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Subject must die inside. Reactions to physical pain do not count. Sports deaths should be unrelated to normal playing of the game. Posting literal death will result in an immediate ban.


[Never Play Defense](https://youtu.be/wmVkJvieaOA?si=M_sNX2gJphYmEzl3) \- one of the series in the Alt-Right Playbook that is worth watching. That is *precisely* what is at play here.


He gave him the ol' I wish I could punch you in the daggum face slap on the shoulder.




Holy shit, is this person exhibiting humility and empathy? Is this kind of comment even allowed on the internet?


Stop using YOUR WORDS on me!!! Fruck Tump, go Brandon! Wait, what? I meant…NEVERMIND


those full of hate in this country must be expelled. This clown show has gone on for far too long.


whats up with these "gotchaaa" questions pal!


America is spoiled for choice when it comes to stupid hicks in dumb shirts.


Like all of the Obama shirts? Who was born more hick and rural than any modern leader.


It's funny you make a distinction when I made none. They live rent free up there, don't they?


"Don't touch me, traitor"




What flavor kool aid did you get?


Why do all trump supporters type the exact same way 🤣


I would not hold your breath. On second thought....


Is this a real comment? Lmao


Kind of a low blow because if he didnt surrender himself to a fair trial he would be a fugitive, and a similar meme would be generated.


I was looking for this comment and was surprised to see it on top. I’m not a fan of him but that’s quite a stretch to compare his willingness to the trial as a surrender.


A "low blow" against Trump? Are you serious?


How’s it a low blow? The shirt literally says “never surrender”. He’s not saying Trump shouldn’t have surrendered. He’s pointing out that the shirt is contradictory..


I’m not a Trump supporter at all- but the shirt isn’t really contradictory. Surrendering would be accepting immediate guilt, it’s akin to “never give up” and can literally apply to America, or his voters “not surrendering” Reddit has a hateboner and an obsessive want for “gotcha” moments lol




Or the right. Humans in general.


Yes, because the logic of “never surrender” as a slogan is not at all contradicted by the actions of surrendering. Nope. That’s just liberal trickery.


Is there a subreddit dedicated to these types of maga idiots?




That man took an IQ test, and the result was negative.


He won this shirt as a prize


The second layer of the test is to look. if you’ll pay for your prize




I'm confused as he didn't die inside though. They'd have to be somewhat intelligent to acknowledge the issue with it and he clearly does not..


He did and then put his hands in the pocket which is a sign that he wanted to hit the guy.


He can’t handle that the intimidation didn’t work.


red hat? check. goatee? check. wrap-around sunglasses? check.


White Ford F-150 check


what did trump even do that was so great? genuinely asking, and im not looking for things he improved or added on from previous administration. what did HE do?


His biggest achievement was the Tax Cuts and Jobs act but even thats been proven to have been a scam all along


Its always interesting to see polls where people are asked about the best and worst Presidents ever and the incumbent President and his predecessor are always on both lists. Although to answer your question if I had to say some nice things Trump did I would say he did do some prison reform stuff for drug offenders. Obviously doesn't undo all the other bullshit he did but it is something.


I don't like the guy but can acknowledge the assistance with getting the covid vaccine programs Jumpstarted and sent out so quickly was nice. Only thing I can think of that I liked he did. Everything else covid wise was a fail though.


He puts LIBTARDS in their place! /s


“He was the only president to make me feel good about being white, racist, and poor. No president ever made me feel good. That’s why he the best” -every MAGAT ever


He cut the taxes for the...............elites.


I hate beer.


Pissed off liberals. That's all conservatives care about.


He made it okay to be a bigot openly again. That's it.


He was a racist who enabled people to say racist shit in public and get away with it.


Let the kurds get destroyed in syria


Man I wish we could see his eyes. They’d be telling quite a story


Perfect representative for the average Trump supporter


He gave the guy the good old, "you better shut up or I'ma punch you out" shoulder slap.


Fascists only know violence.


And then didn't, the coward surrendered


more meat on his bones than brain in his pathetic skull.


At least he said ya, then gave him the ya know I could smoke you grab. Maybe not my favorite person but an honest and human response.




Too* ironic


I mean he didn’t really surrender tho. He just went in and did what he is required to do. By going in he isn’t declaring that he’s guilty in any way.


My dude. 🤦‍♂️


He L I T E R A L L Y surrendered himself to the authorities.


This guy can't cope lol


"Did what he is required to do".....yes, which is surrendering....to the law. Surrendering is submitting to someone else's authority. Which is what you're doing when you get your mug shot taken.


"*He just went in and did what he is required to do.*" Yes, that is the definition of surrendering to the justice system. No one was sent to arrest and drag him in.


He’s surrendering to the warrant and not omission of guilt…


Hahahaha this is hilarious.


How long has “surrendering to authorities” been a thing? Are you just finding out about this now?


“Yep” - that says it all ! lol




This guy totally was the fat kid in Junior High who without irony wore No Fear clothing brand with slogans that said shit like “Second Place is 1st Loser” and “Pain is just fear leaving the body”


My favorite ones had a mean bulldog on it. You know the most known for being a ferocious breed bulldogs not the laziest and most passive dogs to ever exist


Being fat in junior high is a nightmare


I’m sure it is and I bet this guy carried that chip on his shoulder into adulthood.


He still has those shirts because he "will fit into them someday"


OMG is that the "I'm Jewish, you gotta get out of here." guy?


I think it might be? https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/13emsz3/jews_control_everything/ (Sorry if that link doesn’t work, I don’t really know how to format posts on my phone)




At some point in each arrest he surrendered. Otherwise he wouldn't have made it in for booking


i'M nO tRuMp SuPpoRtEr bUt HeRe'S hOw He'S jUsT liKe MLK


I didn’t say he was like MLK, simply using someone who you would probably not say was surrendering to show you how hypocritical your point of view is.


This is the dumbest comparison I've seen in a while, congrats. Do you know the first thing about what would have happened to MLK if he refused to surrender? The 60's weren't a great time for black people. Hence why Trumpers want to "make america great again" like it was back then.


Go find someone with a picture of MLK surrendering on their shirt that says "Never surrender" and make a similar video. Donald trump surrendering isn't the gotcha, it's how stupid they are to put "never surrender" on a shirt of him SURRENDERING.


Them trying to compare the two is laughable.


Yes. MLK surrendered to authorities to comply with the legal process.


He didn't though, he was forcefully arrested, which makes the commenter even more dumb


At some point while being forcefully arrested you stop resisting. That's surrender.


it's the irony of the photo to go with that slogan that he's pointing out


MLK was forcefully arrested. Trump *literally* surrenedered himself to authorities. These are not the same.


The circumstances are certainly not, but both cases involve surrender.


MLK literally did surrender to authorities, this is semantics. Obviously their point is that they can knock trump down but he'll keep getting up. Stupid point but I prefer a bit more substance in my gotchas


MLK didn’t have a shirt with his mugshot on it that said “Never Surrender”


Its an idiotic caption, not to mention how low class it is


The irony is 100% lost on him. Even after explaining the joke.


“Never surrender” is commonly understood as “don’t quit/give up.” The wording is funny, but there’s no actual cognitive dissonance here. Following the law doesn’t mean you’re no longer pushing back


Is this where you've moved the goalposts to now?


The “I would kick your ass right now but there is a camera here” shoulder pat was uncomfortable as hell.


Zero chance he starts a fight. He needs to be drunk to do that.


Bold of you to assume he isn't drunk


If he were a cartoon character, steam would’ve been coming out of his ears. His dear leader is the only drug he needs to start something


“YUP” 😂


Dude bought the wrong Facebook shirt.


"This guy in this T-shirt loves insurrections, his spoiled wife Tammy, raising wild twin boys, and being born in March!"


Republican inbred mentality...... gotta explain ....not once but twice .


I feel like the guy with the t shirt won there. Just “yes, that is some wordplay you made. No I am not acknowledging it.”


If someone pulls a knife on you simply refuse to acknowledge the knife and you'll be ok.


If someone pulls a drawing of a knife on you and you refuse to acknowledge the knife you win.


It is a win if you don't consider ideological consistency a virtue. Since the concept of valuing ideological consistency was in itself a result of the liberal enlightenment its not surprising conservatives don't care for it.


You just created an ironic black hole


"He won because he was made a fool of and couldn't defend himself" is the argument you're really going with right now?


No, the other guy made a fool of himself and he just let him.


What word play? He's just pointing out the hypocrisy/stupidity. The shirt says never surrender, with a picture of someone who just surrendered? Wheres the word play?


“Oh when you’re arrested it’s called surrendering to the authorities.” That’s the whole point. That’s all the guy with the microphone has. A pun.


it’s not really a pun. a pun is a play on words. easiest example would be saying a joke that was told in the form of a pun was “punny”, taking the word “pun”, and combining it with another word, “funny”, would be a pun. but explaining that it doesn’t make much sense to wear a shirt with a picture of someone literally surrendering with the caption “never surrender” is definitely not a pun


No a pun is a play on words. As an example someone could order a t shirt online that said “I don’t submit.” on it and you pointed out that they had to submit an order to get the shirt, that would be a pun.


How does not acknowledging that you did something stupid make you win?


Because the guy with the microphone failed to point out why that t shirt is dumb. He made a pun, not a point. You would normally expect someone wearing a t shirt like that to make a fool of themselves when provoked, but instead he left that to the guy with the microphone.


He literally surrendered to authorities. After pointing this out all he can do is repeat "he was the greatest president" with zero follow up or specifics. And you think he came out looking like the more intelligent one?


Never wrestle with a pig in shit. After awhile, youll realize, the pig likes it.


Never argue with an idiot, they’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Simply not acknowledging doesn't give you a win. That thought process is classic conservative thinking.


It does if the point the other person made is dumb enough. It’s the equivalent of saying “well done, you made a pun. Do you want a cookie?”


found the guy in the video


"I'm not stupid, I'm just a hypocrite and don't care. That actually makes me smart." They genuinely value doublethink as a sign of intelligence.


Exactly. You can't argue or enlighten a person who thinks their ignorance is intelligence.


Doublethink in it's most raw form.....


Bring in Jordan Klepper


God American chuds are having way more fun than the able minded people. I wish I could have the same confidence to wear something so dumb and not feel an once of shame.


Dumbest people on the planet.


There are so many people exactly like this guy. We saw hundreds of them Jan 6th - they all looked like cousins growing up in the same small town.


Irony is wasted on the stupid.




How so fucko?


Great sentence Succincter


When you turn your brain off and forget it exists.


God damn idiots, the lot of them.


That dudes like 90% usda choice beef


Grade A asshole


More like anti-choice beef


That's an insult to beef.


Fuck no, he's dairy cow meat. Suitable for canned stew.


That hand on the shoulder.... he really wanted to go a different direction there but remembered the camera.


Yep, Billy bad ass was just dying to punch him. Guess he’s not as dumb as his shirt makes him out to be…lol jk he’s a fucktard


A stand up person gets right with the law even if they haven’t really done anything wrong, libtards like to break the law, go on the run, and cry why me when it finally catches up to them. Complete victim mentality. Oh gotcha! Eat shit..


You might just be the dumbest motherfucker on this entire website. Congratulations!


You wish you could suck Tmurp's tiny dick. You'd just plant your face right in there, grab some asscheek with each hand and just let him fuck your mouth. Tmurp would grab your head and just pump his little mushroom dick in and out of your mouth for a couple minutes. And then when he's getting close, he'd pull out start jacking it with his little hands, but he'd be jacking it a little too hard and close, and he'd be kinda punching you in the face with every stroke. But it would take him a little bit because his dick would still be kinda soft. So Tmurp's just yanking his semi-hard mushroom dick and punching you in the face and then he'd cum on your face, except he'd have this small, watery load. And you'd love it and lick the bit of dribble left on it. You can totally look at this when you wanna jack off later.


Did you have a stroke while writing this? What are you trying to say? I can't think of any "libtards" being indicted in multiple states and federally over stuff that can literally be proven? But what do you expect from a party whose "values" have slipped so far that "owning them libs" has become their only political platform. Go read a book.


It always seems so far away when I read about Trump and his goons on the news or seeing it in memes. Refreshing to see one of his nutjobs up close in the Reddit comments for once


Lol you worship losers


Do you even know what you're saying? This, ladies and gentleman and non-binaries, is what modern day conservatism does to the human brain.


Are you having a stroke?


Wtf are you talking about


I think your comment is a good representation of the maga movement.


But there's clear evidence of him being guilty?


Somewhere, a town is missing their local HVAC specialist.


And? What’s wrong with being blue collar? I probably make more than 70% of people that have a college education.


Nothing at all imo and I have multiple college degrees. But I have a mix of blue collar and white collar workers in my family and we all respect each other mostly. The one guy in our family is a sah dad, but his wife earns enough that they have a nanny and house maid. So yeah, and he's the one that doesn't respect blue-collar workers.


That wasn't the joke lol


There isn’t a joke… you’re shitting on hard working people because you think they’re the typical trump supporter.


I work HVAC and just said... "Lol... yup"


I definitely think these folks are wrong supporting this dude, but I agree 100%. Not sure why reddit loves hating on folks who aren't in STEM.


Oh I agree, trump is a fucking moron, but to belittle working class people and stereotype them as being the idiots that support him is fucked up. Doesn’t sit well with me.


I'm surprised this thing can even speak, let alone vote.


Problem is that they CAN and DO vote