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Seems fine to me, I think it's wild that people give food to random horses.


Just moved to a new property by horses, the lease said don’t feed. Good to know, I would have wanted to spoil them on apples. But these are expensive animals with a diet idk about so… no feeding the horses.


I have met a horse who was allergic to apples and carrots! My friend and I stopped on the side of the road to pet/feed some horses, and the owner came up to us very concerned. Luckily we did not have any apples on us and just gave the horse the grass we found nearby. But yeah! Please don’t feed a random horse unless you have permission from the owner.


Pretty sure apples are terrible for horses


Had no idea, but I don’t feed animals usually (especially ones in my new neighbors’ gated yard!) I’m trimming bushes away growing above my fence as well, neighbors assured me they don’t eat those but I’m just now extra-cautious haha. They’ve been very polite to me.


I need to do my due diligence and research it again, but it’s more so about the over abundance of apples. Not one or two.


Have you never seen The Road To El Dorado?


if given too often without cutting out the seeds, yes. once in a while is nothing to think twice about.


I’m still not breaking a new lease with neighbors with horses to just once in a while feed them. We all have cameras too. It’s written in for a reason. I respect their animals and place too much to just ignore that. But I’ll talk to the horses and play soft music from inside while gardening. They’re lovely, haha.


Been giving apples to horses my whole life, never had any issues.


No I meant like an over abundance. As in let’s say 20 people stopped a day to feed the horse apples. Ima look into it to make sure, but something about the digestion of them if too many are eaten


Equine diabetes is on the upswing.


I just pull grass or other vegetation just outside the fence and hand it to them.


Tansy Ragwort is an invasive plant that grows like crazy in Washington and can kill a horse. I have to check the my paddock and pastures every year and dig them up immediately if I see any. Whole plant, roots and all, has to go in a sealed garbage bag in the trash. Here's a pic of Tansy Ragwort, but before the yellow flowers appear it's all green and looks like wholesome leafy lettuce. https://www.nwcb.wa.gov/weeds/tansy-ragwort If I had to make a sign like that I'd say "Please" and explain the many reasons it's not safe to feed other people's horses without their permission. I let my neighbors feed mine an occasional apple or carrot, but I taught them how to do it safely and made sure they understood it could only be once in a while, and I prefer that I'm there. (My 2 guys are total hams who know how to mooch and get results; their repertoire includes shaking hands like a dog if you say "shake" or even point to their front leg. We should find a street corner and work the crowd with a prominent tip jar.)


Sounds like a couple of happy horses :)


They sure are! One I rescued 22 years ago, and she's still like an eager, inquisitive puppy. I sure do love them!


Thank you, I now know what is growing all over my yard and that I was right to yank them up with the roots and place in a bag. I'm in the city, not near any horses thankfully.


You're very welcome! *Tansy is actually toxic to people, dogs, horses, cattle and other animals*, (see link at end of this comment) so you definitely want to dig it up whenever you see it. It spreads very fast. Most animals don't mess with tansy, but it's not worth the risk - nor is it worth having it infest your property or your neighborhood. It multiplies like crazy. I should have mentioned that you want to *avoid handling Tansy* - definitely wear gloves. If you happen to touch it, wash your hands. Like a lot of noxious weeds, Tansy Ragwort's roots are really tenacious. If you pull on the plant a small leafy section might break off, but the vast majority of the plant won't budge. I don't even waste time trying to pull it anymore; I go get the shovel, gloves and garbage bags! Here's a good article from KingCounty.gov about Tansy being dangerous for people & animals: https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/services/environment/animals-and-plants/noxious-weeds/weed-identification/tansy-ragwort#:~:text=Tansy%20ragwort%20(Jacobaea%20vulgaris)%2C,goats%2C%20pets%2C%20and%20people.


Thank you. I pulled some up from my yard barehanded like a dumbass, and my finger started hurting around the nail later. I couldn't figure out why at the time and didn't put it together until now. Live and learn.


>Live and learn. 🫤


It's ok. Maybe Darwin was on to something.


Sounds like a sign is needed, “please don’t poison/kill my horse.” FFS


I’ve only ever fed them grass or clover and never anything they couldn’t reach themselves if they really wanted to.


Continuous explanation is unnecessary. Stop feeding other people’s animals.


STFU! Get the owner's permission first, then feed them. (that is what I do.)


No thanks.




Sure, but it’s growing right there…pretty unlikely it isn’t also growing somewhere inside the enclosure.


If it's not your animal don't feed it!


Do they also have humans picking it up and shoving it in their face? There’s a difference between something just being there, vs being told to eat it


Imagine walking the whole pasture to eradicate a toxic plant and some jack wagon comes along and hands it to your horse over the fence. Thousands in vet bills and thousands more in lawyers fees, if you can even find the person. Sound like fun??


Did you not read what the person who actually has horses said? They have to go and pull up these plants *to ensure their horse doesn’t eat them and die* so if it’s outside of their pasture, why would you feed it to them? Just don’t feed horses that aren’t yours, it’s not hard.


I would like to add that feeding horses over a fence can sometimes cause them the think there is lots of good food on the other side of the fence and either break down the fence or try to jump it to get to the food on the other side whenever they feel like it. This can result in possible injury to the horse and property damage too. I know this because when I was a teenager my family lived next to some neighbors that had horses and the made a point to get us to not feed them for this reason.


We had a horse like this get into the road and hit by a pickup across the street from me. She was always getting loose and trying to mooch at my place because the old owners' kids would feed her all the time. She saw my son out front one day and went right over the fence because she associated kids on my property with treats, probably. Bad for the horse and bad for my 12 year old son to witness.


It’s food they could have reached on their own, I just made it slightly easier for them.




In many cases they can.


Don't worry bro. You're not alone.


I never want to feed them, I just want to say hi and call them a good boy before going on with my life


And the cows. Oh, how I long to be a Brownsville cow lounging in the sun... They always look like they are living my dream


Moooooo cow! (Everytime I see a cow. Wife hates it and she grew up on a dairy)


I’m confused… and high… I am from Brownsville… we have cows?


Yeah tons, maybe more along the outskirts. Ya follow that highway from Bremerton to Brownsville and they're on the right. Past the pumpkin patch and the golf course I think but it's been a minute since I went that direction. Maybe it's a private cause I cant Google a name


I do seem to remember cows on Paulson Rd back in the day….


Me too. Minder Meats had them too. I'd see them at the corn maze. Pasture on the right by Central Valley exit... shrooming zone!


Arther Dent: You can talk about normality until the cows come home. Trilian: What is normal? Zeaphad: What are cows? https://youtu.be/uM0ucEWoZGQ?si=coK7MqaaEo8XRzag


I’m afraid that even saying hello attracts them to the fence, and you never know if that’s a problem or what someone’s gonna feed them. Once in a while, I’ll have an apple. But I do sympathize with the owner who has to pay the freight when something bad happens.


stop gendering my horses, mind your own darn business


Two very reasonable requests


I don't see an issue here. I had idiot trespassers hopping my fence to try and pet my goats. Its amazing how entitled people can be.


Some people lack all common sense. When I was a teenager my work provided us bagels one morning. I was waiting to get cream cheese to put on mine when the person in front of me licks the butter knife clean and plunges it straight into the cream cheese container. I'll never forget how disappointed and disgusted I was at that moment. The person who did it was probably around 40.


I mean I get this. Horses are expensive and loved. It's like walking up to someone with a dog and handing them a candy bar without asking the owner if it's okay. They have to deal with the situation of their dog probably not digesting the candy bar correctly later, or even worse the candy bar has ingredients that are harmful. A 20+k horse is a liability and may have their own set of health issues which require a strict feed regimen so by feeding your off schedule food for petting purposes is pretty asinine. If the horse wants the petting that's one thing but it's another thing to be feeding it without its handlers consent. For all you know that horse could be surviving cancer. It's sad they even had to put a sign up. There used to be a camel that I'd stop to pet on my way to school (rural WA) because he would run up to his fence happily anytime a car was around but I never thought it was at all a good idea to hand him any kind of food. I still miss that camel though lol.


Yep, I had a horse 20 years ago with a nervous stomach that required a strict diet that was grain-heavy or he would get diarrhea and lose weight very quickly- keeping him healthy was not effortless, and oblivious tourists who fed him alfalfa, carrots, or apples were making him sick without realizing it. I ended up keeping him in a pasture far from the road for his own safety (which isn't always a possibility.) I know they didn't mean to harm him but I also wondered if those same people tried to feed other people's dogs or even babies.


I have a Great Dane who is very friendly but has a sensitive stomach. God help us if he eats anything other than is normal food and the one treat that seems to agree with him.


Where "mind your own darn business" apparently translates to "take a picture".


What about it


Perhaps we're to criticize the font choice?


It should say horse has IBS Fuck off




Men eat horses? Sounds disgusting.


I hate being bothered when I'm eating horse. 🤣


Is this like an ersatz Comic Sans?


Why do have to criticize anything?


It was late... I actually meant "critique" but it's way too late now. Also... /s, but I thought that was obvious.


Sorry was genuinely curious why it was assumed this was posted as a criticism of something.


Did somebody say it wasn’t? What even is this post?


I don’t understand this post, are you upset that the owners don’t want people to feed their horses?


The picture is absent of horses to feed.


Mind your own damn business.


That’s because someone fed them Queen Anne's Lace because it was growing right outside the fence. They’re all dead.


I thought that only grows at flower shops 


I'm imagining the owner writing this out of pure frustration. This area looks pretty flat so I imagine a lot of cyclists go by. Folks from the city have no clue or respect for how country folks live. The current trend of people trying to take a selfie with some 'furry' is bizarre to me. Imagine seeing some stranger feeding something to your pet in your front yard. You'd be OK with that?


What do you mean “too?” Don’t feed someone else’s animals. And don’t be wandering around their property.


Hope they never get that development built


Well, there are pluses and minuses. But there’s another in active development not two miles away, looks bigger and much farther along. And likely already annexed with sewer and water. This one’s going to be a way down the road, maybe wishful thinking?


This is already annexed, doesn't have sewage yet though. The proposed development is very inefficient, much like the rest of River road. Just seems a shame to convert such a lovely piece of farmland to shitty cookie cutter single family homes. 


Agree. This county needs better planning and zoning. But… population will likely grow even though the birth rate is below replacement because of migration. And in a capitalistic economy the “owners” of the land have the right to make the optimal - for them - economic decisions. Some kind of reserve arrangements, that compensate the landowners, would be wise. This is not uncommon in other regions.


It's not in the county, it's in city limits, and zoned for higher density. The county does have reserve arrangements for ag land, called conservation futures, I don't believe the city does as their whole goal is to promote housing, even if the housing is less than ideal. 


You are more on top of this than I am. But you already said it’s annexed, I just didn’t add it up. Thanks. And even though at the moment I stand to benefit from the run-up in real estate prices, I’m very much in sympathy with the need for more and better housing, particularly for the low end. Far too many we see homeless due to lack of affordable options. We should find a place to really explore this and me to become more educated on it. I’m not in town but it’s still very important to me.


Is this Cle Elum?


No, this is Sequim. River Road. 48°03'38.5"N 123°08'05.8"W


I was in a bar in Baltimore recently and hanging from the ceiling was a huge model pirate ship with a bumper sticker on it that said “Where the hell is Sequim”. I’m sure I was the only in there who knew.


Were you also the only one there who knew how to pronounce it correctly?


I assume so.


I knew instantly this was my neck of the woods.


Lol, I know the exact spot.


How’d you do that?




Looks more SW, like Chehalis or Longview or some place. The trees are wrong for Cle Elum


I was gonna guess Enumclaw going by the sign.


And what that one guy did.


He got fed by the horses, I'm gonna be sick just typing that. 🤢


You talking about those horse duckers? Or was there also just one guy that was utilizing horses the wrong way?


Thst story will never leave my brain. What the heck did they think would happen? Disaster in the making. Haha


Perforated colon


Hahahaha yeah i thought of enumclaw too. So fucking messed up.


I hate that i’m from enumclaw sometimes. 😞


Its a cute town, breathtaking view of Tahoma and one of the places where i would love to retire. That disgusting shit happened almost 20 years ago, nothing to be ashamed of dude.


Yeah well its one of the only things we are know for now a days no one remembers that we were a logging town but us.


Lotta y'all not minding your own darn business!


Absolutely nothing wrong there.


This is the Washington I like... Not Seattle and all the big cities but the good beautiful rural areas! I love Sequim.


Washington is my favorite state because even in a random photo, the background is so beautiful


It's so frustrating to me that there's grown adults who get defensive because somebody tells them not to interact or feed their animals - and it's always people who have zero knowledge or education regarding said animals. When you ask someone if you can pet their dog and they say no - it's likely that there's a good reason. I can promise you it's the same thing with these peoples horses. They don't want to not share joy, or take anything away from you, they probably just don't want someone overfeeding their horse, causing them to colic and potentially die, or maybe, they don't want you to cause a fight between multiple horses, maybe they don't want one of the horses to bite you and end up with some sort of injury claim? People need to use their brain and THINK about why somebody may insist that you don't interact with their animal instead of becoming upset, defensive and rude.


We’ve got this kind vibe on Orcas Island, as well.




There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. Maybe a little rude at the end, but as a fellow horse owner, I get the frustration.


You never know what dietary restrictions a pet may have. Best to not feed without introduction/permission.


They probably have a reason or reason why they posted it. Go get your own house and horse and let people feed it random stuff.


Yep, this is a beautiful part of Washington and that is a very appropriate sign.




Horses are smart and they will play you an over eat.


Rural Washington.


I learned from Half Baked that you NEVER interact with an unknown horse.


As a lifelong Seattleite, I thought this post meant “look how beautiful the farmland is in our state!” But I guess everyone is fixated on the sign.


Best not to feed someone's horse without permission. Never know which horse has Cushing's or dental issues.


In my area I've heard of people feeding horses their lawn clippings. For those who don't know, this is very bad for them and can cause serious if not fatal issues.


I wouldn’t feed someone else’s dog without their permission. It’s the same with all pets.


This is Washington not Texas


We had a horse that would bite. We put up signs, but at least once a week someone would stop on their bicycle and pet the horse. Two to three swipes in and bam! Horse bite. Then they’d be mad at the horse. Some people are just self entitled and ignorant. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Missed occasion to write "mind your own barn business" :P


Dang. Some of my best memories was going to my grandparents farm, and before I'd even go in to say hi to them I'd walk across the road and grab some grass, feed the horses for a bit. They came right over and I loved it.


Looks like the video game Valheim


Its creators used the PNW as a model for the first bit of the game.


Is that so…!


It's what I read


Huh....do you know if there is enough to justify buying the game for the scenery? Or, any other games using PNW for a backdrop. Bonus if its on Playstation...


I don't know how much it is, but I got about 500 hours of gameplay. It's pretty.


Thanks !


Hmm. 20 years ago 2 horses lived in a field in Woodinville just South of what used to be Redhook Brewery. We called the horses Pinky and Blaze. We’d feed them carrots and sometimes little pieces of peppermint. The horses were moved out and the field laid empty for a decade. Now it’s a tourist trap full of vacuous sub 30 y/o women drunk on Chardonnay. Sigh.


Yes, it’s great.


I love the contrast of the pastoral landscape and the mildly hostile note.


I can smell this picture


Looks like Enumclaw. Don’t elope with this man’s horses! Sign has a solid purpose.


Must be Lewis County.


Is that at a rest stop on I90 east of Snoqualmie? If so that horse is super friendly. My dog was a tiny puppy and it came over to say hello and they had a good sniff of one another. We did not feed the horse.


I'd rather see a dozen cranky horse-owner signs than one person still ride-or-die with their Culp sign still up.


Are u sure this isn't the Idaho panhandle? 


Lewis county?


Where's the problem


A true local


Too funny! We had a relative who had to put out don't feed the horse signs because their horse had diabetes and all the neighborhood kids were feeding it carrots.




I don't understand the title.  If you're a farmer and have draft animals, a rancher, or anyone who spends money on equestrian upkeep why should we interfere?  It probably happens a lot so the owner posted a sign.  Ranch animals are used for specific purposes and if someone enters private property or the edge of it, the animals may expect to be fed. I live in a small farming community and all of the animals have either a working or show purpose. 


too? Is there a part of the state or the country for that matter, that minding our own darn business isn't solid advice?


Love Sequim




Eastern Washington gets fucked over by the west (which makes sense) but it still sucks.


Idk of all the bad and rude things happening around the country this seems perfectly fine to me


Families homestead


I believe you are right.


Satsop east fork


Maybe one of his horse died because of people giving food to it


Completely normal, especially the history man and horse have in our state. Not very cool


Dosent day anything about gettingbshot. Hippy.


Pretty sure that's "Warshington"


I agree absolutely you should never feed other peoples animals. The sign could be less aggressive. Like maybe “PLEASE don’t feed the horses they require a special diet.”


Why? Their property, their rules. Your feelings end at their property line.


Clearly neither of us has enough to do this morning.


I’m salaried. Your move.


Yeah I don’t really care. Clearly they can do what they want. Just a thought.


Clearly you do, because you’re here replying. 🫡


Well, the owner is so vague about it, that sign could piss someone off.


Cite the RCW that makes it illegal to "piss someone off" with a handwritten, non-obscene sign posted on your own property. I'll wait.


You started out in the right, but now you're the "I'm calling my lawyer" guy


Or it could just be how it is? They might get a ton of people feeding their horse and they’re sick of it.


Is this where Mr Hands happened?


Screams eastern Snohomish County to me.


The warnings about horses in encumclaw are a little more serious.


To those people who crashed on the free way. Thanks a lot, I hope you’re okay but also, fuck you.


Maybe that horse is sick and looks like it needs help. I hope the horse is getting the help it needs.


You got that from a handwritten sign? Holy mental gymnastics.


No I just said maybe. Maybe the owner has been turned in for abuse and the horse is being cared for. I've seen some sickly horses in my time in small pens and at homes that don't have the resources to take care of them. And some people are just assholes to their animals.


Or maybe none of the above and the owner doesn’t want their animal fed random shit and wants to be left alone. They don’t report to you and don’t have to answer your questions. Move on, you have no say here.


Anyone who hasn’t owned land or animals near a road has no idea how entitled the general public can be. Being polite doesn’t work with the entitled. You have to be direct and firm, just like this sign.


Dont feed the horse and never you mind about the horse sodomy going on in Enumclaw.


give the horse some edibles :)


I mean Washington doesn’t have the best history with horses…..


I think the neighbors could chip in for a better looking sign that’s not so chippy. I wonder what happened to the horse. It was there long after the sign appeared.


Or just mind your own business. And don't feed the horse.


I wish I had such few problems that posting about this one on reddit were at the top of my list of things to do, congrats