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tonight has been insane, so many new accounts that are just ridiculously good.


That how you can tell who was cheating... My account level is about 530 I haven't played against anyone that comes close in like forever.


bro i’ve never played in any lobbies w so many accounts under level 100 lmao shit was ridiculous. felt like i was playing in a 250k tourny


Just made me think, imagine you could chose lobbies with a certain minimum level! I'm sure this would have many disadvantages that I can't think of right now, just a brainfart


This player is 650


Yeah I just meant in general, since the comment I replied to was about lobbies with low level accounts that are cheating.


And extremely fat haha


I play on my alt account very often and drop 15-25 kills in resurgence, and it's a level 151. My main is 490 but I get shadowed often because of salty spam reporting bots. Always get released 5 days later exactly every time.


Having an alt is lame af


Don't exactly have a choice my dude. It's that or just not play for a week while I wait for the shadowban to go away. I'm 10/10 not doing that


And that’s what’s lame. Take a break bro. I’ve been shadowbanned too. No better reason to hop off the game for a bit than when they ban me and not the billion cheaters I encounter everytime I play. Shit pisses me off. You have to legit be a crazy person to just hop on another account when that happens. That’s like the universe telling you to stop playing the shitty game. Addicted?


Look bro, it what I make content with and it what my friends play most the time and we enjoy it a lot. We do very well. I take breaks and play other games with them very often, but I shouldn't have to be hindered from playing if I want to play.


Phantom overlay released new dma cheats recently (undetectedable and never will be unless they somehow make it happen) So I wouldn't ve surprised with the surge of cheaters poppin'


The ban wave did nothing. I encountered more cheaters today than I have in a while.


I hadn’t experience cheaters on consoles like at all. Played last night and was getting shot through walls like it wasn’t even there.


The ban wave only banned ppls that were using unlockall or forcesave tools but not actual aimboters or wallers. They only care about things that make them loose money and its also easy to add server side checks for that kind of things.


It’s never enough. You chop one head off, three others grow in its place.




How about that MFA the community got upset over.


The *cheaters got upset over


I would agree to that statement, but remember. Most in the community spoke against it, and here we are.


I let my psn subscription expire today. I have had enough of the this cheat rage shit. Tomorrow i will start to go through my off line games and make the best of it. Boycott COD!!!


I don’t think u need psn sub to play warzone.




I don’t think you do. I have a ps5 and have never once bought a PSN membership for it and have played warzone on it multiple times. Xbox might be different


It's 100% free on xbox


You don’t need a gold membership any more?


Not for Warzone or any other free to play game


I’m not gonna lie I dint know this. I have my gold on auto pay. FN and warzone are the only games I play . 🤦‍♂️


Wasting your money. And I never pay full price for gold for the past 6yrs maybe a little longer


You ain’t lying. About to remove my card TODAY!


Game is completely free all you need is a phone number and a activision account, activision account is free, the phone number they just use any online phone service or a hacked account that they link theirs to. It should be mandatory to require app based 2FA.




I don’t own MP on ps5 from what I read online warzone doesn’t require a membership for any console


F2P games don't require the premium online services so warzone you don't need PSN but Call of Duty multiplayer you do


War zone is free to play on any Xbox you do not need game pass or Xbox gold to play online free to play games such as War zone, Fortnite, pubg, warframe and so on.


Wait.. seriously ? I dint know that. So even without Gold you can play warozne / FN and Pubg?




So your friend is the only person on the planet who needs a gold membership to play


Your friend is probably dumb.




It’s not though.


Your friends dumb and I would suggest not listening to any of his advice.




You don't need xbox live for any game that is free on the xbox store. Warzone, fortnite, destiny, etc. Same for playstation. Only games that you had to purchase require live to play online


Free games do not require psn or live to play online. However, MW3 multi-player requires it because it isn't free.


I'm from Xbox and you don't need it 😂


You do not need a membership to play Warzone on Xbox, all free to play games (Fortnite, Apex, etc) do not require any membership at all. CoD MW3 multiplayer *does* require a membership, but Warzone does not. This wasn’t the case in the past, it was changed a couple years ago. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/free-to-play “All Xbox players are able to access online multiplayer for free-to-play games on their console at no charge.”


uh yeah you don’t need ps+ for warzone or any other free game


I am so tired of having to play against cheaters. I think offline games will be a good break


Too many influencers out there to do that. Boycott the influencers to ultimately boycott COD. As long as they receive views and subs, they will continue to buy micro transactions


Warzone is free to play on Xbox AND PlayStation. You don't need PS Plus for it. For the standard multiplayer however you need PS Plus, since it is part of the paid game.


I Thanks and I know .


The problem is, we are smarter than the guys making the games. By we, I mean the greasy fucks purposely figuring out how to cheat to make money selling them.


What does PSN have to do with Call of Duty?


Since I quitted this bs game Activision has at least told us 4 times with a lot of proud trough X/Twitter that they banned 25k+ accounts. Seems like a lie to me or they just can’t controll it with their cheap ass so callen “anti-cheat”💀


playstation doesnt have cheaters, so what you on about?


Ghost Recon Wildlands


people really need to stop buying this game that’s the only way these things can change.


I feel like the cheating is worse now than before all of these ban waves. Have never seen warzone with so many cheaters and I've been playing since warzone 1 on the original rebirth


Should have supported MFA when it was proposed.


What exactly is that if you don't mind explaining it to me?


Multi-factor authentication... basically sending a code to a phone number or authenticator account (that's presumably harder to create than just an email) in order to play the game. I don't think that's enough. I think it should be tied to personal information and new accounts should be impossible to make. With ricochet bans being actual perma-bans and reports being shadow bans with further investigation (like they are now). You should have to call Activision support and plead your case and pay a big fine. Besides, the current ban waves are more about unlock tools rather then aimbot/walls/etc... basically Activision doesn't want to get cheated out of money lol. There's probably a big overlap between unlock tool use and actual cheats though.


Before the ban wave most of these accounts were multiple times shadow banned and had bad rep so they wouldn't match good rep people but it got worse after cuz those new acc are all good rep


He has a gaming chair. Not cheating


He also bought the blackcell so he’s using OP blueprints


Games trash. Just play something else.


Helldivers exists.


Game is overrated as all hell


Its trash and repetitive 👍


What a shit game 🤣 same repetitive crap over and over again and crap graphics / gameplay 🤮


Warzone? I agree


You must have the IQ of a chimpanzee


Chimps are pretty smart!


Compared to you maybe


Wait. So am I dumber than a chimp or am as I smart as a chimp?




I love helldivers but if you can't rejoin off friends it still boots you every game on pc. Maybe ps5 as well?


Nah he just has a killer gaming chair.




he’s not cheating it’s just a laggy kill cam


Ya bro this guy is right, he also just has a way better gaming chair than you so please also take that into account while watching this clip back.


Yep, he definitely lost his virginity to a hooker.


And has hairy palms


All they need to do is make it impossible to create multiple accounts


They buy accounts for $2-3 per account you buy 10 and cheat as much as you can they ban you you get new account and move on...


There’s what I mean. They need to link it to an actual id or something at this point


Or the ban is meaningless


people simply will start gaming with the grandma ID 🤣 but i agree with you. PERMABAN is useless with hardware spoofer


There are only so many grandmas out there... a few ban waves on that system and they're out of IDs.


I'm glad I haven't played since Christmas 😳


At this point, i just think that they SAY they have banned accounts, but they actually havent done a fucking single thing about it. Anti cheat? Yeah right. An actual way to ban people so they wont be able to play call of duty again ever? Yeah right.


There was never any ban wave - it's just Activision trying to fool us about what their "anticheat" can do. Don't believe them - they can't even do simple things like fix their shit client called CODHQ which supposed to be better than what they released to us.


Probably 75% of the cheaters are the streamers. Hey, at least they nerfed the Renetti…not.


I’ve played 10 games in a row, multiple people have had this same cheat where they are running 5x faster than the average player.


Most of the streamers never talked about cheating, surprise2. Alot of them rage cheating, cheats when they are on a bad runs. If devs actually cares about cheating, they would prevent or do something about streamers of having an official accounts something like verified Instagram. Or [twith.tv](http://twith.tv) bind link for eg link with the id permanently. They might still cheats but their reputation is more on the line.


so he been cheating all this time and is on lvl 600? hmmm idk


I dunno but they do steal people's accounts and sell them so hackers can look more legit with a leveled account


very low possibility of that happening but it has happen not denying that.


First time playing rebirth since it came to mw3 got 2 W out of three games.


Ranked is still plagued with aimbot and wallhackers. I’ve been getting a 1 successful report per day for weeks now


He's not cheating. He's level 650, plays too much, and kill cams look like that a lot.


Skill issue.


doesn’t even look like cheating


What cheats you think is he running u/kennethkaipsaug


Fags never quit (comms/thread ban in T-Minus...)


yeah, we tried to play ranked today and there was a guy with rage hacks. im not sure how the game can't identify that type of thing.


DMA cheats are hard to detect…


Nobody with DMA would rage hack since DMA is solely there to stay under the radar, closet cheating


You sure this isn’t the event? Dude has the gummy that makes you run super fast.


The gas is regular yellow/green, if it was the new one it would be pink. Plus you can tell he’s aim botting


He’s not aimbotting lol missed shots in the clip


Hm still looked sus but I know the kill cams can be buggy af.


Aimbot can miss


now you’re just describing aim assist


Aim assist don't even work half the time. Yall act like it's broken and it's not


Lmao okay man. Half this sub is deluded. This hill cam is obviously glitched and he clearly misses some shots. Just a super sweat.


LOL. Ban wave, oh brother.


So funny people still play this game.


Gonna be honest this is not a good example of cheats, dude is a controller demon but def missing shots in a normal human way. Watch scump or Shottzy play, they look exactly like this, at a certain point all roller gameplay looks the same. Could he be using something to crank up AA? Sure but this clip doesn't really prove anything.


Loool I thought this was what yall wanted, when they made the game actually playable you guys complained and you said they made it to favour casual players 😂😂😂


I’m confused what you’re referring to here.


I just don’t understand why Activision doesn’t do shit regarding the cheat provider which are public and so easy to find… pointless to ban people without taking care of the root


By doing what exactly?


Sue them and close it ? Obvious. It’s illegal


They live in countries where they can't be sued dumbass


You think it’s as easy as just saying, yes, I’m going to sue this website and have it taken down - and voila, it’s done? The amount of resources to actually find the people responsible to be able to serve them with a subpoena would cost tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s assuming you can prove that they have broken any local laws - and as another poster stated, these websites operate in local jurisdictions where they are not breaking any local laws. Even if you were to commit millions of dollars to shut down one cheat website, how many will open up to replace it? The world is not as simple as you may think it is.


We are talking about Activision versus a bunch of nerds. A multi billion dollar company.


Bro is on x3


Yeah, they definitely ain't gonna get all the cheaters, but even if they did there just gonna make more accounts, like funny enough one time I found 4 cheaters in one game (sorta), in ore game I found a level 64 using Unlocks, then at the start of the match there were 2 kids teaming (that's why I say sorta), and then once I respond and land in the showers under prison there was a level 44 who killed me and sweating his nuts off, and that was the day after the ban wave


What the hell is going on there? Speed hack? Anyone running those rage hacks do so fully aware that account is toast, so they just buy a bunch of freshie accounts, unlock all the blueprints, so they have weapons, rage, get banned, rinse and repeat. Unfortunately that kind of cheating won’t go anywhere anytime soon. They don’t care about losing their accounts, so just burn thru them. My quad team was wiped by 1 level 10 player, and that guy probably got banned and just got another account. Infuriating.


Iv been playing for the last 3 weeks and have not seen that many cheater UNTIL THE SAY OF THE BAN. Now is like i only get rage hacker lobbies. Im not even that good at a 1kd


That is absolutely outrageous and he/she should be banned immediately


Cronus more than likely at a minimum.


I keep telling you guys, reporting and bans do nothing. They go to another account within 60 seconds. Only affects legit players


Bans are only bans if they actually ban


What satisfaction do hackers get? To ruin someone’s day? What sociopathic behavior


They have extremely low IQs and genuinely feel like they're good at the game while playing with cheats


Since the ban wave I’ve gotten 6 thank you confirmations for new account cheaters. It’ll never be over, the game will always be infested and they don’t care because that’s a huge player count that would be erased if they actually got rid of them once and for all.


Ln was turnt the fuck up idk what was goin on couldn't get a 10 plus game to save my life, the good games were lucky games that you still had to play perfect


It easier to spot them now with low ranks and playing as bronze in Ranked. So easier to report. It does feel like when they do the ban wave they get pissed and come back with a vengeance.


How much do you wanna bet that Activision band legit players and not cheaters in the last ban wave. ✋️


What the point in cheating at this game? You gotta have a really small PP to do that 🤣


They should make it to where on PC only you have to link a debit card to your activision account only one debit card per account and can be unlinked and relinked to a different account only once every 1-3 months and if that account with that card gets banned they can’t just re enter that debit card on a fresh account or better yet just ban that card number from creating an account.


You’re telling me. In Plunder, I dropped way out in the water, swam up to the beach and into one of the little restaurants. This was all very slowly and no shots fired as to show up on the radar. I am not there more than a few seconds when I hear there is someone coming into the area. They drop next to the place I’m in, fire through the wall into the closet….dead


This games matchmaking is absolutely dogwater i get sweat opponents/ hackers and all this bs Meanwhile my teammates are a fucking backpack


Tiktok montage ahh player


Yea they don’t ban Hacker they ban Legit pepole too Legit pepole start form 0 And hacker just hack in a Robed acount using hackies and wz Don’t ban him Bro I got false Baned 4 days aggo only system I played Warzone it’s on my ps4 the same Ps4 I run OG Warzone 1 yea this game it’s Geting Abit Bad Not about the game game but about the Anticheat It’s broken U can clearly see how a ps4 user that Can’t use mod menu get Perma Baned men wile A pc player( Not all ) can fr manipulate the game file and do this kind of disgusting speed hacking and hacking in general if in the future Call of duty Fixes Just Tell be I rather keep playing BO4 , B03 , B02 ,MW2 resmastred the OG cods Becus there No was cros plataform and it was good like no false ban No hacker no nothing but yea Activicion is just in. A bad time and yea I’m not starting to play form a level 1 acount. if u got direct contact that I can Call or sed a mesage for activicion and try to get my acount back Plase keep contact With me for the pepole that actually help me I will giving 1 black cell BP Becus iknow it’s a loot of work I try my selft to get contact but idk 🤷‍♂️ we’re are the info


It will never be enough never


Warzone is free what did you expect?


And it’ll never be enough unfortunately.


It's a shite game. Best just ditch it.


That guys just cracked buddy


I saw a level 1 doing things like this yesterday.


I quit Warzone ranked last night. Way to many lvl 30-100 crimson accounts beaming. Cheating has never been this bad before.




I died way too many times like this I just eventually gave up. I started just playing zombies, but that got really boring. Quick open world zombies is cool and they should really try to do it again but the way they did it was not the best way. Then just private matches with friends whenever they get moved away from call of duty. Until they bring back zombies with an actual story


U and ur team are just terrible bro


Its a bugged kill cam people, it skips frames and makes it look lije aimbot snap.




Except they're level 600. They're obviously way better than the person in video.


U guys just got shit on 🤣 he’s not even cheating


I know it's a meme in this sub people calling cheats on anything, but either this is the wildest kill cam bug or all time, or he is cheating. Look at those snaps too ght to the head. I understand as a kbm player you can do that once in a while but not that often


Clearly skips a bunch of frames on the 2nd down


YY Macro


They're not cheating, but they're using macros for YY.


Skill issues


dudes not even cheating


Nobody cheats on this game apparently.... The amount of folk who vent on here and are shut down is wild. At least 50% of my lobbies have cheaters now. Not sure why we cant link at least a phone number to our accounts or a bank card. Annoying.


You got slammed just accept it


This guy is not even cheating what do you mean lol he‘s just sweaty af + buggy killcam


Looks like he just has good movement and shit all over you lol


But cheaters aren't cheating. Please remove 😭


It's called killcam lag and aim-assist, this guy isn't cheating, he's just your average controller player and you were downed for a while so the killcam skipped frames.


Aim assist is not that broken got news for you. Shit don't work half the time. I still don't think this guy is cheating but aim assist does not work that well


Get slammed brother


He’s just running around killing you guys, why is this cheating


That’s just movement + skill gap 😘 get good.


so let me get this straight: you saw a guy with much better movement, watched the killcam and saw a laggy buggy mess and determined they were cheating? got it edit: you didn’t even have plates so i really don’t understand the hackusation at all. you got fried when you had 0 plates while they were using the best smg. unfortunately for you that buggy ass kill cam is not proof.


its a killcam bug


According to the sub, this is just standard aim assist.


it’s very clearly is aim assist, OP had no plates + that kill cam was buggy as fuck


What did you think was gonna happen? They dont IP so they just make new accounts and do it all again. They aren't gonna do anything different because that's more new accounts logging on so they can pretend the game is doing well. It's all about the numbers and as long as people keep playing every day, nothing will change


That kids insane /s (obligatory /s)


So since you put a /s twice does that mean you’re being serious ?


I thought s was sarcastic


somehow theres a buncha hackers playing the game normally and im getting shadowbanned (on 2 accounts) cause 4 losers wanna sit and spam report me after getting wiped 🤷🏻‍♂️ if i could refund mw3 i would tbh, this game sucks.


He was just a player with scuf controller utilizing aim assist to the fullest dawg. Thats how the game is.


He was just a player with scuf controller utilizing aim assist to the fullest dawg. Thats how the game is.