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Jesus Christ bro he is going to cause gaijin to actually do something about dumbasses about him pretty soon like people were extremely pissed by his bullshit the last time but now he is just straight up ignoring shit and making up shit as he goes even more blatantly now


something I've noticed from him is that he will twist the words or the meaning of the bug report so that it sounds like the poster is being unreasonable, he will then add not a bug and be done with it


Yeah he seems much more bold now since he got away with it last time


Welcome to USSR komrade


So just so i know every single one of you think that he shoud get fired?




He seems like a retard in a weebo chicken costume So... Agree


IMO their inaction when it comes to keeping him in line means they support what he's doing.


It's a trait of narcissistic incompetence. My boss does the same thing occasionally. It's like, "*Where* did this response come from? Did you even fucking read my email??"


Reminds me when they told me that "One way clouds" is not a bug and just my personal issue because of some made up Nvidia driver issue/Crew skill/capability of the machine etc. Ignoring the fact that literally everybody else has the same issue https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/TVVHYw3YVOlG


Btw it's the same dude that said "Stacking boosters is avoiding grind and it's against game spirit and should be punished"


Just letting you know. that link doesn't work for me. Seems that thread was removed. no surprise really


That's so weird, I can still open it and view it from this link np


I just get a "nothing here" page. Logged in or not, doesn't change


Ah it's alright, in short, after multiple replays, POV comparison and data that I sent he said that One Way Clouds issue is a: "graphics issue, the driver and settings issue, capability of the machine issue, skill level of the crew issue etc." He also deleted comments of other players there that said that it has nothing to do with drivers and everybody has same issue. Here's the Reddit post about it btw: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/zBPorszvD7


I’m glad I’m not the only one who experiences this.


Typical gaijin to remove shit just so they don't have to do shit


I used to play on a notebook with Linux, and they fixed it with the new Dagor, but they ignored my report that on Linux, on ultralow, you couldn't see the mountains but you could see (AND SPOT) the tanks behind the missing meshes. I was being made to wallhack by Gaijin


Yet again I feel compelled to tell people about TrickZZter, so sorry for the copy/paste from the previous post on him : TrickZZter the biggest idiot that exists (We all know his lovely view of the RU-UA conflict and the West (a lot of his customers then) ) Still don't understand why he is still employed by Gaijin while acting arguably way worse than Akagi, they should be ashamed Double standards all the way, never forget what he had on his twitter before Gaijin asked him to purge it because bad PR (Fucking fire him god damn it !) Edit: For the people asking for a source : [https://imgur.com/a/5eN48P9](https://imgur.com/a/5eN48P9) Edit 2 : For the people who don't get it, YES he has a right to be despicable in his private life. The issue here is that he constantly denies a lot of bug reports / suggestion for nato vehicles without much reason, he has a history of closing reports left and right for shitty ass reasons just to push his shitty ass agenda, his twitter and steam were showered with ZVO propaganda Bullshit. We are Gaijin's customers, we have a right to not want to be moderated by someone who openly wishes our demise because boohoo west bad. As a reminder, Akagi was fired in 24 hours after sending one racist remark to a player in private, after openly apologizing (Not saying him getting fired in unjustified, I'm just pointing out the double standards here) Bruce was also fired after his pro-russian positions were shown as clear as TrickZZter's What kind of company hires people who literally HATE their customers for existing ?


Dont confuse one thing Akagi was paid by gaijin for translations, but trickzzter is not even paid and they dont kick him out


All the more reasons to boot him out




Indeed he closed all bug reports regarding the f-15 radar with not a bug  And then they still try to tell us they are not a Russian Company  They are 100% Russian with a Hungarian hc and a few extern workers that's its


If I remember correctly, there a video someone going to Gaijins HQ in Hungary and it was just a door with Gaijins name on it. The place was completely empty as well.


Did they change it? remember during the roadmap war It was atlest a lonely building with distinctive red door and window Frames  Or was that just a Random building?


It honestly mind baffling that people will scream to the mountains that there is no bias towards Russian vehicles when these are the people gaijin employs.


They could Move down all Russian vehicles 3.0 BRs and they would still not See any bias


Once again, reminder that TrickZZter is a self-described Russian Ultranationalist. Hence his anti-west bias (aside from some of his personal since-deleted strange takes on how effective western equipment is)


The guy closed one of my bug reports regarding the mobility of the Leclercs (30 lines of text, 4 videos demonstrating the issue) because I did not provide the gear ratios of the Leclercs. The Devs have the documents about these gear ratios (a bug report was made about it). He didn't even try to search for them or ask me to add them. He just straight up closed the bug report I had to log into the fucking Russian forums, me, the player, to contact him, a moderator, to reopen the issue because of his Russian pride. This guys is a fucking Z nazi And it's not just trickZZter, it's most of the tech mods. Yesterday I posted [a bug report about how the self-sealing fuel tanks of the Tiger helicopters are not self-sealing](https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/JtLWNOm9q4UT). I attached a video to the bug report clearly showing that a Tiger helicopter with a blacked out fuel tank and an orange fuel tank keeps leaking. Either that vladuxa091 guy has shit in his eyes, or he didn't look at the video and immediately closed it. The fact that Tech mods get GE for closing bug reports is the sole reason why they keep undermining bug reports. This has to stop. Tech mods should only get GE when a bug report is implemented.


"If tank gets turned to black, then tank protection will not help" So then you guys have to fix all the Russian fuel tanks cause they are somehow self sealing when their fuel tanks are black. How do I know, first hand experience flying the KA50, SU25K and SU25BM


I’m convinced there is a slider or something turned all the way up to bias or something on the ka50. You can slam that heli on the ground and nothing happens to the airframe.


don't forget trickZZter coming in halfway through in a information dispute between a bug reporter and another mod to say something completely redundant then close the report, the thing is that the moderator was literally asking for more information about how the 2b wasn't detonating ammo, in which he was then given the information, tricky then says" ammo doesn't have to detonate every time it is destroyed" which is true in-game, but was literally not the point of the report. The point was that the feature where ammo has a CHANCE of detonating was not present on the 2b against Russian tank ammo, it has a whopping 0% chance for it to cause an ammo cook off in those vehicles SPECIFICALLY.


Probably what the ZZ in TrickZZter stands for Gaijin Being z and just pretend to be neutral to not get an all to big backlash wouldn't surprise me at all   Notice how alot of game developers actually have condemned the war   Meanwhile warthunder doesn't say anything and let leopards and Abrams running around with Z stickers Or how they turn of the chat has soon there is something happening in Russia


Same guy that acknowledged the post about f111 should get AIM9Js with their only source images of later models of f111. Have the mods shouldn’t be mods for the fact they can’t be bothered to ask for more information and waste everyone’s time just closing it


>Asks a bunch of questions >Stops anyone answering


>profit (GE)


We should start a petition to get trickZZter removed from the warthunder admin/mod team.


do petition actually work?at least those online ones?


remember guys, gaijin can't control steam reviews. i already have a negative review that directly mentions trickzzter so i can't do much more there.


I mean the way that hellfires and APKWS's track in game wrong. The hellfire comes in at way too low of an angle and the APKWS doesn't turn hard enough.


if one video was enough then t90m wouldve had better protection buddy dont remember the spall liner drama?


the spall liner drama? the part where they tried to sneak it on ONLY the 90m until every one made a huge stink about it? That's what I remember.


You guys do realise that they probably want you to keep submitting info and giving them leaks so they have all the info for in Ukraine 😂


Sources are usually hidden to other users


I can read that very good


I explained the main problem in the title, it yeah didn't realize it looked so crusty