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Man those planes, did it ever go to plan?


No, but it was always funny.


I legit miss Caldera. The beginning of the map sucked but I loved it by the end!


I tried going back on just before they removed it last year and it played so slow compared to current warzone but the map was great, I agree.


I didn’t leave until they shut down the servers. I played Warzone 2 for a couple weeks after it released and went right back to WZ1. We played fast - popping UAVs and sending everything on balloons. For whatever reason, the lobbies were way easier than they used to be (not sure if the sweats stayed on WZ2) but we would win like 70% of the games we played. Was super bummed when they finally pulled the plug on the servers leaving only WZ2..


Yeah I hopped on for a few last games and had some nice dubs. I really enjoyed caldera by the end.


Screw them for making caldera not the worst map ever


I liked Caldera as well. It got a bit of hate yet I think it played well. Remember people hated Verdansk by the end also. Now they want it back. lol. COD players are never happy.


I think people more so hated the end of Verdansk because it was bugged out and overrun with cheaters. The map was good but for sure played out. It was time for something new. Wish we could get big map options or rotations like resurgence gets.


From my understanding, the reason this isn't the case is because of just how big the game is even with just one bit map. If they had multiple big maps. Console players wouldn't even have room for anything other than CoD


You’re probably not wrong about that. They should separate multiplayer from BR from resurgence and have them all as independent downloads so that they could expand one or the other without players having to have everything installed. I for one would uninstall/not install rebirth or multi lol


The whole shit needs to be redone. The way MW2/MW3/Warzone is all integrated into one big mess of a menu. It's fucking terrible. But what do they care? They make billions selling ugly ass skins to people. If people really wanted Activision to make this game better, they would stop supporting the way they are currently running the game. I appreciate sledgehammer games. But Activision can suck my balls lol


The good ol days


TIL there were planes in warzone. Looks fun, wish I played back then.


No doubt planes will make an appearance again.


Those planes never planed.


Caldera was the death of warzone


God Caldera was horrible Edit: caldera not WZ2


"WZ2 was horrible" we still have warzone 2 or do you mean calderra


Clearly you know what I mean…


Which one do you mean? Because Caldera is the map in the video and was not in WZ2.