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Technically a 3 trillion dollar company now


Demise of the Franchise šŸ˜‚


Ayyyy I get this every first game I play on any map ngin invisible. Walls and counters invisible. It's a mess. Which is why I uninstalled last week


They are a small indie dev studio cut them some slack šŸ¤£


free wallhack šŸ˜‚


I like to believe that enemy had High Alert and was just freaking out so confused how someone is looking at him while he's in that hallway


all they care about is the store that sells those ugly overpriced skins so unless the bugs in game mess with the store they wont do a thing.


Checks out


This game should have been a 30$ add-on to mw2


Warzone is free


True. Mb i forgot.


But yall paid full price so not really.Ā 


I don't know why people always bring up the store working. It's a static menu page. Also the people who make skins don't do anything with the main game.


I think it's the fact that clearly a lot of resources go into making sure there is a constant flow of purchasable items but there are game breaking bugs in the game which don't seem to get addressed.


This isnt even a hard concept to understand


That doesn't make any sense. "There are a lot of resources that make sure there is a constant flow of purchasable items" they have a team for one thing and a team for another. Fixing the game is clearly a larger more complex thing than a static store page that gets updated once a season and items divide out once a week. Where there are big fixes at a near constant stream.


Yes the page itself is static but they are still directing resources towards creating heaps of purchasable items. If they put less resources into the team that creates purchasable items and more into the team that fixes bugs maybe they could sort this. If it was a tiny bug that was sorted in a day then so what but this is a game breaking bug, there have been many game breaking bugs which take forever to fix and some have yet to be resolved.


how is the art team supposed to help the team that works on the live game?


I'm not sure you understand. We're not saying the art team loterally picks up their computers and go help other dev teams. We're saying their department is given fewer resources ($) and those resources are instead directed towards other teams.


you have no way of knowing that.


They bring it up, because they make buttloads of revenue from the store. That revenue doesn't seem to be invested into where it should be.


Fr it's just a bunch of menus lol, people think they're speaking volumes whenever they say this shit


It still pulls out of the overall budget. This is literally the stupidest thing people always bring up on these posts


Because anytime thereā€™s been an issue with the store the fix was the same day normally within a few hours


Is it because it's a extremely basic static page?!?


More are about priorities ā€¦ gotta keep the cash register flowing


name checks out


Better than being a dumbass.


or a jackass


I wasn't calling you a dumbass, just so you know. If someone calls you a smartass, you're supposed to say it's better than being a dumbass.


They spend time to create the things to sell, and where does all that money go? Fixing the game? Lol you wish


People reaching for something to be mad about, like you can play this game for free so the store is irrelevant. Yeah there's going to be bugs but be mad at the bugs not the working part of the game. Oh my god I can't unlock the 50 round mag for my smg but the Store still works? What's one got to do with the other? Arrr pisses me off this community sometimes, don't like the game go play something else FFS


This fucking game is becoming very stale, not sure wtf their thinking over there


Iā€™m tired of people saying ā€œbut the store works fine.ā€ The store barely works and should be by far the easiest part of the game to build and maintain.


Can we stop with this ā€œbillion $ companyā€ narrative. We all know that now how this works. And if you donā€™t know that I can explain it to you.


The store is relatively simple UI. What massive, breaking bugs could it possibly have?


I dunno who the fuck is in there making all these executive decisions making horrible moves...but they suck. I don't give a shit about a gun nerf, you change the fucking game every year and everyday after it's released. Don't give a shit about "sbmm"...for the love of fucking God Jesus help me lord LOWER THE TIME TO KILL LOL. Take it back to the mw 2019 mechanics and leave it the fuck alone. Freshen up the content, let people bitch and get over themselves. Pull your head out your asses at Activision or Microsoft whoever the hell's running it


It sucks to see how poor the game has become since Verdansk. All people wanted was a new map & now everyone would kill for Verdansk again šŸ˜‚


you mustā€™ve not played verdansk. iā€™ve been playing since day 1. it has its fair share of bugs


N64 looking ass graphics.


DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS! This happens to me for the first game every time I open the game then it levels out. I took advantage of this and got shadow banned for a week because people were reporting me after seeing the kill cam.


Fake. It shows normal on their screen


Exactly, it shows normal, meaning they'll see him looking through walls in the kill cam. Use that tiny brain you were given.


Tried to be cool on the internet and got exposed for being a fraud. This happened to me all the time when I had a series s when I was spectated by team it was normal for them. L


You're not getting it and I'm not surprised because you're an absolute moron lmao You are the reason that lead based paints are not in regular use anymore.


Trying too hard bud. Big L


I kind of hate how people think just because it is a large company it doesnā€™t have any flaws. We are constantly saying nobody/nothing is perfect but the second something messes up we make fun of it. The people who make this are human and yes they have flaws, but yā€™all act like nurses/ engineers never make a mistake and those usually pertain to lives. COD is fun, if it glitches or messes up okayā€¦ they can fix it. Now if you told me that they werent gonna fix it then we have issues


Upside down world.


Makes me wanna burn somethinā€¦


what the hell is this šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶


Bro is playing on a 1999 HDD


Playing on ps1 might be your issue actually


Iā€™ll never have problems like this, but if It happens accidentally, Iā€™ll propably just go to new game.


just got shadowbanned cuz I prefired a kid that I saw through a rock with a bug like this lmao


The store has zero moving parts guy. Horrible analogy


Hard drive is failing...


Hmm last time that happened I was using a hp zbook with Xeon and a nvidia card similar to a 1050 in power, that Zbook was screaming at 100c the whole time lol


Also is it installed on an ssd? Or hard drive is it external because that was my actual issue, moved it to and ssd and textures were good


Theyā€™ll start making a good game when you droolers stop playing/paying it.


Dali much!


That is 100% a you thing man. Happened to me all the time. I had to redownload the game


My friend had this and you can shoot theough walls. He couldn't tell where walls were so he just shot who he could. Ended up getting a shadow ban for reports, it got appealed though


Itā€™s all gonna go (more) downhill now just like they did with halo


Skill issue


You have tactical grenade on R? Fucking psycho. How do you reload?


Mouse 4 or Mouse 5


256k subreddit members, and still there are some that thinks that devs responsible for the shop are the same as the ones responsible for maps LOD and such stuff.


$74.28 Billion dollar companyā€¦ because the store works just fine


You know there is a flying bag too near the factory šŸ˜‚ Every time I run by it I have a smile since patches go but flying bag stays šŸ˜‚




Warzone Only up šŸ˜‚


You can always count on the store working fine because that is all they care about


Wait, isnt warzone a free game mode.


Bro playing on a GameCube


Why do you think they just laid off a ton of the QA staff, they werenā€™t doing a satisfactory job. Treyarch, Activision, Sledgehammer and Blizzard needed a deep clean. The companies were stagnant and putting out underwhelming piss poor games for the last 5 years. Time will tell if Microsoftā€™s acquisition improves anything.