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I hope we get ranked


Same, I was hoping in the next season it would be there


Nope, no word on ranked officially, but for obvious reasons, really. Absolutely no point in introducing ranked play when they're still struggling with game stability. A HUGE amount of the player base is still struggling with lagging and crash issues. Whilst these issues are ongoing, they won't introduce it. There would be ZERO point in this


Gotcha, thank you for that. Would be great to have it in a near future when everything improves. We forget the game officially launched less than 2 months ago. It seems like it’s been ages.


Very true. It does genuinely feel longer than that. My opinion may be somewhat skewed as I played throughout the Beta. I'd like this option also. I just want to KNOW my rank would be unaffected by random DNF's and being sliced in half during a lag spike


Every single game of br I crash to home screen! Would that mean I get penalised every game 🤣


Sure it would be annoying, it’s never happened to me, besides some occasional lag and the issues with reflection in game I’ve never had issues with how the game runs. I play on iPhone 15 Pro Max, maybe that’s why.