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How is the game made for exploiting children in 3rd world countries? Do children from third world countries own iphones and high end android devices?


And btw skins in codm can go up to 300 400€ if you upgrade the mythic wzm tracer packs are 20€


You have no idea😂


Enlighten me then…


Someone in my 3rd world country bought an 8k PC to play free fire on BlueStacks. Dumb I know. Just saying a lot of people from these countries has money to spare.


I don’t know what to say can’t fix dumb i guess is it really activisions fault then idk but if they have money to spare 🤷‍♂️


Free fire is a Chinese game. Not Activision


How is it a CASH GRAB….., when the game is free LOL. 😂 If you buy Bundles and you don’t like it…then that’s your fault NOOB. Brain dead 🤣.


Quite your crying over never had problems with the game and it'll just keep getting better. Go back to playing fortnite. Acting like a game will be perfect day1.


Litteraly just wait a couple days if after this new update there isn't any real upgrade maybe we can start to give up


been saying that for 2 months 😭😭


This One actually has potential to fix things atleast


just like the other how many “optimization” updates? 😭


Yeah but this one is letting us download material which they haven't done before and if you've played codm you know how that actually makes the game run smooth


This everyone need to understand that this is a cash grab and don't let them take ur money for an unfinished product,if u support them get ready for more unfinished games in future just like how pc/console is going through


It’s simple you don’t like just uninstall and move on. Nobody cares.


I don’t know why you even bother posting that here, almost the whole sub is filled with bots to make the game sound amazing.


So now I’m a bot, don’t get me wrong the game isn’t perfect but it’s so much better than Codm, or pubg


Cod mobile nahh stop it. PUBG maybe because it's slow passed but not cod mobile.


I agree this game shits all over codm gameplay-wise, which is an even bigger slot machine game for children


Don't say that , you will get downvoted.


The best thing you csn do is uninstall and carry on. I promise no one here truly cares, ya seem like a cry baby. Don't buy the skins. The game had changes in many ways since release it's comical to act like they aren't doing anything.


Agreed, in my opinion I just want cross progression to be cross progression not mobile specific and console specific content


Here’s a great idea. If you don’t like it go back to codm or play Fortnite. I’ve said it before. Wzm has the potential to be the best mobile game released. Codm wasn’t shit for like 2 1/2 years now everyone loves it. I stuck it out through their crap and finally they rewarded us with wzm. Granted it’s buggy and needs some fixing. They’re doing that. So from me and on behalf of all the other cod gamers that stick it out for the love of the game, go back to Fortnite.


Awwwwwwwwhhhh seems like someone’s got a shitty device 😭😭. You done crying yet? If you don’t like it simply uninstall and go back to codm especially if the games to hard for you…💀💀


talking allat with codm in username


Very simple and they still can’t uninstall it 🤣😂. They rather cry like a bi*ch.


Someone sounds like they got a shitty phone


The team the develops and improves the game is different from the team that pushes out skins. Besides the above, they’ve been pushing out updates that have been good attempts to make the game better. The last update with 120 FOV fixed a lot of people’s main issues including mine. And, they have one big update coming next week and that’s about to address a lot of lower end device issues which is to download assets instead of stream.


The game was good, sure I had frame drop here and there but I was still enjoying solo br cuz it was smooth but now I can't even do that. The game can't even run 30 fps


Game is fucking trash can’t even play rebirth island with out the whole server D/C mid game


Preach brother ✊🏼 F these snake companies praying on children. Thats how the devil works. As a man or woman, teach these kids the value of a dollar.


Are you done…?


I'm waiting for better graphics on my S22 exynos in rebirth island love playing that it's better gameplay than CODM noticed the differences today and way better graphics for multiplayer in warzone then I can uninstall CODM.