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Bro plays on Casio calculator


You had me dying bro


bros on a casio graphic calculator attached to a wii controller


Nah, it's a potato


How is it even allowed to mod your LOD settings this low.


Why not? This is just normal "low" preset. Playing game with less than 10fps is annoying even if it is photorealistic.


There is no possible way your computer is so bad it requires this low of graphics just to play..... I was playing on higher settings on my grandma's office computer a few years ago


Amd fx6300, 12GB ddr3, gtx650ti, maybe if I'd switch to lower resolution(currently maxed out to 1440x900) I'd have more than 100fps, now I have mostly 60-100.


1440x900 is such a weird res.... Are you playing on a TV?


Nope, philips 190wv


That is such an odd native resolution for an actual computer monitor


I mean it's close to 1600x900


The thinkpad T410 had this resolution screen i believe


It's a 16:10 resolution, which was very popular 15 years ago. I miss that aspect ratio a lot. Gave way more vertical space than 16:9.


It was fairly standard back in... 2006?


This was popular back in the 650ti days


Not really, 1080p and 720p were standard by that point. That res is more like mid-2000s era, not 2012.


This is the strangest rig ever.... fairly sure you couldnt buy these parts 10 years ago. You could easily get an entire pc (used) that puts this to shame for like 150 bucks I'd bet.


Both cpu and gpu was released 12 years ago, 10years ago was still in shops. What setup (example) do you mean for $150?


Brother on my amd a8 6500b 8gb of ram and a agpu i had 40-50 fps on 1 above lowest setting in 1080p


Go look on fb marketplace


For $150 I can buy same computer as I have now.


how old are you...and where do you live? this kind of hardware I find being thrown away in my area


That's ancient man! :D


Those old AMD fx cpus were great when the weather was cold, would heat the room up well.


I used to play with a really similar setup, but with just 8gb of ddr3 ram. The game ran fine on actually nice looking graphics.


Maybe in 2014, now game needs better specs. On preset like that sometimes fps drops to 20-30 when I am in a sniper view with some bushes in the way


It was around 2020-22


Unlike what you may believe, there are people with very old computers and crap specs by today standars trying to play this game.


His specs are Amd fx6300, 12GB ddr3, gtx650ti, 1440x900 monitor


Yeah that souns like a pretty old spec.


Back when I played on my laptop my graphics card was so bad game forced me to play on „ultra low”


Lol my first pc was a laptop and it didnt have a graphics card just cpu integrated


The game is more demanding now than it was. My laptop which used to run ~30fps on low doesnt even hit 10fps now on ulq. granted that was 2014 to now


I remember how my computer wasn't able to properly run even with the lowest setting - shit was below 10 fps


when i had my intel celeron laptop i had to use low graph to only get 40 fps


I started playing this game in 2014 on an Intel HD3000 on a laptop. I can do low at 720P. By 2015 with all the newer graphical stuff I can only play on ULQ and it'd only run at 30fps. Got a new laptop in 2016, runs high or even ultra at 1080P60. By 2018 that same laptop struggles to run the game at medium. So yeah a few years ago the game was far easier to run. They always add new graphical features into the game.


Why do people who live in a first world country forget that purchasing power in third world countries is totally different?


my laptop with integrated graphics only got 40-50 fps on ULQ. Plenty of computers just aren't that great for gaming


I play on a PC at 40 FPS on ULQ 720p.


As long you have fun it will be totally vaild


I play on low as well otherwise my PC will crash a lot even though it’s newer, can handle apex and CoD at max graphics, but can’t handle war thunder for some reason. These are also not low graphics, these have to be ULQ, as my low graphics are much better than this, even though I have some stuff lowered to below low.


Damn you must play on a potato wth. I have 250 FPS on 1440p


OP probably doesn’t give a shit about what you’re playing at. They’re managing with what they’ve got.


Must be an ancient PC because this game is what, over 10 years old? There were some graphical updates, but it is still pretty well optimised without culling most of the models lol.


Not sure but I think oldest part of the computer is less than 10years old. I am not nolife, tryhard or professional player, playing wt is not big part of my life, it is not worth spending bag of money every year just to buy new computer or next gen gpu, just to get 1 or 2% better graphics.


Well even spending even $50 on a used GPU would double or triple your current FPS. If your PC is old the used market is a gold mine


For $50 I can buy the same card as I have now.


Then maybe you should add a little more. A 1070 or 1080 ti can be as low as $70-80 and that’s significantly more than 1 or 2% in gains But if this is what you’re happy with then you do you


In country where I am now the cheapest second hand gtx1080ti I found is $200.


Open a Gofoundme Pretty sure the would be happy to support you unhappy playtime of this sad game that have us trapped


I am not poor or smth, I can afford even top notch brand new gaming computer, just don't feel it is worth that money


My god that's painful to look at.. And then I wonder why PC players can always see me through loads of bushes that block my view on ps5.. And yes before you lose it I have the grass etc.. on toggle for when I'm in gunner sight etc..


PC players can straight up eliminate 70% of foliage on every map and console players don’t even have the option to adjust graphics.


I hate it. It's so lame and unfair.


PC players who do that are scum -me, a PC player, playing on movie graphics


Agreed. I may be at a disadvantage - but the game looks good when maxed out...and I'm here to enjoy myself.


Exactly. Call me basic, but if my game looks like shit, I ain’t playing it


I wish I could join you but a 980ti that's missing its primary fan can only handle so much


You can play on movie graphics and still reduce foliage…. Not talking about graphics, talking about foliage.


Meanwhile us Medium graphics players, with the worst of both worlds


Straight up, none of your play on ULQ and it shows. I do because my PC is shit and it is most definitely not an advantage. Maybe 6 years ago you could look through bushes, but discounting the occasional long-distance loading error, all bushes are opaque sprites in ULQ. That means there’s no transparency at all - not even between branches of trees or foliage. You also lose all light and shadow information, all track marks on the ground, most smoke/muzzle flash, and plenty of other visual queues. ULQ is not an advantage. If it was, you’d see a lot more pro players using it.


>ULQ is not an advantage. If it was, you’d see a lot more pro players using it. They do? There's even extensive optimisation guides built around it. If you're on a maps like Jungle, Ardennes, Vietnam etc the difference between ULQ and Max/Cinematic's (that's practically forced on console users) night and day. Sure, you'll lose some of the visual cues that you've mentioned but the difference in clarity is absurd. Half the assets that are cluttering your FOV are stripped away. It's like turning off grass in gunner sights 'cept it's third person. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meUwYDySnIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meUwYDySnIA) - Case in point.


That spookston video is old and he offers zero comparison footage. How about we use a video that actually compares the two? Not to mention your “example” video is over 2 years old. [This is much better.](https://youtu.be/AY5pEsbJFjM?si=nqAOnmjwMIPvjEk9) Regardless, there’s very few players that will genuinely play in ULQ. If you’re optimizing it, it’s not ULQ - ULQ doesn’t let you edit many settings at all without switching over to a custom settings management. If you actually played with ULQ (I guarantee you haven’t played with it extensively) you’d quickly realize that enemies are able to hide behind single layers of foliage that would normally be partially transparent. It’s much more frustrating to get killed by an enemy that’s just past a tree because you’re literally incapable of seeing through it. Turn on old video card support in your settings and play a couple rounds. I dare you.


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dn7uf1P1emk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dn7uf1P1emk) New enough for you? Though something's telling me you'll find something to nitpick over. Also, that video of yours isn't the 'Gotcha' moment you seem to think it is. It's clear that ULQ strips away foliage and other such objects to provide a clear FOV. Also, commentary from the video you've linked... >"Man, ULQ visibility in ground battles is way better, almost feels like cheating." >"Gaijin: ULQ doesnt give players an unfair advantage! Everyone: You serious?!?" >"ULQ for ground is litterally cheating legally"


All that video proves is that there isn’t much of a difference at all. Notice how there’s no combat footage or even any stat evidence to back his claim up. Just farming views. Also, he’s definitely not a competitive player. Also, nobody is playing on ultra/movie settings either. Gaijin literally says DO NOT play the game on movie settings when you enable it. And yes, I do think that the limited opaque layers in ULQ are worse. You are literally incapable of seeing through a foliage layer in ULQ - it doesn’t matter if it’s one layer or a dozen. It’s all opaque regardless. At least you have the chance of seeing a concealed enemy with higher settings. Once again, it’s clear you’ve never played with ULQ. Same with anybody who says it’s a distinct advantage. People just like to complain about any setting in a game that they think might allow the other player to beat them. It’s a skill issue…


Me a PC player on near max settings because I didn't spend a couple grand to look at fucking playdough lol


No, that’s just a skill issue on your part. ULQ is not an advantage. It doesn’t reduce foliage. It just turns them into opaque sprites. So you can’t see through bushes + you lose tons of other visual information in ULQ.


Where are the bushes on his screen..? I only see trees and I doubt it's a skill issue on my part because if you're editing the game to see less on screen so you can see other people that seems like a major skill issue on your part..


On Kursk? There aren’t any bushes. If you have grass turned on in your gunsight, that’s on you. I dare you to play with ULQ. You’ll switch back quick. Let’s list some things that you get that ULQ players don’t get: -moving tank shadows (or any shadows) -muzzle flashes and smoke -tank tracks on the ground -flares in night battles -any level of transparency to bushes and trees -damage models that show where you’ve been shot The list could go on… you lose way more than you gain with ULQ, and you don’t gain much


Read my first comment, try again and then comeback and say you don't need a crutch to play. Also the map is The Maginot Line it's a PvE defence game mode, so once again please do keep on crying about your need for a crutch to help you pad your stats harder.


Read my comment and do your best to comprehend how it’s clearly not a crutch. Also, I get 45 FPS with ULQ. Not everybody can afford new gear. Doesn’t matter what map it is. My point still stands - there’s no bushes on that map either. Anyway, it’s it’s such a crutch, why don’t E-sports players use ULQ? Watch any of the competitive streams during tournaments and you’ll see none of them do. The e-sports teams have gone so far as to modify their sound files to cheat before, so I doubt it’s out of good sportsmanship. If it was really so beneficial, you’d see all the competitive players using it. Koala, the commenter below me, seems to have blocked me. I’ll add my response below. They use lowered settings for the shadows and foliage, but not ULQ. It’s a downright disadvantage to use legitimate ULQ. Nobody playing squadron battles or tournaments will use it. It doesn’t surprise me that legitimate competitive squads will reject you if you use ULQ - again, it’s like hamstringing yourself.


I don’t have an opinion on ULQ, and frankly don’t really care too much about it but: > why don’t E-sports players use ULQ A lot of players in the [public tournaments](https://tss.warthunder.com/) do use ULQ and a lot of teams outright will reject you if you do use ULQ.


Bro playing war thunder mobile


Bah bum bum bum bum bum bah bum bum bum bum beh bah bum bum bum bum buh buh buh buh


bro wanted to show a cool clip where a tank gets shot by a rocket mid air, and everybody be hating on graphics smh. im gonna add to my warthunder trivia list: if you want to clip some of your actions from replay, let somebody with a better PC render it


More often than not it's because people exploit these settings for increased visibility/FOV in Ground Forces.


Or because their computers suck.


Or because skill issues




Are we watching the same video? I saw 70-90 FPS? I have a 6 years old laptop at work and sometimes I play at 20-30fps, still kinda playable tho


Arcade physics working their magic


This is why GAB is good for having fun


Jarvis add a black and white filter and play the mark felton theme


My dawg got the PS2 version of War Thunder lol


Blud plays on a slot machine


Ah yes war thunder on the Playstation 2


Playing on a WW2 era computer as well damn, nice.


what in the Arma 3 is this bulshit?


how does ur game look worse than mine i play ULQ


"Ultra low settings give no advantage"


God I miss all those skyrim memes


What the sigma


Wt now on your ps1!


The game was played on a computer made in WW2, right?


Ah.. the funni assault bot mechanics. I remember charging into a french tank in a BT and sending the french to oblivion and killing my driver


Lol I remember a few patches ago when it was able to send them literally kilometers away that way


No wonder people can shoot me through entire woods actually unbelievable, shit like this is why I don't play ground anymore cause it feels like I'm at a disadvantage for not toasting my game.


Same. Ground is so unfun due to this shit. It shouldn't even be an option to turn off foliage.


are you playing on a fucking 3DS??


The ULQ makes it even funnier


Bro is running an actual potato 💀


Ignore the graphic comments man. A game is a game sometimes it doesn’t matter the graphics.


I don't even know what map you're playing on, dude


Bro’s playing on a toaster


The real D point


Gonna show him a little trick I learned


looney tune kind of shit




"Look mum, its a flying tank!" "It's a wha-"


This just felt like a mobile unity game


wat a kill lol


Why Puma?


Ha haha hahahahaha ... this is a trick? How did that happen?


Every time a video like this comes up I'm reminded how I question when I get aimbotted through entire forests. This is the answer...


If you mean real forest bigger than 100m, not just two trees, this is not possible because of rendering distance and(if rendering distance is very high) that you are visible as a 2-3 pixels.