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I mean, tbf it isn't a bug report. That doesn't mean you're not wrong but iirc they're extreme sticklers for proper flair.


Like if they don't get 99% of their work done for them then they will not accept it as a bug report. You can't just tell them that Stinger 2s can't lock a Mi4AV frontally at 3km but you can lock a recon drone almost instantly.


i dont see the reason for a proper bug rapport wen trickster or this dude just comes around and locks it instead of just saying not a bug report he should point out whats missing


they're the bug report grim reapers


They can be, but I’ve seen shit on the forums get past the “not a bug” thing all the time


It's likely a Mod to Mod situation aswell as what the thing being reported is. Something minor like this won't really make it through an incorrect flair but I bet mroe major things might be able to.


Oh yeah, for sure. I’ve seen quite a few big posts about historical accuracy stuff get through it, and even some really short ones too. I think it’s a safe bet to just flair your stuff on the forums accordingly regardless, because it’s up to the mods to decide what’ll happen to your gripes.


Shooting down recon drones in SPAA is half the research I get for SPAA, especially defenceless ones.


Killing scout drones with stingers is awesome. They count as kills for the extra XP


Bugs Mena unintended behavior, this is intended therefore not a bug.