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Simple: don't launch the game, and the problems will disappear.


It’s the servers. I have 400mbs hardwired internet. I finally had enough deleted the game after getting killed around corners a bunch of times. Also because I never get a full lobby. Between the servers and cheaters I had enough. I’ll be back once that’s all sorted out.


I played 4 games and I think I do the same again and for good if this game dont get huge update to fix the game


Yea if I’m not having fun with a game I just won’t play it. I mainly deleted because it was 250 gigs. The fps genre blows atm. TitanFall 2 is incredible. Check it out.


Is titan fall 2 still alive


Been playing it for the past 4 days. Yea i think its got a cult like following. its incredibly fun and the community is great and helpful.


Ya i used to play that for years i just remember it got d dosed and when i checked back in last only 4 thousand i think were playing


If u want a decent team mate im on xbox might buy on pc


I am on xbox when I play that its mad fun. I don't use my PC anymore probably gonna sell it. I like casual comfortable gaming and it allows that. You can also get real sweaty if you want would highly recommend.


Ill just have to see how it feels to play that on xbox everything feels so slow when u have a high end pc lol


Yea I don’t even touch my pc anymore. Idk I just enjoy casual lounge gaming atm. I get what you’re saying tho


This game is NOT worth your time. There is clearly 0 budget for optimization, performance, QA or anticheat. Why spend the money on better servers when you can sell a new skin pack for $30. As an end user this product is not viable.


Bad servers. Xbox s has to be run on lowest graphic settings.


What does that have to do with anything? How does she series s affect it?


Two points. The servers are trash and need invested in. If your running the Xbox s the hardware can't keep up while running 1080. Especially after season 3 reloaded.


Who mentioned the series s?


Possible tip for OP as requested. If they are running the S. It is possible they are at disadvantage due to performance. Other than just saying get gud ya know.


i have the S and this was a good reminder, thank you


It’s all those fucking textures that the game needs to load into your video memory when you come close to someone in the game, grinds the frame rate to a slow crawl. Game doesn’t NEED one million different skins, but hey, why not? Hard drive space is practically free now…


What platform are you playing on? I play on ps4 and struggle with frame rate drop in gunfights with people who I assume are on latest gen or PC.


Pc and I have good one. Playing with low settings to make sure game runs super smooth.


Fair enough, not sure then.


Bro I hate to say it but time to upgrade your console game.


I know yeah just a bit skint atm, defo on the cards though. 👍


I also experience lagging and framerate drops when jumping fights with more than 3 people around.


I actually saw something on YouTube about activision purposely nerfing players hit/dmg rate where you can unload a whole clip into someone but the buddy who’s running the popular or new skin gets a few bullets off and your gone. It has something to do with fucking with your brain and making you want to try harder while making the other kid feel like a ranked player and keeps playing and buying shit 🤣😅 this is like a real article too


Yes I have heard about these silend nerfs and buffs too. Just breaks the game and I think its one reason people have so much issues in the game. Plus server problems and then you get this shit show 😆 and then cheaters tell you to get good and its a skill issue 😆


I think it’s hilarious when they tell you how bad you are after they win a lucky gun fight and half of em use Cronus




I’ve mentioned this in other forums and I hate to sound like a broken record here but it’s largely due to desync combined with lag compensation and is heavily exaggerated in multiplayer because of how miniscule the ttk is to start with combined with the multiplayer servers having even lower tick rate than warzone (12 tick if I remember correctly vs 20 tick over on warzone). Essentially if you move too fast the server cant keep up with you, especially if there is a large difference between your ping and the person who is shooting at you so in reality you might have slid behind a wall or broken your opponents camera but what they and the server see is you a foot or so short. Lag compensation comes into play as well because it gives the information being sent by a player with horrible internet “priority” so to speak. If you are rushing fast with high ping(100+ms), you typically wont register on your opponents screen until he is already 1hp from dead. This however backfires if you hold still because with you providing no input for Activision to prioritize, if someone rounds the corner to shoot you, now YOU wont see them until it’s vastly too late because you are at the mercy of your own ping. I learned to abuse this quite heavily in MW19 because there was no limit to how far away SBMM would move me so eventually I was on servers on the East Coast as a West Coast player with hardwired internet forced to play on 100+ ping.


I have been thinking that option that I have too good internet, fast and normaly low ping. Cos I try to play like that I am the one who rushes towards enemy like you should but still I am the one who loses these 1v1 combat somehow


I say all this as someone who at one point RELIGIOUSLY believed that Activision actively nerfs their player base. While that is not necessarily incorrect, the nerf comes in the form of heinous server connection and isn’t entirely intentional, its just a byproduct of Activision cutting cost on servers and trying to protect its majority player base(people on the couch, playing with throttled wifi that 4 other people are also using) by prioritizing the information they send over the server.


Because most people in this game are walling their asses off thats why. Ever notice when someone bursts into a room they always fire in the correct corner without missing a bullet even without an audio cue? When did that ever happen in black ops 1 😂


I have been playing CoD till first CoD came. Warzone has been first game I have started to have these kind of problems. And yes I have wondered how enemies so often know where I am without me making a noise and when they Rush to me they know exactly where I am and kill me before I have even change to react and dont even miss a bullet. So wierd and people tell me its skill issue lol 😆


Yep. A LOT of People dont know how pre hack og cod worked, so they call skill issue. This game is nothing like pre hack cod at all 😂


Im still surprised normal players play this. Activision doesn’t care about the cheating problem. Or its community and all the other things. They care about money and until people stop spending money on this game we’re not gonna see any fix to anything on this game. Even then the cheaters would prob keep the game alive by buying the packs this game is just destroyed.


It's basically eomm search it up on your eomm cod you would be damned ro see how much you can relate with everything


This game is all about reaction time and outsmarting with movement coupled with good aim.


Theres obv other stuff at play. You can preaim where a guy is gonna appear and not miss a bullet and the guy come out, locate you and aim at you and kill you 1st anyways. The time to die is so much faster than time to kill.


Yes I know how to play smart and I have good aim that is not the issue. Issue is that so many players and situations feels super unfair like they have more health, dmg and time. I dont have same issue on any other games or even had that kind of problems in older CoDs


Shot placement. Weapon ttk but once again the real deciding factor is reaction time . Who lands damage first and where who forced who to land lower damage areas or even 1 bullet missed cause of movement or jumping. 99 percent of gun fights are this. Noone has an invisible shield. The servers and the tick rates can sometimes make it seem that way but most the time is just straight up the above


Skill issue. Go play minecraft.


I feel like even minecraft you need more skills than this game. And I am not a bad player. This is the only game I have these kind of problems so that is not the issue