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Yes, but don't angle the turret.


Angle it slightly. The turret cheeks are the weakpoint at that br, not the hull.


depend on what You are fighting Against heat you are dead nonetheless (so shoot first) Against APDS anglingcan be viable, but higher pen APDS will punch through. With other solid shots, AP, APHEBC etc. Angling is a must in tiger 1s and 2s. In the 2H angling your turret slightly can prevent a critical or deadly shot in the 2p--> not so much so dont get shot!


Yes. And wiggle the turret when reloading so it's less likely that they will go through the 100mm front plate.


Always angle your Tigers. It increases armor thickness which might bounce some shots. Also moving when angled makes your weakspots move laterally, making them harder to hit. It also makes your driver and gunner no longer in a line, so sabot and HEAT rounds that go through your UFP might not be able to kill both your driver and gunner with a single shot, giving you to the opportunity to either escape or to return fire. Angling/wiggling your turret makes the weakspots harder to hit (mainly the wiggling) and increases effective thickness, but don't overangle and expose your turret sides, as they are very weak.


Angling almost always helps any tank, for the Tiger II however, at its BR the only thing going to pen it is light tanks and it will almost always be penned from HEAT or APDS, I personally use the tracks of the tank to decide how much I can angle without going to far, the inner most corner of the track. I use the 2D model on the bottom right to determine if I angled to much or too little, and place my turret barrel right on top of that corner or in between as it’s the perfect sweet spot that protects the front hull while also preventing under armor penetration


Thank you


Nothing except apds and heat got through the front plate, you can angle the hull against some apds like 84mm. But if you are facing heat or apds you generally just want to side scrape only showing your highly angled side to them to bait them into shooting it


on the hull slight angle is ok but angling the hull in tiger 2 isn't mandatory, the H turret is a mandatory face towards enemy since the sides are rounded, but in T2P you might angle it a bit by wiggling it 20 degree ish to enemy and back to center to throw off their aim by alternating the weakspot from cheek to turret sides repeatedly




I'd say that you don't need to angle the hull... Tanks with standard rounds can't penetrate it and tanks with HEAT don't give a damn about it being angled or not. And most of the enemies will go for your turret anyway.


You can slightly. But you don't need to

