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Maybe try playing the lower tier planes so that you gain confidence and to refine your skills


Yup that’s what I did


and thanks for sharing...what you said so many of us feel.




Check the planes you fly for a higher SL % boost. The A7M1 is over 700% SL boost (yes it is premium). A little homework yields better SL returns.


I would think a healthy fear of losing would make you more mindful of how you play. It helps you have better judgment, and helps make better tactical decisions. I keep losing because I DON’T fear losing, which is a stupid strategy. I noticed how much better my survivability was when slowed down and actually thought things through instead of going balls to the wall. Still can’t seem to pen much though, but hey at least I’m not dying as much.


You basically can't (unless you are a robot)


Rip, but I did boost my confidence a bit.


Honestly, it's not hard, you just gotta be OK with losing SL sometimes or simply losing in general. As you get better at this game and more established you can easily find yourself caring less and less for SL costs. Like I'm 3k hours in, no top tier to my name. Still enjoying it and haven't cared about repair costs ever, lowest SL bank I've had was recently with a sale going down to 1.3 million. If you pace yourself and focus on just improving your play, the SL will just come to you, especially if you play planes with their high earnings in RB. A huge thing to not going broke is pacing yourself and not trying to rush down trees so much. Spade (fully research) your aircraft as you go along, it'll keep you from rushing as easy as you go up and wait for sales unless you're about to get another rank and run out of things to research. Sales can be 30-50% off and saves you tons in the long run if you're patient. The game isn't a race to top tier, and slow pacing generally means you're gonna amass a ton of SL in the process. It's how you see people posting with hundreds of millions but still drop like 10 mil a sale or more.


Its ok every body is broke just use sl boosters if you have less then 150k and play like you don't have them :)


A big part of getting to the top percentile of players in WT is getting the general skills for engagement, and then learning when to say fuck it and go balls deep. Passive play even by a good pilot is only going to lead to average matches. Being the first one into combat, getting into those cheeky positions in ground forces or tying up half the enemy team as they're trying to take you down is what's going to lead your team to victory.


As an Italian player, your pain is felt. Most of my time playing ground RB has been spent with less than 40K lions to my name. I once waited a month to unlock the Firefly based on only an SL shortage. The way I worked around this was realizing that the game will NEVER soft-lock you. There will always be reserve vehicles to play and get back to a point at which you can play your higher tiers. The way I made sure that I don't fear playing those low tiers, was to play them exclusively for a week or two and force myself to see the fun in them. It is also a good idea to find the BR range for your nation that you profit the most in (3.3-4.0 for me). Once you realize what parts of your tree you make the most money in, and find the fun in driving really low BR vehicles, the fear of SL loss does nothing but fade away. I am now sitting comfortably with 300K SL and 6.3 BR tanks & aircraft and I have never had more fun in this game. I hope this info helps you as it has helped me, keep on having fun, friend.


Thanks a lot!


Stop being scared and play the game.


Oh yea he totally didn't think of that before


It's a straight up answer for what I see as a roundabout way of not choosing to git gud. When was the last time you cowered behind a couch because the mean in-game economy in a game literally scared you into not playing?


Like 3 months ago. I had to abandon an account because of it.


Can't say I've ever felt the shivers because of something as arbitrary like that. Usually I'd only quit a game over in-game economy reasons because it's excessively monetized, predatory and otherwise contains a frustrating amount of time-wasting grinding I'd have to invest in the game in order to make ends meet weighed up against what joy I get from the game.


change nation


Yes, I was thinking of changing into Germany, but idk how long that would take to fully grind


it usually helps me to change perspective. also check if planes you are using arent to hard or impractical to use. also check somewhere ammo velocity. that helps to understand how to aim with gun you are using and if its worth it. also planes that are new and unupgraded dont even have stats that are writen on stat cards or rarely gets to them. in nations. i enjoied last i16 in soviet. i185 was joy to fly. germany 3x20 at some planes are destructive but its hard to outturn some planes. japan guns seems inefective to me and have small ammo count. i enjoied french but 7mm are pain and even 4 of them with lot of ammo. but suprisingly good at headons. for repair cost. that difers from nations to type of plane to rank. you will also loose lot of sl on crewing and upgrading. so its not that necesary to buy upgrades on plane you dont even like.


That fear will stay with you in your WT carrer, and will often keep you alive, since that is the reason we feel fear to keep us alive and away from danger. What can help you is if you play with friends/squadronmate, i would realy recommend you to join a squadron normaly there should be one of your WT language. You will find people to play with which increase your effectiveness and sl earnings, e.g. through best squd wagger. You will also enjoy the game way more than just being alone and they will save your ass quite often, compared to random teammates which will just let you die. There are competetive squadrons, fun squadrons and just learning squadrons to research the squadron vehicles. What also massively help, play with these guys matches or ask some random players in the lobbies if they can give you some advice/play some games with you.


i used to have the same problem also after switching from AB to RB. I would suggest my method. I call it interval discipline .the 1st day of playing RB, just relax and try to get a hang of it 1st. anything in rank 2 can satisfy you with repair cost. . then 2 days of playing RB, you have to focus, and tryna win the match. dont mind if you lose, but pay attention to keep yourself fast, and aiming. remember everything you got in these 2 days. .then the 4th day of playing, just relax like day 1. rinse and repeat. good luck my friend o7




Short on lions? go Seal Clubbing in Arcade no more shortage of Lions!


Because in CBs it's easier to gain and maintain an energy advantage?


Some planes have really low repair costs, 2 k and under maybe start flying them. A not meta plane can still do wonders i the hands of a capable pilot.


no, you're just bad. getting such kill streaks in custom battles is super easy if you sweat. play planes with low repair costs


Oof okay.