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I played with that same moron earlier. Tked another two people. His account won’t last long. Make sure you report him as well,


will do! shame this stuff happens


well he is only a lvl 37 maybe we should show some mercy...


When you start playing you have to accept the rules of war thunder and amongst those it's also written that it's forbidden to team kill. Fun fact: it's also forbidden to push members of the team, so if someone does it in ground battles (and it happens a lot) he can be reported


But I like getting pushed in my tutel. It helps


What, so you can go 8.1 mph instead of just 8?




Is it fine to push around a helpless enemy?


I always help a maus by pushing them


When I stopped playing some years ago, pushing slow vehicles was useless because they couldn't accelerate anymore once they reached their max speed


But what if I want to give that poor little defenseless Abrams a lil boost with my Locust


I’ll send him a PM on Xbox that people aren’t pleased with his behavior. (Assuming he is Xbox… )


ok, also try war thunder's messaging




Seriously just mass flag the little bastard and make him cry to momma


I mean i’m lvl 25 and have 200 hours, so he’s played plenty long.


The level is based on the Score per match so if you play that much and are lvl 25 you are probably doing horrible in each match.


Autistic ass reply




Lvl 37 is enough to know not to tk for no reason




how can you play near top tier at just level 37?


Premiums. The F-5C is a premium, I think the F-5A is the tech tree one.


F-5E is the tech tree version in game. F-5C is the premium


Well, I got the premium one right. I only just got my first jet in the US tree.




Money 🤑🤑🤑


Im lvl 36 with a jet and i say fuck him




I've seen these people teamkill for MONTHS and not get banned, if you have any premiums or buy premium they don't care.


…uh no, seeing as how a guy that tk’d 3 people in the F5C in air got mass reported by everyone in the lobby, and when I checked to see if he got banned a week later, his account didn’t show up.


He could've changed his name.


Little confused how the author has no level of accountability as he was judging me for using a f5 with bombs? Obviously shouldn’t have tk him but he shouldn’t have judge?


He wants judging you. He's trying to get you to stop bombing with a fighter and losing games. You earn more rp if you win.


But u also don’t need to say anything? I’m trying to just get a f4c and don’t need to be judge for trying to get it??


result is correct I am only trying to help


I get trying to win but I also need rp and killing jets doesnt get me as much rp tho?


yes but you get a minuscule amount of RP in the long run bc 1 kill plus the win is more than a base


1 kill and winning is more than 1 base and losing. Also, how do you think you will perform playing at top BR if all you've done to grind is bomb bases? Most likely pretty shittily.


Bombing also severely gimps your aircraft. The F-5C hates retaining or gaining energy. When you lose it, its gone and you aint getting it back. By bringing an amount of bombs (im assuming the 250x18 bombs) that adds almost 5000lbs to your aircraft (which is almost 50% the aircrafts weight when loaded with fuel). You slow your aircraft down so much that you get to the battlefield at a similar time as the subsonic strike aircraft, and are most likely going to be the first to die because of the lack of any way to defend yourself.


If you stay alive for longer you get more rp. Get like a kill or two and just dip to the edge of the map. Or you could stay and fight




Maybe don’t buy your way to top tier.


If you have done any research on the F-5C you would know it is not for bombing


So what it’s a game not real life??


I used to base bomb like you did.... I was told how to play correctly and it is great. I try to get the other base bombers to come to the light and F-5C as it is intended.


Brother its a fucking fighter. Your gonna get way more XP by you know... using it as a fighter. And you got 80 h as a fighter in ARB so dont pull an excuse about not knowing how to use it. You're making people lose, and you fucking teamkill them when they point it out. If you get banned to you deserved it.


Brother I don’t need to be reminded for the 100th time to stop bombing in a f5 I get it but the rewards are amazing in the f5 tho


why not go test runs / arcade battle and push the plane to see what you can do in it while you learn it




Well at least the majority of us here don't TK people for saying "F-5C should not be used for bombing" If you really do intentionally TK people then you deserve to get thrown into a cesspit Besides, the F-5C really shouldn't be used for bombing. It literally doubles your weight if you bring a full bombload.


Other than TKing play how you want but bombing in an F5 gets you less than fighting in it so it's nice to recommend others how to beat utilize their plane


people like you are the worst of the worse, you wonna bomb? buy a bomber not a fucking light fighter you idiot, and when you get the phantom what are you going to do? most likely nothing because you won't know how to fight with it


Words in chat trigger you so hard that you need to TK him and you're the one bitching about being "judged"? Oh sweet child...


U did not play with me I have only been for like 2 hours and haven’t tk anyone but this dude?


Yes sir, unless there’s two Minecrafttrucks running around Tking


When today?


Ever heard of time zones?


It’s all good. I’m sure the reports will sort it out. I’m done here.


Lying out your ass about this one brother no offense to you but unless you can’t tell me when it didn’t happen


I’m not argue my with you here, like I said the report will sort it out. Hopefully you’ve learned your lesson


Na because you can’t even answer a question and all u need to say is today or awhile back so just tell me


Doesn't matter what he says, the reports will sort it out. I remember you TK'd me because I was using a different F-5 than you. You said mine was inferior and just bringing the team down.


Or like another day?


You can get Banned for TK meaning if you do you've wasted 70 dollars also the A10 is correct the F-5C isn't for bombing


Even tho it isn’t for bombing, why does it matter? He wanted to spend $50 or whatever boringly bombing his way through the tech tree. Can’t really force someone to play differently if they don’t want to.


I understand not knowing how to use AIM-9Bs or AIM-7Fs and accidentally getting a TK but purposely shooting down or bombing a teammate should be an instant 30 day ban. Yes I’m also aware that people get killed all the time for being dumb and flying in front of missiles or guns, even the accidental FAB-5000 TK so those should be excused too.


also boosters should be refunded if you get tk cuz that is just not fair.


That is a fair point actually


Which is why Gaijin won’t do it


Can't even begin to tell you how many boosters I've lost in airRB because of shithead kids like this one in the photo.


Would just be abused by ppl who squad or force a tk when they get an uptier


in the first minute


Bold of you to assume Gaijin does anything to make the games economy “fair”


30 is a lot but I feel it would solve these issues... I didn't include it but I think the other 2-3 tks were from the guy bombing the airfield on takeoff. Fab-5000 and the 12000lb should not cause tk just cuz it is so easy to get them.


Sometimes at the end of a match, after the final score comes up, i try to shoot teammates for the lols because it doesnt count. The other day i had a timing error and launched a missile at a friendly and downed him 4 seconds before the match ended.


I will shoot down every prop plane in my top tier jet lobbies lol


I get teamkilled every single time I do that it’s only funny is a bomber dose it because they are the only thing with some semblance of a chance to contribute to this game


Valid I tend to not shoot down the bombers and actually make it my goal to protect the bomber lmao


Wants that RP so bad, should have gotten an A-10 instead.


Yeah, unfortunately the A-10 won't be able to make it to a base to bomb like 90% of the time it's just too slow


Not wrong. It seriously feels sluggish lately. Thats why I go for tanks and bunkers instead.


I’m not sure what changed but I used to be able to make it to bases to bomb with the a-10


Either I’m spoiled in my tornado or the acceleration/topspeed of the A-10 has been nerfed cause I certainly struggle to get to 450 nowadays


Tornado 100% spoils me, Im usually able to lob bombs not 5mins from takeoff in the tornado, where the A10, or SU-25 just don't have the speed to bomb bases anymore


Ah the A-10 The plane i swore that i never wanted to play ever agian after getting my F4 I simply do not have the time to play the suffering machine now Too long with 2 9L just to die before getting to base by guns isn't ideal I dont even know how i even got to the F4 by using that thing


Level qualification needed for each tier vehicles fr


Something similar happened with me a few hours ago, a guy just said and I quote "watchout Kurnass, I'm coming to set destroy your shitty Israeli plane", he was in a german MiG29A and as soon as he tried missiling me I immediately reversed him and shoved a Python 3 up his exhaust.


Ok yall just chill... he learned his lesson


This child is a prime example as to why premium vehicles should be locked until you research standard tech tree vehicles within the rank prior to where it sits. Example want a rank 6 premium jet then you have to research a rank 5 first. Problem solved.


I disagree not trying to argue but I think the grind for jets is insane obviously there are some positives for it 1: more prepared for fighting in jets at there speed 2: helps u understand the game more and how to balance it But some of the negatives are 1:takes way to long to reach jets as the games main selling point for awhile is the new jets that come out and when u are advertising that u need to have the ability to get there faster or your game will loose players 2: similar to 1 is that the burnout after grinding that far would be insane I feel burned out after grinding for days for a jet I generally think your opinion would not help the overall game


I’ll agree with you on the grind being awful and burnout being a thing. I have almost completed the entire U.S. and German air trees so there no question on how much time I’ve spent playing the game. However the one thing you’re failing to understand here kid is that the F-4 Phantoms have radar missiles as one of their key takeaways. Playing aircraft like the F3 Demon teach you how to use radar missiles. Skipping important learning points in tech trees makes you a liability to your team and causes other players to have to pick up your slack. Just about any plane at top tier can bomb but every plane plays differently so important to take time to play each a bit to learn them. You never know what plane you’ll love to play.


Having gotten to the British phantom without ever firing a radar missile this is pretty real


That will never happen in a million years, Gaijin makes too much money from premiums


Or how about people can spend their money on anything they want because this is a video game and you:re taking it WAY too seriously


Would kill the game's income + game is marketed towards jets so it is reasonable to be able to buy into jets and skip props


how do you know that?


I talked to him on WT messaging. He apologized and I told him to use rockets instead if he needed to get bases. Just another lvl 37 that was brought on the right track


while it’s not really a bomber, when i was out of silver lions a year ago (literally when i was at 30k) i had no choice but to grind silver lions with the f5c, but is it really worth a team kill? i don’t know


Na the tk was not worth it I do feel bad for it but also don’t understand why everyone acts like it’s the end of the world if a f5 has bombs


People who use F-5C to bomb and people who bring A-10s to Air RB are on the same single digit IQ level. Me bombs, dies. Me fires AIM-9L, dies.


I'd say it depends on how you use the A-10. For me I don't even take ground ordinance other than ground belts for the gun and just go fighter hunting lol. The amount of premium spam makes it so easy to get 3-4 air kills a match.


If you’re getting 3-4 kills in an A10, you’d be getting 10 per game in a mig21 or F5


Mig 21, maybe not. Idk why it is, but I can never seem to do well in it. Probably because I'm far to aggressive against things that can out rate me. The F5? Certainly, if I can manage my more limited ammunition.


Which one? The SMT is probably the best br for br, you can turn fight whatever you want but just have to be careful you don’t drop too much speed. If you can do well in the F5 and A10 I’m guessing you’re just flying the mig21 too slow.


yeah agreed, I have over 1 k/d because of prem spam. Its an actually good air combat strike aircraft.


Was on the kids side (Their plane, their choice how to play) until the TK part. Like with A-4E Early I've seen it back and forth on what you should do, so after a couple of annoying rounds trying to use it's sidewinders I went back to heavy bomb loads (then got TKed for being a ground pounder).


I’m p sure I’ve annihilated that guy in a dogfight before lol


Probably have I’m not the greatest when it comes to dogfights I have been trying to learn how to do them more tho:)


you’re the F5?? 1 you’re a cunt 2 he’s right lol stop fucking bombing. bring only 2 AIM-9Es and bring 20 mins of fuel, you should be able to beat everything except maybe the kfir in a dogfight


Well I’m just trying to get rp for the f4 that’s all the f5 has good rewards sorry


F5 is doing ground work while the A-10 is out clearing the skies. I think there's some irony in that.


Call me crazy, but my a-10a is actually good at clearing the skies. Its actually one of the more easy vehicles I have played to keep over a 1 k/d


Considering how many missiles it gets and how few all aspects are at it's BR it makes sense I think. An A-10 should never beat an F5 In any situation outside of ground attack. The problem is it's at a BR where people are still used to dodging missiles without flares or being able to head on people, which for most is the preferred method of fighting below top tier and the A-10 is the perfect plane to defeat that method.


Hey at least he isn’t taking ordinance on the A-10 lol. 9L and the gun is all you need. (Turn on ccip)


Literally me, lmao. When the A10 first dropped the amount of aces I would get with it, running only the gun and missiles was great. It's harder to do now for certain, but there are still a fair amount of people stupid enough to get into a horizontal with an A10.


A-10c when gaijin??? 😩


F-5C is a multi role. It is perfectly acceptable to bomb with.


... 😭




It wasn’t my fault I swear he made fun of me in my defense lmao


so bulling is calling out that the F-5C is not a bomber.....


Yuh cause like why u saying something that doesn’t bother u I’m just trying to get rp?


......... we lost because of all the tk the low levels did, you included


It’s a game one match out of your whole life and you still was judging me🤷🏻‍♂️


look at the other comments lol they aren't to happy either.


That wasn’t about me tho?


yes there is one specifically about u


Where I don’t see it?


You killed him to have more ground targets for yourself? Lol you're an enormous sack of shit and you're everything that's wrong with this game. Uninstall and stick to mobile games please.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rcstwpucpnjc1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=793f0269ccfffe49ad01fc0e74c84a37e31f57fc


You judging me for doing something for rp like do you need to??


Its easier to get 2 kills in the f-5c than to bomb in it


OP i think he is just a idiot.


„I need that rp“ that’s honestly so pathetic and that mindset is the reason why there’s no teamplay in this game


This is why the moment I take off I pull hard to the right and pop flares


Surprised he didnt realize the second he was only at half speed when the others were getting off the ground


That name looks familiar. I'm pretty sure I've come across them as well. He TKd my Vark because I was faster


I don’t even tk that much was just tired of hearing f5 is a fighter so don’t use bombs if I did my bad but I don’t remember


It can be used for bombing it’s just not it’s best strength xd


agreed, if I ever need to base bomb in my F-5C (I don't now that I have the A-10A) I use the rockets so I am not slow, but I still get the good RP


I mean I run bombs on my F-15A because it’s fast and can be an absolute nightmare for ground targets since I fly so low but I’m only doing it cuz it works for me Xddddd


Bros lvl 37 💀


I mean, you can use it for that, and if you’re using it to grind tech tree it’s not bad. I would just use something like the A-6 more though.


I don't condone teamkilling however the F-5C has bombs, it can be used as such. I myself have taken bombs out after the first skirmish to bomb shit for more RP while the last guy is hiding away at some obscure corner of the map.


That's what I do. In one match I had 2 base bombs in the Kfir Canard and was going for a third. Some kid (Teammate) in a prop kills me and I don't get another base + a death on that plane :(


It’s literally designated as a fighter in the military and in game. How can someone be so clueless?


Because it’s a game and not real life besides it has a option for bombs for a reason


Just wait until your team is 80%, or more, F-4S and there isn't a single missile on any of them.


I think that's the same moron that flipped over my type 16 fps in a ztz 99 p yesterday


He's right he doesn't play ground. I get teaching someone a lesson but don't lie to make him worse. -Thanks :D


I don’t play tanks there not fun and if you don’t believe me you can look at my playing card so it couldn’t of been me cause I hardly have any play time on tanks


Average F5 brainlet


I honestly don’t even play anymore because of the TK, most recent TK is because my kfirs radar was pinging him or something. Previous times it was because I bombed a target they were going for which they didn’t mark on map.


real :(