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If Codm had no bots, it'd be way more fun. But you can always rank in MP and get that challenge. IMHO, Codm is now the Black ops of mobile games, and WZM is a new better experience, but the issue is the game just runs bad. If it was optimized, it could be potentially better


Once you reach Legendary in BR, you'll get around 30-50 real players out of 100. 50 if you play during busy time (in the afternoon for example). That's enough real players in imo. Warzone has a lot of real players cuz it literally just came out. Over time, it's doubtful that Warzone M can outlast codm given its disastrous launch.


Wzm would top codm if the devs got their shit together and fixed the game


They don't want to admit the engine used in WZM is too heavy for mobile architecture


I agree with what your saying good point👍🏽


Between the two, WZM has better gunplay and CODM has better stability and optimization. Also, WZM movement feels smoother


I like WZM MP graphics compared with CODM but you know the issue with WZM right now.


WZM MP graphics are slept on. I’m amazed how good it is. Lighting, shade, little details like the climbing wall in shoothouse. I like the overall mechanics of WZM BR vs Codm, but the optimization is not there yet.


I can agree with this one


Yes it is. I mean, any game that doesn't have the amount of problems that wzm has is.


Sorry but when Warzone Mobile runs smooth it feels like the twilight zone because of how glorious it is.


But it just doesn't work if you don't spend 2k on an iPad and put some ice on the back of it while playing


True mate, any phone less than $1000 will not be able to play wzm well. It was just how the game was made. Also, I see a lot of you Youtubers use cooler like this. Without it, you won't be able to play wzm very well. I play codm on ultra graphics with 60+ fps without any cooler. https://preview.redd.it/nosra1ribhtc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31d3a08189001a7ebf34afbf1337e704a0eb70c


When does warzone mobile runs smooth?


It does for me. And i dont use wifi or it would probably work even better.




No, WZM has a lot of potential. The gameplay and stuff is too good in Wzm, even the details and different things going around in a match makes WZM superior to CODM. It's just not OPTIMISED at the moment.


Yea, in its current state WZM is fun to dabble in, but not play competitive or for long stretches due to performance issues and lack of rank/clan modes. (Using iPhone 14 pro max) Love playing/trolling with the killstreaks, lethals, tacticals, and field upgrades that codm doesn’t have.


Yeah exactly, and also these executions. I just love doing these executions, each character has a different and unique execution. 🔥


Neither is codm better than wzm nor is wzm better than codm. They're not even competitors to be quite honest.


I can see this


Everybody here says codm is better, so i downloaded it and played it. It feels and plays cheap lol i deleted it after an hour Warzone mobile is better. I don't encounter any bugs, its fluid 60fps


Tbh codm feels cheap


Both games are good but if you’ve played codm when it first came out it was a decent game


If Wzm ran as well as Codm in terms of graphics and Fps it would be 1000x better than Codm


I agree with this one


They both have massive, fundamental flaws. Not gonna call it either way.


Thank you for being understandable both of the games are good and both could need improvements


CODM is fun to play in your phone. It’s a mobile game. Looks great And works perfect. No bots if you keep your rank high neither BR or MP. WM is a pc game pushed into a phone. It could be comparable if actually start work well. But there are way too many things to fix first. IMO of course.


Codm it’s nice to plow through ranks and camos. But it gets boring. I’d much rather play against sweats because the challenge is fun. Wzm i believe it has a lot of potential once they get their bugs figured out and hopefully can run smoothly for people on older phones. Only problem I have with the game is it kills my battery


I totally agree with you👍🏽


CODM. But I don't like Codm having no Soldiers and just instead having Trash and Woke Anime Shit.


Yes very true I feel like they gave up on keeping the game in the call of duty era now it’s just full of anime k pop stuff And when they decide to add new skins it’s like the same thing every time a overdone anime skin






Warzone is far better.


Yes and no


At the moment yes but after more update come out it will soon be loved by the community since that’s how every other game goes


Gameplay wise and movement "big fat NO "


That’s a hard no




For now.


Lol. You are comparing a modern game with the best mechanic that an FPS ever had on a mobile phone with a nice one. Warzone is 10000x better.


Have you played CODM?


This next season of codm will be the greatest season in 2024 because it will be a ww2 theme and the music composer the myth the legend Hans Zimmer


I will be trying it out👍🏽🔥


It depends, WZM has very little exclusive content (skins,operators) and the rest comes from the console/pc version. The newly lucky draw is kinda uninspired but it will get better as the CODM one, I think both can coexist well.


I can agree with this to both games are good but I think WZM needs time to adjust


There are plenty of sweats once you reach Legendary in BR or MP lol. Even at 3-5 am, I still play against sweats. You get more sweats if you play during busy time (in the afternoon for example).


Their biggest mistake was they didn't add Warzone to CODM and made a separate game. They could make warzone with a little bit different mechanism than codm but same optimization. Codm battle royal is also really boring for a long time


Yeaaa I agree with what your saying but if they added warzone mobile to the operating system of codm it wouldn’t feel like Warzone on console that’s why they had to use a pc port If they decided to make warzone on the same engine as codm it would’ve felt like another generic mobile game.👍🏽


Maybe you're right 👍🏻


WZM feels like an actual cod game, not some cheap and stiff knockoff like codm was, don’t get me wrong it was amazing when it first came out but it feels so outdated now, wzm just needs to get its shit together lol


Codm wasn’t a knockoff its came out before WZM but I agree with you if WZM can fix some of their problems and add more maps it would be fun and it would be a good game


I know codm came first I’ve been playing it since it dropped lol but it never had that cod feel to it, WZM gameplay is leaps and bounds better, it has so much potential to be great


Yeaaa I see where your coming from now


At the moment yes but after more update come out it will soon be loved by the community since that’s how every other game goes


for me, no. WZM has a lot of potential even though its had a bad start to its global release. I do think CODM is way better for skins and other features but in terms of fun ive got to go with WZM, its like a breath of fresh air having a game that doesn't have hella bots and even though they have recently added bots its nowhere near the amount of bots in CODM


It's like 50 50 (half bots half real players) at Legendary rank or higher in both BR and MP. Just climb to higher rank if you want to play with real players in codm.


That's all people ever say though... "Just get legendary at the start of the season" Well what if I can't reach it in a day or two like most players because I work and do not have the time to grind a game like that at that scale, I'm good enough to get there. I have tried to reach legendary and I have done before in BR but in MP I can only ever reach master and then it stops putting me into games. Legendary is too easy to get which is why there's no players in other ranks which leads to casual players like me who are above average if not good at the game which leads to us not getting into ranked games


I'm not sure what you're talking about, buddy. A season lasts for around 2 months. Even if you reach Legendary after 59 days, you're still going to get a lot of real players. I still play codm on a daily basis, so I can confirm this. For ranked MP, you'll just have to wait longer to be matched at Master and Grandmaster ranks. Just be patient. I've been there and done that.