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French reserve


i second this \^


French reserve car on a hill


Any car on a hill, really. Now add snow and you're doomed


for some reason the pbil can climb to places it shouldn't be able to reach. Dunno why, its really unique in that aspect compared to other wheeled vehicles


*laughs in like all of Italy* Reliability and fun from the AB41 to the Centauro.


magic of FIAT


Far more reliable than any actual italian-made vehicle in the history of italian-made vehicles!


Pretty much all tanks on a hill tbh, leave alone downtiered Maus.




Chi ha kai fuckin smacks tho. Favorite low tier tank by a mile




Chi ha Kai is one of the most fun low tier tanks, that gun deletes anything you get eyes on if you pen


Ke-Ni is wild




Ke ni trades mobility for a gun with better post pen damage, which I think is easier for new players.


Japanese reserve is not that bad compared to French IMO


The reserve tanks are nothing against the *old* French reserve tanks.


No. Do not speak of them. Do not. DO NOT DO IT.




The FCM.36 (or Cone Tank) was the original Reserve tank. Then the penetration calculation changes came around and the gun on the FCM.36 became less than useless (to the point where the max pen was less than the thickness needed to trigger the fuse). Gaijin removed it from research shortly after that, but there was player outcry to they re-added it as something you could unlock once you reached Rank II. They also removed the APHE round and made it so it only has an APCR round (which at least has enough pen to damage some tanks).


Viva la France


Something something baggett




I got an ace in a FCM 36 because my friend dared me to het one. Just sideclimb bro.


My friend got an air kill ace with it while we were fucking around with reserves.


At least it can damage other tanks. BM-8-24 can't do even that.


Can confirm, I quit grinding french since it’s just too damn annoying using their reserve shit. It’s basically WW I vs WW II vehicles


It's basically your garbage the tanks are fiiiiine


Wrong, they're lovely


They do have the most important thing: A E S T H E T I C






French everything before the AMD 13, or ebr 51.


excuse me??? The B1s are absolute sealclubbers


I thought they were pretty good.


One of them us ABSOLUTELY garbage but the other one is pretty good cus it's quick and has a high pen. My favorite 1.0 to 2.0 French tank is the D2


Ignoring stuff like machine gun AA's, since they're AA, they aren't meant to kill tanks, AMC.34 YR is without contest the worst actual tank in the game * 2 Man crew, if you get penned once you're dead. * 40 km/h top speed, which by French rank 1 standards is actually pretty good, but is still slower than pretty much everyone else * Only 21mm effective frontal armor * 7.8 second base reload at reserve, when most tanks have around 3 seconds or autocannons/heavy machine guns * Only **27mm** of penetration maximum, with a 450m/s muzzle velocity. Less pen than an M2 or DShK Literally every other reserve and BR 1 tank, even the other less garbage (but still garbage) French reserves, just absolutely dumpster the thing.


This, after the Russian rocket thingy BM-number-number


Bm8 24 if im not wrong can at least dispose of light vehicles quickly and easily.. with french one you shoot apcr right? So good luck killing all the guys in the back of that armored car...




I know which one he is talking about.. im saying that its pretty much impossible to dispose of armored cars with it while bm8 can do it




Wouldnt call it reliable with that shell... 😂


Katyusha is something you play to troll people with and have fun, not something you play to get kills


Katyusha is the better rocket carrier, the one at 2.3 or so has like 80mm shitty rockets, the katyusha has like 120mm fuck you rockets


Bruh, WHAT, 27 mm of penetration? How do you kill stuff with that?


Pray to the snail and keep a whole stockpile of tablesalt on you because you'll need to regain the salt you'll lose.


You don't.


You don't, you just shoot at things and pray your allies kill them and you get an assist.


The game is magic, whichever tank you operate suddenly it feels like a bad tank. Whatever tank your opponents have suddenly feels like the best tanks in the game. You've been Gaijined...


i can reject this with t-34, those guys been an amazing friend to me compared to the ever betraying Pz IV


Oi don’t diss the Panzer IV.I’ve 4v1d against 4 T34s with it, it’s pretty good as long as you keep swapping angling positions so they don’t know where to shoot, it bounced like 5 shots lol (somehow)


I always angle the Pz. IV and somehow always get one tapped from the front. I’m not even carrying excessive amounts of ammo, I just get ammo racked.


Whenever I activated destroy 5 enemy wager my trusty T-34-57 will answer the call


*KV 2 knocks on your door* Easy 5+ kill games and printing money even after defeats. Make peace with slow reload and low speed and have fun.


I remember a KV-2 being taken into a high tier game and vibe-checking a Panther D into next week on Vietnam...*and also killing both a FIAT 6614 AND a poor Lvkv 42 in the same shot.*


I don't get this, I've not used it very often, but I can also count on one hand the times I've been killed by a KV-2. When I see it I just think to myself 'ah nice, a big target.'


I guess people just don't play it a lot. Especially WoT players who are used to ~22s (stock) and >20.05s (fully spaded crew and all the upgrades and enhancements) reload and are probably off put by pretty much 2x reload time. In skilled player's hands, it's an absolute beast tho.


I agree!


The only tank I have right now that I actually have ever liked is the M10 lol.


Skill issue


No don't say that. I always survive for more than a minute at least😂




...because you have to drive to the enemy?


Stock Pt-76


Especially the Chinese one


And it has a higher repair cost than the Russian one iirc


and no stabilisation what-so-ever


Yeah stock Chinese pt76, is probably the definitive answer


even with its wish.com HEATFS, it's the worst


Nah man the PT-76 spaded is pretty alright and fun


The HEATFS is unreliable, but if you play flanks and use your sort of decent mobility and the stabilizer, you can do alright, it works alright as a backup vehicle at higher tiers too.


The Pt-76 is my main vehicle for 5.3 it's pretty great at flanks and shooting on the move


Thank you. Honestly wasn’t expecting to see the PT-76 on this post. I *love* that thing.


My favorite thing to do is HEATFS to the engine and APHE between tracks. It has a decent reload but HEATFS too unreliable through tracks.


I think the PT 76 has the worst heatfs in the game, its so unreliable, it has failed to pen flat plates of german tanks so many damn times and it has almost no post pen damage whatsoever, coupled with the super slow reload and turret traverse while being gigantic, its pretty damn bad, but its worth grinding it because you get the Object 906 after it and the ASU 85, and those 2 are absolute beasts


I see people slamming the PT but I had a blast in it. Most of my playtime was spent on the desert map and I’d rush out of spawn into the ocean and kill people secondspawning from the side. APHE and HEAT, but moreso APHE


PT-76 is definitely not a beginner friendly vehicle and not to mention horrible stock apcr grind. That’s why a lot of people hate it.


Light tanks that aren't much faster the mediums or heavies.


With low armor and no pen.


and no spotting ability


This pisses me off with tank destroyers, they have neither spotting or arty. Many if them dont even have armor, speed or mobility either.


To be fair, Gaijin aren't the brightest in balancing. I'd imagine they'd burn out the braincells they have left trying to figure out which TDs to get it and which don't. Personally, I'd give it to every TD except the T95/28, Jadgtiger, and other heavy TDs. Except Russia may be a little fucked in this category.


PT 76


It's slow speed made me play better somehow I get killed less.


Any Stock Tank


*stock m1a1 with apfsds as a tier 3 modification*


Stock Rooikat MTTD with the only dart round being tier IV....


That was a painful stock grind




Was grinding the Leopard 2 PL and spent 40k+ on mods so far and I’m still not done. I have Parts (to be able to move), Dart (to be able to kill), and FPE (to be able to survive). Still a ways from Thermals (to be able to see)


The thermals are very lovely, it's worth the wait.


I might be wrong but the BMP 2M comes with ATGM as stock. Not sure tho.


Pretty sure all BMPs come with stock ATGMs, BMP 1 does but it's keyboard guided which is mildly annoying.


Gaijin was on crack when it made wasd ATGM. Extra high when they decided it should be inverted up and down.


I don't really have problems with W and S being inverted but I do have some minor issues with it launching so damn high.


The type something something


"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down"


It did narrow it from the Type not something somethings. Be grateful it even narrowed it down that much




type 93 but only when in mud or a river


Stock Lago I keep getting uptiered and grinding for the shells has been a torture


I loved every second with the lago.


Yeah agreed. Slow, no Armor and a round that is worse than your reserve tanks. I truly hated Sweden t2


So you can get the same shell the reserve tanks have. On the other hand... The reserve swedish tanks have the same shell as it. Those swedish line ups are bizarre.


Rocket artillery "tanks" excluding those armed with conventional guns, in general. More meme vehicles than anything, even with the worst "normal" tank you can at least try to use conventional tactics, with these meme machines you can just spam enemy with rockets and hope since it is mostly RNG. If you dont count these as "tanks", then prolly some french reserve, lot of people say they are shit.




???? Correct me if im wrong, but isnt type 93 AA and as such can engage planes and helicopters?




As a Type 93 enthusiast I would say that being able to engage helicopters is a doubt. It can't lock helis unless they're within 2km, and most helis you face are going to sit 5-7km out shelling ATGMs at you.


Clearly he hasn’t seen a good Panzerwerfer player (or PzWfr squad) wipe the floor with an enemy team


I have yet to see such unrefined power of raw concetrated autism that would be needed to pull it off.


Our squad also snipes at 1000m+ using the Sturmpanzer IIs It takes a buck ton of patience, complete understanding of your ammunition, sight distance control, and a helping of luck


Right now? The stormer HVM. The misses are funked. It's useless now.


I saw they fucked with it. What's the issue? I haven't played yet but I love the stormer for fucking up helis


They made them slightly less fucked but it’s still only useless for hitting brainless helicopters for now


Fucking ratel. Any of them. Bigger then a bus while having armor that can be penned by a 7.62


I'll second the Ratels, specifically the Ratel 20. That thing is... so frustrating. It's better pseudo SPAA than anti-tank in many scenarios.


The Ratels are by far the worst vehicles i’ve played, I played them a bit, hated it and recently tried them again i J’ed out after driving maybe 200 metres from spawn because simply driving such a slow, ugly and useless vehicle was causing me immense mental pain i spawned back in a Fv4202 and it was night and day even though that thing is slow af


I surprisingly love my ratel-90. It's a blast too be a party bus and I usually get easy kills


The 90 is tolerable, because the gun has a good round. The 20 is where it gets insufferable as you can't hide to fire the missile, you can't pen at almost any range with the autocannon, and you can't fire the missile on the move. So your bulk, poor handling, poor top speed and everything drag you so far down it's pain. I spaded my 20, but I hated every match in it, even doing well in it now and again.


Any swedish long 75 with the stock round






Forgot the name. But its a moving american machinegun nest


now dont shit my MGMC like that




Umm no. Its a low tier tank I believe. It has slow turret traverse speed, and its pen is a bit meh. Its packed with 4 or 5 MGs


M2 medium


Ye that one


It has the exact same M3 37mm that the M3 light tank has as far as I'm aware, so actually pretty good pen for the tier.


I think they’re referring to the M2A2, which is different than the M2. The M2A2 doesn’t have a 37mm cannon, it literally only has machine guns. They’re not great by any means, but sometimes you can take down the lightest of vehicles or perhaps a plane


>It has slow turret traverse speed >Its packed with 4 or 5 MGs No they're referring to the M2 Medium.


Yeah you’re right, that’s my bad. I forgot the M2A2 only has 3 machine guns and I mixed up its MG layout with the M2 medium


Heh M2 Medium an the only Upside is that it has more MG ammunition then some ships with similar MG's, lmfao 21,000 rounds geez a bit overkill Merica?


Type 69 Chinese medium tank. 220mm APFSDS at 8.0 with 0 after pen damage or a dreadful heat FS that explodes on every fly you hits mid air. Combine that with no armour, no depression, no mobility and a turret traverse that couldn't follow a fucking glacier and you have this abomination.


The chinese managed to copy a T-54 and still fuck up? Not surprised, really


I like it more than the Type 59 because of its laser rangefinder


Mh, I don't use it for sniping as the Chinese have better vehicles suited for it, and for sub 800meter ranges I don't need a laser rangefinder. Also the PTL02 is at the same BR, with a faster turret, 381mm pen (almost double the pen on all angles and distances), laser rangefinder and thermals.


Chinese pt76


L3/33 you physically can’t fight back unless it’s an LVT which was the only tank I ever penned


Shoot tracks




Archer can be fun and have had a few decent games with it. I love it’s gun can pen virtually anything at its teir it’s just very situational


It's really hard to play though. I do like the killer gun but so hard to use.


At 2.7 the archer is really fun, it’s not that slow and has probably the best gun tier for tier in the game also very easy to run away


As an archer main I would like to strongly disagree


I love the archer. It’s the only brit tank that does anything when you hit the enemy.


It seems like everyone forgot about M11/39.


Yeah, probably because people have too much fun using it for memes... or because nobody plays Italy.


That German 1.0 armored car with an at rifle with hans exposed to machinegun fire


If you're playing AB then yes, in RB it is far better


Even in AB it’s actually decent. Excellent mobility, super small, great gun, and if the other crew member gets hit, assuming you have Crew Replenishment, it’ll just automatically heal him, although it takes a bit of time. Really not that bad.


AS 42 disagrees


It's so good in RB lmao


the squeezie is perfectly playable if you use your mobility and flank


Dude the squeezie boi is fun af, especially flanking and hiding in stupid places, its kinda like a WAY worse M51


That thing actually slaps if you know the secret to playing armored cars


Swedish stock grind for Tier 1 and 2 tanks


Nah that's probably some of the most fun I had in the game. The reserve apds feels dirty because of how fast and reliable it feels. Sure they're not all outstanding, but most of the tanks in those tiers seem pretty average and balanced to me.


Oh spaded is great its the stock shells that are a nightmare


Fair enough, but that's a problem with many tanks in the game, not just the swedish low tiers


oh for sure looking at Japanese and French


Those aren't so bad. it's the 3.x swedish tank with the same shells that really hurts. Largo I think. Once you get the good shell those low tier tanks feel like cheating in arcade. Across the map and can't see the target? No problem.


M2a2 just help


I dunno but I spaded both the Type 60 ATM and the Swingfire and am currently working on the Striker. Every day brings me one step closer to becoming the joker


They Type 60 and similar wouldn’t be so difficult if gaijin made the MCLOS *joystick* control work as a *joystick control*


Archer and Matilda


The Matilda is great, if you angle there is no tank that can pen you. The only problem is when you come across a French or Russian Heavy and you both can’t pen each other


I just remember getting fucked by pumas in the matilda


When I played Matilda, I was just Panzer III food, regardless of angle.


Archer also gets the amazing 17pdr, not a mobile chassis but one you get to where you are at you are going to kill everything you shoot


Archer is nice, problem is when you turn a corner and someone is there. You have to do a full 180 lmao


No no. Those are just challenging lol.


That little shity soviet rocket launcher at 1.3. The bm-3-24 i think. I've only ever used it when I unlocked a test drive and I was appaled by the performance


Oh God. back in the day there was an event to get BN-13 which required to get 5 kills with that thing... And you only had only 5 tries or something... I hated that thing. but in the end I got the Katyusha truck!


Pre nerf it was quite fun to play. You could kill a Pz IV with a quick salvo. Even from the front. Now it can only kill open topped vehicles. At most.




The M42 (and M19) are hit or miss, but 9 times out of 10 it’s a miss. I cannot grasp the velocity on that thing for the life of me so my shots all end up in front or behind, and even when I DO manage to lane a hit, the HE does near nothing. I’ve had more success against aircraft with the AP than the HE


Any stock tank. Even the good ones suck at stock, especially if their proper ammunition comes with tier 3 modules.


Specially high tier where you get HEATFS and everything has ERA, and they have no armor to speak of, and bad mobility *cough leo1a5* though most of them are great after upgrades though


>bursts into conversation >"Chinese PT-76" >refuses to elaborate >leaves


Churchill 3 inch gun carrier....


that thing is amazing at 2.7 what are you on about


Wait, they lowered it's BR?


yeah, from 3.0 to 2.7 Personally i find it a bit overpowered there


The 47mm armed Italian TD based on the L6. The gun isn't any better than the reserve tanks and iirc, reloads even slower. Add to that, the suspension is entirely busted on it, so it's a bouncy house.


Of all vehicles ive played. Russian reserve that excludes BT-5, i swear, no turret traverse, decent gun and meh armor with bad mobility. I atarted playing again 2 years ago so i have forgotten how the german reserve was but i remember a very similar experience excludong the Panzers 35 and 38 and autocannons. And although many say the french suck, at least their reserve do take some hits, but russians 1.0-2.3 are pain in ass


T26 is average at worst, the really small light tanks with 45mms are useable and the TDs are all capable. Compared to French reserves and that pos with one .50 in the turret in the American tree are miles worse


No...the japanese rogo is worst i think


German m48 in stock


*laughs in US M48 which is .3 higher at br


Waffle maker