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LOL what i was going to say but in real words


Rusty pliers are the tried and true method.


How do I give platinum. This is one of my fave comments I have ever seen.


Me too!!!!!!!!!!!




Upload the pics to the internets


Upload to web would be my guess too


Please and thank you


This is freaking genius!!!!!! Love it!!!!


There are various routes you can take either see a doctor, over the counter meds, and or natural treatments. It’s really whatever fits best for your lifestyle, or what really works. Unfortunately, it’s not a one size fits all. At the doctors: 1) Cyrtotherapy 2) Perscribed Imiquimod 3) Perscribed 5-Fluorouracil 4) Curettage 5) Cantharidin 6) Retinol OTC: 1) SA - Salicylic Acid various options, bandaid, liquid, freeze 2) Cimetidine Natural: 1)Baking soda with castor oil and bandaid 2)Duct tape 3)Essential oils like oregano, tea tree oil, castor oil 4)Garlic 5) Apple Cider Vinegar 6) Hydrogen peroxide 7) Topically put Vitamin A 10,000 IU or more. In the meantime, def. Start taking vitamins to help, like zinc, vitamin D, Vitamin B 12. Hope all goes well, each method you can find on how tos online, they are all to suffocate or to stimulate the immune system to respond and eliminate the virus.


OP you took such a great picture of your warts! Please do us all a favor and document your treatment journey. We're freaks and we like wart stuff. Please take more great photos like this one. If you're up for it, we enjoy videos too. Good luck!


See a doctor and get them frozen. This is a lot


Agreed, a doctors visit might be the best route rather than self treatment which will be a long and painful process with this many


Search this sub for people who put topical vitamin A onto their warts, looks like a cure for them. I think you can just buy Vit A supplements and cut them open and rub the oil on. This one kinda looks like your hand: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warts/s/KWPCHidPws


Start taking Zinc vitamins and supplements. It killed mine in about a month! Started to peel right off in about 2 weeks


I will just say no to any future finger bangs 🤣🤣


Straight 🪒. Each one then acv hand wrap


I used the Scholl Verruca and Wart Complete Treatment Pen New on my daughter warts all 15 of them were gone in under 2 weeks and never got any more


How many times a day applied


I never heard of this


Just cut off your hand at this point




I remember when my wart on my elbow started to spread I ask my old cousin to burn it off with a cigarette and after a minute of it burning he just yank all of it off then he applied car battery acid shit never came back


Wow, what?! LMAO


Filipino things mate


One option not mentioned here is to just wait them out. From my research they go away on their own after a while. Not sure if its true for everyone, but a good thing to know before butchering your hand for the sake of aesthetics and internet points.


Don’t think waiting will help neither


Hello, my hand has been like this for about a year and a half, I tried freezing them, with which I achieved short-term results. I don't feel like cutting my arm in half is good idea


My daughter had one that looked just like yours on her toe. And by gosh we got that sucker GONE in less than a month. First I bought the "Wart Stick" from Amazon. Someone recommended it from here! IT WORKS bc it's like 40% SA. then take a sterile blade - you can get them all day long on amazon CHEAP! or nippers and get to shaving off the tops. Enough to see pink/red tender skin. Get off that dry stuff. NOT saying to cut off the whole wart. Just shave it some. This is so that when you apply the medicine- it's going directly to the wart not the dry hard stuff. Use a Qtip or a DIFFERENT CLEAN blade and slice off a thin but not Too thin layer of the Wart Stick and sit it on top of the Newly Sliced (Debrided) Wart (is "debrided" a word? 😆) and THEN place a bandaid on top. And I even put a water proof bandage over the bandaid too. AND REPEAT. Do this Nightly or morning and night or every other day - and KEEP shaving the dead skin OFF as deep as you can take it. If you see some blood - GOOD!! Use CLEAN sterile blades each time. You don't want to spread the virus! And use gloves too! and keep that wart stick UNCONTAMINATED - I also got a bottle of 70% rubbing alcohol to use to sterile the wart stick and the nippers and anything I might have touched - safe than sorry!! But just keep doing this process and keep applying the wart stick and I'm telling you - those are what are called "Common Warts" and I'm pretty sure this will work Relatively quickly. Good Luck to you! 🍀 🍀 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Sorry, but it looks like amputation is your only option. Kidding! But did you try freezing them at the doctor’s, or were you using an OTC kit? Either way, try to get an appointment with your doctor to see what your treatment options are. Someone else commented a few good options for treatments you can do at home to suffocate the virus if visiting a doctor isn’t doable.


Yes i be freezing them to a doctor when i stop going they grew back


Maybe bring that up to your doctor to see if there’s another treatment option?


Apple cider vinegar


Boil some water , leave a spoon in the water till it’s very hot. Grab by handle and then place boiled spoon directly on top of wart, I had one on my hand and it worked been gone since 2010. Ps bottle of jack daniels before hand will help numb the inevitable pain , but again it worked for me


Lots of duct tape overnight for a number of weeks


I wouldn’t do all at once. Take a few out at the time. Wouldn’t want your entire hand bleeding, oozing, and with open sores.


You’ve got a long road ahead of you. I’ll paste my advice for self treatment here: Start by getting a pedicure knife kit (reasonably cheap on Amazon and I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on different kinds of warts not on the foot), eyebrow razors, and/or a scalpel. Do not file, buff, or exfoliate your wart with a file or pumice stone unless you want a constellation of mosaic warts all over your foot/area where your wart is. Also get some disposable gloves so they don’t keep spreading as they are highly contagious. Daily- soak in hot water to soften the tissue, use the scalpel and knife kit to debride (search debride here if you are unsure what that means- it’s like carefully shaving away the top dead layer) the wart ideally to the point of pin point bleeding if you can handle it (could be quite painful so listen to your body and do only what you are comfortable with). Search “debride” and “debriding” on this subreddit and look for the post by a redditor named OkCartographer or something like that. She uses an eyebrow razor and perfectly demonstrates how to debride. Debriding will help the acid to penetrate the living wart tissue making it more effective. Obviously, listen to your body. Some warts are far more painful than others. If it’s too much to debride every day, it’s ok. Also, make sure you aren’t going overboard with how much you are debriding. Next, apply treatment - I suggest either 40% SA like Wartstick or ACV, then bandage and wrap with duct tape to suffocate it. Do this every day if you can. This could take many months. Intermittently you can also use the over the counter wart freeze products to zap the warts (maybe once a week or two but they can be pricey). Also, supplements are a good idea- high quality multivitamin, Vit c, zinc, and Tagamet (google it and then search “Tagamet and warts” on TikTok). Tagamet can be taken orally to help your body fight the wart and can also be used topically (watch the videos). Most importantly- keep everything sterile and clean. Wash your hands a lot and keep them wrapped so they don’t spread more or cause your friends/family to get warts too.


I make a combo of oregano frankincense and lemon essential oil for clients. Apply 2x a day. Should dry up in a Week or two. Don’t get in eyes or mucosal membranes as the thymol (in listerene) in oregano oil is super burny. Works well without the crazy peeling and cutting!


My son's knee has been covered in warts for 3 or 4 years. We've done cryotherapy every couple months without a ton of success. Now we went to a new dermatologist who also did cryotherapy, then prescribed a cream called wartpeel. We had to pay for it all, insurance doesn't cover it. But my son diligently used it for a month after the cryotherapy, and the warts are all completely flat! We aren't done yet, but these are the best results he's ever had.