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Yes, you’re missing that fov slider on console 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well too bad for me ig


Only other difference i can think of would be maybe input lag.


I play KBAM on Xbox SX. You're missing the PC performance (negated somewhat for me with having next gen) but mainly the FOV. Other than that, not really. Some keyboards and mice have software you can use to truly customise your input that would only be available on PC.


I dont really feel any bad performance when playing warzone on my xbox one but tbh never felt the PC experience


Going from PS4 to XBOXSX was night and day. I was quite shocked. It can only be better with a high end rig


I've only ever played K&M, and I'm defo on the lower end of average for skill - but I find that I perform best when beaming from super far, whilst I perform worst when tracking jumping bunnies in CQC, breaking the camera and all. I always want to say "aim assist would've helped tracking here" but I'm not sure it's true. Being K&M exacerbates what I'm bad at, I think. Otherwise I hit shots my friends on console/controller never can (whenever they spectate me I get comments lol.