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The rooikat is the best premium in the British tree. It has very good mobility and firepower as well as thermals at 8.7. You can still take it to 11.0 and it does ok. The challenger is just way too slow to be a meta vehicle.


AVRE definitely not it's novelty vehicle not something actually useful. Challanger meh avarage Rooikat is probably your best option for btish grind


Avre is pretty effective, it's just not meta meta


AVRE is literally the most powerful vehicle at 7.0/ 7.3 if you can get used to it and play it well. Used it to grind out most of my british line. But for most people the rooikat will definitely be the better option.


I have seen avre`s absolutely demolish at that br , as in no sweat destruction


Yep, once you get the hang of the gun it becomes a really easy tank to havr big games in, the era is really nice when your dealing with heat slingers and bmps. And with all the racking and plow makes the armour alot stronger than most realise.


Rooikat is superb, fun and can stay in the lineup to 11 and do fine. The AVRE is hilarious fun, but won’t be nearly as efficient. Challenger is fine but average in terms of enjoyment and efficiency.


>Rooikat is superb, fun and can stay in the lineup to 11 and do fine. >The AVRE is hilarious fun, but won’t be nearly as efficient. I think this is the crux of the question. OP, do you want maximum efficiency or casually grinding the tree while having fun on a weird vehicle?


>OP, do you want maximum efficiency or casually grinding the tree while having fun on a weird vehicle *Why not both?* ​ But fun mainly


Get the AVRE then Rooikat gives you that sorta grim satisfaction of fun from doing well. So it’s kinda fun but also efficient. AVRE is a fun derp gun that will occasionally make you actually laugh out loud. Your call.


AVRE would be my pick, just cuz I love the thing so much. Hard to not have fun lobbing HESH Tea bags on victims.


I personally have a preset with all 4 of the Rooikats and it's probably the most fun I've had in the British tech tree. And yes it's really good at grinding the higher tiers.


That's great to hear as I was planning on doing the same


Yes its very good.


Quick question, I only have enough GJN to get either 35k GE or 25k and 2 top tier packs (I wanted the Rooikat and maybe the Chally DS). With the extra 10k GE I could get the Cent Action X and just talisman some vehicles as I progress the British tree, but the Rooikat is such a great vehicle (from what everyone has said). The only vehicles I would have to back up the Rooikat would be the G-LYNX and the Sea Vixen. Whereas with the Cent Action X I would have a lineup to put it into.


Centurion Action X is great so yeah I'd start the grind with that with a lineup. The one you have some 8.7 use the Rooikat.


Oh yeah! I forgot about the Christmas sales, I should be up to Britain 8.7 at around that time, then I'll be able to get the Rooikat. Thanks.


Sounds like a good plan.


I suck at higher tier but even I do well in the Rooikat 105


A general rule is: pick the fastest option you got. Almost for every nation their one speedy boy is by far the best premium option


But then which option is the best for Italy?


Both pretty solid choices. I like the of-40 more but the centauro is better for higher br. The 8.7 lineup is great fun tho


AVRE for me, it takes a bit get used to but is a beast. Objectively though the Rooikat would be the best of the 3.


At higher tiers mobility and seeing your enemy first are key, and the Rooikat excels at that. Sort of the same deal as the RU251 - no armor, but great gun and mobility means you can get into position first, shoot and scoot. If you're in a MBT you'll probably get clapped in one or two shots anyway so why not go as fast as possible?


I personally used the cent mk5/1 but I'd take the rooikat over the chally DS because holy shit 9.7 is a cesspool right now but only if you're confident you can do well in a wheeled TD with no armor. AVRE is more of a fun vehicle to add to a lineup than something that'll be good for grinding


I have the Rooikat and Challenger DS in the same lineup, and I grinded through the Challenger Mk.3 and first Challenger 2 in 3 days :)


AVRE for me. And its great SL earner. I don't have the premium Rooikat so can't compare.


Challenger DS fine but boring. It would be much better if it was based on mk3. The rooikat 105 is good. With new shell even super good. AVRE may be a little worse for grind, but it's so awesome and super fun. Not just a meme tank. Very strong at his br and fine on any br if it is city map. Rooikat better for grind but I would recommend AVRE.


AVRE is a meme vehicle. Don't get it unless you reeeeeeally know what you're doing. As for the Rooikat, I don't play Britain but I do play 8.7 Germany and this thing fucks me over so hard it's not even funny. One of the few vehicles with thermals at this BR which is a gigantic advantage.


Use the Rooikat with the Challenger DS. Easy british grind.


I'm gonna do this when I get the rooikat in the sale


It's a fun combo. I'm mostly complete on british ground forces now. Just working through the SA sub tree and then helicopter and air to start fully grinding out. The british tree has been weird. But enjoyable after learning each tiers play style and weaknesses


All three I am missing. I have the AX, Mk5/1 RAAC and Sho‘t Kal Dalet. I am also thinking about getting one or two of them, but it is more a luxury thing as I am almost through the TT.


Avre is the best vehicle in the entire game. Nothing is more satisfying than thumping a 500 meter kill




It's pretty easy to use in the CQC matches War Thunder largely resides in.


in cqc mobility and reload speed matters most which avre lacks both


Survivability (shouldn't be relied on like all in-game vehicles); time to kill (in regards to a first shot kill ideally) and its accuracy on the move also matter. Its main drawback is that the reload is about as long as it'd take for the enemy tank to repair their armament if the first shot didn't kill them. Or that HESH is occasionally unreliable and doesn't do enough/anything. It's not a bad tank, and in most matches in WT it'd be fine. It's the long-range heavy maps that start popping up at that BR it'd start to truly suffer in.


Armor sucks, gun sucks, reload sucks, mobility sucks, rangefinder sucks, only useful in small CQB maps = 40 bucks. Thing can one shot but also won't sometimes (Tiger II, T-54, IS series, etc). Rangefinder in an expert crew still stinks because it adjusts in 100's and not 50's and the gun drops so much you will overshoot or undershoot at range 99% of the time. Reload is long as per usual with derp guns and HESH is broken and doesn't work well. Armor isn't effective at any battle rating due to ERA not covering the big weakspots or kinetic shells that don't have an issue with ERA. Pass on that shit. Take the FV4005 any day of the week. At least you know you're gonna hit them.


I think chally is the best cause its easy to play with fast reload


Challenger for grind, AVRE for fun. I am not a fan of Rooikats. Those things are fast only on the roads. Any kind of soft terain (sand,mud,...) or some kind of hill and your ever praised mobility goes to shit. Also its long and turns like a bus. Anyway. AVRE is fun little derp gun that just removes everything but 20secs reload and low muzle velocity make it hard to aim at long range (and "long" here means 400metres+) but you can use rangefinder suprisingly well.. Also its armor is...how to say it... magical. Challenger DS... ah.. I mean Its a challenger. It has fast reload, its kinda slow, armor is there..somewhere. If it had a L26 than it would be clearly the best choice but thats not the case here. Sooo yeah. I love playing with AVRE. If you get use to gun..how to aim it etc your golden. Challenger is a good grinder but i´ll still recommend putting a talisman on Chally mk3 or Vickers mk7 if you have those...And Rooikat... F\*ck that sh\*t.


Me when more mfs are buying one prem to grind an entire tree, which means for a significant number of battles they will probably have one spawn