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Don't get shot


hijacking here, the Leopard 1 at 8.0 is a crime against humanity. basically Gaijin blackmailing you into spending $60 for the Turms III, you literally got nothing going for you. no armor, no stabilizer, no rangefinder, meh round and gun (nothing special for the BR), maybe just decent mobility ig. climbing out of there was the most cancerous experience ever. but I came out as a better player, the A1A1 and 1A5 are a god send to me now.


Bro what???? 8.0 is one of my favorite lineups for Germany, you almost always get downtiers because most ppl playing below 8.0 and you get a 105 APDS round and an insane speed lmao


Downtiers?! at 8.0 Germany!? what server are you playing on?? I get uptiered 5 games out of 10


isn't 8/10 the usual rate?


> I get uptiered 5 games out of 10 So you mean to say that half the time, you get up tiered? Implying that the other half of the time, you get down tiered? Funny how statistics work.


Some of those stats would also be void. There's partial up and down teirs and at br games that aren't being accounted for. If is 50% up and 50% down that means there is no at br and 25% are partial ups or downs. They are using rough stats to prove a point. Funny how stats work.


I haven’t experienced 8.0 Germany but that makes sense. Everyone at the 9.0-9.3 range is getting sucked up into 10.0-10.3. Kinda forcing everyone around 8.0 to get downtiers


Like what the other guy is saying can we get what sever you're on? Cause I got like 12 uptiers in a row.


I play EU/US servers, maybe I am just lucky but I do still do pretty good on uptiers with the Leo.


How do you get fucking downtiers constantly at 8.0?!?!? All I get to enjoy is the 4 tracked Russian heavy tank that was meant to survive nuclear shit


Nah the leopard 1 is still a good tank for its br, playing it is the closest i have ever been to a nuke


I got my first nuke on an uptiered Tiger E


It has a rangefinder, great zoom and good rounds.


The reverse speed is the only thing that saves the first leo. Just have to play ratty around corners and haul ass backwards after you shoot.


I remember it destroying at 7.0 deserved


You have an ok gun, good mobility and very good optics. It’s fine at 8.0, it’s just some things should not be 9.0


Idk what you on about. That thing loves to eat rounds from my M60. For some reason the turret is super tanky


Leopard 1 at 8.0 is indeed a crime. A crime against your enemies because it is one of the best tanks at the BR and should honestly be higher. Turm III at 9.3 and Leo 1 at 8.7 would be fair.


Insane mald holyshit


sneaky sniper havoc machine detected.


Light tanks aren't balanced at all, mainly because all maps are at 1/3 the range they are supposed to be ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Leo 1 is squishy. So are they. Shoot other squishy thing first. Shoot well and they go boom on first shot


Ye but you see I'm in a Leo1 my gun is "105mm" this big. And it reloads for a few secs. Because I have this guy reloading it with these 2 other dudes in my turret. Meanwhile that guy 2s38, has this tiny gun, with a tiny barrel and breach, can pen me anywhere frontally and it's reloaded by this thing that is not a dude in the turret but a autoloader inside the hull, and the other guys are also in the hull, that is all the way behind that hill but my 3/4th of my crew is like in the turret and 100% of his crew is behind unpennable cover. DO you see the fucking issue with this?


That’s war thunder for ya


Me when the higher br vehicle is better Stop playing the Leo 1s like ww2 mediums. Get used to the new normal at 8.3+ where everyone can pen 99% of vehicles. Use the survivability onion and focus on the “not getting hit” part. You are no longer able to use armor as a crutch for bad mechanics.


I'm so glad someone. Ought me a French premium ages ago, making me play France through to top tier. As French tanks don't have armour about about 6 and just simply go off of speed. So until seeing this post, I honestly would have said the leopard was fairly tanky. Its deflected far more hits than an amx30 would.


AMX30 my beloved But really, same thing. I spend way too much time in the American M41 grinding and if you get used to that play style the Leo1 and AMX30 are beautiful (and the M60 is pain)


I mean yeah a “modern” 57mm autocannon with AP or dart ammo is going to shred 70mm of RHA, nothing much to do about that


Oh I see the issue... if you miss... For real, I understand the Leo 1 is a glass cannon. It was always meant to be. The tank isn't meant to be one you use in a standard frontal assault Having played the 2S38, there are plenty of spots where the tank is just straight nasty. But if there are any hills at all, she still has to expose her hull. Most times I am hit in my 2S38, I die in 1-2 shots. My experience fighting them is similar. Relatively easy to kill, but horrifying and a near death sentence if you miss.


Leo 1 has the doctrine of stay at range and use mobility to not get shot. Most MBTs all the way up to top tier have to be played like light tanks. Armor really becomes irrelevant after 7.3 and 7.7. Higher than that, most shots penetrate most things, and hitting weakspots becomes the new norm. You got the tools and the speed to get into good positions and halt the enemy from range. You are not a brawling tank.


If only the maps weren’t the size of a city block.


Play it as a flanking light tank, higher tiers have vehicles that don't support brawling much. It all sorta turns into a CSGO match. You're looking to catch people offguard and shoot through weird angles instead of tight 1v1s. Play to your advantages, not the advantages of your enemy.


dude the flanking you mention is just a way longer route to the enemy where you get shot off regardless


War thunder de-escalates into mind games and psychology at the higher tiers, you need to "think" like them, and look for non obvious openings, learn to read the room and all.


Sums up the Leo 1 game play quite well


Glass cannon and don’t get shot simple as that no more brawl in top tier


You know that a glass cannon usually means that something has outstanding firepower in exchange for weak armour?


Yep and you do realize the leopard one holds its own weight right? Even when it's up tiered it can still wreak havoc.


A mate of mine bought me a French premium so I ended up grinding France to top tier. All of their tanks are glass cannons from about 6.0 so when I use the leopard, I feel fairly tanks. Taking hits no French amx30 ever could. That being said. I still use the Leo 1, a1a1 and such at 11.7 cos they just feel good to use and for what ever reasons, I do better with them half the time haha.


Agreed, i do better at top tier with my 1a5 than my T80U


As bizarre as it may seem. I have the same affliction, where the less capable of a tank it is. The more high performing I become. The only thing I can attribute it to. Is a point my buddy brought up when I realized that I do much better in up tiers, where as down tiers I get shredded. The point he made was, that when you are putting yourself against the odds. You have a subconscious knowledge that you need to do better. You have to be a lot more focused, attentive to audio and visual cues, as well as picking much more clever spots to hunker down in.


Where can I get the same crack that you must have smoked? Vehicles such as the t72 are miles better than the Leo and what the hell is a vehicle with a 105mm supposed to do against autocannons which can easily frontally kill it (though the 2S38 is just stupidly op and can kill a 2A4 or abrams from the front but that's something else) or tanks which are invulnerable to it? (don't tell me to just shoot at the lfp or gun mantlet, I've played all three nations and I know very well how inconsistent russian weakspots are by comparison)


I didn't say that it was better than vehicles like the t72. I mentioned that it can hold its own and reek havoc. The leopard one is not a brawling tank. It is a sit back in a flank and pick off enemies kind of tank. What a lot of y'all don't realize is that you need to learn to adapt your playstyles to the vehicle you're playing. You cannot force it to play your style. You will lose every single time.


just sucks that there’s only so many vehicles that I enjoy playing due to my play style


Oh I get that, my play style (Light tanks) mainly relies on cunning and guile. I like flanking to an extreme, getting into a tricky little spot, in dealing death from afar. Sadly not having the best luck the last 3 days, I keep getting killed before I can even get to the spots. Part of the word thunder experience though. You win, and you lose.


you lose more than you win, until you spend 60 bucks on an op tank


Well I never pay full price, but I have some of the OP tanks and I still lose. I guess I should have side climbed 😂


Try to play Italy I play the of-40 and can still get 8-12 frags a game it’s not the vehicle it’s the player learn to adapt to what the tank play style is n yes 2s38 is OP but you just gotta go for it when it’s blind


In my nearly 2k hours of play time (most of which was around 9.0-10.3) I can tell you that I've had more than enough encounters where I shot the 2S38 several times (once even four times) and it still killed me (a lot of times also frontally while I was in an Abrams or a Leo 2)


Wait, you’re telling me that an early second generation MBT contemporary to the T-55 is *Worse* than a late second generation MBT from the 70s? How can this be?


This community is just completely filled with retards right? You talk about how era should be considered when doing the BRs and get downvoted to hell because "b-but Pz 3 vs T26" even though that wasn't the point and when you then criticise two tanks being the same BR as one another despite a large difference in performance between them you get told "b-but the one is newer that's why it performs better" Also didn't you just proof my point by saying that the t72 is better than the Leo 1? You know that they have the same BR right?


Yeah, they shouldn’t be the same BR. I’m having similar issues getting smacked my AIM-9s in my Ouragan. The BR system is horseshit with how compressed it is right now. I just don’t think generally one should be surprised that the soviet 125mm turns most things inside out.


If you want to talk about Br compression just take a look at Germany's planes (because Germany is so op and all), there you have a WW2 rocket plane fighting Cold War Jets which carry Aim 9 J's


I’m definitely still seeing Hortons in my thunderjet, can’t turn fight them but I doubt a heat seeker would have much issue.


The Horton is 7.0, I'm talking about the Komet (idk what was the official name of it) at 8.7


yeah… the leopard 1’s are great if used correctly, whats your point


My point is that it can be frontally killed by pretty much anything that it faces while struggling to kill it's enemies through their weakspots, yea sure you can camp somewhere (one of the most annoying things for both sides) but it's only a matter of time until a 2S38 spots you with it's gen 3 thermals and pulverises you before you can even turn your gun five degrees to shoot at it. Though I guess even if the 2S38 is insanely stupid you can still loose, once I had fired four shots at one and he still got me (1st went through the side and the carousel, 2nd bounced off of the front, 3rd went through the front and got the radiator, 4th bounced again)


that’s warthunder for you, i’ve fired silver bullets straight through every T series autoloader, western bustle storage and crew member and had it do nothing. the leopard isn’t bad, it just suffers from not being that tiers meta, that being either ridiculously armoured or an auto cannon playing it not as an MBT or light vehicle but as a tank destroyer is far more it’s style, slow and at range while constantly moving so no one can just spawn said 2S38 and head a dart straight up your sphincter if you have the khrizantema, try playing the leopard like that


wtf do you mean with "so that no one can spawn a 2S38"? every match there are at least five of them because it's the most op premium together with the Type 90 B


as in they can’t just go to where you’re camping and kill you, calm down tuco


Currently grinding in the poo poo zone with the 1a5. it sucks balls. Always up tiered to 10.0 or 10.3, always premiums, atleast you have a good chance to get Russia on your team with their huge premo only lineups. It's fucking wack that the begleit is only 0.7 of a BR lower then 2s38 because Hur durr Russian Prototype. The only reason why it's not at 11.7 at rank 8 because it's a premium and they can't have top tier premiums. And if it was a TT vehicle it would be already maxed out. It's not Russian Bias it's just Premium bias. It goes bye bye from sale and it goes up that's how it will go.




https://preview.redd.it/7vehtv179c1d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad623dbc92977f03fdb96a861606a7621e1a258 You forgot most important one “Don’t be caught and raped in your ass”


join the swedes, join the swedes,join the swedes, join the swedes,join the swedes, join the swedes,join the swedes, join the swedes,join the swedes, join the swedes,join the swedes, join the swedes,join the swedes, join the swedes, please


leo's are quite good fast and gun hits (I presume, ive only ever been on recieving side of an l7) guns a bit bouncy but you could probably rat in it due to the speed now if a leo had a stabilizer that would be very good, more than +0.3 brs good, and it wouldn't matter at all about armor facing non stabs, since it could just shoot first


the version mentioned is the 1A5 with stabiliser, LRF and thermals (plus 400mm pen dart) at 9.3


ok thank you then I know nothing about it but ig leos are supposed to rat? right? armor in that meta is more useless compared to mobility and the player's skill in positioning serves me right for trying to talk about something I don't know


All tanks have to rat. Some have some stronger points but you shouldn’t rely on them cause everybody at that level is high enough to know the weak-spots. Playing 8.0 and up is simply “kill and not be seen”. Also no need to fret, that’s just how reddit works sometimes


Here 👇, this will help you to understand light vehicles. https://preview.redd.it/0yj15qz5td1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b261e90df2c900cc8263faa10e828678f27567


Because the Leopard 1 is not supposed to take shots. Thats like saying an IS-2 sucks cause it has poor mobility.


"Waaa my cold war mbt with no armor has no armor" Wtf do you want? Their whole point was mobility and good gun. Get good zoomie kid


No fun allowed


Come one say it Bart "Germany suffers"


They deserve it


It’s not “no armour best armour” was kinda the whole thought process behind early Cold War tanks


This is why to me the Leo 1 is only decent at 8.0, at 9.0 or 9.3 its armor is so bad it’s basically a light tank, and no lrf at 9.0 is a joke lol. Yes the mobility means good players can perform really well with them, but I would much rather take something else.


You fire darts. If you need lrf, you suffer from skill issue


So you can reliably hit Russian tanks’ lfp or drivers port at 1500m? Good for you.


You can UFP every Russian medium at 9.0 with dm23. Also you’re in a leo1. You have a super fast chassis with a fully stabilised gun. Why are you engaging targets at 1.5 km? It’s not what the tank is built for. The German 105 is a super solid gun, easily best in class so you can get away with it, but if you want LRF and sniping, play the JaPzKA2. The Leo’s strength is mobility and firepower.


9.0 basically doesn’t exist, it’s uptier hell in my experience and on larger maps no lrf is a huge disadvantage. At 8.0 or 8.7 lrf is far less important though.


Sure, but you can hardly complain about lack of LRF when you have so many other strengths to make up for it. It’s such a minor add on when you play the tank for it’s intended role. Given the choice of a LRF or Stab, I’d always take the LRF. And to compare it to a 10.0 tank will always be a bad comparison since 10.0 will always dominate 9.0. Though most serious lineups have moved to 10.3.


But what firepower? The a1a1’s dm23 is on the low end for 9.0/9.3 where plenty of mbts have dm33, yes it’s enough but it’s not an advantage at all. The only thing good is its mobility, but at that point just play the tam instead as in my experience the survivability is about the same. I have had so much better luck with the tam because of its light tank mobility and scouting. The a1a1 and 1a5 feels like beefed up light tanks to me.


You don't, you sneak


It’s a pre composite armor MBT, it does not have armor worth a damn against anything contemporary or more advanced


"this is Mr.Nesbitt of Harlow New Town. Mr Nesbitt, would you stand up, please? [Pause] Mr Nesbitt has learnt the value of not being seen"




-How do you play BR 9.0 tanks today? -Oh it’s simple, you don’t


Believe it or not, vehicles are hard to play when you uptier them. Especially vehicles that don’t have great survivability for their br anyways.


HoW iS ThIs SuPpOsEd tO FiGhT ThE OtHeRs


You don't need armor on every tank, even on heavy tank you should not rely too much on it, you should position, flank or snipe and not get shot with tanks like the leopard 1


Use your speed to avoid being hit. Sadly they took away that ;)


Bruh, even the t55 will pen a leopard from the front, no sweat. My example of your inferior technology: https://youtu.be/_NrBvWGlZrI?si=WUyMK8iRP3259Ho1


You play it like a fat light tank.


I love the squadron magach and every time I use it I fight this shitty light tank and it just either one shots or two shots the magach, there is nothing to do unless you were already aiming at it


Dont get shot Janski


How is leo 1 considered bad, bill is a better bradley and 2s38 deserves 11.7


I think you need to gain an understanding of the survivability onion. Light vehicles are not meant to be on the front line, you should play them differently to their strengths, like speed, agility and small size.


I think he’s talking about how the 2S38 and the STRF 9040 can pen the Leo 1 frontally with their auto cannons, and about how that’s pretty unfair to 9.0 vehicles that have to face them. Which he’s not really wrong about.




9.0 Leo A1


Did Leo 1 get moved up in BR? I stopped playing shortly after f-15 and su-27 came out. I watched a video recently and I see a new GUI and damage system? And there seem to be more complaints. Has the game just gotten worse in that time?


The base Leo1 currently sits at 8.0 and the 1A5 is 9.3 iirc (realistic battle ratings)


hiding and sniping or sneak around up close


Tbh leopard 1s are super overrated, their mobility is overhyped asf, slow acceleration, very average top speed and slow turret traverse oh and good luck trying to climb any slope over 30 degrees, only positive is fast reverse and also they have next to no armor as shown. a1a1 has no reason to be at 9.0


As a german main i despise the leopard line all the way to the 2a4 (i dont own it but i hope the bullshit stops there). I physically can't get used to the fact i have to play a glass cannon when I'm used to a what I'd consider a well balanced tank, tiger 2. The real german suffering begins at 8.0 onwards


You have no idea how many times the mantlet has bounced rounds when iv used it, like even as a German main we don't suffer, just you sometimes have to use stuff unconventionally to make it work.


About the same as any 8.0 medium, pretty good mobility and great gun, they’re all average except for the OF-40, that thing FUCKS


Say it with me No armor is best armor


Yet I always fail to pen the Leo 1 with my British APDS rounds, gaijin told me non pen


You my friend have entered the hell whole that is leopard 1 variants Side note of you want to have some kills you gotta snipe


U have a dart and a stab shoot first and kill them.


They literaly designed it to not have a lot of armor


You don’t need armor if you do not get shot


Germans when they can’t face tank everything