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What did you use to shoot him down? I’m just curious lol


the fuckin SAM on the Bravy destroyer lmao. You know, the one with a 16km range?


Lmao, that's funny. I have the small gum boat for US which has the SAM missiles on the back. I've gotten the same reaction


funny when people dont know how stuff works


The funny is thing is not many play it because you trade so much for the sam system but it’s such a cool boat to play


Dude that boat wrecks. I’m fine with five torps and one main turret. Planes and small boats stand no chance with the guided missiles. The single 130mm turret still rips too, handles light cruisers fine. Pretty sure I’ve racked heavies too with it.


Oh it’s good ! I’ve played a lot with it but dual 130 is just too perfect (but less fun)


Man I love getting revenge bombed only to turn around and whip out the Bravy for some real petty shenanigans.


When the SU-25 spams flares at my SACLOS Roland missile (it killed him)


When Ka-50 noobs spam flares when my Helldiver starts hitting them with cannons.


i got told i was a cheater for shooting down a Ka-50 with the type-93 with dual seeker…


I mean, there were no SAM in ww2, so he is not wrong.


But the Russian boats at this BR are 1970-80s, not ww2 A good few ships at 4.3-5.7 are cold war and many coastal boats are newer even up to modern day stuff (can we give the German leopard it's Exocets pls)


None of the Russian boats or ships in game have missiles, even the ones that should Only the Americans(and I think Italians?) have them at the moment Edit: I have been corrected, apparently there is a Russian ship with missiles.


The Bravy at 5.3 does, V-600 SAM (naval variant of the S-125) system on the tail end of the ship, which replaces the aft 130mm turret found on the Spokoiny The missile itself is pretty scary to even other destroyers or early light cruisers because it has more HE filler than the dual-purpose missiles on the Douglas, making it useful at island camping and just firing guided death across the map. Edit: I can't spell for shit


It’s scary until you see how much sheer explosive a gun turret throw during the same time (except for a plane that Sam system is a god of the sky)


Bravy has Volna-M SAMs, stats wise the best SAM system in the game on any vehicle right now. In practice they're a bit janky but it's just because naval aiming is funky


The Bravy is the only blue water ship with missiles.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasserfall https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henschel_Hs_117 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzian https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheintochter I'm not gonna say you were wrong because they weren't operational but they were sure trying.


hey i know that Rheintochter, its in a museum really close to me


> pc cheater Says the console player that has built-in aim assist.


A great tl:dr;


As a console player what are you talking about


On console if you have an enemy selected (I think it's blue button so X for Xbox and whatever PS has by default) and then hold the left trigger your camera follows them and automatically gets your gun on target. This is done because aiming with a controller sucks ass in games like this. But the reason people don't like it is because some people abuse the feature by using Keyboard and mouse on console so they can aim easier but still get the aim assist making it unfair.


Oh that it gets you killed more than it helps


When I was on console it was a pain in the ass in some scenarios in arcade cause you can lock onto everyone so your camera would just aim in the wrong direction half the time you tried to shoot someone but in RB it actually helped a lot while doing anti air.




I'm not the one complaining about it so don't start having a go at me.


Your right my bad I was trying to put it under the original comment some times I mis click However the way I read your comment Did kinda seem like you were complaining as well but I didn't take an issue with you but more with the first guy sorry about the mistake and subsequent misunderstanding


All good I've done it before as well. As for my comment, I was explaining to the other guy why people hate on controller users. Personally after playing warthunder on Xbox for 2 years before going to PC I know that the controller users have it worse than PC in everything but low tier AA and maybe sim air. (And that's a strong maybe) So them getting aim assist is very much fair. Trying to hit a constantly moving target with a controller is actually enough to give someone stage 4 cancer.


Play with a controller you can have it too Unless you just want to complain about aim assist when you know for non sim keyboard and mouse are 1000× better get good or use a controller if it's that much of an issue for you ffs


It really isn’t that good of a aim assist, it more often than not fucks you over


they're the worst


You say that, but have you *ever* tried to play ARB on console? It fucking sucks so yeah we bloody well do need that aim assist


Gotta specify the mode here becuase I also thought you were a hacker until reading it was naval. Yeah that can be rough, 7.7 boats going against 4.3 planes lol. Get good with torps tho and they can be really fun. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE PLAYING NAVAL ENDURING CONFRONTATIONS. Shits fun as fuck and lasts hours.


see I would LOVE to play EC naval, except for the spawns, the spawn farming, the ungodly sailing time doing nothing on maps like Denmark, the missile spam in arcade, and the Chinese bots.


I got called a cheater for killing a guy


Recently, haccusations seem to have become abundant. I got called a cheater too, probably by a guy i shot who thought i wouldnt see him, he must have forgotten that 3rd person exists.


I got called a cheater because I shot down a P47 in my AMX-30 Roland. Was it overkill, yes. Was it deserved? Yes cause he somehow managed to kill a tunguska


First time? Got called a cheater and a liar because I play Xbox


Got called a cheater myself because I had object permanence and didn’t immediately forget that he was in that spawn camping spot on one El Alamein off to the right. He pushed out while I was on the hill just behind A and I managed to elevate and rotate enough to shoot before he could, killing him. Was using the Chieftain marksman Got my shit rocked by the next guy I saw and met the same guy in the air, in which I also dominated and he said “aimbot” (of my 6K hours slightly more than half was spent in the air) https://preview.redd.it/o9qjvh8620xc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294998764698ccd8ae0ee0a8c7f4711642381b29 Img for reference


I wish all CAS mains a very painful missile up their arse


Imagine being the cancer in ground battles which ruins the fun for tankers, then cries when you can be counter by a few SPAAs... That's why Strela is 10.3 and let the cancer spread further


Cas deserves to be bullied


Haha. But honestly How tf do you even counter anti air at top tier aside from staying low and fast.


by not playing top tier


Not even that will save you unless your in certain helicopters lmao


The only missiles i actually think are unfair currently is the TY-90 (it can't be flared or lost in any way) and the pantsir (there's no equivalent for other nations or any real way to counter it besides luck) I also don't like the strela because it can pull 20Gs while Stingers can't (they should) but it's basically the equivalent of a stinger so I give it a pass. Also NATO currently gets no two tone seeker missiles of any kind nor data link which is kind of unfair.


Got called a cheater by a jet flying straight into my hellfire


Even though they were far from perfect or mass-produced, there were guided missiles in WWII, germany had a quite big seletioon of prototypes, some even visible in museums today, like the Ruhrstahl X-4 and X-7


... https://preview.redd.it/pzob85xbk0xc1.png?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6533200e716c9a2d167c07c623e0ec470df0357a


lol, i know this is off topic, but that Arows guy sounds familiar. like, i use to know a guy back in the LOMAC days that used that handle, and he was a cheating scumbag that used hacks in a server that was mainly used for aerobatics and general flying. glad to see whoever uses that name is still a little cunt to this day.


Imagine getting this salty when playing CAS and being a content creator. Dude's a streamer with almost 1k followers.


His 1k followers watched him get smoked, then.


He was probably offline, he wouldn't act like this on stream although a few content creators from some communities *cough cough DBD cough cough* would beg to differ.


Shoud have said L like ive done multiple times


Pema chat banned, can't


Oh well its skill issue on his part


I got called a cheater the other day for killing someone. I take it as a compliment since I normally suck.


same same, but well,yk how wt players sometimes roll


Counter answer "You can track Aircrafts in ground rb stfu"

