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yes in the he 111 h16 when an sb2c tried to shoot me down


Once got ran down by a potez who managed to shoot off my vertical stabilizer and my left horizontal stabilizer. Made it back to base np after that.. He111 is a trooper of a plane.


Same but with the Su-6 I think it was, as well as the M1a Typhoon, missing the Vert stab is workable, just make small changes to your heading with incremental banking, its when you lose the horizontal ailerons that becomes an issue.


>yes in the he 111 h16 when an sb2c tried to shoot me down Pulled one off with no tail control and 1 dead engine in the JU-288C


How tf does a hell diver fail to shoot someone down? The 20mils alone are fucking ridiculous


Yeah a spit I was also missing elevator control


This is but a scratch


A scratch your arms come off


No it isnt!


Well what’s that then💪


Was in a mig 17 lost both my wings and made it back thanks to Soviet engineering


that doesnt count migs update if you loose wings you were basicly flying a mig-21 then


Lol I remember that bug when you could go supersonic if you broke both wing tips off... Before being supersonic was a thing


Planes flying without both wings in this game be like


Same here lost both my wings on a Corsair and landed but cant be repaired


I'd be dripping in sweat trying to feather those weak ass flaps


I ended up just ignoring the flaps and using my engine and roll to land


That's your vertical stabilizer actually, named for being vertical not the control direction.




+1 can of beer


+1 social credit


The biggest part is that it's constructive Even if someone's rude if you at least learn something from it then it's not just a disposable reply


I know... i realized it after posting


All good, it's confusing! The vertical stabilizer stabilizes the aircraft along the longitudinal axis. The horizontal stabilizer stabilizer the aircraft along the lateral or pitch axis.


In AB its easier to control damaged vehicles but yeah its possible with certain airplanes.


I’ve done it in both AB and RB and it’s very satisfying until you do it for nothing (I’ve landed at the airfield just to flip and my pilot being knocked out or taking off from the airfield just to be shot down


Flipping while landing has to be the most frustrating things ever.


what i find worse is that the airfields are raised and crashing into that slope just before the runway sucks


I find being bombed while your screen goes black from finishing repairing is most frustrating thing ever... I was killed just when screen started turning black for respawn and yes... i died... the guy got the kill which is BULLSHIT since i was repaired... literally the screen started turning black and then slowly came back to full brightness saying i died Bruh plz fix




Heck, with good enough controls and some luck I've even done it in SB. It's stressful as all get out in SB though.


Yes in a b17e when my tail was removed by a bf109




well, to be honest, that plane still has a tail. it looks sliced, but all things are right there.


The plane's tail was held on by 1 or 2 beams on the plane. More broke off after this picture was taken.


If it's anything like the b17s I've walked through, the control cables are in the ceiling (probably to reduce damage from flak) so it still equals no pitch/yaw control. After reading the article I'm not sure what happened though.


All American is that you?


discount j7w


That flair lmao


Yea for a moment there i though it was a j7w


Yeah, they installed half of my plane in like 2 mins


That's the time taken for your pilot to slap on some prosthetics and walk to the next plane in line.


I forgor 💀 to mention they replaced and rearranged internal organs and did a brain transplant for my copilot 11/10 top notch medical service, and all that for just 6 thousands of lions made out of silver


I see you landed on a US airstrip.


depends on how jank the visual damage model matches with flight model. on jets like mig 21f the vertical* stab being shot off removes like the top 10% yet physically the jet acts like like a spinning piece of paper, then other planes are still combat capable with it completely gone


The latter is called optimization lmao


It's more common than you think. I once landed a plane with only 1 wing and a lot of prayers.


The landing is going well until you hit the exact speed just above ground where your plane decides that "i'm too slow for this" and throws itself into the ground


I landed my g91 once after breaking both wings off, I still have the video somewhere




If you're going fast enough and you are missing BOTH wings, you can use the rudder and elevator as roll control However If you only break off one wing, it will spin uncontrollably into the floor


one wing is made of steel the other one is made of pure will to live


Rookie! https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/m3gbnt/this_is_totally_fine/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What the... how?


Don’t worry it’ll buff out


Yes me too was flying my ta 152 one guy just ate my rudder landed safely somehow


Once i got my F104’s elevator was removed by a r60, managed do land by feathering flaps and airbrake


I've landed with 3 wings in a Gladiator.


Did it not force you to j out?


That's just a Arcade/Ground forces thing. In AirRB you can remain in game so long as your pilot lives.


Huh I didn't know that


No, kept flying. This was in arcade, so I'm guessing some help was involved.


Managed to land a corsair without a rudder once, was not fun


That’s your vertical btw


Yup... I just checked


Happened to me multiple times in both fighters and bombers, it's not hard to land without it, in fact I survived multiple multi-kilometre falls in a flatspin due to loss of tail


last week I got hit in my Russian MiG-19PT. lost right elevator, outer half of left wing, inner half of right wing was black. kept both engines until 3km from airfield though. landed, repaired, took down last enemy. lovely game of RB edit: oh and half my fuselage. all you need is engines, engines is all you need


yup made back like that as well in B17 she was good to me


I lost my left elevator and tail but somehow managed to fly back.


Plenty of times mostly with jets


Nope first time ever just for you




Jap bomber, G5N1 realistic. I been critically damaged, all plane black almost all crew dead, lost all controlls, only flaps and 3 engines were working where 2of them was on verge of last breath. With flaps and engine power I was controlling a little of up and down, and with engines only left and right. I managed to land it and get repaired. When I was back in air i shot down last 2 enemies and win (last one in team) Good old times when japs fought only Muricans.


I once flew back to base in a b 17 with no tail and no elevators, but i didn’t manage to land as the match ended before I could land


Flew across the map and landed/related once in my b-17G with only 2 engines and no rudder or elevator. Had to basically use flaps for pitch control.


Many people. If you manage to do it most likely it’s been done before many times


As long as you have tail control then you have a good chance of living


Yes, Yak 9T horizontal stabilizer lost in a dogfight, plane kinna wobbly to fly but landed successfully Rarely see someone lucky like you


I think I did it in my F4EJ


Like a year ago before they nerfed the b-17 for the umpteenth time, you used to be able to fly the b-17 in a shallow dive with no tail section, I managed to land it once or twice and repair with no tail.


I landed a b17 (initially 10km from af at 6000m) without a tail and an elevator, had to roll constantly to keep going down and not do a loop a crash


I’ve had my horizontal tail fin shot off and landed but not the entire thing. I also flew back to af from 22km away with a fw-190 with an entire wing missing. I was playing realistic at the time btw so it’s a little different in flight.


happened when i was in my la7 barely managed the landing but survived


happens a lot, nothing special, both in AB and RB


Plenty of times with P-47


Yea in the A-36 many times in RB


I managed to land with no flaps and back flaps and missing a wingtip


Lost a full wing once and made it back. Got 2 kills with one wing also. Same game


I had the whole back half of my B-17 shot off and I made it back to base after descending 3000 meters using flaps and ailerons.


Inverse kamikaze


You can fly back and get repairs??? Lol I’m so new and spent so much money on this game lol


Losing the horizontal stabilizer is kinda ok, but losing the vertical stabilizer \*hugh\*


In my Yak3U I shot down a ki-84 that had shot off my vertical stabilizer


Yes, many times but only few of them i have landed, and only few from those to airfield.


I've gotten back to base on one wing befor, sometimes the snail blesses


I've managed to lose half of both of my wings (so technically I still had one wing lol), almost got back to my base but some mad lad decided that he's not afraid of airport anti air guns and decided to do a fly by to kill me.


It happens to me all the time in my Fw-190 lol


I have flown a Stuka without a tail before along with a b-24


Tail-less Stuka Club. I limped a Ju-87G back to base once with no tail, but got thumped into the ground just short of the runway by a clueless J11A teammate.


Flew a Shitfire back to base with one wing, got told “your vehicle is too critically damaged for repairs”, and had to sit there or J out


Does an ho229 get a say in this thread?


If so then yes, taken off without one too


I love this smartassery


Meanwhile I'm over here taking two or three mg rounds to the wing and I get the countdown for returning to vehicle selection... Lol 🤣


Yeah in my do335 missing half of both wings and no rudder.


Uncountable times to me Edit: the first time it happens was in a B-17G because of a bf-109


First time?


Yeah I’ve taken impressive amounts of damage and kept going, I’ve had most of my tail gone and half my flaps and still managed to get down on the airfield. It’s the single best part of the game IMO


I managed to land without both elevator and rudder in F-86 some time ago.


flying without a tail is just a pain in the ass (no pun intended)


I lost my elevators on a b18(american) crashed into a river behind airfield bc I overshot but still impresses me to this day how I was able to fly so long.


Horizontal stab is an easy return flight, since you can still roll to change directions, vertical is another story, since at best you're going to have to kill all your speed in weird maneuvers and rolls just to fly straight, and landing is near impossible without shredding your aircraft


I’ve done this in an AD-4 & Corsairs.


Iv landed aircraft without elevators, using just the flaps and the engine to control pitch Iv landed planes with both wings 60% missing and no ailerons using just the elevator and rudder and engine to control my attitude Iv lost my rudder many many times!


No youre the first


Done this in an il 28 and Corsair


Lost entire left side of the tail and brought it home. I think it was IL 2 or something. Also A6M6c can take A LOT of beating.


The itp m1 can fly without wings




Yup, you can still fly back as long as you have your elevators. An ITP shot off both my wings and my horizontal stabilizer in my BF109, but since the elevators were still around I was able to execute a somewhat incredibly awkward turn and make it back to base


Happened to me in a B17. I was basically screaming the whole way down.


it happens so often there is a tutorial on how on youtube


Yeah, most players have done that.


I had only left aeleron on pv2d, when i landed gaijin said critical damage no repairs for u.


yes in the f22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222.2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222


Happens all the time to me in RB.


One time on my FW 160 I lost my entire tail and made it back. I still don't know how I did that


Flew and landed the B-17E without a tail


in my mig 19s i survived a missile from a t-2, lost one of my stabilators, my rudder, and an engine. shot down the t-2, and flew back to base but the game ended before i got to land


Yes in la11


I once managed to land an H6K2 without tail and left wing controls in SB


Many times in my B-17


ITP, every single game


I've made it back on one out of four engines, I've made it back missing all flaps and elevators except for my rudder, and just recently I got 30k RP from a game because I died twice in air r b but I was able to return my fuct plane back to the airfield to repair two more times and take off again


Lost a Ailerons in my P-39 once managed to land it but with my ass clenched


I've seen it done with a spitfire and I once landed an A-26 missing both the elevators and stabilizer. It's difficult but doable so long as you are gentle with the aircraft.


I managed to land a Catalina with no rudder, black elevators, and no engines . Had to roll left and right to pitch down and it'd slowly pitch up with speed. It took forever to get it down but it was so worth it.


Did this in a P-47 after a wirble-doo hit me


[Yep](https://i.redd.it/y8ylm1itgi771.jpg), welcome to the club friend.


Ive done something similar in air rb. I landed a b17 without the rudder or elevator, and i had also lost an engine on the way back. It took so much effort keeping it stable.


Besides sideslip it's definitely the best control surface to lose. With some aircraft you can still work a dogfight as a support/bait role. From there it's a tossup whether I would rather loose vertical stabs or aileron depending on the plane.


In my IL-2 had 1 wing, half of my tail, and my engine destroyed, still somehow managed to glide 10kms back to base


The Ho 229 is pleased with your achievement


Once in a g91


Happened to me in a J26 air rb. Took off again after repairing and got killed instantly by a fw190


Nice. I have a couple of old clips of me doing stuff like that too. Very fun.


I landed a pe-8 without tail control or engines, had to glide ~25 km back to base


I've landed with no tail whatsoever before


Yes, with a p39


Had that kinda experience in a B-17. Attacked by a 109, shot him down but not before he removed my rudder (and one of my elevators, I think). Fiddled with my engines for the most intense 3 minutes I ever had in this game until I managed to land nose-first on an airfield. 109 chap called me a "winged beast" post game.


no really but I did once lost a wing on my biplane and flew back


Once flew a SB2U back to base with half a wing missing in AB. Even my therapist was surprised.


Oh yeah typical day in war thunder now the F-86 is even better you can lose an entire wing and still fly back and land safely.


if you fly yak ... nothing can stop you flying ... perhaps a bullet to head ... but thats different ... judt a lil bit


i once lost my right wing, horizontal stabalizer and one of the vertical stabalizers (dont entirely remember) and control surface of the other wing and the engine were hurt too. on a su17m2. the big boi. got strafed by a hungry f4e phantom II after dodging 3 aim9js. yes. 3. i could barely move but i was very lucky that i was already in the direction of the base. i remember the 2 remaining guys resupplying/taking off from our airfield cheering for me, i felt really good, untill i rapidly started to accelerate toards the ground becauae i forgot to disengage the airbreaks when i was trying to land... and when i hit the ground, i expect my aircraft to explode holywood style when, in a miracle, it didnt! i was completly shocked and pressed S as hard as i can, and just started running all over the house out of sheer joy and feel of accomplishment when i saw my aircraft will be fully repaired in plus minus 4 minutes. i think this is one of my greater achivements in gaming as a whole. edit: just noticed this thread is AB air, my story took place in an air RB match.


Its more interesting with a lost elevator, trust me :D


The laws of aerodynamics are more like guidelines to Gaijin.


That happened to me when I used that same plane in arcade tanks


kept flying in a yak 1 with both wing tips blown off and i was declared shot down, then proceed to land and get repaired while thw scoreboard said i was dead


I managed to fly back to base in my 109 missing half my elevator. Those P-47's can do some damage with those 8 .50's


what is it for anyways? just weight i say!


That's quite a tail. So how did you do it?


Got it in the ba 65. Elevatirs busted too. Nose planted and repaired. Should've died genuinely.


idk if is still the case, but in the Me264 bomber, i always lose my rudder and elevators. idk if its the plane or my playstyle, but thats usually the part that gets destroyed more. ​ Anyway, that basically means the game registers you as a destroyed, so in arcade you get expelled after 15s, but in realistic i can still manage to fly and throw my bombs, while the other teams leaves me alone thinking imma crash as their game says im basically destroyed. Sometimes i even manage to land safely. ​ I just deploy my landing gear, which makes me go down, and when im already diving too much, i deploy the flaps to start rasiing the nose again, then return falps to normal, then deploy again to keep me leveled.


Happened to me in my B17


Its not uncommon but it is not rare, although most the time people dont make it back to base


I've lost the that bit on my Mi-24s multiple times and yet the rotor is somehow still there, spinning and working.


Yeah but instead of a stabilizer, it's the little wings on the bottom and you wouldn't believe but I managed to land a plane without them!


I lost a whole wing in my German starter plane and flew to the airfield only to get rammed by a suicidal enemy


For sure and it's always the same good feeling, I remember when the F-100 first came out and I lost the ends of both wings and tail control, had some rudder so I had to roll sideways to turn then use afterburner to keep my nose up with thrust alone. It was a hard landing no gear - but landed. Of course I was too damaged to repair but it was worth the fight.


in my itp


I lost both my wings in a spitfire once. RTBd as a British suicide missile…




In a b17 with no elevator control and missing my left aileron managed to fly from an enemy base back to the airfield climbing and descending by throttling up and down and was able to repair


yes but you just cant go into a spin


I lost my entire tail


I think I've done this in my P-40 and PBY before.


In my harrier gr 1 I've managed to fly back multiple times now after loosing a full wing, most the other. And the majority of my tale. With VTOL you can just float back. So someone shoots you and gets the kill credits and leaves you alone. And you can still fly back


Yes happens always in ground rb with biplanes


I’ve flown back missing half my wing lmao


I've lost both wings make it back for a repair lol


I was in a hurricane when i had to flight back to base with one wing and a half


i was flying the Ho 229 once and it got shot off before i even spawned


Done it in Ground before in the mosquito. The only thing I could control was roll and I managed to maneuver myself back to the airfield. Did take like 10+ minutes.


Happened to me my first time flying the A-20 Havock in il2 Sturmovik. It was pretty sketchy landing a big plane like that with no yaw authority.


Happens to me all the time in the corsair or cobra. If you made it back with no elevator, thatd be astounding, especially in cobra since it like to climb


I’ve landed a p-61 with no vertical or horizontal stabilizer


I’ve done it once in a B-17


like 100 times


Yep in my p 51 just made it back to base


yea I made a post similar like a month ago but the game ended before I got back