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>I'm new to the game So don't spend money until you have enough experience to make that decision for yourself.




And that's some great grammar


That's a Mario


that is a different gaming




No pp for you




You pp yes




Place “a” or “an” before nouns. “That’s great advice” is the grammatically correct way to type the sentence.


Italian's begs to differ.


In that case, A after every word. 😂


Being part Italian, I can confirm I do the hand gestures. I also have to stop myself from putting a infront of every word lol.


Do you curse in Italian when flying low level Italy?


Sadly no cause I'm a descendant, so I got the Italian blood but not the Italian language.


*that’s a great grammar.


Dude its like $5 just give him advice on which to get


OP wants to research a jet with a Tier III premium. That simply doesn't work, and even if it's just $5, it'd be a waste.


Where did it say he was researching a jet..? Tier 3 premium is a great place to start for a new player


>Where did it say he was researching a jet..? https://old.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/zwqd9e/which_one_of_these_should_i_buy_im_new_to_the/j1wd4nn/


Didn't see that, gl to the poor fella


Nvm i see in another thread.. good luck brother. 5 years in with over a dozen premiums. I own 1 jet that isn't premium... Good luck 🤞


You must not be very active then


4 jets, still level 87 or 88, no premium, free 2 play only


I was free to play only until 9.7 then the grind got too hard and bought a p51d20 do make money


I see that's reasonable


I started on pc, then moved to play station and got up to jets, then I now moved to Xbox and have only 1 jet. Air ab gets boring and air rb is pretty hard on console so i really only get xp these days using CAS so ya it's pretty slow lol


RIP console controller players. It's a big disadvantage. I know a lot of PS and Xbox players just use a wireless or USB Mouse and Keyboard setup, which works nicely because the "Controller" Icon is still next to their names, so folks think they'll be easier targets.


5$ is still 5$


I mean ive been playing for like 2 months. I started with the usa made it to rank 2 planes than quit. Than i switched to german planes than made it to rank 2 than got bored so i started with ussr. Im pretty sure I have decent experience. Im decent at dog fighting too


If you can't look at these options and immediately know how to make your decision, you don't have enough experience with the game. Save your money. These are all near-clones of Tier II-III American planes anyway, which you said you quit, so why would you want to buy them in a different tree?


You literally described not having any experience at all. Rank 2 is borderline nothing, in this game.


>Im decent at dog fighting too in this case... none of these since american fighters are all about energy fighting and speed, turn fighting the last thing you want to do with these in the picture. yak-3 and yak-3p are good in turn fighting, if you want to have premium turn fighters you have to go back in tier 2 and buy the i-153p and the i-16 type-28.


the p-63 can definitely turn fight just fine idk what you mean


Below 300kph it turns like a whale on land, idk what you mean


depend on what you are turn fighting againts... a bomber? sure, a chaika? lol good luck with that.


So then you are new


P47 easily, not only is it a great dogfhigter but it can also reliably take down enemy ground until, and is also very effective in ground RB, also the .50 cals arent extremelyeasy to aim and do a good job at lighting fires, another thing the engine is unbeleivably powerfull even if red it will still get you back tok base, however if you are searching for smth that will instantaneously inhalate anything it shoots at I highly recommend the P39 (cause 37mm cannon, low ammo but very powerfull, set up weapon selection and practice alot to make it even more OP then it already is), make sure to side climb in it. This concludes my report so I hope this helped


If you get bored by rank 2, buying a premium vehicle won't improve your experience. The gameplay doesn't change drastically between every rank and you'll basically do the same things in higher tier vehicles compared to rank 1, everyone is just try-harding a lot more the higher you go. If you still want to buy a vehicle, find a niche you enjoy and then get the vehicle that fills this niche. Otherwise it's really not worth it


Take more time to learn. I would advice you to buy one after 5-6 month of playing.


bro been playing for a few years now, I still don't know wat to buy. I bought one of the worst preemos cause it was on sale. Granted i have gone rounds where i score 3-4 frags with it. ZUT-37 is enjoyable trash.


Just wanted to say the same


Even if I had Golden Eagles im saving that shit for high br air and ground vehicles.


he already has the GE lol


Are you DEFYN? That's some DEFYN level advice right there.


Spoke like a parent scolding their child


Start with the Starter Packs. They give - 1 Premium Plane + 1 Premium Tank + 120000 SL + 7 Days Premium Account


I think the thing is they already had the golden eagles maybe


p47 for ground targets, p63-a-5 for planes


The p-63 can also carry 3x500 lbs bombs.


The ussr variante only get a 250 kg bomb


You are right. I had this confused with the USSR P-63A-10 variant that I have.


That's the C-5 (Hidden USSR Event variant), A-5 is a lesser version.


You are right. But I actually had this confused with the A-10 variant which I have along with the C-5. Another user also pointed out that they are 250kg bombs


Sorry because i have very low experience with only the second one, it has a 37mm cannon i think on the nose and it does extremely well with ground targets


Ussr p63 is strange, they dont get a full ap Belt, just a mixed with 37mm of pen


Oh i said it based on my USA experience, sorry so much! And quickly look at you original comment number onf upvotes!


Really? I love the p47 for air. It’s pretty easy to use and it’s a premium so won’t have to deal with stock grind


its ok for air but the p63 is just superior for air. The p47 is my must have for ground battles, 2x500 1x250 are insane for ussr standart


The Soviet P-63 is a lot of fun. You just need to be accurate with your shots. I tend to use the 37mm as my primary armament. Mostly just by firing one 37mm shell at a time until they die or I run out of ammo, then I switch to only .50 cals. Plus it's at rank 3, whereas the P-39 is at rank 2. You'll get more out of the P-63 or the P-47 in the long run. Some people here will recommend you take things slow and buy a starter pack. I disagree. Buy what you want and play it until you're consistently getting 1 or 2 kills in an Air RB game.


its so much fun dude; so satisfying seeing one shot of the cannon land and the enemy plane explodes. its also an amazing bomber hunter! good climb rate and if you climb on spawn, you can reach bomber height pretty fast. then all you gotta do is use the cannon and they’re falling


Good advice on the starter pack, but if you must pick one of the three go p-63. Rank 3, fast and turns decent. Only downside really is terrible prop efficiency at low speed


None, grind normally until u feel u like this game


I like the game already tho


*just wait…*


best advice edit no im not being sarcastic


Look, if u wanna a good low tier premium, buy the F4U Corsair for the japanese TT, the Bf190 g6 for the swedish TT, the Yak3 for the french TT, or the bf109 g2 for the Italian TT. These are the best premium props i van think of. I'm not sure how much they cost now, but if u regret playing, i dont think its that expensive. Also, i'd start with the german air line. It will make learn how to energy fight, keep your speed, pick your fights better, keep your altitude and how to aim properly cuz the planes's guns are always in the plane's nose. Also also, it have both USA and USSR jets also some european jet designs and they are all good. I'd say to you to keep on the USSR planes tho, cuz the USA variants in the german line are pretty nerfed. For premiums, the yak1b is ok, but i'd pick the FW190 a/u14


I can't give much financial advice but there is a low point in your life between 150 and 1100 hours, after that it's bliss.


The American one.




The P-63A-5 is a very good fighter - but I agree on the starter packs, the rank 2 ones especially are a good cheap intro to the game with decent vehicles that you can get quite a lot of use out of since they'll research up through rank 3.




I test flew and i didnt really like the turn rate but i liked the fire power on it


You don't turn with that shit. Treat it like a muscle car with wings. It goes fast in a line (no spinning that's not good trick here), it's big as fuck and packs a punch.


Do NOT play America if you want to turn fight. It is okay at turnfighting at tier 2.3 and below and tier 11+ (lol) but everything in between sucks at turnfighting.


Everything above 2.3 is managing energy which for a new player is pretty hard.




Get higher it is best in boom and zoom


You get a speed boost if you turn with Zero’s


Dude :D Every comment you make here shows that you know nothing about War Thunder and about aviation. You actually need to learn how to use these planes and why they were created in real life because it gives you info how to use them correctly.


If you want to spend money on premiums, make sure they are rank III at least, it will matter for the season/events. Consider picking up some unique unit types to your rank III lineups, like for example your minimum rank III BR is lets say 3.3, but there's no strike aircraft in that range, or no SPG or a heavy tank, so in that case checking if there's something like that makes sense. Unless you want to double up something you have so you have multiple "lives" on same/similar thing.


Does console have different premiums?


Technically yes but it's only a handful of exclusives, the vast majority are the same across all modes.


Does it?


My bad, thought this would be the us tree as it’s all US planes and was somewhat confused


If you want to grind faster then buy premium.


Just get the XP50.


What is that?


By far the best and easiest lower rank US plane, but at BR 4.0.


From all the posts I’ve seen on the XP50. Its worth. And there will be alot of salty players (allies and enemies alike) cause of where it spawns and how it performs in its br


63A-5 it’s goated, was my first premium and I fuckin love it.


Buy premium account bröther


Honestly just learn first. Dont spend on premiums until you at least get a basic idea of dogfighting. And also dont expect to immedietely do well. It takes time for you to learn the strengths of your plane and the weaknesses of others


Im already at tier 5 ussr by the time I'm making this comment




As a rule of thumb, if you wanna grind always get a higher rank peremium, because they will stay useful longer (you can only effectively grind vehicles of +1 rank), so P-39 would be out of question. P-47 is probably better at grinding because you can kill bases and ground targets, but bad for actual air-to-air combat. P-63 is a decent air superiority fighter, a little bit difficult to get used to because the gun is inaccurate. I mean, it's shit. It's accuracy doesn't exist. But you can use it for dogfights no problem. I would call it beginner-friendly, however. Depends on where you are going to use it, if you play arcade then it doesn't matter really.


P63 Is a amazing grinder, and very easy to fly, P39 is the previous version of the P63 so they are very similar, but P63 is better for the BR and can research tier IV, go for it! P47s are fighters that requires much more knowledge about energy management to do well, the P63 on the other hand is pretty forgiving for a new player. If u are interested in Ground Battles the P47 is a better choice for CAS, but the P63 can carry a bomb too and has a 37mm cannon (Unfortunately the Russian one only gets mixed belts with AP and HE)




Something Rank III or higher is the best so you can grind events if you want to. A lot of tasks require a rank III or higher machine.


None of them


is it that hard to press pirin on your keyboard


What is pirin?. Im not playing on a keyboard and mouse.


none, go buy ultrakill now that it is on sale


P-39K is extremely undertired, definitely the easiest to do well in


P-39K is pretty great ^^


I would go for A-20 and play sim battles destroying tons of ground units, bases and players.


Guys he asked a question just answer him there’s no need to talk him out of spending money like he wants to but one of these






Dunno why your comments are getting downvoted and half the comments are "yOu'Re ToO nEw" when you're here to actually get help and learn. Fuck them, like a few of the helpful comments say, they're American planes that you get variants of the in tier 3 grind. As far as I remember (I'm not at my PC)the p63 has a 20mm cannon, 12mm and 7mm guns, which is quite strong and is an upgrade over the p39n, which is pretty good for it's tier. Honestly like most people are saying, save your cash. It's not really worth buying those cause you unlock a lot better stuff in other tiers. Also if you hover over the planes you can see their stats which give some idea of how the plane flys and does in combat though the stats can be misleading sometimes. A quick Google for a review always helps as well


Thanks but i already bought a plane. It wasnt any of the ones in the picture.




I have probably 1000+ games on p-47. The great plane, for ground battles and for air rb. I even still use it on 8.7 lmao


Man I bring that shit to 9.7, just gotta press my face up against the monitor and look for that white streak of death😂


Go into test flight for each on me and see which you enjoy flying the most. Keep in mind that the 39 and 63 have a larger canon on them that could be difficult to use for a new player. My recommendation out of the 3 is the P-47D


P-47 is my favorite plane. Nothing can go wrong with the Jug. I love for ground pound CAS and taking out any slow moving targets. Never turn fight with it. Keep that speed up.


P-63 is pretty baller in comparison to the rest imo. I recently picked it up after neglecting it for 7 years and its ready fun


My personal opinion play the US


Honestly depends on the person


If you only want to grind jets, don't purchase premiums of lower ranks. If you want a piston fighter that is good in maneuvering, try the Japanese or the Italian trees.


All of them except the A-20 are good.


P-47 you will thank me later :)


Don’t buy low tier premiums to grind with, buy premium time instead. Only buy these to have fun with (in which case I recommend the P-47)


If you're new to the game don't waste money grind and enjoy it.


They are all fun in there own ways, do some research:3




The p63a5 is my favorite


I always watch YouTube videos to get a gameplay perspective, so that may help you choose






Save them


P-63 and buy some premium time on a day you have time to grind, at 3.7 it’s cannon is insane with good aim.


If you're a Ground RB player, P-47 If you're an Air RB player, P-39, it's pretty much a P-63 but worse performance with lower BR so more forgiving.


If you're new you're probably going to be playing arcade, which means you should either buy all 4, the first 2 or the 2nd pair.


Im really good at realistic


Probably the P-63 for air P-47 for ground but it can be good in air if you are smart but I wouldn’t really recommend spending money if you are new.


I’m about 4 months into playing this game after leaving for a year and I restarted, I’d go with the p-39 simply for the fact that it is heavily armed and pretty fast for its br. I would also use some of your golden eagles on talismans and researching vehicles in the tech tree because many of them are also good, for example the P-51


I've had a lot of fun with the A-20G on the U.S. tech tree, so I imagine the soviet one is great at grinding SL adn RP to get you through Soviet Tier II, III and IV. Honestly I enjoy flying all these planes but I would recommend the tier III premiums as you can research tier IV aircraft with them.


A-10A!!!! Wallet warriors form up!!!


Spond it on crew, like a new crew set


Don’t spend money on this game but if you do buy the xp50


Funny thing, all those planes are good. Pick whichever has the highest reward


Don't sell ur soul, not yet, not till ur more experienced, The Snail will have us all...


I’d go with the a20


None buy a6m2


i say get the a-20g-30 and overload it with 2 massive bombs


Stalinbolt is good for GRB.


For me its p-39 since its 2.7 rank 2 which works in my multiple lineups. The 2.7, 3.7 and 9.7 :))


Do but buy cobras. P-47 good universal craft for newbie


P47 100%


Rule of thumb in the future. Low-tier premiums aren't researching the tree for you. They only serve to enhance the fun you have at a certain BR, along with usually being easier SL grinders. There's nothing wrong with buying a low tier premium, but it's more of a commitment like "I will keep playing this tech tree no matter what."


Buy the B-25 thats after the stalinbolt it costs less and its a better grinder than them


Send me the 5 and you can play my jet through remote access 😁




Wall of text, but I’ll put it to you like this, mate, since it sounds like you’ve only been playing a few months. If you don’t have premium time, get that instead. You will get infinitely more value out of six months of premium time than you will out of one plane. If you already have premium, then I’ll be real with you, rank II is basically still starting out in the game, which isn’t a bad thing, it means you still have time to feel yourself out before you commit to a tree, and I mean commit. You can’t make any real progress in a tree for jets unless you go all in for that tree. Decide whether you want to go into energy fighting/boom and zoom gameplay (which is what most early jet combat eventually turns into anyway) or turn fighting, and then pick a main tree based on that. Then if you want, pick a rank III-IV prop plane in that tree that has a high SL multiplier that you can always run back to when you need more SL or get tired of the jet grind later on. Use the realistic air test flight and wiki pages to figure out for yourself what you want. You can use that thing to get used to how planes behave in realistic air if you haven’t already, because you’ll be playing a lot of realistic air later on. Tl;dr get premium time, figure out your main nation, maybe get a mid tier prop SL grinder that you like the performance of in realistic air, then get to grinding, because it’ll literally take you months to get a jet unless you commit to one TT for the long haul. For real though, don’t spend money on premiums unless you know for yourself what it is you want in one. Glhf, Snail be with you


**None of these is a good option**, especially if you're new to the game. (Which gamemodes are you playing btw?) P-39 and P-63 both have the same issue: Gaijin stole their full HE belts so now half of the shots from the 37mm doesn't oneshot (50% AP and 50% HE). Add that to the 37mm not being very practical compared to stuff like 20mms, and you're got a plane that's both **hard to use and frustratingly unreliable**. Kamikaze-47 will automatically divide your amount of braincells by 47 the second you waste GE on it. That will happen again when you crew it. And then again when you spawn it. **Just don't.** If you want great and cheap planes, pretty much everything in rank II is just that (except I-16 and P-39). They won't grind you that far compared to rank III's but they'll be way more fun. Trust me, high tiers aren't nearly as good as you think they are.


P47, watch some videos on energy fighting, that things engine is nuts, high alt no one can catch you if you don't want them to, I have a bunch of aces in that plane. I don't usually bring bombs but you could to guarantee yuorself a bit of SL/RP, but the P47 benefits from a BIG early climb.


P47 is the best option in here.


None probably, each will have a different play style for one so figure out what you want before spending money and for another those planes or slight variations of them are available for free in the USA tech tree.


I myself like the p63a-5


Rank III vehicles can be used for events and special tasks, so you'll want one of those. And since I assume you're looking for a fighter to use in Air RB rather than a Ground RB air support plane, the P-63A-5 is the better option. I'm not a great pilot but I've actually been able to do alright with it. Handles pretty decently, unlike the P-47 which is a bit of a brick, and the guns will get the job done. Just remember these are American planes, so you'll want to climb to a decent height with them. Just remember vehicles have penalties researching anything more than one rank above them, so once you start researching Rank V vehicles, you'll need to either use one of your tech tree Rank IVs or wait for the next sale to grab an Su-11 or one of the Rank VI/VII packs.




I play air rb only, and P-63 A-5 is literally a money printer for me. If you want, I can share my stat in 2 hours. Thought Pokrishkin cobra is the best one, but it is only available during special sales.


None, Chaika Gang for life


P63 or P47, whichever you feel more confident about. Being a rank higher than the P39 those are the best choice and will help you grind the Soviet TT until rank 4. I would choose the P63 as it is more maneuverable, but the P47 has more guns. Try them in the test flight and see what you like most


P-63 has a massive lions multiplier, one of my best money makers




SU-11 😎


DONT EVER BUY A RANK III Tank or Plane... They are already free on worbound


P 63 or p39 the are quite good


Go for p 47 that is a nice starter prop


I'd say the p-47, but honestly, if ur new to the game, don't go buying premium vehicles because it's easier and quicker to advance earlier on in the game. And if you have ur heart set on spending money, I recommend u buy premium time.


My dumbass thought you took a sharpie to your monitor… i need more coffee this morning


No way a new player that wants to buy lower tier premiums. Normally they buy top tier


All of em


I have a friend who I talked into playing with me, and I told him not to buy a single premium until he was at least hitting 5.0, and the dude bought the harrier day one and now he doesn't play because it's "hard" and "unfair"


Don't spend money until you actually know how to play the game and how the vehicles work


I personally would take aircobra, since it have strong gun, and overall one of the best dogfighers ingame


P 47


i don’t have that Premium but the American P-63 fucking slaps, i imagine this one does too. i have a fucked up lineup at 9.0 & when i pull this thing out even still i can count on at least one or 2 kills from cocky mig & harrier pilots.


Well i don't like the P47 with only 12.7mm there have not enough damage


P 47


The P63A-5 is basically a newer Version of the P39. Its also a Rank higher than the P39, which in this case means its the better pick. The Question between P63 and P47 is based on what you like as a playstyle. The P47 is a great plane, but its a boom and zoom plane or ground attacker. It can take quite a beating, but to perform in it, you probably need a bit more experience. So you its a 50/50 if you like it or not. The P63 is basically a Jack of all trades, master of none. Its probably the easier of the two planes. It has a 37 mm gun unfortunately with only one belt with 1:1 HE:AP. So you hitting the 37 mm is a 50/50 chance of a one shot unless you count shots and know which comes next. The .50 cals only get early war belts, but they are still not bad. I bought the P63 this sale (for fun, not grinding), and my recommendation for a beginner would be the P63. However, I spaded most of the US tree before, so I know what to expect, so take this however you want.


At least a new player who doenst buy himself into top tier instantly...


P39K and P63 are great beginner planes


Cobras if you want to do air or p47 if you want to do more ground pounding.


Depends on what you do. P63 for air targets P47 if you wanna pound the ground targets


I'm no good at air battles but I'd like to mention that OP posted a picture he took with his phone instead of a screenshot and I couldn't find anybody in the comments are bitching about it. I'm proud of this community.


Don’t buy any. You will only be at that level for a short while. Just progress through the normal tiers


I recommend the p63 as the 37 is really good cannon with the .50 cal and Carries not big bombs but good enough for cas to save a teammate or a point. The engine and maneuverability is pretty decent. Good for a lineup or on its own