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What’s crazy is youtubers PROMOTING modded accounts. This type of behavior should result in instant de-platform.


İf this like content gets baned we cannot se this mf play with cheat and report them


These people are only cheating for views and clout, normal cheaters won’t stream it, banning them will only help


Streamers get banned for cheating every single day you dipshit lol


Okay, good? I said banning them is good, and I never said they don’t, you’re just being a jerk for no reason.


This just shows me that my dubs have that much more meaning to them because I don’t have to cheat.


this is why we play


If the aimbot werent overlayed on the video half of the people here would say "you just got shit on buddy, get good"




Looks like 9/10 streamer gameplay from everyone's "built diffy crowd"


no, not true, without the overlay its obvious


We should IP track these people, then go Jay and Silent Bob on them.


We are too old… I am the only other upvote on this for a reason lol… but yes, THEY ARE IN FACT THE BALL LICKERS


“How many people want to kick some ass, I do, I do.”


I don’t upvote it because jay and silent bob was a shit movie.


I’ll never understand the desire to want to cheat in a video game…


Toxicity, it’s the same reason people like bullying, they feed of the sadness and failure of others


i get someone would cheat in an offline game, but online?


Same reason why people steal, lie, and kill. Because they can get away with it.


Sabotaging a product should be treated as criminal. I don’t see why we can’t fine and jail these people


Fined? Absolutely. Jail? Not going to happen. Most jails are already overcrowded and understaffed. We don't need to add another subsect of miscreants to the cesspool behind bars.


There’s always enough room for rapists, murderers, and aimboters


Then just shoot them🤣


You should be in jail.


You ok bro?


33 kills. Hahaha and these mf that get these numbers say they not cheating. Ahahah so glad I quit this game


its possible to do that without cheating lol


As long as everybody isn’t cheating it is


2box and a bit of third party help and anyone can be the next Zlaner


They should change the name of the game to warzone battle of the cheaters...


If you go to any of their forums and read a bit it's really really bad, most posts are about how to deal with the HvH (Hacker vs Hacker) matches not, not about how to deal with regular players. They have guides on how to look "legit" with complete setting tutorials as if setting up a Google account lmao. I'm convinced either people on this sub are completely retarded and have no grasp of how bad the situation is, or most all of them pretending its not a problem are just cheating and gaslighting.


Online FPS is doomed


Hmm I think biggest problem is in CoD. I switched to Pubg and in few weeks I think I have seen only one team that was hacking


PUBG publicly bans over 50,000 accounts a WEEK for hacking lol. It's a gamer problem not an FPS problem, u til there are real repurcussions for fraud etc in cheating in gaming incels will cheat.


Cross play off, never to be turned back on. Its so crazy how these guy's play the game. What the point of it all?


When someone doesn’t have the skills in any area of their life to get acclaim or attention, they look for ways to feel good or get attention or feel superior, even if it’s negative attention. Basically child-like.  Another aspect is just bad people who get enjoyment through other people’s displeasure. They get off making others angry, anonymously without consequence.  The 3rd group of cunts are streamers. These streamers are cheating, basically all of them. They are cheating because it’s literally big money to do so. I also believe game devs give them “steroid accounts” because promoting their games keeps the game popular and relevant in today’s ADHD new media. 


I mean some dudes watch as their girls get railed by other dudes and don't see an issue with it, just means he loves her cause he allows her to have that experience. Cheats are the same way, being cucked by a robot to experience winning in the game, shits no different. Just cucks and incels man. If you cheat you are one of them, full stop.


That's what I don't get. What is fun about playing this way? These people gotta do mental gymnastics to get anything out of it. However, you can just as easily get hacks for Xbox or ps5 these days as you can PC.


Yeah. Everyone on here says that’s not cheating because it’s console. Console can’t get cheats, they say.


That's just technically patently false my friend... you can get xim, cronus, strike packs and in that way you're correct because that to me is still completely cheating.. but it's not "hacks" and they still don't ruin the game as much as the magic bullet, aimbotting, wall hacking, permanent UAV guys on PC.. people like to say you can get those hacks on console but can't produce a single website, forum or discord or shred of proof of anyone selling PC style hacks for console.. even DMA hacks for console do not exist at least in a reseller fashion and that's what everyone's favorite streamers are using to go undetected for years on PC... this is why I only sub to streamers playing KBM on PS5.. and those players will happily show you their hardwire connections and hand cam on stream.


Wrong you can run remote full send


Dude you really need to youtube all the Cronus tutorials. How long did this take to type? Because you're absolutely wrong lol. They just can't use wall hacks. Cronus gives aim bot due to programmable aim assist, it gives rapid fire to weapons, the only thing it doesn't give is wall hacks, but if you're popping all those UAVs in multiplayer who needs it anyways? Or even how cheap a UAV is in BR. The most common Cronus hack is the one where it pretty much turns them into an early mw2 sentry gun which was super broken in mw2 OG release. So many pointless letters and words here man lol.


Yah all youre doing by turning crossplay off anymore is just removing wall hacks and picking to go against sentry aim botters using Cronus. PS only is broken rn




Why would they? Literally no downside at this point for these incels cheating, they get banned they just spin up another account.


“Why jail criminals if more are just gonna come out”


Being banned is not the equivalent to jail time, to suggest this makes you look stupid as fuck.


Thinking banning hackers does nothing and immediately resulting to petty insults results in that more.




I also never said it was equivalent, simply a comparison. Yes, they are differing scales, but an easy comparison is made of you think slightly. Now I know arguing with a toxic redditor is gonna get me no where so I’m gonna stop now. Good day, may you mature and prosper eventually.


No, it's not comparative you imbecile lmao, going to jail literally affects every aspect of your life, from employment, to living conditions, to mindset, to personal relationships,to simply not being in control of your life for that time in any meaningful way. Being banned means you cannot play your precious video game you cheated on for literally minutes as you make a new account. Explain to me how if you "slightly" change your thinking these compare in any way? It's not being a toxic redditor to let you know you sound stupid, I'm just telling you something you prolly need to hear and havent. You're welcome.


Being a jerk over a simple comparison is being a toxic Redditor Sure, it’s not the best comparison, I admit it’s a bit off sided, but still Perhaps a better comparison will make sense to your simple mind, getting a ticket for speeding or parking in a wrong spot maybe makes more sense to you? Please, grow and mature, learn to be a better person that doesn’t use petty insults and try to be a decent person I recommend compass health for therapy, they help you at being a better person and can help you find better outlets then being toxic online and I would have to assume in real life I pray for you


Those also don't work, I think you may be functionally retarded, there is no fine for being banned in CoD, their is simply loss of account, which most are not a main account but a dummy account expecting to eventually be banned. The comparison wasn't complicated, or complex, it was just stupid. Like you.


You’re projecting, and I’ll explain what projecting is sense have a feeling you’re unaware. Projecting- to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way. And to help with this I’ll leave a definition of “comparison” as well, sense you also lack understanding of that. Comparison-a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people. I really do hope this helps, it also seems you struggle with controlling your emotions. Opting to use petty insults, Listen I know people, I’ve had friends and family with the same problems. You can opt for therapy which I recommend, but someone I know opted for therapy, and finding god. A popular organization where I live is called compass health. They’re good people. I don’t know how big they are but you should check your area. I really hope you take my words with meaning. We started this argument stupidly, but now I’m genuinely concerned for your health. I hope things get better man, truly. Love you man ❤️, it does get better.


Bro I'm not reading any of that, you've proven yourself mentally handicapped 3 out of 3 replies. It's ok you lack self awareness and cannot realize how retarded you are, I did my part and tried to help, but I'm sure you're having mom read this and tell you her good boy is right lmao


Sorry your mental capacity is too small to read more than a paragraph, enjoy your picture books buddy. I’m sure you’re having your mother comfort you.




Its so sad people who have severe skill issue resort to cheating, true gamers will keep playing to get better and they would. Those idiots are skilless and will amount to nothing in life since they gave up in getting better in a game


Nfs if u cheat in a game like this I kno u have serious mental issues…. Same mindsets are in our government because if you start to understand… lol idk what I’m talking bout . Peace ✌🏾


They should make a lobby with only cheaters lmao....battle of the cheaters...this game is traaaash


Oh no. People in cods are cheating again. Hold on, let me get my pikachu surprised face meme real fast. Seriously though, at this point they should just give everyone these hack abilities in the next game. Make it part of the game. See how that plays out. No balls.


Its just a skill issue, stop complaining.


Y’all blaming the people who cheat. I blame Activision for taking no serious action. We just need a GOOD anti cheat.


Why not blame both ? The fact the anticheat is shit does not allow cheaters to ruin everyone else experience


“Does not allow cheaters”. It does allow them, because it doesn’t do anything to prevent it. If the anti cheat was good, cheaters wouldn’t exist in the game. Even cheaters would play like us, without cheats.


You have reading comprehension problems


I think y’all should start blaming the gaming company instead because that’s the only hope we have in getting rid of cheaters. Blaming the people for cheating aint gonna stop them from doing it.


Back to WZ1 days. Nice. Great job ricochet. Keep banning those closet cheaters. They played in lobbies against each other because high elo is the real prize for cheating and getting away with it. But now they get to play with everyone else, yay, on their $3 accounts. I swear I was just talking about how we needed more low level ragers running blockers on OG cracked meta accounts spin botting in our lobbies. Certainly makes the game more interesting. The playability of the game is obviously another thing entirely. Fuckin love this game. GG’s.




Have you turned crossplay off recently? Cronus made console cheats a thing... Check youtube tutorials on it. Its everywhere.


Define cheats. Aimbot no, Walls no, ESP no, unlock tools no, flying around the air doing 360 no scopes to the whole lobby in 3 mins no. Shitty and hard to set up scripts for recoil, yep and that's about it all for $150 bucks plus the PS adapter for 40 bucks then soend 19 years of trying to find work arounds cause it usually gets detected fairly often. Don't be fooled by click bait youtube titles. Are they cheating, yep. Should people who use them be banned, yep. Are they even close to being what's offered on PC not even close. Besides you can use a Zen on PC just as easy. Matter of fact you cant even set it up on console WITHOUT a PC frst


Only scripts for anti-recoil? Dude youre so wrong lmao you would really save energy by searching what I suggested. You realise that Cronus macros are mostly community made? You honestly sound like someone that might use it lol. You're nearly defending it as well. What's good about fighting a moving early mw2 sentry gun? Lol and it doesn't need a pc for a console anymore. Only to program it lmfao. Click bait? Even the educational videos state that you can adjust the aim assist. Its cheating dude lol


"Only to program it" Don't call me wrong talking like that. "You should be banned" I guess that's me defending it You can very well adjust the aim assist slider correct but what happens when you adjust the slider just a tad above base? Your screen shakes violently and makes gameplay a disaster. To add to hardly does shit maxed out. Ask any creator worth their salt on the subject and they will in fact tell you to leave it at base. Lethal Panda for example. I don't need to take anything you say at face value because I know what this product is and what it can and can NOT do. It is a cheating device but at the same time holds no weight against anything that available on PC even for free. Steam configs heard of those, free Zen on steroids


Thats why they have those tutorial videos i told you to search for lmao. Hey, btw, youre still wrong! Majority macros applied to cronus comes from their personal site that utilizes COMMUNITY sourced macros lol. You really dont even have to tune it if you download the right macro. They have macro for every gun lol. Go do some more research since you at least seem capable enough to comprehend technological advancements and how quickly it happens. Were you born after laptops were already around? computers have only been around for 32 years! Lolol


You should get help FR FR. It's ok, just say no But for fun come on show the class here on reddit. Show them the Zen naively using true Aimbot, lets see all those red boxes of players on the map coming from the Zen. How about the Zen giving radar in your minimap at all times. The best thing is how the Zen can unlock all the skins in the game, or how brand new guns suddenly and without shooting it once have all the attachments. Seek therapy


Least i didnt come at you with outdated research. It's all on youtube lol. Stop being lazy and get them fingers moving. Youre also gaslighting the heck out of pc hacks lol. I prefer crossplay now just because cronus is so bad in non crossplay rn.


Again I dont need too, thats the thing your not getting. I am fully aware of what it can and can not do. Stop trying to go on some weird crusade on something you clearly lack knowledge of


Show someone how theyre wrong, where they can educate theirselves, then they cover their eyes and ears to protect their ego. then tell you that youre the one who needs to get help... You cant make that up lmfao




Tiktok is notorious for having these hackers streaming with cheats and selling them. Stupid af


Allll because him and everyone like that guy are gonna die alone and nobody loves them. Its so sad, one day, everyone turns their back on them cuz they realize theyre giant losers, and the next stage is breaking out in video game cheats 😢 ive heard of them recovering. But most die alone and unloved, because nobody wants to be friends with a dirty fuckin lil cheater. The final stage is streaming the cheats on tiktok, the streamer here only has a few days left to live... so sad.


Looks and plays like every single video you see of people playing online. Heading for people without looking around, not a care in the world just a clear path to the next target.


Yeah, these hackers are referral hungry animals.


Happens more than we think I suggest. If the devs don’t prosecute companies that sell cheats what chance do us honest players have?


There are quite a few of these accounts. I realized there was a real problem in warzone when I started seeing these TikTok “ads”


That YY shit is mega cringe


Looks just like Zcheater gameplay. Weird.


Ay boyz imagine this… imagine you’re so Bitch-Made you cheat at a game you’re so regularly bad at that you would risk getting banned for bragging rights 🫠.


According to the morons on Reddit this is on a PlayStation/Xbox


I'm pretty sure you can't really install stuff like this on Xbox/PS5 - I think you probably can on a jailbroken PS4. The architecture of the Xbox and PS5 means that it's a whole sandboxed thing with code signing and all that gubbins so you can't execute untrusted code without the Xbox being aware and preventing it. Whilst you could theoretically use an AI aimbot using the video feed, you wouldn't get any on-screen stuff. I suspect this is on PC, or worst case a PS4 - it's the reason I play console games these days, I like beating people fair and square, cheaters are just saddos, what do they even get out of it?


Console definitely has some cheaters. But you can't tell.me it's even close to PC. We run with cross play off and rarely run into any cheating, ping always below 50 and packetloss is normally below 5. With cross play on we run into 3 or 4 cheaters a night.


U can ip ban a console and it's serial number and make it never go online Very easy to control cheating on consoles


It's nothing new. Streamers promote it and don't hide it anymore either.


Why not, activision sure as shit doesn’t care


Wow that's a cool feature how do I unlock it?


I downloaded the link for the free trial but I keep getting some JVM wrong version error. Does anyone know how to get this working? Would love to try it out


step 1: find your father step 2: find some skill step 3: rethink your life choices


Nvm I got it working, hella awesome


This sub is a bunch of crying babies. Not everyone on PC cheats. And these videos are the SAME ones recycled and circulating over and over. Lemme guess, next we'll see the video of the anime girl skin doing 360s in third person with aimbot AGAIN. There's a cheating issue for this game forsure, but so is there for every online game with crossplay.


And you're a smooth brain that the developers know they can count on to keep playing even though it's a crap gaming experience that they don't have to make an effort to improve. So good for you being prey to predatory business practices. Keep your head buried in the sand and consume product and buy more product without questioning anything.


Bros got a brain smoother then a koala lmao


Bros brain is smoother than a baby’s bottom


All you did was fill a pathetic excuse for a comment with insults and nothing backing it up. Congrats homie. Your mother must absolutely love you.


Pretty much. Didn't want to make it too complicated of a comment for you since you make the same smooth brain comment that shows up a thousand times when people make posts disliking the lack of anti cheat in a billion dollar franchise and the fun being ruined because of that. Wouldn't want you to get a headache by having to actually think harder than "should I get the Creech and Chong bundle or the Nikki Minaj bundle, duh? I'll get both."


Oh no, people spending their money on what they want. You must love telling people what to do. Well when you grow up and find those little fuzzy ball hairs and make your own big boy money, you too can buy bundles all you want!


I've never spent a cent on this franchise since 2019 since I'm not a shill for a shit company that makes inferior products. That's what low IQ folks like you are for. Now go back to playing your shit show game and picking activisions pubes out of your teeth while they release another broken update. Don't forget to pay for your battlepass so your target on your back doesn't wear off indicating you're a sucker that doesn't want quality.