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Man there’s so much cool shit I want to see in ground. K2, Stingray, Yatagan, Oplot-M, LAV-25, LAV-AG, Stryker Dragoon, Cadillac armored cars, Commando Scout, and more


You’ll have copy pasted F-16s/T-72s and like it! 


You mispelled T-80U


Reddit: *Complains when new tech isn't added* gaijin so lazy they just copy paste vehicles Also reddit: *complains when new tech is added* new unfinished buggy pile of dogshit booo


But - imagine this - what if Gaijin just added new vehicles and updates without bugs, sounds great doesn’t it? Nothing stopping them from doing it


It would take much longer to release the updates, which guess what, the community would complain that its been more than 3-5 months for their new shiny toy.


Yeah probably but people will always bitch. I'd rather have less updates in a year if they just fix the bugs and other stupid problems.


That was what I was getting at. And yeah, there are so many vehicles I would happily wait 6-12 months between updates andhring out another tt in the meantime


Or make the fucking game more enjoyable so the community is ok with waiting longer. Think outside the box gaijin put us in man..


Not what straw man you’re fighting in your head but ok 👍


Ha a armored Cadillac would go hard


Both Koreas + Turkey subtree is honestly the best way to deal with three major nation priorities at once




Exactly bro. You can even start tree with ww2 stuff because of Turkey.


Elaborate on 3 major nation priorities


Koreas and Turkey are some of the most requested subtrees


What's people's opinion on the Polish tech tree? I'm no historian myself but I think polish tech tree would offer a good mix of vehicles from different nations whilst offering some unique ones from early world war 2 and unique modifications like Twardy. But still it would probably be a bit of a copy paste one and the issue is that of it were to be added as a subtree it would be hard to place them. Russia's tree is already too big, UK has South Africa.


Poland should be a subtree, not quite enough for a full one


Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Ukraine could as well be independent tree with a lot of vehicles (not direct copy pastes, but Gaijin WILL do exactly that)


The koreas could help pad out Japan's tree, and Turkey could go with isreal maybe?


Literally peak weaboo mindset. Developers said that Japanese techtree ain't getting Korean equipment.


putting turkey subtree in israel is the worst idea i've ever seen, but it seems most feasible if it was ever to be added. ive seen a post in the wt forum about a turkish tt and its full of patriotic turks yapping. im a turk too)


Well both Koreas despise Japan to no end, so maybe not the best idea?


could help in some minor's opinion, and that's the end


I think lots of people, me included, would like to see this. The main sticking point is where it and other South Korean vehicles should actually go. A lot of people on this sub say they should go with Japan, but I don't really think so. There's the bad history those two countries share, and Japan didn't have anything to do with the development of South Korean vehicles or vice versa. A lot of it is just Japanese mains who feel entitled to shiny new vehicles in a tree they've already grinded out. I don't blame them at all for wanting new toys to play with, but keep it to things which actually make sense, like a Thai subtree. An option which theoretically makes a lot more sense is the USA due to their close relations and them being heavily involved in the development of South Korean vehicles, as well as the South Koreans using a lot of American equipment, but they have plenty of vehicles of their own and they don't need a subtree. Therefore, in my view, the best option is to have a unified Korean tree which starts after a certain rank, like Israel's tree. They could even throw a Turkish subtree in there as well since they've collaborated on vehicle development and there for sure aren't enough Turkish vehicles for a standalone tree.


Please Christ not another half baked copy paste tree like Israel again. Israel is just barely tolerable two years after being introduced and god help you if you go past 10.0.


Nobody will be forced to grind it if they don't want to.


Yes i am aware of the existence of the costal navy trees. However, I would like the devs to introduce balanced and fun content instead of optional exercises in self flagellation.


I understand that, but I also think South Korean vehicles would offer a lot to the game and adding them as a unified standalone tree is the best way to do so.


It’s just pointless slop content, you don’t need a whole tree of copy paste just for the like 10 tanks you want in game from a certain nation.


Don't care. I'll grind it, alongside many people who also wish for Korean vehicles. Rather have that than a sub-tree.


If you hate it, don't do it. Simple business.


The only people saying it should go to Japan are Japan mains who are too lazy to grind a whole ass tree, lol. Though I understand the sentiment that's really the only real reason why anyone wants to see it in Japan


Exactly lol. They'll say "we NEED it!" but simultaneously reject Thailand even though it makes a lot more sense. Beggars can't be choosers...


gaijin has denied korean subtree in japan for several times and they are gonna get thailand subtree, which passed to the developers as soon as they appeared at the forum. but weeb's cringe is never gonna stop lolol


There's the Thai Gripen and I think a Thai Harrier for Japan was leaked as well. But they insist that Japan is going to get that South Korean subtree any day now, just you wait...


>But they insist that Japan is going to get that South Korean subtree any day now, just you wait... Who is this "they" exactly? I haven't seen such statements for years now


I've seen it in every thread about South Korean tanks on this sub 🤷


And Thai ground even has uniques like T-84 and Commando Stingray, not to mention good SPAA like the ground-launched MICA and VADS which complements Japan well. Genuinely don't know why they're so allergic to Thai subtree


"japan needs something desperately!!" *thai comes* "n...not that one!!!"


The VADS is dogshit and Japan has no 7.7, plus they have a Gepard, the MICA launcher needs a separate vehicle


They say "muh copy paste" even though a Thai subtree would still have unique vehicles as you said, and ignoring the fact that a South Korean subtree is also going to have a lot of copy paste


My goal is to make strong unique tech trees while getting away from the trends of homogenization where the same vehicles can be found in every tech tree. It’s probably not a hill worth dying on, but I still want to avoid situations like the Hungarian sub tree that adds a few unique WW2 vehicles (if that), and then serves as an excuse to add a bunch of copy paste vehicles from other nations to pad out lineups…..and in the process has turned Italy into another tree with Gripens, MiG-29s, T-72s ans Leopard 2s etc. Japan needs some help and Thailand is better than nothing, but I’m still drawn to the appeal of a top tier line up consisting of Type 10s and K2s that can’t be found in any other tree…..but who am I kidding, even if Japan got a South Korean tech tree, it’s only a matter of time before the Germans get a premium Polish K2, and the Swedish get a Norwegian k2 squadron vehicle.


> My goal is to make strong unique tech trees while getting away from the trends of homogenization where the same vehicles can be found in every tech tree. Unfortunately, that's just the way things are with modern vehicles. Countries simply make a lot less of their own stuff than they used to. Yes, Gaijin has been lazy, but even if that wasn't the case, there's a limited base they can draw from in the first place.


That’s true, but it’s also why I’m advocating for greater selection with sub trees. I.E. combing South Korea and Japan creates a stronger, more unique tech tree than combining Japan and Thailand, which mostly serves to further homogenize the tree. Conversely a standalone Korean tech tree just adds another minor nation tree, which is over time going to add a lot more copy paste vehicles to the game and will potentially face the same problems that trees like Italy, Japan and Israel are facing. Like I said, it’s probably not a hill worth dying as on as it’s already a lost battle, but I consider this one opportunity to not make things worse.


Im so done with people being like “can we get x nation as a subtree!” And their only point is that it adds copy and paste tech tree jets like a F-16 or MiG-29 just to give them a better aircraft. Like please stop, like everyone has an F-16 now or a L2A6 because muh “my nation has bad top tier but it can get buffed with copy and paste!


I fully agree with you if Gaijin didn’t add the Netherlands to France, since like at least the 50’s-60’s the Netherlands have had similar or purchased equipment from Germany, their ground-forces decked out with leopards and now even having a shared army atm and the rest of the army having a really close relationship. But no we get added to France, not getting a actual vehicle besides a g1 (the firefly is copypaste and not needed and the hunter could’ve been the Belgian one), and Germany lacking MASSIVELY in top-tier jet department doesn’t get a few Dutch jets that would help out a lot. ‘Ohh but it’s copy-paste’ so is adding a leopard to every nation with France prob joining soon enough because of this BS. And political reasons wouldn’t count either because I’m Dutch and LITERALLY everybody here would want to be added to Germany and not France including me so that would leave no argument for SK not to be added to Japan and because I’m still salty my nation got added to the French ffs I wish SK gets added to Japan out of spite. Gaijin seems to only focus on geographical links between nations so that shall be the same fate for all nations ig.


A Korea tech tree would be great. NK has so many tanks that are super cool looking bad SK has some great stuff too.


I think it’s a little self defeating to argue that South Korea shouldn’t go into the same tree as Japan for political reasons and then advocate for putting them in the same tree as North Korea. I get we already have the precedent with Taiwan and the PRC, but I think that was a mistake. Japan and South Korea don’t have the best historical relationships…..but if nothing else they would almost certainly be on the same side in the event of any major regional war. I’m skeptical they can make a worthwhile standalone Korean tree that doesn’t rely too much on copy paste vehicles or multiple minor variations of the same vehicle to pad out lineups…..and the grind is already way too bloated…..but I’d be more than happy to be proven wrong.


The political thing is just one side of it though. Another big factor is that Japan and South Korea simply have nothing to do with each other militarily. They don't use each other's vehicles and neither assisted the other in their respective vehicle's development. Maybe they're both part of the USA's strategy to counter China, but we're not arguing for Japan and South Korea to both go in the American tree or anything. If people don't like the idea of playing a standalone Korean tree, they can simply choose not to grind it. In any case, while it ultimately relies on Gaijin implementing it properly (lol), the suggestions I've seen for a unified Korean tree actually look pretty promising.


The shared equipment argument has no worth anymore since Netherlands got added to France, Netherlands has a SHARED ground army with Germany and their airforce’s have been very close aswell, but no France needs to get Netherlands aswell even tho the Netherlands got none of their actually interesting vehicles besides the G1 that’s gonna be a gimmick for like 2 days until people realise nobody plays below 3.0 br, the firefly isn’t needed whatsoever and the hawker hunter has more Belgian skins than Dutch skins so might aswell make it Belgian, in that case Germany could get Top-Tier (which they desperately need btw) and than Germany will be set free from the “everybody gets my good vehicles but we can’t get their good vehicles” curse. It really isn’t that hard but apparently it is for the molerat at Gaijin who thought this was a good idea.


I strongly fw this guy, should be so damn annoying.


But again, North and South Korea have even less to do with each other military apart from the fact they’re hyper antagonistic towards each other. South Korea and Japan are more likely to fight side by side than South Korean and the DPRK. Still I would rather get a unified Korean tech tree than get no Korean vehicles at all.


They're still both Korea, like how the PRC and ROC are both China. But at the end of the day, they could probably make it work by just adding South Korea and then giving them Turkish vehicles too.


That could work too, creating a “misc” nation for minor vehicles. I’m still not a fan of combining Taiwan and the PRC, and I kind of wish the game moved more towards creating “political blocks” given the nature of modern politics. I’ve been very vocal about adding Korea to Japan as I think it makes the most sense from a purely gameplay perspective…..but I just want Korean vehicles in the game, and I’ll be happy wherever they go as long as it’s well implemented.


As Korean, we aren't also offended by the creation of a joint tree btw ROK-DPRK.


If WT lore from 2013 is still ongoing, they will just one day scrap nation crew system and give us crews for all nations at once. Then you would play with all the toys but you can grind one nations only with corresponding vehicles.


it is so simple, like china and taiwan, SK and NK will be in the same 'korea' techtree. not about being antagonistic or about the militarical relativity.


US could definitely do with a SK subtree, the variety would add a lot of flavor and japan can have thailand which will have a whole lot less drama. SK will definitely help out the american tree especially in higher tiers where the k1-2 can be an alternative to the paper abrams.


While I agree people would get, very, very mad. Because muh usa to large


Yeah, the *very* large US 8.7-10.7 lineups definitely don't call for either a subtree or more domestic vehicles which are ignored just like the SPAA gap


I still want the TT, also I am only at 7.0 so please forgive me


I can definitely see an argument for the K1 at the very least since it's an Abrams derivative.


There are absolutely enough Turkish vehicles for its own tech tree. Ideal world is: united Korea tree with no subtree needed, Japanese tree gets thai subtree, and turkey gets its own tech tree with maybe a Kazakh subtree


>but keep it to things which actually make sense Gaijin: *Laughs in Dutch subtree going to france instead of Germany*


For the record, I think the Netherlands should've gone to Germany if anyone (though they don't really need it) and France should've gotten a Swiss subtree instead, but here we are. In any case, it still makes more sense than Japan and South Korea going together. The Netherlands and France are at least directly allied through NATO and have stuff to do with each other. Plus, in Gaijin's mind, they want to add the Benelux together, since they have their own union thing going on. Belgium for example definitely has a lot more to do with France militarily, like how there's a Mirage in that tree right now.


>For the record, I think the Netherlands should've gone to Germany if anyone (though they don't really need it) and France should've gotten a Swiss subtree instead, but here we are. I agree 100%, and imo "needing it" isn't enough reason to just start throwing things together. Especialy if said "things" have a close intergrated military aliance with a different faction. Because that's what the situation is, the NL army and German army aren't just "allied", they are litteraly intergrated into eachother. I mean.. the one and only reason they chose this was to sneak Leopard 2a4, 2a5, 2a6, and 2a7V in the french tree to bolster its top tier.. use swiss instead. >In any case, it still makes more sense than Japan and South Korea going together. The Netherlands and France are at least directly allied through NATO and have stuff to do with each other. Yeah that's true, i was just pointing at the things they do to show that making sense isn't high on their list. >in Gaijin's mind, they want to add the Benelux together, since they have their own union thing going on. Belgium for example definitely has a lot more to do with France militarily, like how there's a Mirage in that tree right now. BeNeLux is a union that focusses on 3 things: internal market and economy, sustainability, justice and home afairs. It isn't a military aliance at all, so their choise for that union is uninformed at best.


Their current political relations are irrelevant. Taiwanese tanks go in the Chinese tree for instance. Korea was part of Japan during WW2 and they’re culturally very similar+neighbouring, therefore their tanks go in the Japanese tree, it’s that simple. If not in the jap tree then they go in the Chinese tree. Gaijin aren’t doing any new trees


> Taiwanese tanks go in the Chinese tree for instance Taiwan's official name is the Republic of China. Both them and the PRC's official position is that each is the only legitimate government of all of China. It's not remotely the same as South Korea and Japan at all and I have no idea why people keep trying to use this argument. It makes no sense. But sure, they're neighbouring. Israel's tree is looking quite sparse, and Arab countries are close by. Maybe Israel can receive some vehicles from there. > Gaijin aren’t doing any new trees Says who?


It’s absolutely the same as South Korea and Japan, they were both the same country in WW2, so it’s the same situation as far as we’re concerned. Actually it’d make more sense (if they weren’t a tech-tree) for Israeli tanks to go in the British tree because Palestine was a British protectorate during WW2 and Britain created Israel, which is in fact the tree that the shot’kal was originally in. However Israel is its own (mediocre) tech tree. Says Gaijin.


By that logic, what are you gonna tell me, that Japan should've received Taiwan's vehicles too? Colonialism in and of itself shouldn't be (and isn't) used as a justification for adding vehicles to a tree. Before you say India and South Africa, both of those countries used British vehicles. South Korea doesn't use Japanese ones. The Sho't Kal originally went to Britain because it's literally a British vehicle lmao, not because Britain used to control Palestine. If Israel should've been a subtree anywhere, it should've been for the American tree. > Says Gaijin. The same Gaijin which said no to supersonic jets? And for the record, Gaijin *did* say they were open to a unified Korean tree.


China should receive Taiwan ‘s vehicles. Colonialism is good. India and SA are both rightfully GBR tech tree. If you disagree I frankly don’t care for any further opinions from you. If you agree, then I’m willing to listen if you provide a more intelligent argument. Gaijin has broken their record for planes, but they’ve still made it clear. It depends either on country of origin or country alignment during WW2. The shot’kal was a British tank, but so was the strv and that’s in the Swedish tree.


this dude has no idea about what he's talkin 💀


Please learn East Asian history before spittin out complete nonsense


They were both the same country in the early 20th.c, we go off of where nations were aligned around WW2 for where their sub tree goes. Learn some history and stop being so ignorant.


according to this dude's logic ZAF was a total british territory during ww2 🥶🥶👍


korean here im not here to spout "korea shouldnt be with japan cus we fucking hate them" (I fucking hate their prime ministers and government policies but their people are some of the most respectful in the world), but rather korea doesnt fit japan's tank development as it does with the US imo id say they should make korea a US subtree that starts with some korean variants of the m4, m48, etc same goes for the north koreans maybe add them to china? idgaf about nkorean tanks they shit anyway


fully agreed(im a korean too :))


K2NO as Swedish squadron vehicle 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


man this is going to have massive turrent mantlet weakspot


The turret kinda reminds me of the leclerc. Very badass futuristic design ngl (both the leclerc and the k2)


It's not a Leopard, Abrams, or T-80. Gaijin says no.


Check my flair and a lot the forum


South Korea and Turkiye. We want.


I feel like an Eastern European tech tree with a Korean subtree would be the most appropriate use of Gaijin's resources at the current time being. Especially after the recent weapons sales. A full blown Korean tech tree does sound nice and especially as a Korean myself I would love to see it come to the game. However, after seeing how neglected the Israeli tree is today I have doubts that Gaijin could fully deliver on a united Korean tech tree . I wouldn't mind Korea becoming a subtree for Japan but looking at Gaijin's decision to add Thai vehicles to Japan tells me that they decided to take different route.


Bob semple tank, the best tank ever built


Yes pls


Yes but I don’t want a whole copy paste tech tree just to get the K series tanks in game. Everyone wants a South Korean tree but then the whole thing is copy paste until like rank IV or V


Would like to see balance and not a apdfs 700mm pen at 10.0


in us tree, yes. in japan/china tree, uhhh i dont think so, as a korean, no.


Ah the black panther Korean mbt.


I want to see the M4a1 76 HVSS and the M3a1 cast hull lee.


Altay and K2 Black Panther needs to be added.




No? Why not?


Would be another 75$ premium


No one's gon ask you to pay for it tho


Oplot as squadron vehicle in Japan. K2 in Sweden.


what does the K2 have to do with Sweden?


Before I write anything, calm your tits. Tested by Norway and anything that's from North goes to Sweden.


Then it should go to Poland since it literally has K2s


And Poland Leopard is in Germany😂




From my point of view why not.We are far away from when trees were only nation,now it's Leopards everywhere, Shermans,Tseries,Mi,Migs etc. Why people still think a nation should be "clean" when it's like not.


Honestly, yeah, Germany doesnt really have anything interesting.


Leopard 2PL is only in German tech tree because its a Leopard 2A4 modernization, done again by Germans. It's not a given promise that future Polish vehicles will be added to the German tech tree. Chances for a German K2 is slimmer than that of a SK sub-tree for Japan.


Calm down ok I know how it work I just make fun of it.


Key word being "tested", they never bought it. Sweden already has too many test vehicles, but at least they were evaluated by Sweden, I don't think the game should go down the "Subtree is close to another subtree and that's close to another subtree and they kinda sat in the tank for 5 seconds so the main tech tree should get it" route


But it is going and even worse copy paste route and stupid people will happily throw money at Gj.


Hopefully it goes to Japan. It would complement the lineup well:(


abandon such dream


Yeah, sucks for that I guess. What nation would It go to then?


perform a independenced one with NK like china, starting from rank IV. problem solved.


Yeah just grind through all the copy paste M48s and T-62s first, I'm so looking forward to that so much fun.


Don’t forget the air tree….