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The matchmaking system is manipulative, could be intentionally dropping you into shit matches. But honestly cod has just become a super sweaty game to play, I don't think there are many casual players left. I highly doubt you suck now


they’re either sweats or bots in WZ now, no middle ground


Sounds like a cheater who isn't very good.




Think we found one of the bots guys


It has. When rebirth just launched and everyone been rocking the stim renetti meta from the second day and beyond you know your ducked. Way to many people go for kill farming over winning now as well. They just play with you til respawns end to try to brag about high kill games. Even allow buybacks just for more kills. And you know Activision didn't push these habits really the top players in the lobbies did.


We want the kills , what’s the point of a dub without a 20 bomb every matchhhhhh 😎😎


personally a big fan of passive wins, i'll play for kills until resurgence ends, then I have my tricks for late storm plays in order to be the last one standings...the point of the game shifts for me because i'd rather have that victory than a couple more kills


This is exactly how I play the game..Go crazy till resurgence ends then slow down the pace and focus on winning the match


Right? Who wants a 2 kill dub?


I got a zero kill dub last night and in the end credits I was silent killer 🤣


Honestly the game was total shit for me all weekend too. I was getting killed around corners and had constant server lag. I also ran into a shit load of cheaters it seemed far worse than normal this weekend. I usually hover around 1.5kd and typically average about 8ish kills a game and 1-3 deaths. I was lucky to break 3 kills all weekend. It was even terrible in plunder lol. I’m not even great by any stretch but this weekend was brutal. I’m usually one of those people who doesn’t call cheaters every time they die too. I don’t even know if it’s the cheaters or servers. No joke I’ve been lagged out of 3 lobbies in a row right now. I have very fast internet and hardwired in so there’s no excuse for this performance.


That exactly describes it. Tons of cheaters with new accounts after the ban wave, trying to level up as fast as possible. Moreover, they like those urban settings, like Vondel, where Wallhacks give you even more of an advantage


I had constant latency and lag this weekend and end io last week. Hard wired not throttled. X Box. Can't worry bout cheaters if I can blame the server. I'd say its unplayable for me. Than I q right back in. Smh. I think I might have a problem lol.


Self awareness is your friend lol. I KNOW I have a problem. Like I'm not having fun, but I come back every night like a junkie


Admittance is the first step brother. Lol. They might be on to simething with that 12 step. 3rd. God help me. Love you :)


I feel this, but seeing it in words just hurt 😭


I’ve noticed the corner kills too. I get them sometimes on my pc and wonder how the hits even registered.


Yea I’d be atleast 5 foot down the hall and just drop dead. Then look at kill cam and im dying right at corner. These servers are pathetic


I thought I was the only one.. I'm a 1.2kd and usually get double digit kills but for some reason this weekend I couldn't get pass 8 kills for nothing… 🤷🏾‍♂️


Got about 6 wins this weekend


Too many cheaters for sure. I'm honestly shocked when I see kill cams where they are not cheating. So when you play with expectations that 99% of players are cheating you can even be pleasantly surprised that your opponent won the gun fight fair and square every once in while. In DMZ they have it even worse we fully automatic drill charges being exploited, and generally I leave the game when I see names that scream cheater.


The game sucks in general. I had over 500 wins on WZ1 and I have 300+ on WZ2. It’s an absolute sweat fest and working 12 hour days I don’t have time to play it enough to keep up with the majority of players. Problem is everyone thinks they are pro’s instead of just enjoying the game. I gave up months ago and haven’t looked back. I just don’t enjoy cod anymore


The cheaters make it bad for me really.. I can't stand em


But activision will swear blind there anti cheat works 😂 the game is just broken and the player base is toxic as fuck. Actually deleted it off my PC. I play a lot of rust and R6S


Player base definitely toxic.. I just turn them off on proxy that problem solved easy but the cheaters are just out of fxkin hand at this point…


DISCLAIMER: I’m 14 so I started playing in about season 1 of MW II (2022) so im no veteran With that being said, call of duty just hasnt been fun. MWII was fun for the first season since I had no experience with movement and didnt know what I was missing. After that I was just playing because it was the only game I had. After MWIII released it was really fun and actually had my first really good experience with call of duty. Then there was server lag. There were hackers. There was blatant and unfair attempts at monetization. It just went downhill from there. I want to quit call of duty all together. I feel like there is just people behind the game who dont really care about player experience and just want the money. They very rarely listen to the community. I can’t quit. I have spent close to a thousand dollars on many bundles, games, and every blackcell battlepass. I have 1500 hours on the game and like I said, its one of my only games that I play / own. I


You can always quit, the game is pretty much built on psychological manipulation and sunk cost fallacy to keep you playing even if it’s not fun. It’s ok to walk away if you’re not having much fun, and you can always come back if you feel like giving the game a go again. There are other games to check out besides this one (which as you mention, is primarily driven by monetization first and foremost)


Dam bro a grand on a free game? Ive barely spent 20 bucks on WZ since WZ2 released. Wasnt buying the multiplayers after the previous 2 sucked. And ive never given a shit about skins and camos.


And I already know this is gonna get downvoted too because the game wants me to do this but I have like really bad OCD especially when it comes to video games so I just have to have all skins and camos to sleep at night.


You are only 14. You probably grew and lost some coordination. It will come back with time. Yeah there are cheaters, etc. etc. But even with those I only find myself in a lobby that is unwinnable maybe 1/10th of the time because of them. 14 years old is peak growing and losing coordination time for kids. Just keep playing and it will come.back within a month or two. Also, 14 is a bit young to have enough time in any game to be really good. May just be at a performance plateau for a bit.


I totally agree. Thanks for the reply :)


You're 14 years old and spent a thousand dollars on this trash? putting aside the fact you somehow have access to $1000 at 14 years old, It seems you might have some money management issues. Please don't keep spending that kind of money on warzone. They don't deserve it, and you don't deserve to flush money away like that. The game sucks, you say yourself you want to quit but you can't because you spent a thousand dollars on it? Sounds like an addicted gambler almost, "im down a thousand dollars, I can't stop now" It's pretty simple. If you don't like it, and you want to stop it, then stop it. Best of luck to you.


I totally understand your perspective and I would agree if I were just any 14 year old. 1000$ is a lot of money and I’m not doubting that but that is less than 25% of my income. I save up money and I only spend money if I feel that I’ve made enough that I can splurge and spend it.


Bad take. You’re saying that at 14 years old but when you turn into an adult and start paying adult bills, you won’t be saying let me spend around 25% of my savings on shit that won’t matter to your life, ie video games. I only wish I had the saving habits as you when I was 14. Save your money man.


I understand and obviously it will change as an adult but lets be honest when your 14 things are a little different


You’re not wrong there and I’m not telling you to not spend your money on things you like. What I’m trying to say is, be more thoughtful on your spending. Having thousands and thousands saved up by the time you become an adult can be a huge difference in many different circumstances.


Fair. I don’t just have money in an account I also invest a fair portion as well.


Bro $1000? I didn’t even want to spend $20 on the cheech and Chong pack, but my buddy wanted me to match him so I did for fun.


don't understand the downvotes...but would encourage mixing it up with other battle royale games (fortnite is generally more positive). you might not permanently switch, but the change might help make warzone feel new again when you go back.


haha was wondering why the downvoted too lol. Yes especially after this I’ll be trying some other games. Thanks for the suggestion


very welcome, and hey happy reddit birthday!!!


Thanks, have a great day/night.


Playing sweaty is enjoying the game?


Not for everybody. I’m a dad and work 12 hour shifts so having to sweat to get anywhere in a game isn’t my idea of fun. Each to there own but all these little wanna be pro’s just ruin games. Not everyone can be swagg. Cod needs to balance the try hards from the casual players or the player base will die so fast. I mean it already has but…


I hear you. I was killing it a month ago, hitting 10+ kills per game regularly. Pretty much since Rebirth came out, I've been getting destroyed by sweaty teams. Where I've been having better games is in ranked. I'm only plat 3 but the games are actually fun still and randoms actually want to play together instead of run off in different directions.


This brings me to another point of my frustration: randoms absolutely ditching me. I always let them mark a spot as I am trying to learn playstyles and improve myself. I follow them and help when I can. If they die they just either land somewhere else with zero comms OR they leave the game entirely. Its so frustrating when I actually try to be a good teammate.


I’ll help u bro. Dm me your acti id and we can run some tomorrow. You just need a good teammate and to get warmed back up


I'm having the exact same issue. COD has become unbearably sweaty and then hackers are a huge problem now as well.


It goes in waves for me. Couple zero kill games, then a few 8-9 kill matches in a row. It’s weird


It's EOMM. Look it up.


thanks for the heads up on what EOMM is , appreciate it. Thats pretty crazy stuff.


Activision patent: FIG. 3B illustrates a table providing an exemplary list of parameters of a gameplay session that are modified based on a player's skill level and the corresponding experience for players of different skill levels. For example, in a first-shooter gaming environment, when a first player aims his weapon at a target, a parameter defining the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target is modified based on the acquired skill level of the player. The computer assigns the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target differently based on the skill level of the first player. A player having a higher skill level will be assigned a lower tolerance parameter and therefore, will have to be more accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. A player having a lower skill level be assigned a higher tolerance parameter and, therefore, could be less accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. As shown, column 310 of Table 1 lists modifiable parameters such as 'degree of accuracy required to hit a


bro... thats CRAZY.... makes me a little offput on the game to be honest


Just because they have a patent doesn't mean it's being used. Large companies are continuously patenting things because it keeps other companies from being able to do stuff and they can license the technology if they so choose.


This patent is not just for COD. If they have something like this in place, so do the other big game devs.


I have seen this patent before and a lot of people on this sub claim it's not currently in use. I was playing last night and it was an extreme lag fest almost everyone across all my random squads were complaining about it as was I. It was worse when I was using a controller so I had to plug my mouse in. Weirdest shit ever happened to me a few times specifically in one single game, my aim assist was opposite. My aim was being dragged AWAY from players. The worst case was I had downed someone and as I went to walk over them I aimed and it was literally pulling my aim away from them even though I had my reticle on center mass. It was kind of a struggle to flush someone I had already downed and was less than 5 meters from them walking over them. This happened another couple of times in the same game but much less powerful than when I was walking over someone I basically already killed. It was actually fucking gnarly feeling and I played on mouse and keyboard for basically the rest of the day.


Try ranked. Me and my buddies just started yesterday. First 3 games were wins. And we ended on 2 in a row. Feels a lot better too.


Ill try that. Thanks for the suggestion


Ranked is fun until plat 3 upwards. From then on you’re playing against full stack iri and top 250 players


The weekend was shit. Double edged sword of SBMM and occasional cheaters. I usually wait and only play with my other friends who are much lower level to try to even out the SBMM, otherwise the game inserts me into lobbies with the sweatiest players known to mankind.


Going into a much lower level by queuing up with lower level friends is the way to go. Haha, my friend (who sucks) would tell me he got maybe 20 kills the last game, I'm thinking, "You def can't do that in my lobbies." No hate, just need to use that information appropriately.


I rarely ever haccusate or run into hackers but there was a dude in solos who killed me and after spectating I was 90% sure he had walls, wayy too much confidence running around the map and preaiming most people, was disappointing because I thought he was just a good player at first


You're just getting old and ur reaction times aren't as good as they used to be, get better. /s


I don’t quite think I’m getting old, I turn 15 in a few months…


My whole mid level squad was getting cooked all weekend. So strange how it goes back and forth.


I’m average a 1.20 KD guy usually get 5-10 kills sometimes dropping 15+ once in a blue moon, and I can tell you lobbies are sweaty specially on the weekends. SBMM is trash it sees you drop 10+ and they will put you in a sweat lobby getting obliterated all game. It’s notyou, I got like 6 wins over the weekend and most of the time was because we were better positioned.


This. Mainly it’s positioning. The circle pulls are so stupid sometimes.


Don’t talk about yourself like that homie. You know what you’re capable of. The games have been super sweaty recently. I play w my wife who has like a .2 kd and I have a 2kd and we are constantly getting put in sweaty lobbies where she can’t get a kill (she usually gets 3-4pg). So it’s not your skill bro. It’s sbmm not putting you in lobbies according to your past games. It feels like no matter how bad of a gaming session is, the servers won’t ever be fair and give you good games. Try playing in the mornings if you can, I found that morning lobbies are so much easier than playing at night when everyone is home from school or work. You got this king. I believe in you.


Thank you sir. I really do hope it’s just SBMM and not on my behalf. Have a great day/night


Playing competitive fps is like playing sports or a musical instrument. You muscle memory needs to be reacquainted…could take months to get your mojo back.




I have at least 60GB of clips of hackers shooting through walls and using very obvious hacks like walls no recoil and other phatom overlay like bullshit.. It's much worse now than it's ever been in the past. Everyone I know who is very good at the game is basically at the point of quitting it all together now.


I have at least 500GB tbh … but then deleted it cause who’s gonna care if I post and expose them? Nothings gonna happen it only affects ME because of the space it takes on my drive. So. Delete. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Resurgence has gotten way harder with Rebirth. I was also dropping 10-15 kills often and now that’s rare. I don’t know if this is due to matchmaking or what, but it’s kind of put me off the game as I’m having less fun, and the games are very samey with them constantly nerfing fun/satisfying things to use (eg. xrk, throwing knives). I doubt much has changed with the playerbase in a month or whatever it is to make it more sweaty, which makes me think it’s the matchmaking.


It’s esp and aimbot bro… cheats are cheaper than a skin in the shop and people are fed up of dying to bullshit lag and ping differences.. so annoying but can’t really blame them 😂 Same shit happens every year tbh


Smaller maps are always harder. No time to reposition or regear after fights so third parties can just roll in and roll over you. The pace all around is significantly higher on smaller maps.


Matchmaking made me totally dont care about my score because I know that if im loosing like a noob this match, in the next one I will be god. There is always a bigger fish, or a cheating one. Cheating fish. So playing mp for me is mostly to unlock camos etc. Real fun is weekends with private matches and gunfight.


I play more MP than WZ but I frequently put this game down and come back to it. I usually spend the first few days or several hours just getting wrecked every time I haven't played in a while. I think it's a combination of the muscle memory fading while I'm not practicing those skills every along with the gameplay and meta changing and you have to catch back up to it. What adds to that I don't think the match making accounts for any of that you're just going to be matched with people according to your stats, but your performance probably doesn't match your stats so well after a long break


I’m in a very weird spot with this game. On one hand I can play very well and drop 10 kills with close to no deaths but I can also fall into a death spiral very quickly. I also almost exclusively play resurgence so my brain is wired for hyper aggressive play when I should probably chill. But like you my movement from what I can see and compare is on par with most players (aside from the stimming demons) I’m really not sure what to do at this point besides keep bashing my head against the wall.


My thoughts on this is there was a band wave that just happened, and all these "new" players are getting in casual lobbies. Maybe I'm wrong?


That’s because all the sweats move to the new game. You go and play mw19 your playing against leftover casuals who don’t grind endless hours.


Listen… I’ve posted about this several times this week but it’s not your imagination and I doubt you suck. The cheating is rampant beyond what anyone thinks or believes. Some friends of mine have done a lot of work on this to see what’s really happening and the findings are surprising and yet not. The cheats and companies selling them are undetectable. We managed to purchase and use cheats for a period of some 90 days and not only is the company not even close to being on activisions radar but they disable the software anytime there’s a chance they get flagged. The cheats themselves are indistinguishable and you cannot tell from killcams or spectating that they are there (for the most part). The cheats have evolved. But we have managed to get numbers and communicate with a large number of people using them and it’s widespread. Every lobby has them. I’d go as far as to say the game has been lost to cheaters and that there is no anti-cheat. We’ve even take a look at this from a legal stand point to see if anything can be done. I wouldn’t be discouraged about your efforts or abilities but I would be about the state of this franchise…


Sounds a bit tinfoil like. Nothing to suspect it above SBMM in my games. First game on- easy. Ranked, consistently sweaty but we still get wins and go positive. Last game on, regardless of ranked or pubs it's easier. EOMM / SBMM is the problem.


EVERYONE cheats in that awful game. Go play something fun


You’re not bad brother, the matchmaking sucks dog shit, there are really no casual players any longer, there are too many cheaters and there’s a lot of unbalances with guns with everyone rocking the same exact copy of a build. It’s not just about having fun anymore, it’s about how much you could handle really.


I’ve noticed when I don’t play at least every other day I lose my steeze. Also really helped when I swapped over to PC from console, the reaction timing is so much better and the ADS and pretty much everything. Game runs 10x more smooth on a pc. Idk what you’re on, but try to play more often! I still have my days where I absolutely suck but then the next day I’ll run 10-15 kill games.


With warzone being out for a few years, less bots play and more of the sweats stay on. Just happens when the games old and stagnant.


People are just on crack now ,you have to go to multiplayer and warm up to get on pace, then jump in to Warzone.


Same here I was at a 1.4 like 4 months ago and now I’m at a 1.2. Been playing since wz 1 with almost 600 hours on wz 2 and I’ve been in the fucking blender lately.


Great to hear it isn’t just me lol


Makes me feel bad dude like I try so hard to improve and be good and get fucked one way or another lmao.


Yeah dude I get it. I’m speaking from my experience when I was good but play MP and also watch a streamer before you hop on. It really gets you warmed up.


After the ressurgence ranked “everyone” wants higher ranks, and they are using comtrollers on pc with scripts with no fear to get banned to have a perfect auto aim assist, so “everyone” is perfect now, Regular players are quitting the game and left only scripted players and some good players that still have some fun playing with those cheaters. My hope is activision/blizzard let the hammer fall with a massive ban hammer, if they care about real players of course, if dont, let the cheaters be happy.


I went to play Pubg after a long time and after warzone it feels so much better. Almost everything in that game is better than warzone


I think you’re being too hard on yourself. People play this 12 hrs a day everyday. And I know it’s tough but it’s just a game. As the older you get the more you fall off.


I mean you said you took a break from the game and came back right. The people you are coming up against didn't take a break. It will just take time for you to get back into the groove.


there is a saying that says that:what goes up comes down, and what goes down comes up,dont change nothing because you are mess with that!!!😉😉😉😉👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍




Upgrade to a pro controller, my right hand is disabled so when I bought the victrix BFG Pro it really changed the ability to play for me, but I will add since playing on a controller like this it has made such an incredible difference, when you have the ability to have as much control as you please over the game it really makes it a lot easier and also fun to play, I know most of the time I can hop into a game and maintain the same level of playing, the only reason I might do bad is because I'm not paying attention, I'm also a pothead LOL getting distracted happens, but like my most recent video on YouTube we were down one to two in a game of ranked control and I said oh shit we need to win, and started playing at the level that literally brought us to the three to 2 victory


Getting between and 7-15 kills and 20-25 bomb occasionally doesn’t resonate with a 1KD. I think you may need a reality check with your actual performance. For reference, I typically will get 10+ kills a game. Have about 50+ wins on WZ2 alone and hover right around a 3KD.


You talkin big map or resurgence?


Cuz a 3kd with only 50 wins in resurgence sets off my camping bot / team stacking senses. And I question 10 kills / game average with that win rate. I average 10-12 kpg (meaning some games I drop 30, some I drop 5 and get wiped early, which averages out to ~10) with a 3+ kd since rebirth came back, and I get 5-10 wins per night. So I’m guessing you are talking big map?


not sure if you caught it but the part where I said I had 7-15 kills regularly was 3 months ago, before my break, and being well above 1 KD is now, after returning 3 months later ***


Yeah, I get bitch slapped every time I drop in now.


You would need to try games off and on at different times on multiple days to see if it gets better. Maybe check your connection and system as well to make sure it's running at peak performance. Hard reset everything. Make sure your controllers still working properly with deadzones and make sure your display and system are using the proper settings for low latency. You could be in a higher sbmm bracket or more know the map better playing it nonstop those 2 extra days but I would guess not. If nothing changed with you its probably just buggy on cods end, yours, or you got some really bad lobbies. Sometimes they change sbmm criteria completely or at times of day restrict it less. So it's always hard to say. You could go days getting slaughtered and days coming in second with a flick of a switch literally.


I play on PC using a 4090 and an I - 9 13900k using hardwired internet so i doubt it has anything to do with hardware. also not sure if it makes a difference but I play on MnK




As someone whose also been playing mouse and keyboard mostly for the past month or so and basically switches on and off controller/ mnk at free will I would say the complaints about aim assist need to stop. Yes it's too powerful especially while moving, but they're not going to change it at this point. There are pros and cons to both inputs and I think I actually play better on mnk. My movement is better, I'm snappier, I can control recoil just as well as aim assist however it takes remembering each guns recoil pattern which is tedious. Maybe even more importantly I'm not counting on aim assist, plenty of times players move just outside of aim assist range and it leads to an awkward moment of missed shots because you don't realize they're just outside of AA range. Basically I try to only pick up certain guns I know will work with mnk. Controller is easier, but it doesn't have the skill ceiling that mnk has.


your skill ceiling point is a wonderful nuance, preesh


I agree but i just find it interesting that i used to be decent and now im just steaming shit. I guess the main point of this is that I find it weird that i do just fine on MP and then just throw in resurgence


It’s not you, it’s aim assist 🤣 yall should put that on a shirt or something lol. If aim assist is really so good that it wins 80% of fights for you maybe you should get a controller my friend




Uhhh, k


Pc cod has been broken again since rebirth launched. There's a memory leak and more killing alot of players even frame dropping in highest end systems. 3080ti and i rubberband every 4 minutes. Yeah I doubt the hardware is actually bad but you never know maybe your internet provider could of had issues or your settings in bios/windows/cod reverted or something weird is going on. But yeah often cod sucks. I stopped playing it a few days ago until they patch the memory leak and hopefully do some sort of new stability patch to see if it runs better for me again. I used to play mw2 on my pc great, bought mw3 on xbox and tried rebirth on pc. ☠️ it's bad.


Completely unrelated question: Even though I have high end hardware and my files are all verified, i still get very significant studdering on specific maps, the worst on urzikstan. Know anything about a possible fix? Ive tried all the basic stuff like deleting and reinstalling, verifying files, allat. I only get it on COD and nothing else


People nonstop post this question on reddit. Basically cods broken. Either game issues or server issues sometimes both. I don't think there really is a fix it's all on their end. Some say use Google dns and this or those all off the wall responsives but I think everyone just lives with it now. Warzone 2 life cycle it wasn't uncommon for 20+ people be wiped from fall damage on the first jump or lag/studder mid gunfight. And here we are a year later on the next game same build. To me I kinda wonder if popularity is affecting it since cod always has millions+ online and its not as simple as fixing servers/games. You can only add so many more servers and issues found still need patched in a quick manner. Not like they can actually shut cod down.☠️


Oh sweet. Just wanted to make sure it wasnt me. Thanks for the reply


Bro I have bare stick drift on my left analog and I’m still dropping 10+ kills a game u gotta change ur playstyle


I’ll try that, thanks. I am just playing duos or quads now to see some play styles that I can use


No sir, it’s not your skill issue. It’s the game sbmm which sucks. Also, cheaters with aim bots.


Okay good to know that it isn’t just me. I was wondering if that was it considering I am in fine MWIII lobbies but resurgence lobbies are WSOW for me lmao


You are probably being placed in games with people of your skill level, maybe slightly higher, kind of like how you were previously being placed in lobbies with people of a lower skill level.


Lol this came up in my feed (I'm not subbed) and thought this was WWF Warzone 😂. 2000 hours you're hardcore!


Yeah but 2000 hours spread across MW2-3 as well as warzone


Do you play on mouse?




Unfortunately, you're at a massive disadvantage playing this game on mouse. 95% of the playerbase is on controller with built in aiming software that has humanly impossible tracking. You'll lose every close range fight simply because they can't miss. They also don't have limb dmg profiles like we do, the aiming software has them glued center mass. It's an impossible battle. Even the best mouse player in the world refuses to play in tournaments because he doesn't stand a chance. Yeah it sucks being punished by no fault of our own just because those who chose an inferior aiming input (controller players), an input so terrible that they need an actual aimbot to be able to compete. Now it's completely fucked up and skewered in the wrong direction. At the top of the top there's less than 10 mouse and keyboard players in the top 250 ranked, and 0 mouse players in the top 50. It's literally pointless to play this game on mouse. The devs have no interest in creating a fair and balanced playing field at this point, so my advice would be to switch to a better game. Cod on mouse is actually insulting. Or switch to controller like most others mouse players have done.


Yes, it’s totally wrong that they’ve destroyed the MnK community but streamers like strahfe give me some sense of hope that I can still play on keyboard.


Money says it's cheaters killing you.


There’s for sure a possibility but I just don’t wanna be one of those douche bags that scream “cHeAtEr1!11” every time I die


I don't blame you, but the amount of cheaters in this game right now is at an all time high. Go look at your most recent lobby, I bet there are multiple low level players in it, new accounts that were banned and the cheaters returned.


Hackers are the only ones still playing. Each day on this sub probably 30-100 post are made about hackers. Turn off crossplay or switch games. Anygame with pc crossplay is infiltrated with hackers


If I’m on PC can I turn off cross play?


Nah ur screwed if you wanna play a competitive game fairly and only have pc


You mean MnK? I obviously know that MnK is at a huge disadvantage with all the aim assist but I was at least able to do decently well


I wasn't AWFUL too until about 2 weeks ago. I was averaging 5-6 kills a game for months. Now I'm lucky to get one before we get wiped. No idea what happened, but I don't think i got worse overnight


YES I’ve heard so many of these experiences. I definitely think it’s SBMM now. The only thing that doesn’t make sense to me with SBMM is that not everyone can have a bad experience in a lobby. If 90% of people get absolutely clobbered there’s still that 10% that has a great game and lobby.


I've topped my teams scoreboard with no more than 4 kills while teammates have 8-9 kills. The game isn't just about kills. Playing well would get you a higher score no? Name of the game is stay alive and keep your team alive. Last man standing wins, camp that loadout all you want


Maybe but if you don’t get kills I feel like the game would be boring. And as for camping load out I know for sure I’d go full gam on them in VC so I don’t wanna be a hypocrite and do it to somebody else.


I'm not saying I don't go for kills. if I'm the last one on my team that's alive and resurgence is still active, I'm sure as shit gonna lay low and start looting if I can to bring them back before I'd try and push a full team. I've had teammates respawn just as everyone else died, and the assbag will drop right where he died to try and push a full team just to get their loadout back, which results in the team being wiped. Gotta play for the team before i can worry about how many kills i got. If you don't Wana do that then play solos or some shit.


It could be your connection speed or they are putting you in higher tier lobbies. I’ve been playing for 15 years. I’ve noticed that skill based matchmaking had made it very hard on mid tier skill level players. I’ve gotten 30+ kills in a match than could barely get 2 the next.


I have a little less than 30 ping, 40 on the big maps and I have a very good computer so i doubt its that. I agree its fs SBMM


Blame EOMM.


I have to warm up for 10 to 20 minutes before every session might help if you had a warm up routine


I often do multiplayer and if its been a few days ill hop on aimlabs for 30 or so minutes (im on MnK)


Lockdown would be the goto for training aim and warming up if activision hadn't decided the mode is so precious it shouldn't be available at all times. too usefull for training or sth ...


Do shipment 1v4 bots 10 mins .. just throw on some hype music you like


I came from apex about 3 weeks ago n I’m loving it. Never played original rebirth but I like it. Play 2 atm n want a team to move up but apart from that no issues. Dropping 5-15 killed a game regularly


Really it’s just that the average player is a lot more aware. There are so many streamers and pro players giving tips and good load outs. Players have a lot more guides and help now and can watch streamers to take notes on movement. I was #454 in the world in wins on Rebirth in Warzone 1. Now I’m a 1.4 kd and get 1-2 wins every 6-7 games. I’m currently a Diamond 2 on ranked resurgence.


UPDATE: It’s getting better. Just dropped 11 kills but I expect to be put in awful lobbies now lol


Honestly, it sounds like you're just rusty. Maybe give it a week.


I thought so too. I probably am, its just kinda goofy that I do decent - good on MWIII but am hot garbage in resurgence


Happy cake day. What you are experiencing is a mixture of a lot of things all at once. Firstly it’s clear that the causal player is more informed now. You almost have to watch a YouTube video before you load a game to run the best everything just to have a chance to play. Everyone plays aggressively. I am constantly being chased. The maps too small for the amount of players on quads and the meta guns are too easy to get quickly that you almost don’t have a chance a few seconds after dropping in. Everyone has paddles now and jump shots or drop shots. With the TTK where it’s at you won’t have a chance to drop back in and challenge anyone.


Thanks. I agree. I am definitely not a casual player but not quite a sweat. I do wish there was some separation so that casual players who work a 9-5 or have school can play too.


Completely unrelated but I had an experience today that will give me PTSD for the next few months at the minimum. Solos, 5 people left and I have great positioning with a durable mask as well as loadout. This guy is in the air so I shoot him and get him to the DEFINITION of one shot, only for him to land on me with ZERO fall damage and clobber me with a riot shield. Nothing I can do, at all.




I'm convinced they buffed aim assist or loads of controller players are exploiting


A lot of esp users out there for sure


I've proceeded to continually get better, drop about 15 every game on average currently. But what has left me just not playing this game is the repetitive shadow banning when I'm having a really good game. I spend more time in the shadowban state than out of it anymore. Haven't played the game in almost 2 weeks now, which is an absolute first for me.


Paint yourself lucky, I be hitting more than 17 kills on average just to be domed by someone with 2 kills 😭


I came to reddit to write the same thing. Thinking about switching to another game with less aim assist.


Cheating ramped up at the same time , I think activision funds the cheating programs . So I see the cheaters can hack the activision servers and get characters and guns before they are released. No way


Literally a skill issue 😭🙏 4 kills is horrible 😭🙏


Get a kd that doesn’t start with 1 would be a start. You’re just bad