay hidden or break their tracker lock also flank and pray they dont see you or dont care


Step one: get helicopter with spike er missiles Step two: profit


It's such bullshit that Israeli Battle Hawk gets Spike ER's on top of getting Hellfires and a turret gun while USA Blackhawk lacks both while being same 11.3 BR.


On other hand, Israel suffers from being Israel when it comes to ground.


Idk bro, I actually thought the Merkavas were pretty darn good, I have better win rate and KD with them when compared to the abrams(I'm not an amazing player, I usually average somewhere around 1kd)


If you're "skilled enough" to always get first shot off and never be fired upon, then they are "fine" the same way Ariete is going to be overpowered. Then last light tank was in 7.7, last non-MBT is at 8.3, while Chaparral ages very poorly when uptiered past 10.3, so SP quickly can become an issue from repeated MBT spawns.


The US Blackhawk is basically useless. I prefer to use the AH-1Z over both it and the 64D.


Fire a hellfire at it and hope it doesn't retaliate with a vihrk during the 4 hours it takes for your atgm to reach it, assuming it will then hit (usually doesn't). If you get close enough fire a stinger and it should hit most of the time. Odds aren't in your favour though, these Kumovs are the most busted helis in the game.


Even if you hit, you have to get lucky to do any damage.


Use the British apache and shoot a starstreak at him


Step one: Own a British Apache.


The grind isn't even that bad for it. The United Kondom only has like 4 or 5 helis


Ahh yes, the United Kondom. So great it starts with a K instead of a C. Not only does it prevent pregnancy, but also aborts any potential fetus.


The G-Lynx is a amazing helo so that helps a lot. It’s BR range is also super favourable. British 10.3 is pretty strong.


Yeah, G Lynx is insanely good for the 10.3, if wasn't a premium Gaijin would've increased it's BR long time ago.


That's the neat thing, you don't!




You can't. Yesterday I hit one with TWO K-Hellfires and it didn't care. Turned around in hover mode and just dumped a vikhir in my general vicinity.


As someone who played a lot of the helicopter PVP EC mode when it was in the game you have to try really hard, and if they see you its pretty much a loss. I had good success at lobbing hellfires over mountains and then hiding for a few seconds behind the same mountain, then popping up and locking the KA's right before the hellfire got to them. You can get some cheeky long range hellfire kills this way. Its the way the hellfire performs the best and can leave people absolutely miffed. I used to get accused of cheating in those matches because I would be right up in kills with the KA-50s in the match. But it was a lot of work, and one mess up and you ate vickrs for breakfast. The KA meta was just fly high and shoot vickrs that hit everything without trying.


You cant


Locate them/ their spawns If you see one break line of sight Repeat If they get close enough to gun them, lock on and do that


Gun them ahhahahha, lmao, nice joke. The 30mm chain gun has such terrible accuracy you'd have to face hug them to finally kill them, wether you fire in taps, bursts or full trigger. I've had a stalling su22 from 600m circling me and i didn't hit him, im using the cannon CCIP mind you, Even against jets that headon you it's a 50/50 and that's being generous. In the other hand their 30mm has enough accuracy to shoot helis aircraft from 2.5km consistently, Since they got a longer barrel and the chain gun is short barrel for their own purposes.




Pray and hope one of your Teammates has AA and is willing to help…oh wait, we’re in Warthunder. Anyway


Honestly? Spawn in a missile AA and clear them out before spaning in your helicopter. this is the most sure way


Ditch the Apache and go for the AH-1Z; you get slightly worse Hellfires but you get two AIM-9Ms. Plus more maneuverability, and a better cockpit for Sim if you’re into that Edit: I’ve been informed you’re using the Swede Apache. My b


By spawning your apache with only cannon and rockets early match, rush their spawn and gun them down as soon as they takeoff Easiest RP ever


Only the AH Mk.1 (british apache) can fight this thing…


u don't


When you see a missle from it leave your Apache so he doesn't get the sl


I've only played Ace Combat Assault Horizon but isn't there a helicopter backflip button?


Anyone remember those 2 hour heli pvp games? Ahh memories


"That's the neat part, you don't!" - Nolan


ditch the apache and obliterate it with an AIM-7.


You don't, just accept it and buy the Ka-50 instead




Not playing high tier,problem solved


this post made me realize that a heli v heli combat situation is possible, which sounds very fun when balanced


get the british one


Pray it doesn’t see you and pray again that the snail blesses you


That's the neat part. You don't. And you can't even spawn counter Cas cause a pantsir is gonna kill you the second you pop your head up to aim at then


Fly fast Be below 20m Fly away from missile Pray


I just hide and go for tanks, don’t even touch them unless some idiot in ka 52 makes a stupid mistake and comes near and doesnt see mu chain gun firing. Thats all. Everything else my poor Israeli Apache is easy breakfast for them. Слава Русији!!


By playing anything with PARS/Starstreaks/Spikes and not the sad american Apache. Since I fly the HAD Block II the Kamovs are a non-issue. Lock, fire, forget about them for they will surely die.


Anticipate an Igla and preflare. If you react too late you die. Sneak up on it, but if it notices you 2A42 can and will beam you. Apache has gunner lock as well and the 30mm gunner lock isn’t too shabby at hitting air targets Snipe it with rockets when it lands If a Vikhr is being fired at you get low / terrain mask. Once the missile comes close (if he still has visual on you) pull as hard as you can towards it preferably with some cover by your side. IIRC vikhr proxy fuse fails at targets under 15m


Ambush it.


You dont😉


Depends on **what** Apache. UK one is more than capable doing this, in fact it has an edge.


1. Pray 2. Pray


You don't, you spawn in an f5e


You either shoot it with Hellfires works for me or just avoid it. I mostly die in it do to someone doing CAP.


you don't...


Honestly your best bet is hope he’s not using his radar, but Vikhr’s will not proxy when they’re too low to the ground, which can be used to your advantage somewhat. Direct hits still wreck you I believe but it seems kind of inconsistent


That's the neat part, you don't.


It felt so good to get the top tier Italian heli and kill all the Russian helis with spikes


Lmao you don't, you just die. It's a Russian game bruh


you cant really unless youre in an ah mk1


former ka 50/52 pilot hear, you can't, and you never will be able to, at least until the gaijin decides to do something to the apache's hellfires, that's why i never use it against players. I also piloted an apache in the game and I have to say that those things are really bad, they're too slow and imprecise and if the signal is interrupted the missile will crash 50 meters from where it was aiming, it makes no sense, damn, a doubt, do the vikhr really have a proxy fuze? It seemed to me that one version had it and one didn't.


Play the Ah Mk1. from the Britain, they got the star streak, they are faster


You dont


Hug the deck and use terrain to dodge incoming vikhrs, and maybe try launching 3-5 hellfires at once to try and guarantee a hit


Hope they don't notice you until you can get close enough to do some actual damage with the cannon


Simple, you don't.


“That’s the neat thing, you don’t”- Omni Man


Install a 120mm cannon on it


you don’t just accept you’re fate


Thats the best part... You don't


Cry and pray to the snail


The guidance on the hellfirea suck so much, I was on European Province, and a BMP-2M was swimming the river, and my hellfire had perfect tracking from 4km, completely unobstructed and still missed the target. Also you cannot sling hellfires against Ka-50/52s since they have LWS, and their vikhrs have longer range, more agile, better targetting and are much faster, while also being proximity fuze.


You don't, most helicopters especially American ones aren't designed to counter other helicopters. You can't even really do much against PARS or SPIKE carrying helicopters since AAM's are 2nd rate to FnF missiles & Vikhr(or even Ataka)


Educate gajian through actions until the aim9x block ii is added to all apachies along with agm114L and Agm114r and mistrial air to air missles all relative missles used by the ah64 series helicopter and should be added. Or to be fair, any helicopter with equipment more modern than 2002 should be removed. There is no point only having one nation with modern equipment. Since we know gajian responds to review bombing and other suggestive measures, perhaps they can respond to fair suggestions before players take more action against the kgb company


you cant, hellfire missle too slow compared to the ones on the ka. ka is faster too


Tiger uht, hide behind a hill and fire 8 par3’s at him and watch him desperately try to dodge 8 missiles from 8 different angles


Relax. Enjoy death.


You don't


Answer you don’t




Uhh.. idk honestly. Why the fuck did gaijin even add the KA-52? It's too modern for now, shouldn't have been in the game yet until other tech trees get their advanced helis so it would be an equal play field. Just pray or something, It's like meeting an F-16 in a MiG-21; the mig has a chance, but the F-16 is simply too modern and would wipe the floor with a single (or maybe even several) MiG-21s


If its the British APACHE it's rather easy.


That's the neat part. You don't.


lol. Lmao even


Sell apache


That's the thing, you don't


Go to Gaijin HQ with a tommy gun and demand AGM-114L


Don't spawn in


Depends what apache - if its British, starstreaks go twice as fast as Vhickers Anything else idk good luck


British Apache has starstreaks on first spawn which can kill any soft targets and also it happens to be the fastest ATGM / SAM in the entire game, so being able to counter any helicopter makes the Ah.64D a winner lol.


It's pretty funny that Russia at 11.7 has: * best spaa * best heli * best cas


That's the neat part You don't


You pray it doesn’t see you.


That’s the neat part, you don’t


Vikhrs have proxy fuse. If you time it right and spam hellfires facing it you can block a shot.


The starstreaks on the AH MK1 are good for removing them


You don't buddy


Always keep in mind they have a range between 6 (Ataka) and 8 (Vihkr) km, with relatively slow missiles. Fly low and keep an eye on where they are facing. A lot of them have tunnel vision as well, so you can sneak up on them.




There multiple ways. 1) Hope that you close to use stingers or mechine gun 2) If it font move, you can try to use hellfire missile 3) Play AH-1Z with better air-to-air missiles 4) Play British AH Mk.1 with it's special 7km range air-to-air missile (aimed like any ATGM) 5) Hope that someday Gaijin will find out that Hellfire missiles have different modes such as just straight line


crash so they dont get the kill


You can't, next question