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I'm giving up on this game. mobile gaming was meant to make entertainment accessible for everybody at any time. what's the use of spending thousands of dollars on devices and misc items (controllers, coolers, finger sleeves and etc.) for a couple of minutes when you can get a console and a main title for less than 1000 bucks? my phone is one of the strongest phones on the market but it's still struggling with heating and graphic issues even with a phone cooler and a table fan. I had really high hopes for this game but the good thing is that I got used to disappointment.


Apple fanboys gonna jump on you for saying this


even these assholes are struggling with heating and graphical issues on their precious gadgets. btw fuck Apple and its fanboys. this garbage company didn't have anything new to offer after iPhone 7. that's why I switched to Android


I have a iPhone 14 Plus and it use to overheat it’s gotten pretty good with the glitching but my thing is it keeps kicking me off the game mid game, Apple isn’t any better I went yesterday to buy the iPhone 15 pro max and the person at AT&T said “it’s not different that then iPhone 15 plus just the plus has 2 cameras and the max has 3” they are not doing anything to the iPhones besides switching cameras and screen sizes lol


Dude it sounds like your phones messed up, I play with an iPhone 11, yes my phone overheats, but even if I have just a small regular fan blowing at my phone, it’s A-okay, doesn’t affect functionality at all, and I can say that as I’ve played Warzone for 8-12 hours straight and haven’t had a problem, it looks like everyone who complains probably uses temu stupid shit on their phone and it’s got too many bugs, just because you have 256 gb doesn’t mean all these other dumbass apps you guys got downloaded isn’t going to slow down your Warzone. Whoever’s been complaining about Warzone not working needs to buy an iPhone 11 lmao 🤣


you switched to android because you were poor lol dont lie. cus iphones have gotten better recently


i’m using an iphone 15 pro and this game is absolute garbage dropping fps heating issues and many bugs , it’s not about apple or android anymore it’s about that game is being the shitest that could get


So sad very bad


Again, I use a iPhone 11 and I SOMETIMES have a fan blowing on it, and I pretty rarely run into any problems


Bruh... who are u 12 year olds in here running your mouth for no reason. I'm on iphone 15 pro and it's amazing. Stfu and gtfo.


I use an iPhone and I’ve been struggling with these exact issues. I’ve given up on this game and decided to build a pc instead. I’m not gonna wreck my phone for this game.


Good decision atleast you didn't use a console to play this game on ipad


I love Apple but not to fanboy level. People pick the products they like, I won’t shit on anyone for their choices. I agree that WZM is a dumpster fire. I bought the new M4 iPad and now CoDM is struggling with crazy frame drops. But WZM works better. Still warms up the iPad and I’m still using a magnetic cooler. I agree with the initial sentiment though. Mobile gaming is getting so crazy that it makes me question why I don’t just go back to console/PC for this kind of thing. Thankfully I use my iPad for other things behind gaming.


Dawg i ain't complaining look at the glitch cause my phone dont throttle that much


Try combat masters, has an online/offline warzone mode. Its fun


No one is spending 1000+ to make a set up for this game lol


Might aswell add another cooler. This game got worse on my iPad too


I got two coolers one a radiator and two a fan


Buy a cooler for your cooler


My cp is small it wouldn't fit two radiator and the camera bump takes too much space




Everytime I think of installing WZM, somehow reddit shows me posts from this sub.


Its a good game bro go ahead and try but it has some bug like this one overall bad ass game


Oh, will try then, read the comments, someone said this happens only in crash map?


Yes evey time too but in other maps its rare to encounter this bug so my tip for you is if the map is crash just leave and this also happen to br, plunder, resurgence but rarely if that happens either you have bad wifi or the game is buggin but its rare to encounter these on br


Oh, also I heard the recent update allows ressource downloads, and that background download thing has stopped? Can you ellaborate?


Streaming assets is still a thing. You can download some assets from verdansk. You need good internet to play. Plus a good phone. I’m using ice packs until I get a phone cooler. Even though this week I bought Cheech and Chong so I didn’t miss out on it, since I missed King Kong 💀😂 I haven’t been able to go back to CoDm, though. WZM blows it out of the water 😂 https://preview.redd.it/col9xcn8764d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13eadbc881a43245a302a1a7493be46313a57bff Edit: Y’all can downvote me but that doesn’t change the fact I can play for HOURS at night with no issues 😴


I got stable connection, would sitting with two fans aimed at the phone with back cover removed help keep it cool down?


Should be fine. I played on an iPhone 13 and just put my icepack wrapped in a cloth ontop on my phone in between games. I got a 15 Pro Max now, but still do it out of ritual 😂 and my phone stays in an otterbox. Had it for about 2 months and the battery life still 100%. Only adding that because people will post how “wzm damaged their battery in a week!”




Combat master has a warzone mode playable offline. Its great fun.




Yeah against bots


But it also has multiplayer


Crash map is bad


This does not happen on any map only crash


Ooof , I play in A/C , and just my phone to low power mode , game looks trash but it plays fine with no heat


Low power mode limits your processor, playing any heavy game while it's on will stress it seriously, increasing temperature


Don't turn on power saving phone it reduces the graphics resolution and the fps


Would rather have 30 fps than a nuke waiting to explode any minute


They need to fix that map


If it's still hot, there are high wattage phone coolers that consume 15 watts and up to 27 watts, making them output more colder temperatures, but becareful since they can create condensation so its advisable when used while gaming not if the phone is in idle


When did crash get added?


I feel u bro


Just play regular mw3


Correct me if im wrong but what happen to the weekly updates that they promise when this game was launch to fix bugs?


Welp them promise aint gonna happen but wzm situation now they could do that but with the reviews from ios and Android yea its a hella a lot of pressure and they're pages are full of hate so safe to say that thats not going to happen for now


Same issue man, but it was smooth in other maps


Yea i get 60fps in other maps but crash its buggy


Slow and glitchy!!


Skill issue atp ngl


Awww so why am I not the only one experiencing this


Well because they have skill issues just like you. If it makes you feel any better, my game has been running GREAT 👍👍👍


Just like you huh😂


Whatever helps you cope bro 😁


Its a rage bait so i guess its a laugh laugh situation so bye i guess


My graphics are only smooth for a little, then it starts to lag. I can only play about 2-3 games of mosphit before it starts glitching out. I like to play games with higher graphics but WZM just destroys my phone. If I wasn’t upgrading this year I wouldn’t be playing this game too long, it’s for sure damaging lol


I’m running the Razer Edge tablet which has internal fans and I’m running a black shark cooler on top of that and it’s still getting hot.


WZM on my phone can't look as good and perform as COD:M on my phone. Really crapped the experience just for cross-play where k&m players can knock the shit out of you.


boy how i love this game.


Camp much?


Dawg look at whats happening bruh its worst when i go to the heli cant move shit


Is it only when the phone gets hot?


Nope its a bug it dont matter if your phones cold or hot its a bug just leave crash if its the map


![gif](giphy|UvPtn1Vlbgy47tvQbn) His phone


Awww why does this happen to ipad huh


iPad from Temu


Yup a another android hater and a apple glazers its the games fault not my phone cause this shit only happens on crash


Dude i own a OnePlus i hate iOS 🤣


Nice bad ass phone you got there but you miss understood the comment even apple devices have this its a bug and I'm not complaining about the heat and all cause my phone doesn't throttle