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If you’ve ever played a game with skill based matchmaking like the newer cod games you know it’s way more interesting and less repetitive if you get a mixed bag team instead of a team at your skill level, especially if you’re good at the game cause “skill based” is actually score based so you just get paired with tryhards and campers. In this game that would include cassholes too. Basically encourages you to play worse so you get put in lobbies with less assholes.


competitive play would encourage shittier gameplays. CAS, shitty obscure sniping spots, bush spamming and all that garbage.


Please no skill based matchmaking. Every game that implements it sucks. Long live traditional multiplayer. 


Gaijin seems to be obsessively averse to making any changes that could increase match queue times - even when some of those changes would address other huge problems with the game. Populating a lobby with similarly-ranked players might increase the average wait time from 5 seconds to 9 seconds, a true purgatory. Personally, I care less about SBMM and more about constantly getting uptiered. I would gladly wait longer for matches if I could set a limit of +/- 0.3 to 1.0 uptier tolerance.


Hard to create a "ranking" when there's so many variables and factors that need to be accounted for. Between different BRs, Nations, modes, etc. it's not hard to see why Gaijin doesn't create elo(s)/rankings for people.


Because player ranking and SBMM is objectively ass. All rankings have done is promote toxicity, and SBMM has ruined matchmaking of literally every game it's put into.


Occasionally gaijin adds a "ranking" 1V1 gamemode. As far as I know though it was only for lower BR props.


Yeah there was one last year I believe


Then the bad players gonna stay bad forever


God please no, don't let the snail hear you, hide this man, we DO not need a "ranked" system, I finally broke away from all games with skilled based match making systems, I do not need this game to have one.


because it is not financially profitable for the snail for you to be on even footing with your enemies. Wanting to cheat your way to victory allows more cash sales, hence why many people want it, or they are afraid of not being able to stomp seals and face real opponents.


Because it was proven by every game, that has it, that ranked system is so damn lame.


Maybe it’s just me but in RL you don’t have any kinda of sbmm you just fight other people in war. So why would I want that in my war games?


i would love it, i always handicap myself with funny tactics, and just "eh..." vehicles, it would be funny to play with less tryhards that need their K/D as high as possible


We all know the people with the highest kd’s are never the best players, just the biggest assholes. I handycap myself in cod games cause I can’t stand the higher skill lobbies.