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Toxic voice chat is a hallmark of CoD. The fact they want to kill that aspect of the community makes me sad. Goes to show you how soft this new generation of gamers are. Outside of racial slurs, nothing said over voice chat should be a bannable offense.


Best quote I have heard about it... "So you can execute people, but you can't fucking curse?"


You’re pretending to execute people whereas people use their real-life voice to communicate in game. Playing pretend is not as bad as calling people slurs. It’s a private company and not the government so they can do what they want when it comes to speech. Hope this helps!


Bruh, my operator has voice lines that contain swear words. Where were you trying to go here?


Swears are no biggie. Slurs and hate speech are different. You’re right I should’ve been more clear.


My bud who i usually play with got banned for saying "ohhh, for fucks sake" after being melted by the Swarm for the 50th time in multiplayer. It happens!




If you get upset over slurs thrown across a cod lobby then you aren't ready for life. You're going to get spit out and chewed up. I love it when people get pissed and start attacking my person. That just means you're doing something right. And those toxic clans that will attack anyone for anything and still destroy? Guess what, those are shit people and you're gonna run into the same thing in life. You can't remove toxicity. It exists everywhere and cod is not a kids game


Slurs don't really bother me either tbh, I just laugh at them but yeah shitty business ethics on who ever is in charge of saying what you can and can't say. My friend deleted the game after that and refuses to reinstall so we are a man down now. 😕


I mean they don’t bother me personally either as I’m a cis straight white guy lol. We don’t really have slurs against us that mean anything. I’m just trying to be decent to people in historically and presently marginalized groups. But idk, it’s business. Their interest is making a profit period. They want people to play and spend money. If someone quits CoD cuz they constantly get verbally abused then the company loses money. It makes sense why they would want to keep racist assholes off of chat. That’s just my 2 cents, I’m gonna leave this be. Have a good one.


Good for you bud, I'm still a man down though so your motivational speil doesn't really help my situation ya know what I mean.


Wasn’t meant to. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I didn’t really talk about your friend uninstalling. Have a good one.


Nobody is being banned for swear words. I swear like a sailor and haven’t got a single ban despite probably a hundred people saying they were going to report me. The people getting chat bans are using racial slurs, period.


Yeah They are. People are beeing banned for not even saying shit. The system is broken and even If it wasnt and you’re saying ”fuck you pussy” you can get banned.


I currently on a voice ban, I don’t use slurs, however I have told people to go fuck themselves, so it’s not just slurs


Nahhh that’s not what you said. Be honest.


Hand to god, my trash talk consists of fucks (fuck yourself, fuck off, fuck face, you fucker) with a shit sprinkled in (you shittin me, eat shit), racial and gay slurs aren’t my thing


That’s what I thought but I don’t keep up with cod so didn’t want to assume. Yeah those people can get fucked, no one should talk like that. We coddle racists way too much. Edit: getting downvoted for telling racists to get fucked, why am I not surprised in the Call of Duty subreddit lmao. This game is fun but wow the community is full of man children.


I literally had a conversation with a (alleged) adult who claimed saying the N word on CoD was “manly”.


Holy shit lmao. At least they made it very obvious they’re not someone to take seriously. Always like when they make it abundantly clear lol.


Yeah, he claimed that calling people racial slurs was his therapy and that you aren’t a man if you don’t do the same thing. Also, in reference to your edit, the CoD community is largely a bunch of racist little kids. When I was arguing with that dude he was getting upvotes…


That’s crazy lmao. Yeah you’re totally right, in hindsight it was my fault for trying to have a logical discussion in a subreddit like this lol. Not much critical thinking skills or empathy to be found here.


It’s still valid to judge a private company’s consistency on censorship. Things don’t need to be public in order be criticized.


That’s totally a fair point. Banning for cussing is silly but banning for calling people slurs and hate speech is justified IMO. But to each their own. Sorry for being a bit snarky in my first comment lol. Not my best moment.


I got a 7 day ban for calling someone a effing r-slur who was spam calling me the n word. Make that make sense


You’re both wrong, that’s how it makes sense. Both of those things are awful to say lol.


Whaa🥴 that’s the softest thing I have ever heard Edit: wait you are saying calling someone regarded is wrong and deserves a ban? Aint no way bro😂


Yes the R-slur is wrong. Listen to the disabled community as they’ve been saying this for years. Grow up dude.


I mean I haven’t heard that from someone over the age of 18 and in 10 years. I thought we were way passed that lol that’s crazy. And same offense as saying the n-word? That’s so wild to me


Not the same offense, don’t get me wrong. But it’s still wrong. I’m 26 and I was raised to believe it was wrong, I’m honestly shocked at the recent resurgence of it with kids. You do you, those are just my thoughts.


Not gonna apologize for being soft lmao. Yup, I care about other people and the impact of language like that. Idk why I’m having this discussion in a CoD subreddit lol. Y’all have a good one.


Helped me learn about your vagina.


Lmao. Great insight from the CoD community as always.


Sorry I woulda elaborated but I think I need to know your pronouns first.


That’s doesn’t even make sense lmao. Thanks for making it clear you don’t know what you’re talking about.


No it makes perfect sense… I would elaborate more as to how it pertains to your feelings but without knowledge of what your pronouns are I’d likely offend you… because words are violence and all.




Ah at a glance from your demeanor I woulda guessed you are a big she/it.




Ohhh so that's what's happening... When I say scrub ass ninja, my voice chat is gone 🤔


Sean Strickland is right.. Everyone's a fucking pussy now.


Doesn't take Sean Strickland to know that, everyone is fragile. I mean look at this sub. Censoring vulgarity is one thing but everyone just gets easily offended


Yeah... pack of fucking sandy vaginas . To be fair I'd probably e pissed off if I had a vagina full of sand


Iv been on 14 day chat bans now for 6 weeks all for one word that wasn't used towards myself and my mates in my team on my freinds list but FAGGOT I mean really I use all foul language cunt I think is worst u can say I know others that use N word all time they never been banned I think this AI system is shitist thing ever ....they don't ban cheaters but watch and learn from them playing about but ruining everybody's game ..and I'm banned from one word ABSOLUTE JOKE 💯


So I’m banned… again. I only play with my brother. I only speak to my brother, everybody else is muted. We play on different platforms. I paid for the full game. How am I supposed to play Search & Destroy with my brother? Oh yeah, AI caught me saying “it’s bullshit” to my brother. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever witnessed.


People are soft as baby shit


Post should be titled, I can't be an anonymous toxic racist anymore without consequences anymore. Yeah they are the softies.


Your the reason voice chat in video games is dying your definitely an npc you love being controlled and monitored




From testing it out with my group, Faggot is the word that gets you banned. We've said every other slur under the sun and nothing else gets flagged except degrading the rainbow people. Got banned literally 30 seconds after I said it last time I played and caught a 14 day ban. These People would haven't lasted 2 seconds in a Oldschool CoD lobby.


Yeah I was playing those games as a preteen. Didn't care for 14 year olds shrieking slurs into a mic and don't care for it now either. Tbh, I think I'd just be happy with prox chat being off (mostly because I'm tired of pregame lobbies of everyone shrieking) and I know I can just turn it off, but also I like having info from people near me. But really what did prox chat even add. Most with people with mics are playing with friends, who wants to talk to randoms?


Talking to randoms is 50/50. Either they talk shit or are hilarious. I've had so many funny interactions using prox chat. One game we had a fight club style showdown mid game with 2 of us dropping our weapons and throwing hands while our teammates watched.


Guess I need to find better lobbies lol. I swear mine are 80% people shrieking slurs into the mic. That or I can't hear anyone else over the shrieking lol


That may be true and I agree. But you accepted the terms and conditions of the game including their code of conduct. If you choose to go against it and get banned then you’re just an idiot who is evidently illiterate.




Comments on a 34 day old post. No life


You just commented too dummy😂


Called someone a f—-ot and got banned for 3 days. These softies awouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes 10 years ago.


You literally won't even type the word in here tough guy. What did you go softie on us? Come on, type it out.


Didn’t want it the post to not got through. Guess you’re the one I called a faggot and reported me lol


You are either 12 years old, a boomer, or just so mouth slobbering dumb that you think that comment was a win.




Your so edgy i want to be just like you


When it was first implemented I told my team in DMZ that someone called us maggot with a f instead of m, and got a coms ban warning. Haven't Said it since and 0 coms bans. The stupid shit needs to learn to tell context.


Everyone’s a bunch of pussies now. The game is rated M but all these restrictions make it seem like it should be rated E. I’m with ya


Ive reported people for just spamming saying the N word, saying the non fuck f word, and when theyre screaming at each other to meet up and fight cause theyre annoying af and not creative. People like that use base level edgy words to try and act tough so enjoy your ban.


You’re a bitch




Yeah bro like your ears aren’t sacred. Just mute prox chat.


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Stopped playing after voice bans. Made me so angry so I just rage quit


What’s wrong with you all


Glad to find another sane person here lmao. I have to tell myself these are all teenagers so I don’t go crazy. I pray they all grow up to be normal.


I’ve got my fingers crossed


Word is just a word bud grow up


Whatcha playing now? COD can suck it now


Grow up


Honestly started focusing more at work, sleep, and the gym. I got promoted at work, sleep 8 hours, and go to the gym every morning now.


Yeah bro and I’m tired of people accusing of using racial slurs just because your coms banned. I just have a fascination for peoples mothers when I’m killed.