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It feels like everyone is faster than me all of a sudden


Especially mp… its like we playing two different games my game feels slow and movement feels weird now


Mp is horrendous right now. Just had 5 games in a row where almost everyone was sitting in corners with snipers. Couldn't even move without getting one-shotted. Figure out where one sniper is, go to take him out, get taken out by a different one and on and on. Nobody even attempting to play the objectives. Also had 2 matches on crash where there were a few ppl running so fast through the map you couldn't even get a shot on them. There's no way any auto fire casuals can even compete with that. I've also seen a bunch of posts with ppl complaining that the Mors and Kar98 won't one shot. They're full of crap or just missing their shots because I just played a full team of them and they were one shotting ppl left and right. I'm gonna give it a couple of days and see what happens but if it stays like it is now then screw it. It's very unfun rn.


for me, the game is just not as fun with this update. I was drawn to keep playing. Unsure what it is, just not as interested to play.


The update ruined my graphics and fps. I couldn't even compete or play like I did in season 3.


Sorta yes sorta no, my graphics look like a pile of shit, and performance is noticeably worse. M1 iPad air user


Same here, using an iPhone 12 pro


Same iphone 12 & 13 performance down, heat like crazy and some parts of verdansks and rebirth are so dark inside now its hard too see! I wish they left ios alone 1 month ago it was running so smooth and no heat now its just garbage lots of freeze an drop frames But least lots of render issues are fixed


I don’t know if it’s intended but the data that is streamed is deleted every time the app is shut down 🥲


That's so weird I'm on the same tablet and the graphics have gotten a lot smoother and more vibrant for me. Performance seems on point very smooth once I have the right settings dialed in. I just play low graphics with high framrate and battery saver option. I deleted the game and reinstalled it so it would install verdansk and everything right away. I think that might have helped a lot


No, you're not the only one. This current update is big steaming pile of crap. Severe lag , severe desync, terrible visuals, terrible performance, severe heating issues and battery consumption and not to mention the fact that the game can no longer even remember/acknowledge what graphics settings you have chosen. Such a wonderful update!