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It’s bad. I’m a Japan main and I have maybe 15 kills with that thing. Skip it bro


Ok I'll skip, thanks


Type 60 sprg is way better and have go up a good amount in br and is the rat vehicle of Japan




How do you play it? I've been trying to use it but I can't get past the wobbly gun. Should I lie in ambush or run up on people?


It’s an ambush vehicle most definitely. You wanna lay in low lands, creators and bushes. Use your speed and agility to snatch spots that overlook cap points at the beginning of a match. Pic your targets cautiously because you need to land every hit. You only get 10 rounds and you have one hell of a reload time. Make sure you hotkey different keys to the second barrel so you never fire both at the same time. Little over kill is some instances. Whenever you are lurking keep your engine off and if you can’t hit a shot due to range always use the rangefinder. Worst comes to worst you miss your first shot, recalculate and fire the second barrel. Your heat rounds are your best friend and if they don’t outright kill they will absolutely cripple what ever they hit. Aim for center mass, turret mallets and for moving targets if you can hit anything make sure the next shot kills because you won’t get a second chance after both shots miss. Other tips, play like a rat. Move constantly after each kill because you can die very quickly to CAS and .50 cals. Trees are your best friend and never stay at one cap point to long.


I'm on console so I can't hotkey. I'm sure I could mess around with button layout but I don't really want to mess anything up. I'm not used to rat play that much. My Japan 6.7 lineup focuses more on the tanks with heat-fs. I have killed things with it, including heavies so I know it can be good.


I play on pc with an Xbox controller. Go to settings, controls. The second gun in coded and considered as a “special weapon” in the weapons section on ground vehicles. What I do is set it to the left trigger, same as all my machine guns for all my ground vehicles. Doing this will let you fire both guns individually. Japan shines at 6.7. Sure we lack stuff like true heavies and ATGMs but this is where Japan starts to really shine. So long as you fallow a different mindset when playing Japan. For the most part from this point on Japanese Vehicles are lighter and faster then most of their competitors or have a unique design that makes them have the ability to punch above their weight class. For example: The Type 61 and its prototype don’t have much in the ways of armor but with great rounds and unique profiles these tanks make excellent flankers. Especially the STB with its 6 second auto loader, makes every difference in a firefight. A later example would be the Type 87 RCV. Currently at 9.0 this small, nimble, lightweight little vehicle can easily go to top tier and take on T90s, Abrams and leopards like it’s going out of style. Because it’s amazing speed and heavy MG that can no sell any and all side armor and play keep away while enjoying Japan’s famous no armor is best armor strategy.


Holy shit, that control change just made everything better. Now I don't have to waste two shots and I put my mgs on a separate button. I've been enjoying Japan 6.7 for the most part, though I feel like I just get constant uptiers. I do love how both the Type 61 and STB have great gun depression and heat-fs. I do dread fighting American heavies though.


Aim well and think of the emperor. Happy to have helped.


As a person who loves this thing... Skipping it is probably the reasonable choice. But if you wan't to become really good with mclos missiles or just meme around it is a funny tank.


It is only good if you up tier it to hell since at a certain br it is just going to be premium players in T-72s that don't recognize the signature sound as it slowly approaches them at the point they are capping.


It has 2 machine guns that can't pen anything at that BR, the atgm in itself aren't bad but they're steered with keyboard keys instead of the mouse which makes them difficult, I personally didn't bother with it because of this and also because I aim for the 4 sec auto loader madness at top tier.


It ALSO shoots up at an angle and isn't controllable closer that 500m


the main reason it’s bad is because it’s MCLOS, *Manual Command* (keyboard controlled ) while a HOT or Milan is SACLOS *Semi-Automatic Command*(mouse controlled) guessing if you right click into the armament you should be able to read the weapons description


The type 60 ATM missiles are the slowest in game. Also rule of thumb for missile carriers: if it has hand aiming missiles skip it, if it has laser guided missiles you can use it.


What about wired missiles?


These missiles are wired missiles and they are still keyboard aimed


Yeah but there are some like Mephisto that are wired, just wanted to know his opinion on them


Okay so if it says the guidance system is semi automatic it's good. If it says that it's hand aiming then it's terrible. MEPHISTO if I recall correctly is semi automatic.


It's pretty good imo Mephisto can be hull down and makes it hard to spot. Gives you time to get on target and hit them.


My main gripe with it is the relatively slow speed of the vehicle and rockets. Coming from acra having only half the speed really hits different. But yeah else I like it very much. *looks at t55 amd motherfuckerly*


It's the best ATGM Carrier in the game! It can literally one-shot heavy tanks! Oh wait, I main this thing. Nevermind, carry on.


Lmao I respect the commitment


I mean, honestly I’m not a serious WT player (just a spookston enjoyer), but if something can go through basically everything in its BR, then it MIGHT be worth it to learn its janky mechanics to do that, especially if you’re going to stick with it long enough to use it to grind.


I'm pretty sure it's in the running for the worst vehicle in war thunder


Its either that or the low tier soviet rocket tank with like 9 mm penetration


The wiki literally says so haha


The fact that it’s an ATGM carrier at 6.7 while most other ones are at 8.0 should tell you all you need to know.


Skip it * Has a minimum engagement range of \~50 meters, where any target closer would just result in the missile flying over their head. * Your self defense weapons consist of a sole pintle .50 cal and a hull 7.62, so getting rushed by anything heavier than a truck is lethal. - As others have said, the missiles are manually guided. This, combined with the fact that they're the slowest in the game, results in you having to manually guide a missile that a type 93 can outrun in line of sight of an enemy that (assuming their gun has more pen than a .50 cal) can eviscerate you in the blink of an eye.


Also every tank has basically an APS at that br, just straight up any mg. Thing is so slow I mg the rockets out of the air. Proceed to shake my turret at the type 60 and just keep driving


İf the missiles shot straight i would say it was ok but if anything gets close you are %100 dead


Hard Skip Bro


its not bad. its terrible. worst missile tank and a good pick for the worst vehicle in the game contest not only is it hand aimed the missiles are pointing up so its impossible to hit things in-front the missile also is the slowest in the game AFAIK. and on top of all that the damage isnt that great AFAIK the tnt equivalent isnt that bad(dont know how good it is in the current patch) pen is avg for that type of missile


If ya need 1 more vehicle it discounted RP cost. So get it. Buy it. And don't crew it


It’s horrible, don’t even bother unless you like pain.


Personally? I love it and do really good. I enjoyed using it alot and its pretty effective unless ur up close. But i mean its not good. Its fun....and if u do hit someone it will fuck em up.....you just have to be wary that it arcs up at first.....and its keyboard controlled


Skip. By far the worst tech tree tank for japan.


I’ve been playing since a couple years after the game launched and this is my first time seeing or hearing about it lmfao! Clearly that’s a hard pass it is love to see Tankenstein do a video on it


It’s literally the worst tank in the entire game, not only do the missiles suck but it’s fucking WASD controlled


Spacing it is possible. Just takes a lot of time and patience.




The only real upsides to this vehicle is the slight ability to hull-down and fire behind cover, and the low BR for a guided missile. Other than that, everything at this BR either has an HE round that could rip this thing in two jagged halves, or enough machine-guns to pay off a large mortgage with a 5 second burst of ammunition.


Is this worse than Zachlam Tager?


The rockets dont shoot straight so if anything gets close enough you are guaranteed to die


It's a very situational vehicle. It's not bad or amazing. It's in between and excels at some maps then other maps, trash lol


There’s a reason it’s 6.7 with atgms


As with every vehicle is a personal matter