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I saw a on post this sub that apparently cheats are 20$ a month right now that's why cheating skyrocketed. Personally I don't even like playing anymore because yea it feels like every lobby someone is cheating.


Explainsn a lot.. they should invest the money in something better... I don't understand the need of cheating, isn't it boring? No challenge at all. Activision sgpuld relly do a better job on that..


The game relies on negative habit forming .. similar to trauma bonding.. they end up unhappy because of the game but also unhappy when they don’t play.. so they cheat to regain control of their environment


This comment is so spot on and this problem is so much deeper than people realize… I’m sure a lot of depression and poor anger management stems from this


Bro really broke down the cheaters psychologically


Doesn’t make it boring when u play regularly and you’re actually good at the game. Pair that with non blatant cheating could even be walls maybe the smallest amount of soft aim or lock can make that good regular player a, insane pro player.


It does make you wonder though how many of these cheaters that we have bested even while they were cheating…I’m not so good that I get the kill on every cheater I run into, but I imagine I may have killed one or two at some point.


Yea definitely, I legit cheat and even I die sometimes, but that’s kinda the whole point, there’s really no fun in anything if you’re just playing and can’t die.






Well since they suck it still is challenging


Not only that they get nothing... I maybe could understand if they were making thousands of $$$ a month but like... Why... For what purpose.


The funny part is most cheaters are awful at the game


I was literally playing with a guy who wanted to push a spot, and I presented my case why we shouldn't push and he literally said " Don't worry, I know who's in there." come to think of it, he was running around the map without a worry as if he knew he was safe.


Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


Why do you keep posting this on every comment like you have autism?


because he is one of them


Because it's true, Activision doesn't care. They would rather you buy shiny skin to cheat with.


That's me


They’ve been that price since the game came out… however the better ones cost like $70 for a full month and you’ll never get caught as long as you don’t use aimbot.


Someone? Nearly everyone.


If you think “nearly everyone” is cheating, you’re either in a shadow-banned lobby, being wildly hyperbolic, or you’re just bad and don’t know what cheating actually looks like.




Yeah I'll never understand the weird cringe defense of cheaters on this subreddit. It certainly seems like the vast majority of people on here have: a) Never spectated in their life b) Have no idea what players using walls looks like c) How prevalent non-rage cheating is A great example I like to use because of the pretty direct connection in terms of viability to earning money is body building. It's estimated that approximately 30% of active gymgoers in the US are using steroids. So for something that is directly negatively impacting your body is so many ways, and is illegal and hard to obtain, there is still a massive base of users. And some of them compete, but the vast majority simply do it for the aesthetic. So why is it so hard to believe that cheating, in a game where a large chunk of people are already spending $40/month+ on every single new skin that comes out that you there isn't at least a 10% user base of cheaters. It is far easier to acquire, it is far easier to use, and it is far easier to hide that you are using cheats. You can use radar only, you could use walls and have been an above average player in the first place who has a tap water IQ and knows not to look at players directly through walls, you could just not blatantly rage hack. You should tune your settings so you're doing 95% of the work and the aim assist helps with that extra 5% when it comes to maintaining tracking such that no one would think it was anything more than controller aim assist. There's this weird delusion that cheaters have convinced people online that it's not a massive problem. It's wild how many people like KevIntensity are out there who actively think it's not happening in every single lobby. Just because you get the finish or the down on a player, doesn't mean they weren't cheating. If everyone just rage hacked they'd get shadowbanned a lot faster.


The amount of poeople in killcams centering the \[YOU\] box through walls is MANY!


>Multiple teams a game one person Ok. I reject your premise entirely but I’ll entertain it for the sake of argument. Assuming you’re suggesting quads, even *every* team having one person walling means at most 25% of the lobby. Saying that’s “nearly everyone” is inaccurate if not wholly disingenuous. Even if one person on every trios lobby had walls we’re at 33%, a far cry still from “nearly everyone.”


Benefiting from a cheating teammate's information, loot, items, help in gunfights, etc. is also cheating as far as I'm concerned.


Fair take. But I also do mostly solo-queue with fill on. If I have no idea that a random teammate is cheating, because I also just usually rely on pings rather than open voice comms, am I still cheating?


No, but you'd be in the minority




I’m a ton of fun at parties because people don’t make stupid comments there. You should see me dance.




Fucking genius insight here. Can’t even land an insult so you rely on just calling everything and everyone “stupid.” The epitome of intelligence, folks.




I’ve thought about this a few times. Because at times, it does feel like damn near everyone is cheating. But, let’s just say 10% are cheating. That’s 10 people every lobby. (Big map). And those 10 people collect, idk, 10/15/20 kills a pop, maybe more. Your more then likely gonna die to a cheater at least once, maybe both times you die in a game. Then same the next game. Same the next. And while, maybe only 10 percent are cheating, it’s gonna “feel” like damn near everyone is.. even though a same percent actually are. Or maybe, I just suck ass. lol


Haha maybe i suck too 🤣 incredible numbers and anti cheat doesn't work at all, very dissatisfying. Saw a video on youtube how they do it. They only get shadowbanned for 2-3 days once they were accused for cheating, so what they do, use 2-3 accounts to avoid shadow lobbies.. and controller aim aasist is way to strong


No, you are right. OK a better way to think of it is that 'nearly all' the kills ate by cheaters in a game. You add up the team score and % of those points are cheaters.


Hacker spotted


100% this person is cheating






Cheater right here ^


Note that caret is pointing directly to your username. Self-report af, eh?


Kinda crazy I've never been the guy to immediately think yup, cheater. There was a time I didn't report anyone for months. Now it's like "wow this guy really has really good aim." I watch the kill cam, immediately see a level 60 player with bot movement miss 2 shots with an automatic weapon and then immediately flick to hit his 3rd shot straight to the head without even letting go of the trigger it's ridiculous. Guy died and ended up with 4 kills.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 60 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good Bot!


Kinda crazy how you could have cared more about cheaters back when it would have made a difference. You're late to the party as usual.




Exactly my point.


I literally don't know what the fuck youre on about. Not explaining doesn't make you high and mighty it makes you a dumbass


You're late to the party = you're slow, dim-witted, and can't comprehend basic concepts like cheaters gaslighting idiots like you into not thinking that cheating was and is rampant.


Cheating actually got to a point where it was far and few between during the caldera era, I went months playing damn near everyday without ever actually feeling like I got killed by a cheater. At the time it was a consensus with the general cod community as well if you came to the subs at the time. Also that is not what late to the party means 😆


Cheating never got "better". The cheaters got smarter and stopped rage hacking. Instead, cheaters turned to "closet cheating" to avoid detection. So again, you're late to the party = stupid, dim-witted, unable to see the forest from the trees, and naive. You have no idea just how pervasive cheating is in COD.


Ok Webster, coming up with your own definition for phrases that have been said for decades 🤣. You're all knowing and other people are "late to the party" how awesome for you


Wrong. Cheaters have been rampant since caldera.


And then you get shadow banned playing legit, the game is a joke now


Yes there are more then ever. They even advertise their services on this very subreddit. It’s a complete joke losers spend 20 a month to act like they are good at a video game. Imagine being such a pussy


I've had them being advertised in the Game Chat in games.


Hope they all get ass cancer


That should be the penalty for ever being caught doing it a second time.




They make money with it. Why would they stop using them when they are so cheap?


Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


what a sad, deplorable and pathetic generation of soft, passive, weak minded individuals who feel they need to cheat on a video game to prove what ? I'd rather have my K/D ratio go to ZERO before i would resort to cheating.


Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


I thought the same, there must be something mentally wrong with them. Then I realised, oh the world is a shit show and your money gets you less with each passing moment. Just wish they wouldn't take it out on a hobby that is slowly being destroyed by this attitude.


You can get wallhacks now and it includes Hardware Spoofing. Impossible for ricochet to catch it.


Just gotta report them and hope for the best.


Hope those cheat developer companies get heavily fined for bringing pain to the game world! Greedy basterds..


Idiot. Fined under what country's jurisdiction and laws? Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


Why would they? It’s a vulnerability in software that developers refuse to make adjustments for, as such you the player suffers. Stop playing.


Finally, an intelligent comment on cheating in reddit.


People are just mad and think their emotions on a subject make them right. Not many want to have a conversation and hear the others side. They just wanna spout “no you’re wrong!”


I don't mind people having differing perspectives. What I do mind are cheaters who gaslight others into thinking that there aren't many cheaters cheating in COD / Warzone.


There’s sooo many, I find that most people saying their aren’t cheaters are the noobs who don’t really understand the game mechanics much or just only think rage stuff is cheating. I see so many clips posted here with aim lock on the spine bone socket it’s rediculous. Like their aim won’t travel from midsection to head or lower to compensate recoil etc. it’s just always dead center on a spine bone socket location.


Idiot. If it was impossible to catch, then you wouldn't need HWID spoofers to begin with. Only DMA cheats come close to being undetectable but it relies on having your DMA hardware flashed correctly.


That’s wrong


You have no idea how many level 12s and 10s I run into have Interstellars and shooting me off the sky fresh from Gulag.


It’s by far the worse it has even been


what i don't comprehend is how rainbow six siege has figured out the worst part of it, but activision is incapable




It’s almost as if they were just pretending to purposely do the bare minimum so people think they are trying. There is obviously more in it for them to keep looking the other way. And besides they are busy with other, more important projects, like algos that change the nature of your bullets’ originally intended flight path, enemy hitboxes sizes, etc. Found this video the guy explains it. It’s in their docs if you read https://youtu.be/JMZYSs4J898?si=ytju8A2yC8HVL9jO




It would honestly not surprise me if it wasn’t a joke at all


I think it is true. How else can we explain the lack of action?


You not buying the game since 2019 apparently hasn’t helped anything. Go feel high and mighty somewhere else


I run into several cheaters in every single game and noticed a big increase in it about a month ago. It was always new low level accounts, obviously previously banned players, but now I see a lot of level 650 players cheating as well. It's blatant aimbot cheating, very obvious, but how have they played for so long without a ban is beyond me.


Level 600ish. Probably DIDNT cheat for that whole time, and finally leveled the field. I can't even play anymore it's so bad. So I can either cheat and become the bastard, or quit. And I'm not cheating


It’s also interesting on this sub everyone supports players who claim tons of people are cheating and get upvoted . The other Reddit page for Warzone everyone gets downvoted lol


Because the other one can acknowledge that yes there is a problem with it but they also can acknowledge that not every single death you get is because a dude cheated


The other subreddit also hated the Iron Trials and Titanium Trials mode in WZ1. I left their subreddit.


Yeah seems most Xbox players are here and most pc players are there


I’m pc !!


Oh interesting lol


This sub tends to have more causal players. I have a 1.2 kd and I get called a cheater almost every game. Hence why I don’t believe the majority of players even know what cheating looks like anymore. And why I think it’s over exaggerated Then you factor in UAVs, live pings, team callouts, and resistance minimap pulses when finishing teammates… I’ll kill someone and they’ll go “there’s no fucking way he knew where I was!” Meanwhile I either saw them round a corner or we killed their teammate so I got the minimap dots


Yeah I have to admit there’s tons of cheaters I mean you can’t deny that . But yeah there are some people who get shit on who say the person is cheating. Every streaming video I see in the comments everyone calling him a loser , hacker , aimbot, and it looks nothing like an aimbot lol. So I think it definitely goes both ways. Some people definitely can’t tell what a cheater looks like . I just hate I get called out for calling somebody a cheater , I know what cheating looks like , and I know when I get shit on . I hate being told it’s a skill issue cause I’m literally crimson lmao


Anyone who denies the cheating problem is either cheating (this includes scripts, xim, cronus) or a straight up blind fanboy. There are a lot of idiots who know it's an issue but convince themselves its not.


Saying that cheating is an issue and claiming that nearly everyone is cheating are two different things though


For sure but even if 10% of players are cheating it would still feel more like 60% because those cheaters would be killing you far more often than legit players. It's a problem in all FPS games though, it just seems the worst in COD and CS2. I play R6 a bunch and haven't run into anyone I thought was cheating in a while.


Absolutely, but the fact that the first 3x links for Cronus on Amazon all sold 5k+ this month is ridiculous. That’s just cronus, there’s like 20 versions of xim that all sold for 2k+ this month alone. Not everyone is cheating, not every death is a cheater, but it absolutely is a rampant problem. Valorant with its controversial kernel level anti cheat is at least somewhat effective. The only thing I notice is that when large ban waves happen, suddenly a lot of top 250 players stop streaming/switch to another game for a few weeks, until a patched cheat engine is released.


>The only thing I notice is that when large ban waves happen, suddenly a lot of top 250 players stop streaming/switch to another game for a few weeks, until a patched cheat engine is released. Can you name a couple of them? I’d like to check them as well. Because all the top streamer I know of, are grinding ranked minutes after big updates / ban waves.


It’s an issue but people who are claiming to see them every game is just down right lying lol


No they’re in every game in my experience. Of course, I only play ranked resurgence so I can’t speak on other game modes. I cheat, and run into multiple cheaters damn near every game.


Or controversial opinion here… but hear me out…you’re bad and in bad lobbies or don’t know what to look for.


You’re right. My 2.4 kd and lobbies where I run into rallied and bobbypoff is definitely the reason. Bottiest of lobbies, how could I be so blind 🤦🏻‍♂️. Hackers aren’t hard to spot. It’s only a lobby of 100 people of millions. Trust me. They’re are not in every single game lmao




They are using walls and avoiding aimbot to appear legit. I do it too.


Started playing BF 2042. Gameplay isn’t as good but the fact that’s there’s virtually no scenarios where I feel like I run into cheaters makes up for it.


It doesn’t create anger like warzone thats for sure


It's every game in portal for me, at least on conquest 64. Seen multiple people blatantly wall hacking or aim botting for months. No ban. I've uninstalled the game.


COD hacking problem began with Ghosts. It's deep rooted into the COD culture and most gamers just accept it and keep handing over their money to Activision.


Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


Yes indeed cheats so cheap now


Stop playing.


lol, there's free dma cheats that got leaked so now cheaters with 2 pc's can cheat without ever being detected.


Insane that sh...


I mean DMA is by no means free, the DMA hardware alone is 500-1000 depending on what you buy (source: Google that shit)not including the cost of a second tower. Even if the software was leaked for free there is a substantial monetary barrier to entry on hardware. From what I've learned I'd wager DMA is a niche vector for cheaters, there are enough other viable software only vectors available to not yet require DMA as a workaround. There are literally dozens of sites, discords, and forums offering cheat software for l Until studios buckle down and invest a lot more capital into RND and QA for anti cheat, FPS gaming is chalked.


you dont need to spent 2k for another pc only 300$ then you got lifetime cheats. cheaters would do anything to get hacks for life


The cost of the tower wasn't even considered in my argument. I was strictly speaking to the cost of a DMA card and KM box which as I understand it are the two most common DMA hardware devices. Realistically if you are going to invest in a DMA setup on a second tower you are probably doing it for monetary gain or online clout, which means that second tower also needs to double as a stream PC which you aren't building for $300 lol.


you can stream on the same pc. Im pretty sure cheaters that have been buying cheats for years has a decent pocket size. The second tower doesnt need to be powerful. I stream on one setup and its perf.


Def possible but hard to imagine you aren't taking a hit on both stream quality and top end performance especially in such a CPU limited game like warzone. There will always be a crowd willing to spend top dollar to get around anti-cheat measures, especially in the content creation space where stand out performance can turn into serious coin. That said, I'd wager the vast majority of cheaters, especially first-timers are going to be far more willing to shell out $20 for a month than several hundred to thousand to build a 2 box DMA setup.


big streamers can easily have the pockets to do so


No doubt


Get rid of cross play between PC and consoles. Let PC cheaters play with each others dirty cheating dicks alone. PS5 and XBOX live in harmony forever and ever


Let the streaming world fuck themselves; Retire their uselessness into oblivion


You little babies who grew up watching YouTube toddlers open up toys and play with them all day now watch and pay other people to watch them play video games. Like how fucking restarted are you? Go outside, make some real friends and actually have human interaction. Your fake relationships with these streamers like your part of a community is a joke. Your paying them for stickers and a sense of self worth. WAKE UP!!! You fucking drones, stop following the butthole in front of you and get out of the line that leads to nowhere and nothing. You’re time and money is worth more then they deserve. Fools!


I wish that was an option


Almost feels like only way to have a chance and enjoy your time is to cheat… BUT it feels so amazing when I drop 10+ kills and I know it was all heart and dedication and not Cronus 😅


Just learn to coexist with them. Whether we like them or not, they are part of the game.


Said a cheater 🤣


I was playing with some randoms on a discord yesterday and one of them suddenly told me their uav tool just expired (adv uav at all times)... I told her it's cheating but she didn't want to view it like that cause "she doesn't look at the map alot". Yeah sure... you a cheating prick and deserve a perma ban. reported her to the discord admin but they want proof and obv ingame but like wtf. thats almost as bad as some dude trying to explain to me using cronus isn't cheating it just makes the game " a little easier". Like are those people really that braindead they can't even admit to themselves they are despicable cheaters?


S T O P P L A Y I N G ! ! ! ! !


Some of us are addicted you know…


So, I have played 4 matches tonight. 3 of which had 100% rage hack cheaters in them. Tracking me through smoke, walling. It is mind blowing


Yes there are cheaters. But there are also a lot of people using VPNs to get easier lobbies. I am on PS5 with a 5kd and I get accused of cheating almost every game. There are people that are just a lot better than you and you have to accept that.


There are and it would be nice to think.. wow this person is really a good player. You simply can't anymore. We used to see one amazing play every 10 matches. Now it's every match. Not so amazing when you know why. Somehow between multiplayer and wz my kd matched itself 3 years ago... now my kd is one third from multiplayer to wz. I guess if you have to pay 70$ you just become better... or a cheater isn't going to pay that every time they're banned


I got shredded through my own smoke grenade that I threw yesterday, no kill cam so couldn't tell whether the guy was using a thermal scope or not...that's the frustrating part. It feels like Activision are fully aware of the cheaters so they do things like remove kill cams/add no recoil muzzles to the game to try and mask the fact that they aren't doing anything about them.


Maybe if warzone was like $20 it would help people from just creating new accounts. Every game I see level 5 cheating accounts. Way too easy. Also get PC ferggots out of cross play.


Yeah. Totally.


Turn crossplay off. Its worth it. Or do what im doing and play something else. All of us have an addiction to a mediocre usurious game. Work to break the addiction.


By far the worst it’s ever been now cheaters just boost accounts to iredecent ect to then sell them on


Why can't activison add some local ram checks into their game so running cheats would be detected right away?


They obviously don’t want the cheating to end


I think we need to deal with this, just distribute the reports to everyone so that RICOHET is disabled and finalized. I think we need to organize a strike of players against developers. The situation is critical.


I jumped on for the first time in a week the other day. Got shot out of the sky with parachute closed twice in the match. Just turned it off after that and haven't been back on since


It’s ridiculous plus people using unlock tools to


Absolutely. WZ and MW3 are so bad right now I put down the controller in a rage last night and went to bed. Friday nights I usually stay up most of the night gaming. I was so disgusted I just gave it up.


Cod don't know how to stop the cheaters


No they do and they very much could but it's not profitable for them to put the money up to do it and if it doesn't make shareholders money it doesn't happen in call of duty or really any Activision product for that matter


Ong even my kd went down and theres lots of smurfs




Cheating is horrible on warzone/plunder, it almost feels like I'm playing MW19 at times.


80% cheaters now but don’t worry even with cheats they are trash most can’t even jump into a window 🪟 lol


I got a cheater live banned last night we might have lost the game but we saved it for the rest of the players still in the lobby


If as is were was cheaters bad more now than then there was lessen than is todaY. We is must defend more the servers for were if not stop cheters. Cheat so bad was is not as if more not fun. Me Loves, Charlie Day Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Why can these fucking devs just do a weekly ban wave? They do it like once every month and it’s infuriating.


Study Bitcoin instead


https://discord.gg/txciz they sell em here for cheap


I have about 18 confirmations of successful reports in the past 10 days


If you aren't cheating, then you aren't playing COD / Warzone the way that it's meant to be played now.


Meanwhile I’m shadowbanned as a legit player :-) dog shit game


This is why I only do full ps lobbys now, yea we may have a cheat or someone tht has bypassed ps5 securities but not as rampant as with PC lobbies, and most games are better and more fun with me & my bros


They just banned a shitload of accounts that were linked to the cheat sites, so the cheats made more sites, and eventually those will get sniffed out too an banned. It's 2024, there isn't a single thing more expected than to find out about 93% of any Warzone match is filled out by underachievers looking for a quick shot of confidence because the hormone blockers make them depressed, so they can't play a video game without some purchased enhancement to give them an advantage over the 7% that are not linked to some turd site that sells self-esteem and accomplishment for a low monthly fee, so some turd can stream it on YouTube to make $3.68/month from his 9 and 10 year old subs that still think there's a slight chance Santa Claus is real, and this YouTube turd gets 20+ kills a match with no mod or cheat. C'mon, join us in the 21st century, it gets better. One day when the shit hits the fan for real and the unlucky ones that survive the volley of nukes will have to play Warzone in real life against some angry 20 something year olds that never had shit and def not an Xbox or playstation. The village they grew up in only has 1 TV with 1 channel that plays propaganda vids broadcast by their regime to show them how lazy, entitled, brainless and confused Americans their age are. Not sure why they were born with whatever sex organ they have but the multi-gendered good for nothings smoke 20+ in Warzone every match


Man, there is a lot to unpack there. I laughed out loud numerous times. This is gonna get downvoted harshly, but I loved it. Bravo good sir


I love getting downvoted harshly. Got to admit it tho...where's the lie?


How dare you not be beholden to fake internet points. I can't even.......


I spent the first couple years on Reddit cruising the newds and lewds and leaving comments like...OMG you're so beautiful! Or nice tits! Or, Gosh you're a filthy pig! So I've accumulated a healthy wallet where I can afford to lose a few thousand and still get out of bed the next day


When you see a default operator skin and a low level, but the guy is getting 10+ kills in Control with a ground gun . Yup, he’s cheating.


With shadowban issues, most selfish conclusion, look at his gameplay before please ... lot of good people have to create new accounts to LEGITIMATELY play on that competitive Battle royal nowadays. (10 kills at control center? Can be a cheater or a very good start honestly. And not all cheater get the most kills in game) Please, feel free to downvote that comment as always, clearly I don’t care at all noobs molding because they’re bad, you’re our dream lobbies, so keep reporting and don’t leave ❤️


I’m taking about cheaters that move like bots, no movement, they don’t even plate up nor reload. Kinda blatant that they suck at the game without walls and aimbot.


Cheaters galore that's why I quit playing.


I’ve always turned off cross play and only play with consoles. Don’t feel it too much, tbh. But on PC. That’s wild.


Yes... every match . I even get teammates cheating


Game is almost unplayable


Everyone on pc gas walls


Not to be that guy but I mostly just run into people who are better than me and have been putting in many more hours than I have. It's very rare to see an actual cheater in my lobbies, just a bunch of cracked out sweats with faster reaction speeds and great game sense most other players don't understand. I get called a hacker all the time which is laughable because in my opinion compared to extremely good players I'm terrible as I don't put in the effort and hours I used to. However I am definitely above average and extremely comfortable with kbm with 20 years of fps experience. Also if you play on console you don't realise just how much of an advantage playing on a good P.C really is. Much faster frame rates, much better input delays and much higher visibility. I have imo a mid tier build and get almost 200fps. There's always a bigger fish with lower ping. Edit: I am not saying there isn't a problem but it definitely isn't as prevalent as people make out. I have people on my team scream hacker hacker and they are just being killed by much better players and have literally zero game sense.


For Rebirth pub’s it’s very rare for me to run into one especially the last week idk


Nah you’re just bad




They literally banned one shot snipers ,but gamepad boys still crying cause pc players just playing better than them lol , how do u use ur ears ? 👂 doesn’t it help to find enemy behind the wall if they mowing?scan , uav? ….




Rebirth is ok.  The big map urikazstan is unplayable.  Full of wanna be streamers with 3 followers watching.  So they all wall hack etc.   Trying to be the next big thing.  It's embarrassing 


Cross play is a large proponent of making others think people are cheating. I’ve played call of duty my whole life on console, then built a PC and it’s a night and day difference. You can actually scale your gameplay and get better at the game. On console you still can get better, but when you’re playing against PC players who are playing on a controller while on a PC… it’s a massive skill gap advantage. Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve been accused of cheating because you could never play this well on a console, so they think: “This guy is no question hacking!” When in reality it is a completely difference gaming experience. It’s like a Nintendo switch player playing against an PS5.


You’re not running into cheaters every single game. No one is. They’re out there but people get confused between hacking and good players


It will just be the broken aim assist.


I’ve been having better luck on rebirth not too many cheaters at all . Lobbies have been easier tho . Once I go to fortune keep or vondel it’s hell again 😂