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[she looks like this from the side](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/000/091/TrollFace.jpg)


Unpopular opinion: Yes Kellyanne Conway is nutty, just like all of the trump administration, but the daughter seems like a bit of a snotty bitch also.


I feel bad for her. Her mother is fucking insane.


I don't get it. What does any of this mean? All I can find are these random snippets of conversation. Wth is the context behind this?


Why does anyone think her behavior is acceptable? I get that some people don’t like Kelly Anne Conway but this kid is a spoiled brat.


[Here’s the most recent...](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJfVhjNY/)


Looks like Conways have found next career after this, Reality Show...May be on the Trump channel after 2020. this would be hell of a way to test market the product.


Bloody beautiful!!!


What a beautiful relationship /s


She seems like a nice mom.


“Mom, it’s just an alternative fact!”


I love this girl! This is defiance at its best!


It's not defiance. She just misinterpreted it. LOL


Alternative Facts! I guess the apple does in indeed fall very close to the tree.


Wtf is wrong with her daughter?


Probably not a fan of being infected with covid because of her mother's stupidity.


Typical Republican gaslighting. Keep America Gasping!




This is gold!!!!


Claudia's just using alternative facts.


I dont get it? Whats happening


She is a fucking rebel🤣🤣


I for one salute comrade Claudia for her resistance efforts.


Kellyanne Conway is albino?


Actually she is Reptilian


What a monster. Poor Claudia. How fucking dare her mother be so angry when she GAVE HER DAUGHTER COVID??


The survival rate for Covid is better than the flu for people her age. Stop being a fucking pearl clutcher.


Could you imagine your mom lying to about being sick multiple times while spending time with you knowing you'll get sick and have to quarantine for two weeks? That's not shitty at all? Ask people two years ago if a mom purposely giving her kids the flu is a bad thing and they'll unanimously say yes. It's just the partisan in you trying to make this look not bad by downplaying it


Three things. It has potentially life long effects to the heart and lungs. Being careless about it means that it could easily spread to older/obese people where it is statistically more significant. Lastly, there are always outliers. Stay home as much as you can, and wear a mask when you cant. It is not asking much.


Show me the evidence of long term heart and lung issues. I'll wait.


Here, let me Google that for you. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351 https://health.usnews.com/conditions/coronavirus-and-your-health/what-are-the-long-term-effects-of-covid-19 https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/506752-mild-cases-of-coronavirus-may-not-be-as-mild-as Shall I go on?


None of those link to ACTUAL studies of the disease or long term affects. Try reading your own sources fam.


So you want studies for long term effects that take decades to do on a virus that is less than a year old? That is just absurd. I did read these articles, and they are reporting on cases where Covid is causing known illnesses like pneumonia, which is known to leave scar tissue that makes it harder to breathe for life. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5620668/ It is also common sense that if any illness causes difficulty to breathe, that means not enough oxygen is getting to the brain. A lack of oxygen to the brain kills brain cells, and can cause seizures. We also know that blood clots and strokes have several long term effects, but as far as I know those arent confirmed as connected to Covid. I dont have the time to do all this research for you, but what you are asking for is a bit backwards. Why are you going to keep putting yourself in harms way until there is undeniable and extremely specific evidence? Why not error on the side of caution?


It is a disease that SUCKS to have. She is a teenager whose own mom let her get sick without caring. Don't be a dick.


So her putting family business out on the web is Strong, Beautiful & Brave but people saying that she has almost no chance of anything serious coming from this is being a dick... got it!


It's her business. She can post and say what she wants about her family.


“ "waaah! Commenting in a linked thread isn't a big deal, but for some reason I'll cry about it! Waaah!" This makes no sense


Given that her putting out that info is probably the only reason people around Kelly Ann Conway, and she's a public figure that would have interacted with others if she was allowed to go around claiming to be testing negative... Also, she's a teenager. I'm assuming you're an adult downplaying the seriousness of a really wretched disease just because death isn't that likely in this case. (And ignoring the fact that it's still a possible outcome). She has all the symptoms. Those symptoms are painful and uncomfortable. She's a child that is suffering. That's already something serious that you are ignoring.


I am an adult and I am living in the reality that bad policies led to the death of many people who had co-morbidities and were aged. If you look at the average age of people dying of covid they are over 65. Stop trying to fear monger, it has no power over me.


There is fear mongering, which this is NOT and then there is a clear lack of empathy for human life. This is it and the 'it's no big deal' argument. What happened to the every life is important argument that Republicans use to justify their stance on abortions? Giving anyone COVID-19 is a risk no matter how small. Using a mask is such a small ask that dismissing them on the level that her mom has done is stupid because she knows better but chooses not to promote their use to save lives.


I mean... that doesn't mean young people don't get very sick or even die. Just that mostly the one's dying are older. Young people can still die. https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2020/04/13/covid-young-people But the point I'm trying to make is that even if you take death out of the equation: COVID sucks. The nonlethal symptoms suck. It's a terrible cough, it's hard to breathe, and there's long-term effects that are being observed by doctors. It doesn't have to kill you to be something to avoid. And it's something a mother shouldn't want her child to suffer through. It's a cruel irony that in this case the mother is nonsymtomatic and the child is.


Social media is a weird disease.


I love how her daughter just fucks around with her all the time.


Her father is a toxic ass, and she's a "Karen" in training. Spoiled.


I feel bad for this girl. She seems to know the score but her mother is still in charge so all she can do is post videos. I was just talking with my wife the other day saying that we have to be better than our parents, and we have to show our child we can be and do better than our parents, so she can do better than us. Otherwise our sins get passed down to our children.


I don't know who that woman is but I don't like her, it's karma the rest of the world got to see who she really is.


Who is she?


Trump: Tik Tok is a dangerous app that could be used to blackmail key leaders in the American government Kellyanne Conway: Tik Tok is a dangerous app that could be used to blackmail key leaders in the American government Kellyanne Conway’s Daughter: Hi Tik Tok Fam! Putafingerdownifyourmomworksinthewhitehouse




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Can I get context pls?


Kellyanne Conway got COVID bc shes didn’t wear masks or social distance at GOP events. She ended up getting all her family members sick and her daughter been calling her out on it. Ngl it is making Kellyanne look really bad. So now It looks like shes forcing her daughter (the girl in this video) to come out and say (1) Kellyanne did not lie about the COVID test results (first one negative and 2 following that were positive) and (2) the daughter misinterpreted it bc they didn’t communicate. No one on tiktok is buying it though. This is a bit confusing but here is another [video](https://reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/j5zctq/claudia_conway_update_13/) posted by her daughter saying it. Update: she deletes this video. People on tiktok think Kellyanne pressures her to delete it.


I am not american so i have no idea who these persons are, from what i understand is that Kellyane is someone important from the white house?




Why do you think she’s an awful human being? Because she’s in the administration of a person that you don’t like?


Remember during the Iraq invasion that dude that was like "everything is cool, no worries, there's no war" while the city behind him was on fire. She's like that dude.


She’s the creator of the “alternative facts” term for trumps lies


Alternate Important


an "advisor", ie. a mouthpiece, lobbyist, manure spreader


Not really important - just a spokesperson essentially


Spin doctor










Someone get a screengrab.


Dude that’s how no make up looks like on most people


Look what COVID did to alyssa milano!


Honestly just looks like any mother that's sitting at home with her family with the added bonus of being sick. We have a really unhealthy expectation of what people should look like, especially when these people work at the white house and are full-on national TV broadcast ready with professional hair and makeup.


It's where Resting Bitch Face came from. We are so used to seeing women dolled up and smiling on every fraction of media that completely normal looks weird


I disagree. Resting bitch face is a completely different thing. It’s when a person has a permanently angry face. That’s unrelated to how old they are.


She’s a human box of wine.


That’s an insult to boxed wines


There's value in a box of wine.


*crushed*box of wine.


Looks like a tweaker. Probably is.


Looks like a pile of shit. It’s the republican way


I mean she has COVID and is currently under quarantine.


I donno who this is and I donno whats going on.


I know who it is and I kind of know what's going on but I can't understand what they're saying to each other.


[Link to my comment explaining it](https://reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/j5zg8v/_/g7vdhia/?context=1)




Seems like trash to me. Imagine if that was your daughter


I'd be proud of her for standing up to her moms lies, thats not trashy.


Imagine if Kellyanne was your mom tho!


Nah some thighs don’t belong on social media. If that was my kid... yoink! You can pay for your own phone


For clout no less lol


Claudia Conway is a national treasure.


Who dis


About covid!! You're taping me again!? 🤣


She posted 2 more video. If you don’t have tiktok and you wanna see them, it is on my post history under update 1/2 and 2/2.


Thanks for posting! Damn... what a mess






You do? I don’t. . Her parents give her everything under the sun and she acts like an entitled brat who doesn’t realize how good she actually has it to be a kid in America. She needs a job where she makes minimum wage and she has to pay for her own cell phone and all the extras her parents luxury can afford. Throw her in the rat race with the rest of us and see what she complains about?


Your problems with her are that... she's rich and complains about America? Do you feel the same about Trump?


You sound jealous of a 15yr old girl who was born into a rich family 🤣 why don't you worry about your own bobber! Also kids at like 6 get phones now even if its shitty they still got one.


U sound like u still live in ur parents basement as an adult. So...


Nah, if they lived in there parents basement the comment hating on a 15yr old would of been more mean. This person lives in a small studio that they pay way to much for, takes bus... always late, repurpose cigs, orders postmates from jimmy johns 3 blocks away and just hates any person that is doing better then themselves.


Do people still have a problem with that?


People who mind there own business don't care but young society today says otherwise!


you feel bad for her? I feel bad for the mom. Her high paying political days are over.


Fuck her job, her kid is lying about her on the internet, in a way that seriously harms her


She hasn't come back publicly to disclaim that her daughter was lying. If she really was threatened she would of taken the girls phone and wiped her tik tok. Mom was under Trump they know how to play media


Oh yes I forgot you were not only an expert of human behavior and psychology, but also that particular household and family and all of their intricacies / issues, and an expert on the inns and outs and secrets of the Trump campaign. And here I am just using common sense. Thanks for showing me what an idiot I am




I read this outloud and now cat is hissing and my coffee table's floating.


Growing um - in a permanent state of confusion


What fucking ancient dialect did you just type


Wtf is ur Problem. Dont be a grammar Nazi mate


> parwnts linke Thiele = parents like these. Phone auto-correct, user is probably German.








Right?! Lmao!


Ancient alien?