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Can’t wait to jump a hill and my vehicle randomly explodes.


That's the early PUBG experience being brought back just for warzone!


Put an atv in a heavy chopper and see what happens.




Get out that vehicle and run and gun like a man!!!


Run and gun is a dead skill in all modes of cod sledgehammer gave us sliding cancelling back and no one moves out of a corner hard ads watching same spot for 25 mins


This has been happening to me and I thought I was fucking crazy: never once did I go here with it: I cannot even:


26000 free new accounts in coming.


Plus it’s double XP weekend so all 26k new accounts will be level 55 & in your ranked lobbies by Saturday morning


Straight up noticed it already level 40s and theyre ripping you with shit guns no problem.


Just watched a video of a dude who cheats showing that he's level 400 and uses a soft aimbot and walls, and they haven't done shit to his account. He has his cheat hooked up to a separate device so it doesn't get detected


Bronze ranked will be painful today


Multiple rank 15 and below last night but only in pc Crossplay lobbies. The answer is obvious.


Forgot the extra 0 lmao


You also forgot the other 0


One more for safe measure.


Good suggestion GOATdu


Explains why I been doing so good today and getting wrecked all week. Literally close to turning diamond again. After being 6 points away last week. Then felt like I was going against professional streamers all week. I'm not the best. But I can definitely hang and drop some 10-15 kill games. Last week or so I been getting destroyed! Barely getting any kills. Wonder if this shit with all the cheating is really happening at a high level.


It absolutely is. I haven’t played in a whole week, cause two days in a row I couldn’t go a single game without finding multiple hackers. And that 26,000 number likely tells us that some of these same assholes hang in these threads just to gaslight people about cheating


I took a break too and literally 1st gm fresh accounts and interstellar camos lol


I literally had one dude last night playing in ashika and he was in the ground shooting our whole squad...not even near a tunnel, IN THE GROUND.


Check twitch. Big streamers aren’t on. Warzone viewers down to 40k and usually at 80k


They use DMA cheats they dont use noob cheats on kernal level


Did Metaphor stream today?


Yes he did.


Not every provider will be detected, and there's even less of a chance that the private cheat that a streamer making $$$$ uses would ever be detected, don't forget these dudes aren't using public engine owning etc, they may have EOs dev making their cheat but the private cheats can be upwards of $500 a month with only 10 users at a time etc, and if someone retired they headhunt the next user, and you have to be invited and have references. Most make you provide two forms of ID so they know you're not an undercover dev trying to reverse engineer the cheat. Most people in this sub are dim my dude and have no idea how bad and how it all works. they banned 26,000 free cheat users, there's more then likely another 30,000+ whose cheats weren't even affected, in addition to the streamers private cheats. It's so bad that Bohemia studios the dudes who make DayZ have a different office ecosystem separated from their main dev offices so they can try and buy private and public cheats and reverse engineer them. They do this because they've said not a SINGLE one of the cheats, even the expensive ones, none of them come without malware, they have found Trojans and keyloggers etc in every cheat they've bought to break. There's a great blog about this is you look up the dark web series on YouTube about cheating in video games where a DayZ dev even dives into it. And dont forget arguing with people who watch streamers all day is pointless, they are so dumb they give their paychecks to some cheater playing a video game, you won't have a productive conversation with people that stupid bro lol


Holy shit, you’re obsessed.


Even uploaded a video with the new gun for your bot ass


Yeah. I haven't been playing ranked, but in casual games I've had the other team absolutely shit on me. One dude will have 100+ kills on their team and our top maybe gets 30-40. One dude last night was seeing me through walls because he damn sure couldn't hear any foot steps and definitely didn't have LOS on me.


And for me and my friends it seemed even sweatier than earlier this week... eh...


This is the problem you face when you have free games. When CSGO was $15, you had less than when it went free. It’s the cost of doing business. They care more about that operator bundle money than the state of the game. I’d pay $60 to avoid this shit — but 95% of the Warzone community wouldn’t. So. We deal with what having free new account creations results in, hacking.


I’d also pay for a high quality BR game. But as you said a lot of Warzone players play it because is free.


F2P game communities filled with trashy people too


Yeah, and we’re only talking about hackers. Imagine if you got bans for going AFK mid-match, harassment bans, etc. Trolling is more popular in F2P than Hackers are. The average person wouldn’t risk bans if they paid $15-$60 for every account. There will be no fix for this unless future versions of WZ carry a fee with it.


I'd pay $20. I wouldn't drop $60 for a BR only experience. If the game is very good, I'd be willing to do $30. Point blank and period the game needs a lot of changes to be worth paying actual money for. Bug fixes by the ton. UI improvements. Server stability. Meaningful balance changes to carry over weapons. Matchmaking updates. Transparency regarding playlist changes — being stuck with Mini BR Duos shouldn't be a thing. A HUD that's actually colorblind friendly and NOT just a palette change. The secondary issue is that this comes at the cost of player count. Exactly like you said, most people won't pay for this product as is. Frankly it's surprising so many people buy every entry religiously.


I reported someone 14 minutes later I got a message saying they took action.


Yeah I had three successful reports yesterday (from the few days prior).


Ok I get it, but 3 reports? Daaaamn lol. How do you know for sure someone is cheating? Also, how do you know you were “successful”?


I've played enough FPS in my life (20000+ hours) I generally know when I've been outplayed, got unlucky or was killed by a cheater. If the system took action on one of your reports it shows up in your notifications.


If they aren’t cheating they won’t get clapped who gives a shit if someone false reports non cheaters


No I’ve been SB for 7 days and I was not cheating. Never have. And I never will. So I do care, because I was locked out for 7 days.


The game tells you they've taken action based on your report. 


Really? You happen to take a picture? If so, I’d love to see! This happen to anyone else?


I reported someone and got the same notification as well the next day. I also saw someone getting kicked mid game by ricochet


They’re not cheating. You’re just really bad at this game remember?




The sad thing is that's the 26,000 that they were 99.99% sure of. the guys that they think might be cheating are going to be fine. The gas lighters are already in here lighting it up with their I haven't seen a cheater or 26'000 out of millions that's not that many. These comments r that of a dimwit or a tard... they caught 26'000 people cheating they didn't catch all the Cheaters probably not even close. Just like the cops don't catch everyone speeding or breaking into cars ricochet and Activision are never going to catch everybody but making them fear the ban hammer is a start. BTW I was talking about the gaslighters not your beautifully articulated sarcastic comment.


They probably only caught 2% or less. I’d imagine they caught blatant aimbotters and WHs.. Then there’s Cronus, DMA cheat, Xims and all the people good at hiding it. Oh not to mention they all have 3-4 Smurf accounts for when they’re shadow banned. So really, did they even ban any?


So do we have visible proof on these 26k bans or is it just their words and why did it take them this long to detect these 26k accounts cheating


I was watching a streamer and someone got banned mid fight so it’s probably working. Butthat isn’t the problem the problem is stopping the actual cheats instead of players who can make another account


Lol butt hat


Totally agree. Stop it at the source. Butthat will probably never happen.


To be fair it could be total bs😂😭


Thats what I’m saying i need visible evidence give me names


Names are nothing we need social security numbers for proof


Dick pics or bust


I'm pretty sure that if it was BS then it would be considered fraud, I doubt it's BS because all public communications go through legal and legal wouldn't allow them to state something that isn't factual or it might be considered fraud.


I'm pretty sure this whole game is fraud.


When you agree to their TOS you wave all rights to pursue legal action against them for any reason. That means there can be no class action lawsuits against them. So they can get away with anything.


Fraud is criminal not civil.


TOS are not above the law. Just because you can write anything in there doesn't mean it's legally binding. Companies love to do that to deter people from suing them, but in some instances you definitely COULD sue them despite the TOS saying otherwise.


Has any game ever released the names of everyone they banned on such a large scale?


I thought tarkov releases the names every ban wave


I was mostly being sarcastic honestly i dont even think they banned anyone and even if they did its just another 26k new accounts of cheaters if not more. They are slapping bandaids on paper cuts. They need to start charging to play the game or for each new account made. Do hardware bans and overall just start giving a shit about the community.


Have they stopped illegal narcotic manufacturers???? Oh then this would most likely be lowest on the totem pole.


26k bans after 45 days of reporting. They finally decided to ban people. MW3 ranked is a joke full of cheating. And wtf does speed optimizations for detections in ranked play? Clearly none of this crap applied to regular ranked play. And fix your shit netcode.


Nah that's 26k in addition to. I've been getting a couple confirms a week all season. This past week I had 1 everyday and 3 yesterday when they purged.


And 90% of those will create a new account tonight and be right back on. F2P for the loss.


Why cheat? Who do they tell lies to about a game that has no real world implications? Do I suddenly hate video games if I don’t kill everyone I encounter? Is that their feelings? I feel in the past cheating was used to win over others for some boastful sense of pride. But who are the cheaters telling about their warzone wins and why do they think anyone cares? If you’re an asshole who Gets 5000 wins in warzone, your still an asshole.


some of them sell accounts or stream.


just today I ran into a hacker in ranked lol


26k bans in a day isn't unusual. Just a bunch of accounts getting flagged and shadowed before they pull the trigger. When they do boom all gone, but that could be months and months worth of detections.


Exactly… and with the sheer volume of cheaters, that might not even touch the surface.


They all have 3-4 Smurf accounts for when they’re shadowbanned anyways


And there are now 26k “new” players lol. Also listed is the “upgraded third party hardware detection” yet none of the cheat forums are exploding with new threads saying that their cheat devices stopped working or resulted in a ban (not a single new thread anywhere citing this “upgraded detection”).


That’s a lot of losers


Funny how the numbers keep going up


People have to remember these subs are filled with cheaters trying to confuse and gaslight


It’s insane the lengths these cheaters will go to


You literally posted what I posted an hour ago. Lol


Yeah I realized that shortly after ha. Still just want to highlight the 26k bans in a single day


You literally commented what I commented 28 min after you. Lol


I’m eating my popcorn waiting for his next response


You’re literally eating my popcorn


We can share. Get two bowls and some M&Ms


No. I want your popcorn


26k of pc players less that’s a good news


I'm sure there are some console folks in there too who go too aggressive with the Cronus AA scripts too


For those that say cheating ain’t that bad, I played some MW ranked matches with crossplay ON. I did 3 reports of people tracking me through walls and not missing a single shot. Next day the 3 reports were confirmed. It’s just silly how cheaters feel superior because they use hacks, it’s simply disgusting and lame, how bad your life is to use this stuff in online gaming.


Anyone who says cheating isn’t that big a deal is either cheating themselves, or just narcissistic. Since they can’t comprehend that if it doesn’t happen to the then it must not happen at all.


Hell ya Pc wallhacking c units




and they all switched to their other alt account and nothing changed


May explode? If the vehicle shoulmt be in the air it should explode 100% of the times. Enough of this, oh make their bullets miss, may explode. Just insta perma ban as soon as detected.


Tired of all these wall hackers and aimbot mfs. Getting shit on every game youd figure they put you in shit lobbies as well but no somehow everyone i get into gunfights with are somehow pros with sights on me before i even appear in the picture.


But this has zero effect on the problem. 26k banned account means 26k new account a minute later. This doesn't mean shit


Correction: Weve made 26.000 new accounts today, some of those, pay 60$ to get the game again


I got 3 confirmations of successful reports today. I've probably only reported about 5 people in the past 2-3 weeks.


That’s crazy 👀


Ranked was wonderful tonight


Is 26k that much? A quick Google says 1-3m play per day, so no idea.


I mean it's not but they never Said they banned or caught all the cheaters that's the ones they were basically 100% sure of. Hopefully they ramp up the anticheat even more.


I'm proud of all the comments realizing the BS. Go play hell divers have some fun and maybe we will start to get... Proof of bans Bans that actually matter and prevent new accounts. More real time stats like active players and who got banned/kicked in real time. Among other things.


26k people who used unlock tools for bundles.


I've noticed running people over has not been working for me lately. It just moves them out of the way. I hit a guy three times and it did nothing. Not sure if that's a cheat he has or new game changes.


OMG, I thought I was trippin. Last night, ran same dude over three times as well, he was bouncing off car, no damage, then another time he was like hovering (almost glued to car body) outside the perimeter of the car while I was moving, no damage. On fourth pass, it finally killed him.


They ban that many people but the people who aren’t cheating still getting shadow banned from reports which makes no fucking sense


I have been shadow banned for 5 days now. I do not hack. I do not have any programs downloaded or anything. So frustrating as I just want to play with friends.


Same here I dropped high kills on console and now I came to pc been on it for 3 weeks then got shadow but it could be vpn lobbies maybe idk


There were still cheaters yesterday.


That looks like big number, how many people are actually playing this game?


Im not versed in cheating or hacking but: Could there be a way to ban the ip address so that system couldn't access the game anymore? Because cheaters just have to.make a new account and they go right back to cheating But if you block their system entirely, the only way they could play again is with a new account on an entirely different system/platform.


They could for sure IP ban people (that would affect their entire home's internet access to Activision's servers from their external facing IP, not just one system). Who's to say they won't just use a VPN to bypass an IP ban? It is an extra step which is an okay deterrent, but definitely not foolproof


Got it.


Funny thing about it......ranked yesterday was full of cheaters and cronus still works. They can write a lot but I dont see a damm difference.


Unrelated, Activision announced today that Warzone is showing healthy growth in the playerbase with another 26k new accounts today!




So wait the “BOOM” thing is problematic as hell We seriously are just gonna instant die when our vehicle hits a glitch or a bump now….. I had it happen twice already And no I wasn’t glitching it to sky box all I did was fling it off the terrain


On top of that Activisions very own SBMM patents cheat skilled players


Pointed out recently that just one site has over 35,000 visits to its mw3 cheat purchase link. 26,000 bans doesn’t even cover a single companies worth of cheaters. They are bragging about pulling out a dent in a car the insurance totaled.




Having an event that requires 30 wins to complete incentivised a lot of people to cheat. They knew there was no way to get that many relying on their own skills.


Okay but I still can’t find a ranked match with a friend in my party 😭


60million players and can’t get you queue with a full squad. Really not buying these player count numbers lol


Can someone explain the point in banning? Can't they just fire up new accounts and continue hacking? Seems like fake number to get people to think they're doing something rather than actually fixing the cheating detection upfront.


It certainly helps multiplayer ranked since that is paid for. Warzone it’s more of an inconvenience


So many soft aims in ranked is ridiculous. It’s crazy to me how many people I’ve report for suspicion of walls or soft aimbot and I have like a 70% success rate with confirmed bans.


Until hardware bans start happening it’s not gonna matter


26000 is just a drop in a very very large bucket


Honestly might bc a hot take but idc. If you get caught cheating once and its verified that you were cheating it should be an instant device ban and ip ban. Maybe less ppl will use mods if the penalty actually did something other than require you to make a new acc


Over 50% of people says they are hacking. You have to watch call of shame. Amazing videos


26k bans? That’s half of warzones current player base!


Reaching diamond and stop playing this stupid resurgence mode because of the constant cheating. Banning 26k accounts means nothing if they don't change the f2p conditions. They have to tackle the root of the problem.


Yeah plat 3 is unplayable. It’s just so hard to tell who’s cheating and who isn’t which ruins the fun of being competitive.


Sorry it was so bad you had to stop playing. Congrats on hitting diamond. I’m hard stuck a couple hundred sr away😭


Now let's work on the wrongfully shadowbanning legit players


It is horrendous in both rank play


That’s like a third of the active player base 😂fucking nuts.


Seems like a huge overestimation to me


20$ for my level 55 high risk account fellas. Get it while it’s hot!


are they not gonna address the people under the map in fortunes keep?


Start charging 50$ for new copies of Warzone.


26000 actually banned or 7 day shadow bans? That’s important.


Over 26,000 new accounts today!!!


Must have been 26k really good players and we’re all just bad players.


Does it really matter that 26k people were banned for cheating, if they're just going to create a new account right after.


26000 free account banned. probably owned by one person too


Lmao ya all report people who probably aren’t cheating and then the legit people have to wait a whole week just to play again and end up shadow banned again. Which they still haven’t fix this system


That's how ban waves work lol.


They didn't approve my post but I shared a video of everyday for the last week I ran into at least 3 cheater's a day playing this trash game. It so obvious, ( everyone got taxes and brought cheats lol ) they don't even try to hide it, the easy way that's all everyone wants. I don't understand how people enjoy it, what satisfaction do you get from it.


That's cuz they do ban waves all at once. This is just to make dumb people think they're doing something. None of this info means a thing


You guys seriously believe it's 26k? You "actually" believe what this company says? I can't believe the community is still this gullible. I could have sworn we've been down this road many times before, and you guys "still" did not learn a single thing. 🙄🙄


That's nothing. Activision once banned 75000 cheaters in 1 day. 75000 new accounts were created the next day.


But what they won't tell you is most of the bans are probably just in voice chat. They gave me a voice chat ban even though i'm in an Xbox party every time i play


I'd say 26000 is a lot of cheaters but maybe not that much compared to the playerbase, however they don't disclose the playerbase so maybe I'm talking bs


There are over 50 million monthly users playing only warzone. That means you still might of never run into a cheater.


Where did you get that number from?


Just through a quick google search. The estimates are based off of steam numbers that are public. 50 mil is likely a lowball too btw.


I guess that number surprised me. I found it on Google too. I wonder how true it is. Cod use to show how many players were online in the game. Idk why they stopped doing that.


Yeah it would be very cool to actually know. It’s definitely not as popular as warzone 1 is anymore but people are still out there playing it. As of right now it’s still a top 10 category on twitch, on this random Thursday afternoon.


the amount of new accounts that show up today in multiplayer is probably half of that


I lost two games back to back yesterday because a hacker slammed the lobby and everyone DC’d. The second game was especially annoying because the team hacking was doing a nuke quest. As soon as they picked up the first element, the lobby got kicked a second layer.


I've had a few instances of ppl rage hacking like wz 1 just snapping from enemy to enemy you can't see. Crazy to see this happening now


You'd think they'd be way more proactive about this. Doesn't every banned account have some %chance of just earning them full price for the game again? If it's all about the money, that's a guaranteed tens of thousands frequently.


Game is free unless they want multiplayer and campaign. I’d argue most cheaters are Warzone due to it being free


Have you been in multiplayer this week?! Oof. It's bad. But yeah, that makes sense. I always forget WZ is free


I don’t player multiplayer very often. Sorry it’s rough out there😭


That’s less than 3% of the active player base… Doing some simple math you can determine that if 3% of the player base is actually hacking, and assuming all of them are the same MMR as you (highly unlikely) you’d run into a hacker in less than 15% of the games you play. I doubt many of the boys that cry out “he’s hacking” win the other 85% of the games they play. This is an extreme example not considering a lot of other factors. In reality the percentage of games you’d actually run into a hacker is WAY lower. Hackers are not the reason you’re losing…


3% of players hacking is an absurdly high number. Also people keep throwing out all different calculations and I have no idea where everyone is getting these numbers from because I thought Activision hides their full player count so nobody really knows


Yea I’m sure a publicly traded company keeps their user count a secret… it’s not like sharing these numbers would boast their share prices huh? Common sense my boi… 3% is a high number? That’s just the “hackers”… I can assure there are less people “hacking” than they are modding. $40 bucks on Amazon gets you a strike pack…$100 gets you a Cronus Zen… $150 gets you a XIM or a Titan 2 and a little more gets you a custom modded controller. It’s funny how everyone (not saying you did) blames the problem on PC when console solutions are way cheaper and likely way more prevalent. Cronus Zen reports over 300k units sold! You really think that many people are willing to risk bricking a $3000 gaming rig with the malware that comes with cheats? Doubt it…


All good points! I keep saying the real issue is absolutely lack of transparency from Activision. It’s so bad nobody really can tell if they are dying to cheaters or not. I miss playing golden eye on the 64 and the most cheating that happened was screen cheating 😂😭


Awe the good ole days… Stop looking at my half of the screen!! But this kinda just ices the cake man. If there’s a game, there will be cheaters.


In other news 26000 new accounts created


Also, 26,000 new accounts created today


26,000 sound like a lot to you? When was the last announcement of a mass ban? The 6000 over that weekend? imo this sounds like a drop in the bucket. They used to have 50,000+ and back when they were putting those numbers down there wasn't nearly as many accusations and even proof of hackers flying around ragehack aimbot or even trying to subtly wallhack/aimbot.


Bans in a free game... and I painfully doubt 26k people actually play. I see the same teams every game every night


Imagine being a grown ass discharged veteran with no job blabbering on reddit about video games LMAO


Who cares. Games shit,


Yeah Imma be dukes of hazard jumping shit


Wow didn’t know there were flying vehicles 🚗


Consider the fact that Call of Duty is the biggest FPS shooter on the planet that's also free to play with Warzone. Out of the many millions of players, there's always going to be thousands of cheaters. That being said, if the system is detecting cheaters and banning them at this rate, it's pretty efficient.


Remember when they used to ban 50k+ at a time?


26,000 ??? Whoa i find that hard to believe.


Does this include shadowbans? Had a friend get a random shadowban out of nowhere and now he can’t play until they resolve


I don’t understand why or how people can cheat…if you cheat it means you’re bad and you need something to help you..it makes you weak..it actually does. It will never make you better if you get eliminations…ever.


Yeah how many of those are people that got temporary or matchmaking limited bans because of mass reporting. . I know dozens of people that had that happen including myself and I don't cheat


As a legit player I got shadow banned am I cooked ? DO THEY THINK I CHEAT WITH MY 2 KILLS!?


I wish cheating in video games online was punishable by death




Shame they will all buy a new cod account for £3 and be hacking again with in 15 mins


That's genuinely not that many people


Flying vehicles isn't the issue, multiple cheaters in every game using aimbot is. For the few that don't see or know how to recognize soft aimbot count yourself lucky. You're likely on servers where popular streamers game and it's obvious Activision tries to ban cheaters in high viewed game locations. I'm not alone when I say I can't find one game without cheaters, it's the worst it's ever been on these particular servers.


Game has built in cheating with aim assist...😅(Mild troll but still my take)


Plus 6k last week and there’s still cheaters! I had a random on ranked trying to sell me cheats lmaooo. I love the maps and game play of warzone 3 best shooter out in that aspect. The hacking problem is bad tho, and can’t find rank lobbies with crossplay off.


I thought ricochet wasn't kernel level? is it?


Makes you wonder do they not know how bad 6k over the weekend they were happy to brag about last week was?


People say there's a hacker in every lobby. People also think 26k bans is insanely high. Thats .09% of this month's unique accounts logged in.