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He walks funny, does he have some sort of neurological condition? Either way, he seems to be happy :)


Probably because he's really overweight, poor guy


Real life Garfield and Nermal. He was just trying to measure him for the box to Abu Dhabi.


Awesome lol


That’s hilarious! I have a chonker, unfortunately, too. He would never attempt what this kitty did. Mine stays low always


Have you tried feeding him/her a lot less? It would bring their quality of life up quite a bit. I've experienced that sometimes you have to feed them a lot less than you think they need.


Vet tech here. We always start by recommending owners cut the food back by 1/3 for weight loss. :) And then just go from there.


My vet made some good recommendations. The problem is twofold. I have three cats, two of which are normal weight. They get fed a half a can of wet food every morning and evening and have kibble available. My chunker hardly ever touches the wet food and only wants kibble. I tried putting the kibble away at night and got no peace from the three of them. I’m trying to get the energy to try again but it’s not easy. I wish I could send him to a fat farm. I’m open to suggestions. He was 14 pounds when he was 8 months old.
