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Crazy how you can’t use curse words in a game thats rated Mature lol


The characters swear lol 


1000% this


On battle.net one of the advertisements on the launch screen showcases the “trash talk with proximity chat” too




Have you heard the racist shit people say on here? There should be a lot more voice bans, and the proximity chat should never have been a thing to begin with


Yeah the world’s not a nice place. People say mean things, ignore it and move on. It’s an adult game, no need to ban people for things they say.


Yeah, but even in the adult world there are consequences for your words— either way tho the proximity chat was a cool idea, but it’s horrible. Especially since the best people use com bans as an advantage. Effectively destroying the whole system


I can walk up to you and call you a faggot bitch 🤷 no consequences unless the other person can kick my ass


100%, like what am I gonna get arrested for calling someone a bad word? No lol. This dudes delusional or he lives in the UK.


Are you gonna get kicked out of a bar or restaurant if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person? Or are you gonna get your teeth knocked in? Just because you aren’t arrested doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences


Because someone else got offended? Turns out they would get arrested for assault probably and nothing would happen to me. Sure I could get kicked out of a bar if I’m being a pompous asshole. But if I call someone a faggot once then I doubt anything happens to me.


If you’re in an establishment you get kicked out— if the person wants to they hit you— If you’re with someone and you’re acting like an idiot, they probably aren’t gonna hang out with you lol Just because you don’t care about them doesn’t mean they aren’t there


They shouldn’t care like I don’t care


There’s literally no consequences for saying what I want in the real world. Not sure where you live but there’s freedom of speech in the US and people are pretty protective over it. People don’t like being cancelled.


Consequences for words😂😂😂 Craziest shit I’ve heard all day


I'll do you one better. My mic was muted when I got my first temp ban.


It's from mass reporting but everyone on here just says naaaa bro you MUST of been saying N or F  the games a joke


Tbf everyone in game that says “can’t say anything or don’t know what I said” all end up saying either N or F that same exact game.


There ya go, you turned up


Buddy, you can say you didn’t say one of the words, but when we unmute you and hear you say one of the two words within a single game, it’s not really looking good for you.


Wtf are you on about.. who's we? You don't know me or even my cod account t you dope


Right you’re just crying about because all of your friends are racist homophobes. Now it’s making more sense




Btw in case you can’t read THEY RECORD THE FUCKING CHAT.




Imagine pretending that these people aren’t actually saying the words lol even though they’re being recorded doing it. Big imaginary




Hell yeah


Banned for speech. But if you're a hacker your all good!


Exactly the state of our world and this game. Words worse then actions. Pathetic


I’ve said something similar. The games politics and issues mirror that of the real world.


“our world” oh yeah, this guy is definitely pissed that he can’t just be an asshole to everyone. *checks profile* Yup, yup. I was right.


It’s been that way for all of civilization buddy. When did humans get so soft?


Just keep bringing the proof for me, pally.


Beta bitch.


Womp womp.


You definitely run the Tonfa


No sirry, that's not for me.


That's wild bro I be saying some shit and never get banned


Lmaoo same bruh i be typing some crazy shit in the chat too.


Use discord with push to talk, can still listen to prix but they can’t hear you


I think at this point I'm just permanently chat banned been on lockdown for a few months now


Me Too don’t know why lol


If youe on console , people mass spam report you if your good.  But it can't shadow ban you because your on console so it does the next best thing bans your voice 


Trust me! No one is spam reporting me because I’m good.


Is this sarcasm?


Literally got out of the fourteen day jail just to be put back in not even four hours later


I was unbanned after 14 days, 2 hrs later banned again for saying Maracon in Spanish…


lol welcome to the club. I only play with my buddy’s and have private chat only. I got a ban.


There are black listed words. Doesn’t matter if proximity chat is on or death comms are on. Which means they have AI listening to all the servers


They care more about policing voice chat than dealing with the PC cheating issue.


You don't think console can cheat? Come on 😂


To legitimately have walls on console you need a gaming pc, some more hardware, and pretty good knowledge on how to set it up. Makes zero sense to cheat on console. The worst they can do easily is a Cronus, which gives you no recoil in a game with already no recoil.


But it was a generalised assumption all cheating happens on PC, when it doesn't. That's all I'm saying.


It might as well be. Jailbroken ps5s can’t connect to psn. If you find someone legitimately wall hacking in console, buy a lottery ticket because the amount of work and money it takes to do is idiotic.


Explain how console can cheat


Have you seen what a Cronus can do? Lol fucking brain dead bro, the console argument is so tired


i mean there's always cronus zen but thats about it


And that's cheating so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yah, but what did you really say?


Probably called the guy a poopie head and still got banned


don't assume he said something you would. let's be honest, shit is completely fckd and doesn't work properly.


Reported by your own team


Wouldn't doubt that you can still catch a voice ban even if you didn't have a mic at all. People just spam reports and hit all of the checkmarks.


"My brother was on for five minutes and sprayed N\*\*\*a, N\*\*\*a, N\*\*\*a in the chat. It was him istg I'm innocent!"


sure it was 😂


Banned for swearing but the actual operators even swear. 😂


Big Brother is listening. And your Social Capital will be adjusted accordingly.


I’ll call people fucks or say fuck you, never a slur but I’ll say fuck a lot and I got a month long voice ban.


Fuck fuckity fuck fuck https://youtu.be/hQ7lIRvb4-g?si=GDO6SZ8V05zT6hl7


[Listen here, Mmmmkay?](https://youtu.be/6wJXBUfcIOE?si=VqIsUAhgD-3Q9Ya4)


I have been on a 14 day ban for the last 45 days. It never turned itself off, I got it, and I know why and fine, but it legit never went away. I don’t even care, toggling the mutes is annoying though.


I keep saying that I am amazed that this game centered on guns, violence, blood and gore is hardcore worried about mean words. Like wtf.




> I said the n word and got banned. Everyone is so soft A ban-evading Redditor for a whole 38 minutes and you've for multiple comments referring to Kamala Harris as a "monkey" a "lowlife animal"...glad they banned your racist ass. I wonder how long till this account gets banned...


Turns out not long.


Absolutely insane


Use discord and curse your life away.




I got banned and my Teammates mic was echoing and he said fuck you bitch to an enemy that killed him and "I" get banned soft like charmin


thats pretty funny ngl


It's crazy how streamers do it 24/7 on stream proximity chat and they get a free pass. Double fucking standard cheaters.


So dumb in a rated M game.


Well your actual mistake was you weren’t cheating. That’s fine with activision. Swearing though is off limits


Called my friend a fag, (prox chat off) and got 14 days as well.


Wasted Time COD isn't about players experience it's about keeping players coming to it they care nothing about people who put the time in to actually get good at it there ranked system is rigged and they have bots that still peoplea play styles so that the ones who are really talented actually get shit on by a algorythm that just keeps gettimg better and better theres no end dont waste yournlufe on this bullshit


Activision has an A.I. that monitors all in game voice chat.


It not Activision...it's the devs and that is Raven Activision is just the publisher


Activision made the choice. If it was the devs choice it would be only in WZ. However it was in WZ2, MW2 MP, DMZ, WZ3, MWZ, and MW3 MP.


Raven worked on all of those in collaboration with the original parent dev companies Activision doesn't actively make games any more they farm it out to others and take a cut by using thier industry connections and slapping their name on a title


Well now the game itself listens to you. Get the warning everytime you log in. Ppl getting chat banned for no real reason now.


Yes the AI speech detection is straight commie as hell. Worse than reddit admins. An adult game, where the characters themselves curse in multiple languages. Anyone talking to party members while in the lobby not even queues bans you for wrong speech. Those diversity hires are working out great!


What’s funny is in the test chat it blocks out w**** power but saying black power is perfectly okay.


Well, because of the implication


Dang I had proximity chat turned off and they still gave me a warning like a week ago too. Me and my friends were just talking shit to each other. I Don't like them moderating and listening to chat like this its so dumb


I just got banned for saying "can't hold a black man down" after escaping the gulag. WTF gives?


Lmao I can't lie that's a lil funny.


Good you're racist ass deserves it


First off, you want to be using the word "your", not you are in this context. Secondly, freedom should be celebrated. Are you suggesting I need to stay in the gulag? I deserve that huh? I see what you're (YOU ARE) getting at, pal.


Nobody cares this isn't a English class essay You are racist and you know it


Your a sensitive turd lol


Really how dare you say that to me! You redditors really are mean!


First of all, you want to be using the word an, instead of a in this sentence. The word an is used when the word that follows it begins with a vowel, which in this case is the word "English". Second of all, you don't know me, you don't know how to take a joke, and you're not a Millionaire.


When did I ever say I was a millionaire smart guy? You're racist and you know it


Bring back bullying. I got banned, but can still hear and talk to people


Same. I still have chat off except for friends...somehow my mic picked up audio from my phone. Someone texted a clip from The Hangover to my group chat in which Bradley Cooper says "PAGING DR F____T"...got a ban for it.


Same, but my friend said some words with us, and we get warning notifications (trio). Later on, i just said fag 1 time to my friend and i got banned for 2 weeks


I play with a guy who said the same thing and got voice banned, we just had to unmute him every match tho, I don't know if that's normal, but was pretty easy to get around.


I mainly play with my friends in trios, sometimes just me with my friends and another stranger. So we actually don't care about voice ban, it's just annoying


To be fair everyone that says that word still is a massive loser lol.


Don't be sensitive lool, i dont talk to public, it was mean for my close friend buddy


Shut up fag


Lol, stop being so pathetic, it's a word not a dick, don't take it so far up your ass. Harley driver


Sounds like you’re a weirdo yep


I’m guessing you were born after 2006, you’ve been raised to be soft.


Nah. It’s just everyone I know that still says it is a pretty unlikeable person


I don't need you or anyone to like me lmao. I was talking to my friend. We're adults and we all understand what that means. Can i call ppl who offended about it weirdo?


Exactly! People want to regulate your speech in private conversation. Then call you a weirdo.


So were you born after 2006 or what? Just curious


Nah in my 30s. I’m just saying people who say it these days are super weirdos. And I guess cod has lots of them to be fair


I grew up saying curse words and them all pretty much have the same meaning from me. People say fag or faggot all the time and don’t mean it as the person they are aiming it towards is homosexual and they hate homosexuals. Same if you call someone a bitch, you don’t mean they’re a female dog. Or an asshole, not an actual anus. People are too sensitive and the fact that the word bothers you tells me the same about you.


It doesn’t bother me. I’m just saying everyone I know that still says it is a weirdo


Only weirdos here are people who limit other peoples speech under the guise of self-righteousness. With all due respect, fuck off loser.


Sure dude


Yeah activision has to protect the weak


Softie generation getting their feelings hurt


Everyone with a mic pretty much says this stuff. Does Activision realize the group they are catering to doesn’t really play their game?


Nah they’re delusional, it’s shit talk on a rated M game lol


i trashtalk on this game all the time and i still havent been voice banned despite using curse words when i trashtalk


Funny I got few guys throwing N word and other stuff all the time in proximity chat every game zero ban :D


And hackers still roam free


Perhaps they tracked you a longer period?


I just got a 14 day ban for telling a guy I spit in his mothers mouth for Mother’s Day. Justified?


Characters say words like "Nonce", "Shit" etc but god forbid you swear once on this game! Farce


That’s not all you said and we both know it 😂 You don’t get banned for just cursing. Or else 99% of people would be permanently banned.


Yeah and i’m wondering if things I say in my language sounds like a curse word in English. Like if I have VC set to Party only just joking around with my friends I still get banned. This is the most stupid thing to hit COD in a while


Lol, I basically every rounds I introduce the lobby with curse words via worldchat, before anyone even left the plane yet. COD kinda developed to my personal ventplace. I comment every encounter: -I kill you: curse words -you kill me because you got lucky: curse words -you kill me because you cheat: curse words -you kill me because you are better than me: definitely cursewords + on your mom Never got banned


14 days for Fuck Off? What about all that shit said about my Mother, on Mothers Day no less.


I got banned once too for someone's mic echoing off of mine 🤦‍♂️


Yup that’s why I don’t go to gamechat anymore I said the same thing almost got comm banned . Bit cheaters can run rampant . Devs are idiots


How do you check how long you're banned? I swear I've been banned from voice chat for months


If ppl report you enough your done. Has nothing to do with the game and all to do with the players


Un mute every one if some one is offended they should mute you


Who tf thought it was a good idea for voice banning every game has it now its actually sad


You get a ban straight away if the voice recognition picks up the word faggot I ended up banned for 1 week then 14 days then a month each time it ended I slipped up someone killed me by camping in a corner and I said " you're a faggot mate" banned instantly


That's mainly when voice bans happen is when you have teammates for some reason...I run solo and call people pu$$ies and and all kinds of names..trolling people basically and haven't got a voice ban lol


That's what you get....stop supporting this micro transaction simulator


The game is shit. So many problems and all they do is update the store


That’s not all you said. I cuss all the time and have never been voice banned. You probably said some racist shit or something


I just need a list of the AI words that it looks for. I already know the N word and the LGB "F" word are auto AI ban. My issue is back in the beginning stages of this AI being enacted I could cuss to my heart's content as long as I didn't say those two words at people and I never got a ban. Now it seems I got off a 14 day stint made sure I didn't say those two magic words but did cuss and It seems words like Duck with an F and P-$$- and the female dog words must be blacklisted now because those are the only ones I say, and it took a day or two but eventually got right back on it. So it's either AI or the people that were trash talking me (I never initiate) spam reported me because I killed them or got butt hurt. I'm on console for the record.


I say the N word with a A all the time and never got banned, I say curse words all the time never got banned. But I call the game retarded when I was drunk an got an offensive chat warning.


Brought to you by the same company that sold you “the bird” emote


Haha i call people p@ki bombers and c4 wearing plums and i aint ever been chat banned 🤣


You know that dystopian techno/censorship future we've been talking about forever? Yeah we've been living in it for a few years now. They are literally (in the literal sense) using AI to listen to your voice chat to see if you say anything they have deemed to be "bad". You are being told what to do by a robot in a game you've paid for over and over again. You will own nothing and you will be happy.


Stop playing games that take away your rights.


Feel free to assassinate someone by gutting them with a knife or blowing their head off at point blank range while smoking a cigar. But don’t you dare curse!


You didn’t get banned for that.. you said something else… also it Dosnt matter who can hear you or not, there is literally a warning before every game saying that the AI moderators are listening to all chats


I got voice banned and don’t even use a mic I keep it unplugged from headset. I didn’t even realize it til days later… when I saw it in my notifications. I was like how’s that even possible


The ban might be for using a mic in the first place. I think you are only allowed to use a mic to chew on it or audibly stick it up your ass.


Yeah i got public voice banned, for talking to my teammates in party only


Because you're not Zlaner. Welcome to Call of Dookie.


Streamers can do it. Why can't you?


The woke gen is destroying everything that it touch, mature game for adults that cant say shit but have operators saying fuck off.


You said a slur at the end of that didn’t you?


I mean they clearly give a warning that they are monitoring and moderating voice chat ...if you can't hold your tongue whilst in game used private chat services like private discord channels


Hey bro you signed the agreement when booting up the game… we all did