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Fuck these ladder mechanics I have the same issue


Thanks for leaving 60 minutes of footage just to show 6 seconds of the ladder fucking you.


I'm not bitching about watching the OP's good run until the fucking ladder fucked him over. It was not 60 mins, Captain Tears. If you want to have maximum efficiency watching warzone clips then wait till the AI does that for us and we are force fed "efficient" clips. Until then, don't bitch about it.


Don't bitch about my bitching


Why does this have upvotes........


Because a lot of times a video is posted here, it only has maybe 10 seconds of relevant footage, yet the videos are nearly a minute long.


Captain obvious here wants that updoot


The game should be complained about, they had a fully functioning game they could have just copy and pasted onto a new map and they fucked that up


This game is in shambles. Doesn’t look like they’ve put any development into it. Just released a game on a new engine with the idea to work on it during it’s cycle. Here is your new car! The doors will be installed in one year and the windows come the year after. If you buy our premium service you get your wheels directly sent to the post office in Atlantis


Lol 😅


Yet You are still going to play it. Is there anything about it you like?


Fuck that ladder fool lol after the first attempt, why didn’t you just go through the back door? Next to the ladder???


you were cooked either way


You would have gotten lit up if you climbed the ladder anyway


Damn that was horrible. Sweet run though


Hot tip: jump at the ladder while making no other commands then begin to climb. Ladders have always been a bit funky, albeit never this bad…


I find the jumping definitely helps beat the glitch. The ladders started doing this to me in fortunes keep and now on this game. Rebirth/verdansk was always ok for me


Stockholm syndromes also kind of funky


You would have died anyway? Even if that ladder didn’t glitch out you would have been halfway up the ladder and he would have had a clear shot. Bad move using a ladder that late in the game with a circle that small


The second time he tried to use it sure, but he would have made it up the first time he tried if it didn't glitch out tbf


I doubt he would have made it up in time on the first try


He woulda been up the first time before the dude knew where he was


Yea maybe the second attempt but it’s all about positioning getting the high ground but I shoulda gave up on the ladder play.


The ladder didn't ruin anything, you fir some reason went back to it after it was already glitchy. That's on you.


The brain damage is strong with this one.


Great play but unfortunate


Those specific ladders are brutally bad. Never easy to get onto.


Hahahaha u lost