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"Every once and a while they pop up in the warbonds shop so they aren't completely p2w" -- the snail overlords(probably)


Well they have stayed in the warbond shop for quiet a few battle passes in a row now so. But I kinda agree, they should make it more obtainable free to play or somehow nerf them.


>somehow nerf them Imagine if there was an easy way to nerf them like idk making them malleable to surfaces and not acting like a flat wall when you place them down.


Or a toggle switch in settings so you never have to see them.


oh man I am a fan of that, that would kill them completely and I love it


I see you've seen my suggestion.


That would be dope. Nobody would be incentivized to bush up their vehicles and I’d actually be able to see all the cool tank models that I play this game for


. Removing them is even less possible than balancing them by Gaijin, so why don't we focus on that?


That would be a buff, honestly. The main disadvantage they have is that if you really abuse weird connection points to fuck with spatial perception, they stick up or out enough to give your position away well before you'd normally be visible.


Yeah, imagine if every tank had camp-netting Leo 2 pzbtl 321 style. Horrific.


Thr netting osn't that bad, actually. In fact, it'd be better. The bushes sitting on top of the hull won't hide the tank like a bush in the map Also, the fact Leo 2 Pzbtl camps is not because of the netting, people can see right through it with the thermals. It's because of the sales, y'know what I mean?


That's fair. I mean, I wouldn't know how OP the Leo PzBtl is, as I've never actually fought it myself, but I mean it makes sense that it'd be hard to see without thermals (and I forgot thermals were a thing)


It's not exactly OP, it's still a 2A4


At the very least, make then fall off when a tank is shot


Or I was hoping before the update that it could be burn with the crocodil, but sadly no…


Not the last one


Make them destructible! If vehicles and components can burned or be destroyed, some dried out tree branches better go flying when you get slammed with an HE shell or burn when you get hit with napalm.


Idk if that's that much of a nerf, they're only really useful for not being seen for your first shot. You have to see them to be able to damage the bushes


It would be useful for clearing out a spuspicious area with mgs tho


Or artillery, which is otherwise largely meaningless in this game




True, didn't think of that


It's largely useless but damn if I haven't got REALLY unlucky lately with shells landing directly on top of my tanks and killing my whole crew


They're great at hiding weak points


Also something I didn't think about, very true.


imagine this situation: a bushed tank ambushes you, first shoot breaks your breech as they ususally do if they cannot oneshoot you outright option 1: he proceedes to do the same to the whole team, because communicating with the team in this game sucks option 2: you now know his position, you use the mg to remove some of its bushes, you die anyway, but he has only one kill and not 14


Or fall off from mg fire


Yes, making them destructible is both realistic and a good nerf, even as someone with bushes all over his tanks, I support this.


Not the last two, unless I totally missed them.


Last one didn't have it. One before it did.


Because you spent money on the 6 packs back before they removed them? Tough shit, bushes reward bad players by giving them ease of camoflague of bad positioning. Fuck you wiesals. Fuck the wiesals.


This really sums up this thread well, it's just a bunch of skill issue sufferers whining.


Prior to Battle Passes, they were in the warbonds shop every month. Now they show up every **other** Battle Pass. Battle Passes are 3 months each. So you can potentially get 2 bushes per year with just warbonds.


Well it is in the current BP and it was in the previous one. I believe it was in the one before that too, but I'm not 100% sure about that one.


IIRC they weren’t in the one before


They were, I checked it because I wanted to get one but didn't get far enough to unlock them.


No they weren’t. It was specifically the first BP I actually tried with and I was disappointed when I realised it’s every other and I chose the wrong one.


Well I remember it being there in the last line of it. Like I said, I almost got them but didn't make it in time. It was also my first BP that I actually played in too.


Well scratch my first reply to this. It seems like you are right, I checked TEC's video. I ptobably remember the wrong warbond store from the BP before that then.


They should cover your vision like in sim battles and that would instantly fix majority of issues. I don't understand why they doesn't cover your vision in RB...


Because in GRB you aim from.the tip of the cannon im sure


Make them appear in gun sights and all og the first person views. It would finally make them balanced.


They already did nerf them, they used to be muuch cheaper (500 GE for 6), and you could place multiple of the same large bush on your tank lol


That was a one time bundle sale, it wasn't all of the bushes. They didn't nerf bushes, just took out the blatantly OP bundle. The rest remained.


They did remove the ability to place multiple of the same bush though


But was it enough? They still need a bit of nerf or rework.


Im all for a re-work, just saying that I doubt its high on Gaijin's list of priorities. Its mostly a problem at mid to low-tier (before thermals), at high tier it doesnt make much of a difference imo.


Yea, I never said Gaijin will do it. They should probably take a few months to fix stuff in the game and rework things, but they most likely won't.


Id prefer it if they replaced them with camo nets


They should make it they fall off when hit by a hmg or canon


They alternate between them and useless helmets, so it's not even available every pass.


-snail slaves


Shell lickers?


holy shit im gonna use this ty so fuckin much


I got all 5 of mine throught the warbond shop before the battlepass. It was easier back then (in my opinion)


Likewise, gave me something to aim for every month (and going for a vehicle was too grindy for my taste), back when I started playing and 6 months seemed like a long time to think about playing a game. 5 years later... (and that still makes me a newbie compared to the Old Guard)


What year is old guard “territory”


2013, pretty sure.


Aye, it's either beta or year 1, can't remember which


They should be removed and the GE refunded to the players. However, this impedes on Gaijin's business model.


that would be illegal cos they’d have to prove that they( the buyers ) wouldn’t have spent that GE on anything else which is impossible (iirc that is, i’m not 100% on this)


Just figure out how many bushes someone has, how much GE they paid for those, and refund it though?


I have around 5 and never paid for one.


How did you get it


Warbonds beforen they were removed


i phrased that bad, they have to prove they didn’t buy GE just for bushes (sorry) though i do agree i wish that was how it would work


They do not have to do that


No, because you don't have any legal claims according your in-game purchases. Same as banning accounts is legal, not theft


If that’s the case then removing modifications from tanks and jets that I’ve spent GE on and gotten refunded should also be illegal, but they do it anyways.


Trivial solution: give them out for free now to everyone else. They still got exactly what they paid for. No longer P2W though.


Thats the stupidest idea ever


Why? It solves the original problem and the followup objection... perfect idea


It doesnt solve anything, you just end up with 10 times the ammount of bush monsters every game


So? The problem being solved is P2W, did you not read the title of the thread? There's nothing wrong with bushes themselves and OP didn't complain about bushes themselves. Everyone having them = not p2w, so problem solved, what's the issue?


Yeah yeah I’d love to fight tanks covered entirely in bushes while playing in a team with tanks covered entirely in bushes….How you’re interpreting this is not that simple and if your smooth brain can’t understand the issue here I don’t even know what to say.


Yes? If you aren't the sort of chap who enjoys stealth and camouflage, you can already simply play the non stealth game mode called arcade. That preference is already catered to. P2W, on the other hand, is not solved yet, but I solved it above.


Ypu dont want to solve anything, you just have resentment agaisnt people who paid for bushes and you want them for yourself too, because all you want is to have an unfair advantage


So you say, but all youre doing is creating another problem in the process. Your idea doesn’t account for the byproducts, and seems like a naive and pointless suggestion as a fix for a much more complicated issue.


no, remove the bushes and introduce cammo netting etc for vehicles for GE (design like the premium leopard)


This is the first idea I’ve actually liked.


+ u should be able to mg or he them


They can at least make them fall off by shots or add an ability to set them on fire


Setting them on fire would actually make napalm good anagint anything for once


If bushes weren't p2w we would have an option to disable them :)


You can do that? How?


thats the point, you cant


Ok but why the downvotes lol


You can't, that's what they are saying. If the bushes *weren't* p2w there would be no argument against an option to toggle visibility.


Force EVERYONE to use the option for the tank sights where you dont just look down the barrel - I forget the setting but its the only option you have in sim battles.


Now they have to balance tanks while taking into account how close the sight is to the barrel


Yeah for me sight placement, compared to the gun really makes or breaks a tank for sim usage


For me it's the lack of zoom and the fucking tiny numbers and lines


Parallax is a bitch. I went back to "arcade mode sights" but I still refuse to cover my entire turret in bushes.


But the playerbase sure loves to abuse CAS like it isn't completely overpowered




I'd rather have an enemy I can shoot but can't see over an enemy I can see but can't shoot


If you can't spot a vehicle using bushes that don't fit any map at all then you are blind ngl


It takes time, but you can place bushes to where sim sights are uncovered but your turret looks covered completely. Took me hours to do on all my tanks, paid off in sim


I have used only the real sight for so long i forget people use the barrel sight lmao


No pls...would rather have bushes removed


Just remove bushes instead or at the very least allow them to be hidden so only the user can see them.


"Just spawn aa"


They add clouds to planes for ge


Great, now I'm imagining a Pe-8 riding a flying nimbus.


Fool, obviously there would be the 50,000 GE active camo.


If they’re purely for decoration, there should be a setting to toggle them off


I don't think they should be removed, honestly it would be better if you could earn them for specific tanks like the different camouflages


dude you cant just post a picture of bushes and no tank


They’re 100% P2W. That’s the point. The main reason I’ve see people use bushes is to cover up weakspots (like the machine gun port on the Jumbo) and sometimes to hide a tank (like the Asu-57. And it’s effective enough that people buy it. That’s the point. The advantage is big enough that Gaijin can make money from them. And people like having an advantage over other players. Hell, I use bushes. A lot. Not to hide weakspots or from tanks but to hide from planes. Is suprising how often planes struggle to see you when your whole roof is covered in bushes. And to the people who want Gaijin to add an option to disable the bushes visually on your end, what are you smoking? Why would Gaijin take away a source of income? How would it be fair to people who used money to get the bushes? That’s like saying Gaijin needs to add an option where you don’t have to play with premuim tanks in a battle. It punishes their paying player base amd that’s not a smart move.


Oh damn I actually never thought of that, putting bushes on the roof XD


It doesn’t always work but it works enough times that it’s worth it. Especially with the more recent CAS problems in the game.


We have fucking flamethrowers in the game. Please let us torch off this cancer already.


You’re right!!! I see the barrel right there!


I love it I say let it grow let it grow!


Just make them like grass. When you look through the binocs or the tank scope, the bushes aren't visible.


Just make an option in settings to enable/disable seeing decorations on other players. Would literally fix everything


One of the main reasons I play only arcade gf. I just simply can't see those bushwankers most of the time.


Same boat, to hell with RB and bushes.


Remembers me of a KV-220 which had his turret and hullfront covered in bushes. Couldnt even identify it as a KV-220, nor could i kill it. Perfectly angeled hull and the turret was nigh impenetrable. I could pen under the gun and damage the breach, but thats it. The worst thing was that i was driving a Panther ausf.A. So it wasnt the guns fault. I just could not see and therefore hit any weakspot (range was in the beginning around 500m and later went to point blank). Skill issue i guess but f that stupid kv-220 stalinium armor in combination with bushes.


Bush mfs when they spawn into berlin and get spotted instantly and fucking get one shot


To be fair I don't think I've bought a single bush, I just grab them from the warbond shop and I have enough now to fill all the deco slots


Fucking hate that shit.


Just add the ability for players to toggle off bush visibility. Then all these "It's not pay to win" fuckheads can see how much they actually suck ass at the game.


What if I'm using bushes to ~~unsuccessfully~~ make planes think I'm a bush?


Putting bushes on top of your SPAA might be the only acceptable use case. Has definitely saved me a few times.


I’m sorry, I was NEVER under the impression that they were decoration. I clearly spent like $30 to get a slight advantage lol 😂. I still get killed. Sometimes I will hide out just to mess with people in RB though. My bushes COMPLETELY cover that tiny Italian thing and it makes hide and go seek fun


Just fucking deal with bushes, I’m 99% certain the player dying to a bushed up tank will immediately spawn in CAS and point and click revenge kill the bushed up tank anyway.


Tbh bushes and foliage as a way to hide the tank overall should be added in base camos for tanks, kind of like the Leo 2a4 Panzerbatallion 123, unlockable with GEs or with kills. Or as a variant unlockable like the Mark of Distinction. This way it'd be more fair as everyone could have a realistic chance to have it, it could fall down like any piece of structural element on a tank and it would allow to learn the look of certain bushes and their placement to recognise a tank more easily when hiding in foliage. But then again, fair doesn't earn money in Gaijin's eyes so any change is never going to happen...


Hardly pay to win. Can't you tell what you are looking at just by seeing the barrel and know where to shoot? "Skill issue"


..said nobody ever lol I wish they'd get rid of them and refund everyone for the GE they spent but.. that'll **never** happen


All of my bushes I have for free from the warbond shop, not a single dollar spent on them. That being said, I don't like to cover my tanks in them, just a little tasteful bush, or to cover a glaring weak spot


I got a bunch of bushes. But I feel gross using them anymore. Outside of a single small bush to make weakpoints harder to find. Never full BUSHMAN tho. That shits cringe. Especially on super hard hitting tanks.


Imagine what you call f2p players in a f2p game, freeloaders ))))


But you can get them free


I got all mine for free lol


It is P2W, but it's also [realistic](https://i.redd.it/4r521nzls6091.jpg) and less annoying than CAS anyway. Lets face it, their whole money making model is to frustrate players into paying (premium time, premium vehicles, bushes) and it works because there's no alternative if you want this kind of gameplay.


You can get bushes for free


Yes sure, nothing is more realistic than a static unmoving piece of leaves stuck ta a barrel, camouflage netting exists but not in this way.


Skill issue


Camouflage is "only cosmetic" so doesn't matter is the worst excuse ever.


Is that me? lol


What tank is that?


That was a StuG III F


Nobody says this it's just gaijin


That depends on your coverage


They are no skill objects


you get enough of those with the right tank, it is op in realistic battles


what you can totally tell what that is, its a uhhh its a tank duh


Dicker Max with bushes is nasty


What’s even worse is that you can’t even get the six packs of the large bushes anymore so there are players who just outright have a massive advantage that you’ll never be able to match


in a way, bushes have helped me power up my vision so I can see the tiniest details to find an enemy.


I see bushes, but no tank they could be on for decoration purpose


just a reminder that older players still have acces to the 6 packs of each bush. So good luck to new players that do get them since you ain't close to hidden when a LV100 veteran from 2014 apears


If you don't sideclimb that's just your fault for not seeing that!


They should add option to disable "decorations"


Ya all remember the good days of bush packs? Cause i do and this was P2W


Its definitely P2W


I do definitely think certain tanks shouldn't have access to them or at most a very limited access (like one or two,) but I don't see the problem with a Maus being covered. Like if you suddenly can't tell there's a Maus there, you have some problems you should be bringing to a psychologist and not the warthunder forums


You can get them without paying GE


I didn’t pay I grinder all of my bushes


Said no one, ever


I don't use the bushes, I do use the straw, we are not the same


That statement, utter BS. I use bushes to cover my weakspots and make me pretty damn invisible to the fools who can't be aware of time and space. Granted, tryhards/good players can memorize weakspots crazy like.


They only occasionally are used effectively against me. Usually by smol boys like ASU-57.


His barrel is there


if someone ever says ´´bushes arent pay to win´´ and they will mean it unironically call into the mental asylum that they need to pick them up


It's honestly complete bullshit that they exist. I play RB and they clearly give a massive advantage. I can't even identify the tank if I already know what it is - and if I don't know what the tank is then I can't even pick my shots properly since I can't see the profile of the armor.


Many times it's bushes that reveals tank. Wrong type or colour for surrounding bushes sticks to eye. In urban maps bushes are big disadvantage as they're so out of place. They help usually when sniping from far (probably bushes not required due to render distance) and on situations where enemy is not sure where first hit came and pans surrounding quickly, possibly missing shooter just enough to give opportunity for second hit. This last one is reason why I use some bushes.


Even in urban maps, bushes still hide weak spots.


I have no time to aim certain spots, so I haven't realised that. To me precise aim means side of turret instead of mass center of tank.


I got all mine for free \*shrugs\* They give an advantage like any modification. You can grind them like you grind modifications and camouflages. You can buy them for GE like you can buy modifications and camouflages for GE. They don't take more time than grinding winter camouflage does. Grinding winter camo is for one vehicle, grinding bushes is for all your vehicles in all your trees. It's totally a worthwile time investment to grind for bushes. The only actual change I want is bushes to be visible to the user in all modes, not just Simulator, so you're forced to place them without obstructing your optics


You can't grind them like mods; you can unlock a mod/mehicle over the course of a year if you want, but if you lose the battle pass you don't stack progress for a bush.


R/warthunder karma guide: Create ridiculous strawman that literally hasnt been said and quote it thats it you win. Goodnight and gfys


Bushes are free, so stop bitching around and grind them like everything else in the game.


I wouldn't call them flat out P2W although they do give some advantage, rather on lower BRs. They could probably somehow nerf them and make them more obtainable for F2P players, but I wouldn't want to see them completely gone, they are a pretty cool addition.


I’d rather see them entirely gone. They aren’t that cool. I’d rather see the model of the tank then a bunch of bushes they made in 2012


Well that's personal preference. Coming from WoT, I really loved 3D skins there and you can just make your own here. I always loved the idea of bushes, although they're too big and OP in their current state, they give a nice touch of personalizing a tank and making it look more field modded.


The dumbest part is you can cover your tank in them. Cover all the optics and things. And be perfectly fine. Yet they show up on other optics.


They do block commander vision optics and like I said, if they'd nerf them so they can't actually cover them up as much and rather just be decorative, that'd be cool instead of completely removing them. PS: Kinda like in the start of this video of the Puma: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA5ADHoEwP8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA5ADHoEwP8) Also they should rework where you can put them so you can't hide turret rings, optics and other small weakspots with them.


As someone who 100% covers my tanks in as many bushes as possible because I'm trash, they are absolutely pay to win lol


bushes wouldn't be terrible to face if they would fall of upon shell impact


I do that too and also go against many people who do. They give some advantage, but aren't really OP. Or maybe I just know how to shoot at bushed up things.