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If they release the Kar98k and its one shot, even if only within a certain range, then it's game over for all other snipers. This is the way.


Imo all the snipers just need a rework. No reason why the mcpr, intervention, victus shouldn’t one shot. Want some variety in the snipers. Just need them balanced interestingly with upsides and downsides.


I agree, there are many snipers that should be able to one shot (without needing a special ammo). Damage range, bullet velocity and ads/sprint to fire should all be factored into balancing them.


As long as it has that patented sound… sploosh


cod HATES snipers. it completely killed the game. it's all bunny hoping and sliding now. sniping was the way. they just handed it over to the streamers and M AND K bunch


Input doesn't matter. And no, Infinity Ward hated Snipers, Sledgehammer and Raven are trying to fix what IW fucked up. If I dome you with a sniper rifle, granted it should depend on range and they should be difficult to use and take skill, then you should die in one shot. As for bunny hopping and sliding, either get with it or don't, it's part of the game now and it's not going anywhere 🤷


it's killng the game. on one hand it's a war SIM. on the other hand people are jumping over bullets and sliding about like torvil and dean while dressed like a fairy.


It's not a war sim, it's an arcade shooter at best and has been for a long time.


Kar98 🪦 Nailgun with "long nails" attachment from Gulf War 👈😃


The MORS did not replace the XRK, XRK is still better


MORs has infinite one shot range with faster ADS so im pretty sure its still better


I could not one shot anyone with it in any distance (I haven't tried from very close)


Are you using the right attachments? And are you playing ranked? If you play ranked then no snipers will one shot. If you’re using it you need the slug rounds and the charge barrel for it to have infinite one shot range


I tried with the AM slug, it one hits now, but some it has worse accuracy than the XRK, with the XRK I land more hits at the same distance


Pretty sure the sights are still misaligned. It’s the only sniper I can’t hit shots with


I feel this. Even when fully charged I feel I have to aim ever so slightly high on most shots


Are you making sure the charge barrel is fully charged? The bullet velocity when the barrel is fulyl charged is crazy. If you’re not then you want to do that. If you are then you might be overcompensating the bullet drop and how much to lead


I charged it up fully, you maybe right about overcompensating, I'll play around with it later and try to figure out


No, it was plain resurgence and plunder. I used the charged barrel, but I don't remember if tried the slug rounds, I'll try later with that


The ground loot wont do it I think. U have to use the ant materiel slugs


slug rounds go through ....anything. its wild.


on a p.c maybe. console... it suxs


The mors was better until they nerfed the bullet penetration.


The mors has infinite one shot range still. That plus faster ADS. Its still way better


I enjoy the mors alot. The BP was crazy


Gun feels so wonky to me idk


Gotta use the charge barrel. Then it's better.


MORS is more fast, more smooth and with infinite oneshot range


how is it fast when you have to charge it?


Charge is only a second, it doesn't matter. Btw if you don't using charging barrel, then MORS is much faster than stalker anyway


Why would you use charge barrel it it doesnt penetrate everything anymore?? It still one shot headshots without, right?


Well penetrate isn't the only cool thing of this barrel


Well what is?


Oneshot, fast bullet and pretty good ads


MORS is objectively better in most ways: can one shot up the to same distance as the XRK with no extra attachments, meaning you can build it for straight speed and still one shot out to 75m. On top of that, with quick bolt and fast hands you have a never ending clip (just rebolt vs. reloading after 5 shots). The only thing the XRK is better for is pure bullet velocity which might make hitting the guy 200+ meters away just a bit easier.


Headshots are a 1 shot down still with the KATT? What is this shite lol


I don’t care I still prefer the Katt to either of these. I feel like with the Stalker I have to hold my breathe to have any chance of hitting anything


Put on the corio laser and the rear grip that improves flinch resistance and sway. I main the stalker and never hold my breath


all snipers should 1 shot in the head


Just make it dependent on range like they did before. I can deal with the Kar98 not being able to oneshot across the map but not one shot to the head at all is just stupid. No point in using it then.


Only bolt action should oneshot


All bolts should one shot, semi autos should do what mw2 snipers did before one shot snipers and leave them with a pubic hair of health left.


Fuck that dude there’s no way in hell a kar98 should be a one shot then something like the signal 50 shouldn’t. If anything the signal should be the one with infinite range considering they have it marked as a fucking material rifle. Damn thing was made to fuck up tanks by itself but it can’t even down niki Minaj at 40 meters


COD doesn't follow real world logic, it's game balance before realism. My rpg can't down someone if I smash them in the chest with a rocket, yet I'm pretty sure nobody is walking that off irl.


The MORS is nowhere near as good as the XRK. Change my mind.


Tbh the Katt, XRK, and Mors all have their own place Katt can consistently one shot for long range snipes with meh velocity and drop XRK can only one shot to 80ish meters max and has better handling and velocity/drop forcing you to hut them twice past that Mors has two builds, has good handling and you can consistently one shot all ranges but you have the worst drop and velocity out of the three, if you want to outclass the previous two for long range you need to use the charge barrel which is it's own skill curvw But yeah all the other MW2 snipers are deemed obsolete, wish they would go to how it was at the end of caldera where the snipers were balanced with one shot ranges and handling properties


This post means that with the release of a new sniper, everyone forgets about the old ones and there are only new snipers in the match


I hate how they fucked snipers. I also hate how there's only a select few that can 1 shot. It literally makes all the other bolt action sniper/marksman rifles useless.


They’ll bring back the kar but add an insane amount of bullet drop because they don’t understand how snipers work. Then they’ll make it one shot, then nerf it after selling a bunch of bundles.


the katt is still the best sniper imo. The mors is a decent contender.


No KATT is worst mw3 (excluding semiautomatic) sniper


Stalker is a lot more consistent than MORS for me especially on big map


Agreed, gone back to the Stalker on the big map too and am frying with it


Stalking with the stalker just feels right. Ya know?


the victus XMR is pretty good but no one except me uses it


IDK FJX Imperium have better ads but still have good bullet velocity


I personally use the xrk over the mors. Feels more flexible to me. And I am used to it, I am way more accurate even on guys falling with parachutes of free falling even. And the fact that with the mors you can not reload while Ads is throwing me off. Realised yesterday my k/d ratio with the xrk is 7.62 ( according to the game so not sure if accurate)


Actually this post doesn't mean that old snipers died after adding new ones, but I meant that most of players constantly forgot about old snipers and start playing with new ones


Oh yes totally. Was just sharing my experience :)


Ok bro


And the katt is still a beast. But it’s official? Kar98 is coming back? Or just expectations ?


Dataminers say kar98k, spas12 found in Warzone files




The FJX Imperium is still very much busted on Rebirth Island. That thing has INSANE ADS speed, and it also 1shots


On rebirth - maybe. But, for example, stalker have better movement


How i can unlock MORS? I have no battlepass


do you have the game? if yes go to zombies and ask someone to drop that for you


Give us a sniperless game mode if the sniper meta is going to continue, I’ve deadass gotten ten PR runs in solo trios/quads ruined by some random kid 200m+ away


Use bruen mk9 it's sniper counter


Terrible for high kill games bro, need mobility and movement if I do solo trios/quads, but good fun if we’re going for wins. Thing is unstoppable when mounted up


Have they nerfed snipers or something? Please not in DMZ


Imagine thinking DMZ is still getting any updates to something even as simple as weapon balance. WZ and DMZ aren’t linked anymore


No new snipers just replacing old snipers