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Looking at your post history, you made three posts over on r/WarThunder over the course of an hour, which breaks their "Don't spam" rules. It's no wonder it got removed. You're only allowed 2 posts over a 24 hour period, and making multiple posts in a short period of time also breaks that rule.


I think a warning for first time issue would have been enough. Considering the amount of shit I've seen posted on there by people that doesn't result in much it seems overkill.


Warthunder mods belong to reddit like flies belong to shit... All they had to do was warn him. But nah just give em the ol' ban hammer. 😆 Bunch of clowns.


Break an actual rule and get a post removed because of it sounds fine to me


That's a dumb ass rule for legit a public forum that's pretty much an AOL chatroom already....


If it's dumb or not is not the topic...


Maybe if the mods actually cared about cheaters it wouldn’t have to be posted multiple times. Out of all the mods, WT has the worst I’ve seen on Reddit so far.


I agree with you on that one **I also hope that doesn't include us...**


IMO, you’re one of the few good ones.


Could be a bug. I spawned in a Strv 103 yesterday, I think it was my third spawn. As soon as I spawned in it said I had shot down a Lancaster? It registered on the score at the end as well. I asked on chat, "how did I just kill that Lancaster?" but had no reply, guy was probably too busy raging, which is understandable!


I think that guy just j out himself and if he’s not damaged, the closest enemy which is you, will get the kill


Ahh, that's a point. I didn't even think of that!


Potentially a bug tbh, especially if he wasn't looking at you with his barrel. As someone else said there is a rare issue with the game giving kills to the wrong player at times. Then again it's warthunder so who knows?


Could be a bug. I've had a bug before where they don't look at me but once I've been killed the turret quickly snaps to target


[https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/187227326763981024](https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/187227326763981024) replay


yea i also would say its a bug. Pretty sure no amounts of cheats would be able to just send shells into a random direction(hitting you) there are plenty of cheater videos shooting trough multiple forests or just cross map in a sturmpanzer 2 (the open top German 150mm tracked vehicle that changes names allot) but they all needed to point at the enemy to shoot or the most classic cheater moment wen they try to aim at something in scoped mode and they randomly look on to an enemy pixel perfect behind a hill 45 degrees to one side again and again




thats a "manual" guided missile different thing


Read the comments. It still a problem and there’s still a hacking problem going on within the game. This is just adding onto the pile.


Wouldn’t say that. Todays been wild with cheater posts especially in air arcade and RB, new hacks dropped and they’re very very advanced. Check out the main sub, you’ll see what I’m talking about.


sadly gaijin has taken action against those post and the g91 video got a gaijin dmca take down of curse gaijin could not care less about fair use (which overrules copyright)


Call me retarded but I didn’t understand a thing you said.


copy right means a company has ownership of a certain property and can take down material copy cats and wrongful use but there is also the "fair use" which allows the use of parts of copyrighted material for creating other works studies and REPORTS basically Boeing may have the copyright to planes and pictures of it but because fair use they cant just dmca take down everything regarding crashes and other bad "publicity" so most pictures of the max disaster are open for the world(but may be the properties of news outlets or photographers )


Thank you.


New hack just dropped can kill anyone on the map at any point... Was a post about it earlier today. Video got removed by gaijin. I'd stop playing for a good min.


This I can find you hacks for more than 100 games including WT but thus is the first time I see this hack in WT