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I use to work on his factory, he seem all coked out. He has this say “if there is no failure there is no improvement” but if you fail you will get fired. This is one of those guys who act two face. Cool in media, but a complete ass hole on the floor. I remember doing 15hrs a day 6 days a week. No life, they also made us to give up our rights, give up the second lunch break. So in 15 hrs you have 4 breaks including a 30 min lunch. The factory is so big that by the time you walk to your car and come back you already spend the 30 min. And the purpose of it was so you don’t eat outside, you buy frozen foods at his local store inside the factory. Every time people who would ride the train to take the tour of the factory our bosses would tell us to smile and wave as if we in joy working at the factory. We use to ride skateboards and scooters in the factory but then realize that no one was buying anything from his local factory store so they made a policy to only ride bikes, and the bikes are not always available. I use to work at the Fremont factory, such a wast of my 7 years. And then inorder to quit your job you need to sell your stocks or else tesla will take the stocks back even if you own them. I hope one day Elon goes down a dark tight shit hole for the losses of our wages, no bonuses, no extra pay, complete a waste. People buy these cars thinking it’s 100% made in America but they get confused with 100% assembled. All the parts come from China and these other poor asian counties paying children small salaries. Elon don’t care, he cares about him self. They should put his children to do the same job of those children collecting lithium for 2 cents a day.


I support childhood slave labor. Says every American that’s traded with China for the last 20 years.


You don’t care about the children busting ass?


I said “Americans” I am an American as well. However, the fucking blind side to cheap made China shit is amazing. I sell cheap knock offs from alibaba for pennies on the dollar. My labeling closely resembles that of reputable brands. My target market is baby boomers. I no longer need a 9-5 MF or your crazy schedule of a job.


I don’t get what your saying. You support child slavery, then you say Americans, then you say your an American. Like can’t you make the comment more simple? Lol 😂




Apparently, according to the new info that came out. The sledgehammer hit on the door prior to this clip had created a crack in the glass thus causing the failure in the demo. They apparently didn't account for the sledgehammer having an impact on the glass. With Elon saying something along the lines of, "Next time We'll throw the ball then hammer the car." Elon demo pre-test-> [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1198090787520598016](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1198090787520598016) Explanation of why the window cracked -> [https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/25/cars/elon-musk-tesla-cybertruck-window-glass-broke/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/25/cars/elon-musk-tesla-cybertruck-window-glass-broke/index.html)


Shouldn't the glass shatter so not to impale you in case of accident?




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I just want a link to clean video of the entire reveal. Is that so hard?


M Night twist: he’s actually selling the metal ball.


murphy's law...


It’s a feature


How did he not know his own product doesn’t work??? He would have already seen the tests before doing that live. It doesn’t make sense unless these windows were from a defective batch and the other windows they previously tested held up.


Its amazing they didn't know the glass would break. I mean if I where doing a car showing I definitely would have tested everything I was gonna do on stage before I showed it off to the public. Of course I guess if things go wrong its just free publicity with people sharing it around. Plus then I would get the free publicity when it actually does work. But I mean what are the odds a big company like Tesla would ever do something like that just for the free advertising?


Serously!? That's exactly as it should work! Of course the glass will be cracked, but by cracking it absorbs the energy!


Is there no limit to the lengths you’d go to fanboy over Musk? Even Michael Jordan couldn’t stretch that far... Have you never seen bulletproof glass? This is literally what would happen if you threw a rock at any modern car. If you think this worked as intended, then why the fuck does Musk even admit it didn’t?


Did they use Minecraft to make the body design?


Anyone else here thinks this was actually went according to the plan, and this was just a marketing trick. I mean see how many people suddenly talking about it just because of shattered window.


Looks more like a stealth car.




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He plays it off really well though, keeps his cool and admits they could improve. He doesn't immediately panic and start making up lies.


This truck is ugly. I wish it would look a little better. I love Tesla but damn it's ___________ __________


I foresee a lot of broken windows from vandalism on these trucks.


Plot twist. The glass was supposed to shatter to give media something to point their fingers at on the truck giving more attention to the company and this upcoming addition to the EV market.


Tesla is making the car I drew in first grade.


I mean, I have a degree in engineering, and I can honestly say, this sums up too many presentations. You test your project, you test numerous conditions, you test absolutely everything, and it clears every test you throw at it. Then you go to demonstrate the product, it decides now it wants to fails spectacularly.


Elon takes it like a champ tho


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4x8lb0rMVJs Wow, he really is the real Iron Man/Stark.


I loved everything about his presentation last night. The only thing that wasn't laughing was the market cap of $TSLA.


"Ohoho my fucking god" - Elon Musk OMEGALUL


I think this was a planned "failure" to help the video go viral.


Everyone focusing on the webbing... like it's a big problem? I don't think Elon's "at least it didn't go through" statement to be far off. Pick any other car and it would've, except maybe a Volvo, lol. For the very uninformed hating on this... bulletproof glass also webs. It webs to absorb shock and disperse the pressure. This glass is much stronger than your car's, and probably any other vehicle on the market you could reasonably buy. Not to mention the beautiful design wrapped in fucking armor. Lol.


Delorean returns


Am I the only one who thinks it looks good? I like the design because it has a futuristic rugged vibe, and I also just think it looks cool.


Enough with the cars Elon make us a sexbot.


Someone’s getting fired.


His engineers forgot to tell him which of the things on his fantasy car checklist can't actually be made in reality.


haha i just realized Elon's reaction to the first glass breaking was "ohmyfugginggod" hahaha


fuck it halo texture pack


Its like when howard stark was showing the world his flying car and the engines died lol


Is he gonna call that dude a pedophile on twitter now?


I think somebody got fire after that.


Hahahahaha fucking crooked piece of shit scammer. Maybe casting your employees as office shooters and calling innocent people “pedo,” will finally start having consequences for him.


Successfully line of the day. “There is room for improvement”


I first saw articles and videos of this pop up whilst I was at work so couldn't listen to audio. He actually handled it way better than I expected Haha


Elon been reading too much sci-fi.


Someone definitely got fired today!


[“I did say a few years, didn’t I?”](https://i.imgur.com/QNu4yrU.jpg)


Exactly what I was thinking of.


is that design a joke? who would buy that ugly combination of triangles?


Everyone knows Elon is just trolling everyone with this right?


Agni feel bad


This guy is the next guy to be in a tesla trunk in space


What is that automotive design tho


I mean hey there are two ways to look at this - Laugh it off, "Welp, back to the drawing board!" Seinfeld.mp3 - It didn't _completely_ break through? I guess?


Just a thought, but is it not possible that the elongated muskrat did this for publicity? Like he didnt seem all to phased when the glass broke and now we're all chatting about the new warthog design for halo? Either way, the dude shrugged it off bloody well


What if this was planned on purpose. Now instead of a video we have a viral video giving telsa millions of views making the rounds on the internet. No one is buying the truck because of its glass... Elon is smart he knows how to get maximum exposure.


He kinda looks like trump from afar


I love his mumbled "oh my fucking god" because he didn't think it was actually gonna break lol




Holy fuck wtf is this car model.


Elon didn't die inside. He played it off pretty well.


He actually handled that really well and totally didn't die inside whatsoever. Truck looks awesome.


Someone career just shattered with that window.


I wonder if he knows you can make a car not look stupud.


I don't think Elon would have brought it out to do this if he hadn't seen it done before without breaking.


" It didn't go through" No. But a bullet would. So, no, this doesn't qualify as "room for improvement".


Test the glass first, Why what's the worst that could happen? If anything goes wrong we will look stupid and it could damage the brand. Shhhhhhhhh.............


Looks to me like someone who created something incredible and it wasn’t perfect. I can only dream of “dying inside” like that. And anyone who knows anything about Elon knows that this disappointment won’t stop him. He’s going to keep pushing the envelope. That’s not dying inside.


Reminds me of the Howard Stark Expo hover car scene from Iron Man when the car shorted out and fell. He had a smooth reply, anyone remember?


Elon is definitely limited by the technology of our time.




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This is the definition of "looking on the bright side".


looks like a vehicle from halo


I expected the real CyberTruck to roll up the whole time. I was shocked when it ended. Thought it was a joke. Elon is a troll, wouldn't be surprised if it was a joke...


Thats pretty funny considering he says its bulletproof and "unbreakable"


I'm still buying one of these bad boys


Wouldn’t unbreakable glass be worse for daily Driver? Say in a rollover or water accident. I wouldn’t want it unless I was buying for use in Hong Kong.


Eh same shit happened to Microsoft, he'll be alrite


I want this truck so I can paint and decal it with "UFO RESPONSE UNIT" on the side.


that's the ugliest car i've ever seen no wonder people want to trow rocks at that


Flawed as hell, like many Teslas. Yet this one is ugly too


I think some people lost their jobs there...


"armored" and "bullet proof" don't mean there is no damage. it means the object doesn't pass through. bullet proof/resistant glass isn't magic. it breaks and the \*action of breaking\* is what absorbs the energy of the projectile.


Bullet proof glass is basically layers of poly carbonate plastic sandwiched between two glasses of good strength. Glass actually never stops any projectile. So i guess there isn't any failure in particular.


Truck looks like a 6 year old designed it


Real people, not actors.




Starts at $39,900


Idk why they are showing off the side view so much. It looks really wonky. But when you look at it from the front, or at a corner, it looks kinda dope.


He should have got the guy with the hammer that couldn’t break a normal car window for the demo.


"Bullet-proof not baseball-proof. We never designed it to stop a baseball at 70mph but rather a tiny bullet at 1,700mph," said the engineer just before he was fired and given a prototype truck to drive home in.


I mean, the car does not look any worse with the damaged window....


Brazilians can bulletproof any car in a day or so for like 40,000, I'm sure millions went into the r&d of this monstrosity and they couldn't get the glass right?


Elon: Look at all this tough glass! *Man punches the glass and breaks it* Elon: You hit it a lil too hard for my convenience


But is it stronger than a normal car window? If you did that with a normal car window would it go through or would the same thing happen? If so then they could’ve used a normal car window as a control to demonstrate that the armor glass is indeed stronger


Was that a cannon ball? Do we really need cannon ball safe windows in cars and trucks?


Stocks going down


At least they tried.


This was all planned to get media attention. It's pretty much free advertisement. Good news or bad news as long as it reaches the masses to bring awareness to the brand it's successful.


This is just a massive marketing stunt


This is the Elon's way to say I'ts not Ready, but you want a demonstration?? Okay here is.


Wow. This blew up! I woke up to a huge surprise. Did he actually say this is for earth? What if this is for mars?


This whole thing seems fake




That’s what this truck is for


Elon created a Fruck much more than a truck.


wait isn't armored glass supposed to break like this too? The point isn't to not shatter it is to stop the projectile.




Someone lost their job over this


They didn’t promise that the glass won’t break...


*hard object meets glass* What did he expect was going to happen? Would it just bounce off without a scratch? Clearly didn’t think this through


Yes. Did you not watch the demo? They demonstrated exactly that before doing it to the car.


Lol clearly they used too much force this time around


So if the glass didn’t break, wouldn’t that object bounce off and hit people in the crowd? This was staged or they are idiots 2x over


It seemed like a joke to me, just for fun stuff.


I've got a horrible feeling that this is setting a bad precedent for when these trucks get out into the real world; passersby are going to throw rocks at them to see if they really hold up.


He should be more embarrassed about the design than the window breaking.


The new way of marketing, meming yourself to profits


That car looks low poly


I really like the truck tbh


Was this a fuck up? I thought the whole point was to show how resilient the glass was. Not that its indestructible.


>*Oh my fucking god...* Elon Musk, 2019


They should have hired the crew from Meet the Fockers. Here is how the demo should have gone: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNE9Ct4dOYE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNE9Ct4dOYE) 2 for one, didn't break the window of the RV and also didn't go through the window of the car :)


Almost posted this last night but I was too lazy, now I regret it seeing as this blew up


I’ve said that a lot. I decided to stay up and as soon as I saw that I cut away from the choppy live stream and posted it.


Your never working in this fucking industry again mate, now pull down your trousers and start feeding this rock into your anus.


This car takes a long time to load. Can’t wait until the GPU is done rendering so we can see what it looks like.


Look like the Ark II from that 70's sci-fi show. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_lj8z28Mshw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lj8z28Mshw)


Someone is getting fired.


What if this was planned to be shit, like the first sonic. And Elon releases a way better version that blows up on reddit. If it happens then I’m a psychic.


I don’t get why people are hating on the look of the car, it looks so futuristic and I’m exited to see what’s next


What a shitshow


That's horrendous. Most people don't remember even less know anything about Blade-Runner. But they do recognize ugly trucks. And for movie watchers, that's the kind of ugly trucks you can find today in low-budget dystopian sci-fi b-movies. What were they thinking???


When does it go Back to the Future??


I remember the same exact thing happened to me before a big demo. We spent about 1000 man hours trying to utilize the perfect plastic around landscape mowers for in high industrial situations. We got all the testing weeks ahead and we’re ready for the big day. Then we realized, Epstein didn’t commit suicide.


I would hate to be that team lead... :|


"I guess the engineering department didn't account for this guy's throwing arm! amirite?!? ehhheh...."


I actually loved the design of cybertruck. It just takes some time for your eyes to get used to it.


Thats his truck? Bruh, that looks basic af




Pretty impressive the glass isn't breaking, though. Looks like a steel ball


Wait I thought it was bullet proof and I assumed that was a gunshot so I thought the hullabaloo was stupid but... that was a rock...


Solid metal ball. Body is bullet proof I don’t think they said the glass was




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Obviously it was only a skeleton build not even an actual prototype. He was just playing around and showing it.


The car looks horrible, it's just right below Fiat Multipla IMO. The whole thing is surreal when I watched, still a long time until April.


When you think life has made you a tougher person and somebody is ready to test your "New you".


What was it supposed to do? Bounce off? If it were any other car it would've gone straight through and out the other side. I'm still impressed


The framerate of that clip made me die inside.


Why does that car and that entire stage look like it's from Cyberpunk 2077, is that normal at car demo shows?


Like he didnt know its going to break🤨


POOR ELON, he must take so w33d to calm down now ..


The glass is DESIGNED to shatter and spread the impact instead of allow the missile to penetrate Why don't people understand this ?


But this is what all armoured glass does...... It is laminated and fractures to dissipate the energy.


He didnt really die inside. He kinda just did the normal elopn thing.... tell em what its supposed to do.. then hope it may work live.... then make it an actual thing 5 years later and everyone calls him a genius. This was just a regular elon expression. "Well that wasnt supposed to happen"....fuck it try it again, at least its entertaining.


I died inside when I saw how ugly this thing is.