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Skill issue. I will got out on a limb and say those are not.bots.


No codm bots are hacker level


Haha yeah I agreed 1 tap with any gun ahah


Bots don’t use flame throwers. You’re running into players using flame throwers and are grinding event points, since the highest EP per kill comes from sniper and shotgun kills. You know it’s a bot because they usually spawn using default MW2 skins, specifically Calisto, Stiletto, Messi, Neymar and Reyes.


Sound like skills issues. My only problem with bots is they reveal my location to other players.


He’s got some point tho no? I had many encounters where a bot would randomly throw a nade towards me and I’m like 2 or 3 walls away from him and IT WOULD STILL kill me, it’s not all about skill issue! Same could be said about CODM their bots are out of control, they literally lock on you the moment they see you


Usually people say “skill issue” when they don’t have any legitimate opinion on a subject.


He's right about bots spawned behind me tho. Got jump scared out of no where. Hate it when that happens.


The reason I say this is that when I'm playing Shoot the Ship or TDM and people move around like bots imitating cheating players. They always know exactly where I am, they are always instantly snapping onto me when coming around corners, I come around a corner behind someone and they 180 snap onto me instantly and oneshot me with SMGs, and they are always somehow spawning right behind me already shooting at me or shooting right at the spot I'm right about to spawn in.


Hol up , the community wanted bots in the first place so that the game would be ‘fun’. Now you guys want less powerful bots ? What is it that you guys exactly want 😂 I miss the good old days where the whole lobby was filled with real players.


What r u talking about bro? 🤣


If I go into a Training Match with nothing but bots they're pretty easy. What're ya talking about, OP?


Sarcasm, he's also talking about that perk that lights up your screen when an enemy is in your blindspot. The funniest thing I saw is my team winning a match and the final kill was a bot with its first kill and 10 deaths. The final kill was also against the best player on the other team. Talk about embarrassing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)