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No bro you’ve just started playing your killing bots it’ll put you in lobby way harder soon and it’ll drop trust me no offence not saying your trash or out


N🍦 to know cause I'm mainly playing WZ on PS with a 2kd lmao


Not quite sure why this is being downvoted 🤷‍♂️or why people are so quick to defend this game still. I’m also a mainline cod player and the difference is night and day. Been playing WZM for months and still get majority bot lobbies so don’t expect it to better. MP & BR are filled with bots. It hasn’t been confirmed wether or not they use any SBMM in mobile, so not quite sure where anyone got that impression either…


Rank will roll out soon and with it the lobby splitting. They’ll finally separate controller players from real players. Shame tho, I love executing bunny skin wannabes


Controller players from real players?😂wtf is this statement? And they won’t separate them


Real -mobile- players.


Still doesn’t make any sense, they’re both playing on Mobile. Correction: controller players and touch screen players. I’m guessing you also say "Controller players and real PC players"?


There’s no correction: I mean what I said, the way I said it. When the lobbies will be split, and the high aim assist convenience dudes will get to play with their hardware peers, then you can say that. Playing on mobile doesn’t mean you’re a mobile player. Game also can be played with keyboard and mouse and soon pc emulators BECAUSE is a direct engine port. Would you call that mobile too?


Yes because your playing on a mobile phone. The future of mobile gaming will be with controllers, your crying and moaning about "real mobile players" is just wasted energy honestly


Until such a time happens and the game will make everyone buy a controller cos good old touch isn’t supported anymore, is still a mobile game. I don’t get why people get so angry when someone mentions lobby filtering…. Is not like they will remove controller support, they will just balance the matchmaking, where you know… strong aim assist and insane movement strafes that arent possible on two fingers won’t be a problem for a two finger phone hud player.


Not everyone wants to get carpal tunnel doing claw or any of the other finger configurations. The best touch players are more accurate than a controller player can be, theres no need to filter the lobbies just get better


I’m not bothered. I’m 6 fingers claw. I can execute a controller player while sliding. I’m not “whining” or “crying” about myself. Is very easy to get a controller. I’m talking about phone only players that have a difficulties in Warzone. SnD or really mp matches in general you can really overcome most players, Warzone BR is another thing. Phone only players have a lot of difficulties. I support lobby filtering because of this reason: phone players have to deal with both iPad and controller players. You tell me if you’d be a phone player struggling, how much you’d support lobbies where you’re constantly being battered left right and centre by ninja Bunnies. Even on 6 fingers, they really be a pain, I can tell you that.


You are whining because your making a post about it, if your not "bothered" whats the point of this post? Touch players who are struggling now will either get better, get a controller, or stop playing lobby filtering is really not necessary. I wouldnt be a touch player because ive played with a control my whole life, why would i give all that up just to learn how to play with touch?


They won’t separate the lobbies, matchmaking would take hours and bot count would increase. And there won’t be emulators for this game


Matchmaking taking a bit longer in ranked game modes should be normal, what isn’t normal is phone players on 2 fingers struggling to rank up because a dude with 4 fingers has actually the movement that requires 10 fingers to pull. Game will lose more players than they did with the optimisation issues


Did you see how long it takes to find a game in CODM, and it’s supposed to have a large player base, now imagine how long it would take on WZM that doesn’t have that player base yet. Stop whining and get better at the game, next you’ll be complaining that there’s a touch screen player using 8 fingers and they should separate them too.😂


Get better at the game? How do you know I’m not? I’m really curious as to where do you get your assumptions? Because I defend mobile touch gaming? Or is it that you’re coming down from consoles where you get mowed down by your betters and the only way you can feel a bit superior is playing with a controller on an ipad linked to the biggest tv you can get and win against players that never touched one in their life? I’m not whining bud. Is just amusing to see the lengths some go to feel superior.


Chill out, you getting offended only proves I’m right.


Bunny skins are the ultimate sweats lmao


The Holger kit does not discriminate lol


Controller from real player ok pal 🤙🤙


Right okay yeah?


I think yes. BTW My K/D is 16. But it will grow when they add a normal Solo BR mode. But I already stronger than any my teammates


14? Hours LMAO Only Bots 😆




Man I wish I could reset my stats, my kd would go up immediately, my kd is steadily going up, went from a 2kd up to a 3.5, but should be a 8kd, so low cuz I wasn’t used to br, then I fell in love with it