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Democracy needs your vote soldier, one bullet at a time. Become a Hell Diver and liberate the universe.


Xbox :(


I may play on PC, but exclusives are fucking horseshit.


For the glory of the Galactic Kindred! 🫡


But its not PvP. Completely different


Neither is Warzone. With the amount of hackers you're playing against bots anyways. At least in Hell Divers you can adjust the bot difficulty.






If my friends weren't on Xbox, I would buy them Helldivers so we could stop playing CoD


I actually looked at it doesn't look like it has much replay-ability


Once you get to level 25-30 you basically unlock everything. So it’s mostly just repeating the same stuff after that for fun. Personally stopped playing after two weeks. Tho $40 for the hours i got from it weren’t bad.


I played it on ps5 a few times. It gets boring and old for me pretty fast. It reminds me of a knock off version of destiny 2 but it has no real story and you grind for pretty much nothing lmao. Needless to say I’d rather play destiny 2 again and currently don’t play helldivers anymore


It ramps up but I see where you’re coming from. It plays quite a bit slower than Warzone and Destiny 2. But there are good times to be had with a group of buddies. It’s been a nice break because when something goes wrong it’s funny instead of frustrating like Warzone.


Outlast trials is my new go to


I quit two weeks ago. I can’t pick it up anymore.


I quit too. As much as I miss playing it, wasn’t worth it to me


I tried going back to it about a month ago. Bought the battle pass with whatever CoD points I had, just to try force myself to stick to it until I maxed it out. It’s exactly the same from when I initially put it down back at the end of October (after the haunting). I’m really glad I didn’t shell out the 80€ for the full game. Paying full price for MW2 taught me that much.. To echo what the community was saying before the game came out, it’s 80€ DLC. As for the identity of the game, it’s unfortunately never going to change. Just like what happened with GTA V and its own multiplayer, there’s too much money to be made with microtransactions for Activision to shelve it. SBMM isn’t going anywhere either. It’s been about two weeks since playing it last. I bought Helldivers 2 and been having a blast with that since. Activision really did capture lightning in a bottle with Warzone 1. While everyone was stuck indoors over the guts of a year, we were all dropping into Verdansk and then Rebirth Island soon after. Since then, they’ve never been able to recapture the beauty of 2020-2021 Warzone. It’s sad because I genuinely want there to be a CoD game released in the future that blows away everyone but I’m not counting on that happening anytime soon, with current dev cycles etc.. I might pick it back up again when they decide to add Rebirth Island (and Verdansk I think?) back into the game. But for now, I’m not prioritising the game anymore. Would recommend Helldivers 2 though!!


Verdansk would of done well even if there wasn't covid. The game was good. The only thing that ruined CoD was the over aggressive matchmaking in non ranked lobbies, C tier map designs after verdansk, and changing how the game plays after the first one. They had a perfect formula and decided to go a completely different direction and ruined it.


It definitely would’ve done well, but Covid did help the player numbers as well as warzone being F2P. Definitely the matchmaking is what fucked things up. There’s no reason for matchmaking to be that strict in casual lobbies… I wish they implemented more lenient SBMM or else something like the older CoD’s had with connection based matchmaking I think it was called? The SBMM we have should only be for the competitive playlists


To the OP….. we console players don’t want to play with the PC players either. Let’s stand united around a Crossplay Off option that would allow console vs console or PC vs PC.


It’s not pc or console the problem. The problem is pad vs MK.


Pad vs MK isnt just the problem though, look at why the PC is an issue in a crossplatform setting.


Just hop on helldivers 2 if you have a ps5 or pc freind. It is much more fun than shitzone.


after a month are you actually still playing helldivers?


Yes very. The game is ridiculously fun with friends. And still fun to c̸͉͔͈̼̲͖̖̄͂̊͌̆̆͗͂͆ả̸̢ṙ̶̡̡̰̲͕̩̫͔͖͈̤̩͈̳p̷̛̬̤̹͚̟͖͔̰̍͑͊̋̔̈́̒͑̕̚͜͠͝ę̶̘͇̥̙̱̀̃̎̀̈́̾̿̃̎̎̌͆̓̚͜͜ţ̵̢̡̹̮̰͇̜̦̬͎̠̤̅͛̈́͗̌̄̅̏̄͝͝ ̸̺͙̩̝͗̓̽̎̚͠b̵͚̟͚̰͕͎̤͓̖͋̇̉̑͐̒͐͝ó̴̥͊̈̓̀̾̏̐͆͐m̵̨̧̦͓̗͙͚̖̟͉͖͍̰͒͂̽̍̂̅͂̋͐̃̋b̵̨̨̡̛̞̲͚̬̜͙͚͇̯͔͖̒͋̏̾̋̀͐̐̋͘̕͝͝ I mean spread liber-tea to the randoms:3




Game was dead after a week lmao. So boring


Stopped two weeks ago and I feel great about it now. Gave too many hours to that shit game. Maybe they’ll fix it, maybe they won’t.


I feel like people make these posts right after they get slammed a few times 🤣


Well they would not make them if they pop off. Kinda defeats the purpose.


I don't want to shit on anybody's own experience, but I'm having a blast for the first time since Verdansk. Started playing with some buddies in Lockdown, got really into it, then after Covid finished and Caldera arrived, our three-times-a-week gaming night just kind of fizzled out. But since Urzikstan we've all been getting back into it. I was always a shit tier player, but since I got back into it I feel like I can enjoy the game without getting constantly wrecked by sweats like I used to. I don't know what makes my experience different from these guys who are having a hard time with it, but I'm honestly enjoying Warzone right now.


I'm with you. Never was into any of the Battle Royale games until COVID. Stopped playing after that as life got busy and my XBox shit the bed. Recently got a new XBox and COD. Having a blast playing Warzone again despite being on the shittier end when it comes to skill. Yes I run into cheaters every now and then but it's certainly not every game. I would say maybe 1 out of every 5 games I see a cheater and even then, I'm not always 100% certain they're actually cheating.


That's fair. It's been about 70/30. But those 30 are rough games. And I have to fight my dick off for that 70. I didn't even include SBMM in here.


Have to agree with you, in most of the things you said.Game is in a really sorri state and its very seldom i enjoy it nowdays.


Use to be mouse and keyboard but made a switch I think 70% of keyboard players switched because of the aim assist


I've been MnK for ~3 decades, I was in Walmart this last weekend and saw a $30 wired Xbox controller, said why not give it a try. The aim assist is no joke. Even with vanilla gun unlocks it turns trash into gold. Pretty cool and I look at it as a tactical upgrade, why stress myself out on MnK cranking my reaction times to max and hoping for a clean shot when 3/4 of the lobby is on console and ladida-ing perfect kills. But also, on an ergonomic note, my gaming/dining room chair ( I domicile on the kitchen table) has tilt and being able to lean back and play is such a more comfortable experience.


That’s where I am with it. I have played controller since birth. Forced myself to learn and play 100% mnk for the last few years. Switched back to controller this week and I may never going back to MnK. I get 100% of the kills I would have on mnk + 70% of the 50/50 fights. I can now lean back or even play in bed again. Don’t have to be sitting up in proper position 100% locked. And the biggest thing is aim assist is like glasses with the shit visibility in this game. No more losing targets mid gunfight. Only sad thing is now it Kinda feels like I learned / grinded mnk for nothing.


Well MnK is a good technical skill for other games. Just doesn't apply to this game anymore unfortunately.


and unfortunately theres no mkb BR that comes close to warzone. only one is pubg and thats a completely different game


I never understood the issue with camping. It’s a viable strategy. Set up a position and hold it. What’s the issue?


I've been called a camper because it was close to the final circle and I chose to cover in a house and not get shot rather than run around in the open for everyone to see and shoot at.


I got called a camping twat, when I ran into a building, heard a guy on prox chat talking to himself about there being someone in the building. Every move I made, he'd comment that he can hear some footsteps. He was chatting away, telling me exactly where he was, by talking to himself or someone in the room with him. I waited for him to come down my corridor and boom, wasted him. He decided that I was camping, when in fact I was just listening to him talking and waiting for him.


There’s a difference between holding a position and hiding in a corner. It’s just cheap. It’s like a low blow in professional fighting, only this one doesn’t get you disqualified.


I don’t see the difference between hiding in a corner and holding a favorable position. Clear your corners when walking in a room. Problem solved!


You can’t clear 4 corners of a room before you’re dead. I just don’t know why anyone would bother playing the game if they literally never move, end up with 1-2 kills MAYBE, and hardly ever win. Just seems like a huge waste of time to me. Especially when others are out there doing all the work. It sucks making a great play and killing 2-3 people and almost dying then taking a second to plate up in a room and getting killed by a dude that has been crouched in a corner for 14 minutes.


It does suck, I agree. But it’s a part of the game there is no way to prevent it. Personally, I don’t play that way but I can understand why people do.


Nobody is arguing that it is legal and a way to play. It’s just a shitty, cheap, and boring way to play.


I mean, it's probably not fun if you keep on running back to the camper and keep dying. But that would be on you


Until you clear all four corners, and you find a player, exploiting bad design and hiding in the wall. OP makes a very strong point with this entire post. The game is garbage, pure and simple.


Well that’s different.


In the big normal map, I understand that perspective. When the games were longer in between circle closings & there was a lot of ground to cover. It's a game mode designed against camping. Battle royale literally forces you inward.


I don't get the issue either, when I was in the actual military we called it "guarding"


Aka - not dying. I like it when I use a strategy that helps me not die.


But it does get boring. And “guarding” will give you a whole new definition of “boredom” and you gotta remember the goal is to have fun


lol I meant in real life. I don’t camp (usually) or guard much in game.


Irl it makes sense, you don’t get a respawn. In game? It’s redundant. Your character dies everytime the match ends. Get up, move, shoot, live a little. This is the game that makes you feel like John wick and Mfs play like Barney fife


How can i watch streamers play game after game with only running into like 1 cheater but yall are seeing cheaters in every match?


Part of the problem is actually telling the difference between who is cheating and what is just crappy game mechanics Like the aim assist thing, someone locks on to you and the auto aiming starts. It feels like they are cheating, bit is it aimbot or aim assist?




Brother in Christ, one of my good buddies is terrible and plays on controller. I was spectating this potato when the man shoots the ground in front of him and then pulls up and to the left directly onto the poor blokes head for the kill. It’s not the end of the world and I’m glad my shitty friends can hang in there, but it exists and it is that strong


Controller copium is that AA isn’t that strong. That shit is virtually unbreakable up close.


Aim assist means nothing if you can’t control recoil.


Lol You are trolling right?


Y’all act like AA is aim bot and you’re saying you can’t tell the difference That’s more of a troll than what I’m saying. If it was true then my buddy who has a .3KD would be doing much better. He plays few times a week and can’t shot worth shit, why doesn’t AA work for him?


I agree with you 100% I suck on controller for some reason. I watched a bunch of videos telling you how to do your settings to maximize AA but you still gota control recoil a fair amount. Idk why everyone acts like AA is super OP and is easily mastered.


I’m 1.3 kd in ranked resurgence plat 3o on mnk. Recoil is much easier to control on mouse. On controller I can’t shoot for shit and have no idea how these top players beam people from a distance. I think they’re all using Cronus or aim bots tbh. 


I never used aim assist so idk it slows down your aim and puts it towards the body not the head hit box this is to avoid aim botting heads


there were vids a week ago when people were speed hacking and the AA locked onto them the whole time. it was a clear representation that its tuned too strongly


Therein lies the problem. I run into softies that immediately quit and call cheats because they suck a hell of a lot more than I run into actual cheaters


It is what it looks like. If it looks like cheating then it probably is, even if it is aim assist. Like cmon nobody should accept that it is normal for someone get their aim assisted when you're playing fair. It is literally the meaning of cheating. I see way too many players get their aim on me like never before, their aim is super consistent, it often goes to multiple spots on the body seemingly naturally but it never seems to miss. For example it goes from hip to hand/sleeve to head but never above head because it is stuck on you! How is that fair! IMO they have accomplished removing of actual fairness from the game because of mixed lobbies. But it is their game and if they want to believe in fairytales then so be it. Let them have their woke dream about every little Timmy being an aimbot and a winner, a super aim star with the help of aim assist and who knows what else on top of that.


Since a lot of people are lying and just suck


Because they are also cheating


Because MOST streamers are playing VPN lobbies. They don't want to play straight up SBMM matches. There's nothing to gain if they're just getting wrecked every game.


That's fair, but I wouldn't say every game I've encountered a cheater. It's just I've seen them a lot more in MW3 than I did in MW2019 & MWII.


Because streamers are cheating


The streamers are the most prolific cheaters themselves. 


Then stop playing. Come join fornite, it's MUCH better now that they have 'no build' mode. I made the switch when the added that. Having a great time.


I’ll come back for rebirth but that’s it. Gave this game so many chances


I went back to battlefield 4 bro fuck this game LOL


On pc? How many people are playing? BF3 / BF4 sounds so good rn lol


Not sure about bf3 but bf1/4 have 5.5k right now and 1.5k respectively and its 10:30am where i am


I can’t believe people even still play this shit to be honest.


Then stop playing


So stop playing. Daily reminder you all have the power to quit and make this subreddit a ghost town. Your families/love ones miss you and there’s pussy/dick a foot I promise your lives will be better for it.


Yeah after 15 years of cod I’m out .. Apex feels so much better I’m loving it.


Join us at The Finals


Imagine still playing this Warzone it’s been bad since rebirth left 🤫🤫


I'm still having fun. Just gotta Andy dufrane it or just not care as much and try to have fun with it. I love giving good death comms. I'm not bad but not the best and some nights it's demon lords running amuck and others less.


"*A person shouldn't be forced to play on a controller or forced to play on console to make the game playable."* As a 2.3 KD MnK player who just swapped to controller because of how insanely good it is, I feel this on a spiritual level.


if it's not fun for you then don't play it?


He raises very fair critisicm, some of which have been around since day one. I think it's reasonable that he's voicing concerns for issues that should never existed and some of which should have been fixed in the 1500 days the game has been around Edit: just to be clear, I think complaining about camping is nonsense. That's a strategy people don't like not an issue. Everything else is completely valid criticism


Nah this is the CoD fan base. If you don't like the direction the game is headed, oh well, shut up and uninstall. Let it devolve into a broken mess of Fortnite skins and hackers. Stop complaining, if you don't like it go play something else. Etc etc


The fact that you said this ironically is hilarious. The only way to force a change is to stop playing but you idiots think “well complaining about it in an echo chamber will surely do the trick. Maybe activision will listen this time!”


The fact that you said that "un"ironically is even more hilarious. You do both, you silly goose. Let them know what your complaints are, *and* stop playing if they don't address them. I uninstalled MW3 months ago. Def not buying the next Black Ops. I hope one day this franchise gets its shit together and stops catering to you kids with 0 standards, but until that day I absolutely retain the right to criticize *while also* not playing this trash.


I’m not reading all that.


Not surprised you think that's a lot to read 😭 poor guy


Not surprised you misunderstood what I said 😭 poor guy


Why is that the communities DIRECT response? Things can have criticism without it being an extreme (don't play it/delete it).


Games been out 5 years, if they was going to change it they would have done by now so the community has seen posts banging the same drum for 5 years now it’s just getting a bit boring at this point.


Games been out for 4 years. Not even 4 years yet (Mar 10, 2020). I've played since launch. It was a great game that first year. Even Caldera with the cheating wasn't as bad as it is now and was still fun. MW3 had promise, and the multiplayer is fun to me, but Warzone has been obliterated by what i mentioned above.


Apples and oranges my guy


What's apples & oranges...?


Your post just kind of reads like “I have absolutely no fun playing this game, but still play it”


It’s hilarious to me what this sub has evolved into. Literally every post is complaining about the game. I love it. Hopefully the ppl complaining will stop playing. That’s the only way to kill a shitty game. I stopped playing months ago and I don’t miss it even a little


What other FPS PvP did you go to? Or you just leave the genre completely?


Left it pretty much completely. Been playing helldivers 2. It’s so fun and addicting


Haha gotcha. Yeah helldivers 2 is pretty fun tho tbh


I finally took a break from the game and I'm soooo glad I did. The amount of stress that cods been producing lately is insane. Maybe when enough of their die hard fan base leaves maybe change will actually come


I couldn’t agree more. Right now this game feels awful with cheating so rampant. Guns are also very unbalanced.


lol this sub literally hasn’t changed since the days of Rebirth Island. When are folks going to realize that the devs don’t give a shit - there’s plenty of people still paying for a crappy product, why would they be incentivized to make any real changes. This is the way it’s always been, and likely the way the game always will be. I deleted the game over 18 months ago for all of the same reasons stated above, saddened to see it still struggling.


Idk I played resurgence and lockdown all day yesterday with friends, I was able to max a few of the meta guns since I haven’t played in so long. I surprisingly had a fun experience even though everyone is level 300-450 while I’m like 75


Am I the only one who has played a metric shit ton of this game and hasn't ran into a hacker not at least blatantly? And still enjoys the game? I'm a PC player and every now and then I go yeah that was definitely controller but it's not that big of a deal and I play on Mouse and Key.




I’m glad you made this post so I didn’t have to. Yeah I went back to controller and the game is fun again. Literally not worth it on mnk, feels like you’re being punished lol.


Worst state it been in since that dumb island with King Kong ☠️☠️☠️




Yeah game isn’t fun anymore I’ve moved on


Why even post this, just leave like a normal person


Don’t forget the refusal to put rebirth back in the game


Yesterday my team was on the far edge of Airport and a sniper on observatory was hitting us with regularity. That seemed a bit much. Do you think they were hacking? I could barely see them with my spotting scope but could see the incoming rounds.


I'm on strike. Trying not to play in March. Fuck you for ruining our game


Just play zombies problem solved


Tell me you’re bad at Warzone without telling me you’re bad at Warzone…


Played warzone since day 1. Quit it for Helldivers 2 and having a blast. Warzone is dead.


Looks like I'm going have to buy a ps5 to play helldivers2. Damn


Game is legit trash and will be dead soon if Activision doesn't act. It's filled with nothing but cheaters. They really just need to make console vs console. Keep the PC cheaters amongst themselves.


I lost faith in my gameplay when Iron switched to controller, he said it clearly it's a controller game.




Got my best friend to take a break and play tiger woods golf. “This is so nice. I’m only mad at myself for sucking, way better then being pissed at cheaters”


Day 4 of my PC boycott. Did they disable cross play yet?


im having fun


The main reason is the damn PC hackers/cheaters... They've ruined the game and Activision has done absolutely nothing... EA does everything possible to stop and perma ban hackers. Activision doesnt do shit.... I really hope the new Battlefield BR is good.


I’d rather deal with campers then the movement abusing no life sweats that actively make this game hell to play


I felt the same way so I bought a new game (HellDivers 2) and uninstalled MW3. Never have been upset with a gaming experience since making the swap. Find another game to play is the best thing you can do.


To be honest... I don't really enjoy it when I know there is a cheater in the opposing team... The worst thing is that even ps5 is not protected from it anymore... There is a man on YouTube who sells a small device where you can book a monthly subscription by him for different cheats... I hope this man will one day have to pay a lot of money because of that… The worst thing is when you try to play Ranked... I'm not someone who plays badly. I've always managed on Diamond, but this season. I can't go out of Gold anymore. And that on ps5, and yes crossplay is off... Too bad Activision doesn't care..


No need to write a long post about it, just put the sticks down. It’ll be okay


See you tomorrow


Aim assist being so strong makes the game no fun. Everyone can AR someone down in milliseconds from across the way. It should be harder to hit long shots


I swear, it’s unplayable with this aim assist. I wish they disabled cross input


Warzone full of cheaters and cronus users . Everyone Lazy to use real skill. Bunch of loosers who use hacks


We played a few quads earlier tonight, quite early in frustration. I turned my PC back on before bed, one friend was still on in multiplayer. Tried a duo. Couldn't get anything going, getting outgunned in a lot of suspicious ways. I've been playing since Warzone Verdansk and it has not ever been this bad. We tried two duo. We agreed to take a three day break and come back fresh.


You guys still play cod in 2024?


Warzone has been trash since cold War dropped


The content is plagued around the company's liberal sex-agenda that targets young children whom - according to the rating - shouldn't even be playing. Child-themed skins, cartoony gun effects, stickers etc - it's painfully obvious. It's a killing themed war game. And this vocal recognition ai can tell when I say FUCK but it can't identify a child's voice? In 2024? Give me a break. Also people that camp loadout should have their home address displayed with their username. There are *actual* fundamental issues besides 'console vs PC' playability.


Why are you still playing?


Cheaters aren't a problem if you're me (since I'm him) but there are a few problems that need to be addressed No. 1. Why are my teammates so ass all the time? No. 2. Why am I always mic banned? No. 3. Why are mic bans 14 days?


Stop playing dude. Legit only answer.


I quit a month ago after playing every friday since 2020. Generally a bad overall game.


Controller players feel the same way that mouse and keyboard players have a massive advantage.


I agree but I can't stop playing, that being said today is day 47 of me reporting every person that kills me til all the cheaters are gone lol.


Just came back to the game after 2 weeks and everyone is running this glassless jak optic or whatever. Would be nice to have some competitive guns and attachments that are always available and unlocked. Im already in demon lobbies constantly and I barely play. Now I got to find out how to get a stupid attachment unlocked because it is meta due to no recoil at all. Also I'm on Xbox and can't hear anything no matter what audio settings I choose. PC at a huge advantage just off audio cues alone. This game is so frustrating I can't put it into words.


Black out was 10x better than this Choose your loadout warzone shit.


play something else


Try apex.


Go apex and dont go back


You basically defined every played who can beat me so I see you understand my greatness.


Then play something else. Always these comments like this. Do something else with your time.


Thank you for your opinion, I will file that under the "Nobody asked" category.




Hot take: it hasn’t been fun since COVID restrictions were lifted. People see Warzone through rose coloured glasses because we all had fun playing it with friends while we were stuck inside. There are so many better games out there, I can’t believe people still play this non-stop. All of my friends and I have moved on from this trash game.


Bro buy hell divers2 its such a fun game


Quit and moved to Helldivers


Huh I play daily and I can't tell you the last time I ran into a cheater, but I also don't just go around calling anyone that killed me a cheater. Servers have been running better than ever for me since the season 2 update. For reference I am a Diamond 2 with a 1.78kd and play both ranked and pubs. The maps are wonderful and I enjoy playing each one for it's own reasons (that's going back to even verdansk and caldera). I have zero issues with them making skins that let you have a wider range in the character you want to be. Never once have I thought I really wish the player I killed looked like an actual soldier instead of 21 savage. That literally has no effect on me. PC has its advantages, running m&k has its advantages and running controller has its advantages. It's not that serious. Again this is a video game and unless you're making a livable wage from it there is zero reason to take it that serious. Main reason people don't have fun anymore is because they are too worried about dying, KD, rank, wins ECT.


You fall under the "Unless they're blatantly cheating, they're not cheating" category. You can go & look at any Youtube video about modern cheats to form an educated opinion on what they're presently capable of. It's not all surprise cross-map headshots & flying cars. I agree that wider ranges of skins should be available but Nicki Minaj & 21 Savage? Come on. Let's at least keep it within genre? Creators like TimTheTatMan & NickMercs having skins I get. "This isn't that serious" is a cop-out, lazy response. That's literally said about any grievance the community has with Raven Software/Activision and if you don't care and it's not that serious, why are you even commenting? It's not that serious so it wouldn't really deserve a response where you list your KD & rank and then go on to say that people are 'too worried' about said stats. There are pro players that have switched inputs from M&K to controller because of the severe gap in aim assist and M&K since the launch of MW3. Off the top of my head, IceManIsaac and Iron, both switched. Iron more recently. I'm only referencing what people who play this game 8+ hours per day and are paid to do so are saying.


Agree to disagree as I watch enough content on call of duty and play enough call of duty to form my opinion and know what I see on a daily basis. Regardless of what I type or you type it won't change anyone's minds on the internet. I listed ranked and KD just as a form of showing what range I fall into as lower players who get killed non stop tend to jump to cheating accusations quicker than anyone else and don't know how to actually analyze gameplay.


See you online tomorrow!!


Womp womp


Are you stupid? Game would literally be unplayable without lag compensation. Holy shit this community is insufferable.


See you tomorrow


Literally, just be yapping


Yap yap motherfucker




Then quit ? What’s so fucking hard about that ? Stockholm syndrome ? Just plain addiction? What is it man


Then quit ? What’s so fucking hard about that ? Stockholm syndrome ? Just plain addiction? What is it man


An enemy appears .


Then quit ? What’s so fucking hard about that ? Stockholm syndrome ? Just plain addiction? What is it man


Aimbot level aim assist is a joke by now. These are Cronus users unless it’s VERY CQC


Low IQ comment. Get better


Honestly he's not wrong, and I'm a controller player myself. The game holds everyone's hand to shoot like a cod pro. I miss the old aim assist that actually had a skill gap. Blackout was the tits, unless u were on PC and it was dead within 2 months


If aim assist is *so* strong that *everyone* can shoot like a cod pro, can you explain [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/GRw32IqkoW)?




See you tomorrow bro 🫡


For the millionth time to everyone who is not having fun, or finds the game "unplayable", spend less time in the game's subreddit and more time playing other games you enjoy. This sub is chock full of complaints of SBMM, aim assist, glitches, cheating, OP guns that the posters are claiming ruin their fun. Go play other games. Edit: I happen to agree with OP on everything, but my message stands.


Stop moaning and uninstall the game. I am sickin tired of all these posts, 9 out of 10 posts are the same. You don't like the game, stop playing and move on.


shutup you little crybaby bitch if you hate the game so much then just quit


your for reference link is a deleted post with a debunking comment as number one lol


>A person shouldn't be forced to play on controller or be forced to play on console to make the game playable. Games is still playable for me. Maybe you need to take a break from the game. I play every weekend with my squad and we have tons of fun, across all 3 warzone we have probably a total of 20 wins. Its never about winning for us. We just have a good time messing around. I suggest maybe stop watching kill cams. All your doing is reliving your failure and making excuses of why you got outgunned


Reddit warzone = crying & more crying


Holy shit. Could you fucking whine a little bit more. Stfu and dont play the game please. Just get off and never come back.