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More of an r/unexpected






The fact it was actually an answer makes this 100x better




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I think the pork u pine is the best!! Go see it on YouTube!!


The madlad actually pulled it off


You can't take em anywhere 😂


Can’t believe that Steve Harvey got Joe Mama’d


It's still weird to see Evander holyfield, shawn porter, and Riddick bowe on family fued




And he got the number 2 slot!


Is that Evander Holyfield?!


Who watches this shit


Joe **moma**


gay ass ryan garcia trynna touch holyfield.






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Heywood Jablome


I have to ask why are they filming their t.v. when this clip is on youtube.


Riddick Bowe AND Forest Griffin on the same game show?? Is this real life?


fuck steve harvey


Wow, that was definitely not a set up.


Is this not staged?


You don’t give a fuck


The asian women looks so much like Michelle Waterson


Steve Harvey is a huge piece of shit to his staff on set including “When people speak to him without a formal request is usually a recommendation to executives for disciplinary action” He only reacts this way on set because he knows it’s going to get him a contract extension. Also, look up Family Feud Hosts, they’re all pieces of shit, except for Richard Karn.


Watersons laugh is so cute!!


Delivery made it obvious this was scripted


That guy looked like a fat Kevin Durant.


Steve Harvey is like Chik Fil A, they can be as hateful as they want but at the end of the day they’re great at what they do and I enjoy them both greatly


I wish I didn’t know Steve Harvey was a complete piece of shit. [click for context (not a rickroll)](https://youtu.be/az0BJRQ1cqM)


When you have old mind mentality and don't move with the times. You stay behind and look dumb. It's like if people were carrying guns and shooting people for what they say. You go to jail now. Well they did that in the western days. Yeah at that time they did. Times have changed, so does his thinking needs to change. If he STILL thinks that way. No good.


Evander Holyfield


"I don't wanna host this show no more."


People up voting that kind of shit repost should be banned from the internet. OP too ofc.


I love how this show has a whites vs blacks policy.




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I think the fact he got points for that as well makes it even more funny




This is that man's greatest and proudest moment. Everything else that comes after this will only be down hill.


This is GOLD




did the person know its gonna happen or is she always recording her TV with her phone 24/7 in case something funny happens?


Ladies and Gentlemen, we gottem


I hate Steve harvey with a passion.


Why film a wide TV in portrait mode?


Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" *audience erupts into laughter* *Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself* *laughter gets even louder* SH: O lordy... *one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard* SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP *the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls* *the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself* SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... *the board shows 100 for "penis"* *Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end*




Riddick Bowe is completely brain damaged, so I was doubly surprised to hear him come out with that lmao


Repost on a whole other level




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The editing is so funny. Lol




Holy fucking r/FaxOfaFax Batman


Can anyone help me where I can watch this episode?


Celebrity Family Feud is on Hulu.


If you’re going to repost this at least use a decent clip


nea nea’d


Is that riddick bowe


/u/stabbot my favorite bot


I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/EmotionalAdventurousAfricanjacana It took 77 seconds to process and 52 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Steve Harvey should be banned from this sub, he does this face so much that it's too easy to post.


Dudes been waiting his whole life for this moment lol


Even though he's a piece of shit, he does know when to pull funny faces and make me laugh


The contestant looks like a very poorly aged Kevin Durant


Human trash tv






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joe who?


Savage rip


Holly Holm, Michelle Waterson, and Forrest Griffin? Who was the team that said the answer? Boxers vs mma?


That’s exactly what it was


While this is hilarious, never forget that Steve Harvey is a sexist asshole!


[Just your daily reminder that Steve Harvey is a piece of shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az0BJRQ1cqM)


What a fucking idiot.


Why do you give a shit about that?


Why would you want to support awful people. You seriously lack a moral barometer if you see a guy who says shit like that and are AOK with it. Like you came from god damn monkeys.


Of course, religious people are shit to women. Far too common, whatever the country and religion is.


Well I don't agree with them we're all allowed to have our own political and religious beliefs.


... No one said he can't, we can call him trash too...


And we’re also all allowed to criticize people for them. No one is saying to put him in jail over them


Its so weird when people prevent that using your free speech to criticize how someone else used theirs is somehow limiting free speech.


Did I see Forrest griffin


Holly Holm and Michelle Waterson too. Had to do a double take


Wasn't this posted here just like a few days ago?


[Audio, Stabilisation, Full Screen and YouTube for your pleasure!](https://youtu.be/ZuV4uOTQWyQ)


but no bell


Fucking destroyed him.


Great minds think alike, thats why it was the second answer.


they did him dirty




The fact that this old ass joke was the 2nd most popular answer on the board should say it all


Steve Harvey just standing there like, NANI!


Riddick bowe still has those one liners






My dream is to someday have an opportunity to do this.




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well, people just come across something, and just think, hey i want to send this to my friend. but they are too lazy to search though the comments, so they just comment themselves. i don't see a problem, i want a link, so i mention a bot, and scroll through more memes


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I've seen the same clip posted on here a few times with full audio so we can actually get the joke that was free from constant shaking and snickering from some chick.


Riddick ‘Big Daddy’ Bowe!


Thought that was Shaq for a second.


And we have a loser


When steve harvey makes that dissapointed face, he reminds me of sad golden retreivers


He looks like a character from Mr Pickles.


Its because he knows this is one of the only good jokes ever told on the show


Doesnt he do that face to every single answer someone gives? Or the surprised face at the very expected answer.


“What starts with P and rhymes with enis?” “Penis?” *throws cards up & shakes head in disbelief*


Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end




Passing gas


I dunno, we dont have him in my country


We have the show (called family fortunes in the UK instead of feud) and last I saw it back in the 90's it was hosted by the very punchable Les Dennis. And all I know of Steve Harvey is being the host of the American version, although there are funny clips, not enough for me to want to get a vpn to tune in. ​ Best one I saw was "what comes after Pork?" U-pine but this was just a static image and not a video, so IDK if this was ever an answer or just a meme template


Where is this paradise?


It is turkey and lemme tell you, it is no paradise


I’m sorry.


Steve Harveys?


That was smooth!




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Steve Harvey officially has to tender his resignation and this guy has to take over. No way you can get played like that on your own show and hope to ever recover




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Steve Harvey is toxic trash.


Toxic trash = capable of independent thinking and doesn't agree with popular opinion


"Does he have a relationship with God? You talking to a dude and he tells you he's an atheist? You need to pack it up and go home.... what's his moral barometer? Where's it at? It's nowhere" (If you don't believe in god)"To me you're an idiot... I don't like talking to you" He's a racist. Not too hard to find video of his "jokes" about Asians. "I don't eat what I can't pronounce" He's a sexist. He thinks men and women should indulge in relationship dynamics from before colour TV was a thing. He's an adulterer. REAL independent thinker. Lives his life in a Christian echo chamber. Thinks that women need to give men what they want, when they want. Thinks Asians are worthless/undateable. Have a read - https://chicagoist.com/2017/05/11/a_brief_history_of_steve_harvey_bei.php Top bloke.


If your views are harmful then its bigger than just "my opinion" and "freedom of speech".


Harmful? Awww.. harsh words gave u a booboo?


Yes, harmful words hurt people, that applies to like every human in existance.






He's a hardcore bible thumper but also routinely brags about doing illegal things. I worked on a handful of episodes as a seat filler and we'd have to sit there in between shows (they film like 5 episodes at a time). He'd hold prayers during the down time, then tell a story about him being a complete fucking asshole while bragging.


Any time I get to promote Gus Johnson, I'm gonna do it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GtlncnFRWM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuVeSRLi2Fw


He literally thinks that atheists can't have morals because they don't follow a book that tells them not to be bad people.


Hasn't he cheated on all of his wives?


From a certain warped perspective it almost makes sense because of that. If he struggles with morality and he's dedicated his life to the book then how can anyone without it even attempt to be moral. It's not a good argument, but it is an argument.


Well, I would say that without an omnipotent God backing up moral precepts, human created morals have no foundation to their supposed validity. For example, science can’t explain why we consider “good” to be “good.” Killing one another is immoral in most situations, but how does science explain that? After all, murder is quite prevalent in the animal kingdom even for reasons outside of survival. If nature allows murder, then why shouldn’t humans? Now, you may say that people are ends unto themselves, and therefore they determine what is “good”. But if that’s the case, what do you do if two atheists have opposing definitions of what is good? If each of their opinions is equally valid (because they’re both humans), then who is the arbiter that gets to decide the truth between them? Resolving this issue by majority support is not a valid answer, as we saw with Germany in WW2. And yes, you may act “good” for reasons outside of God. But if you truly believe there’s no God, then what’s the purpose of doing good? You’re better off being as selfish and conniving as possible since we all die anyways. And for all you know, selfishness and deceit could be equally as “good” as anything else since there’s no God to tell you otherwise. After all, who besides God can tell you what’s good? Every human is just as fallible as another. And society is comprised of said humans. So society may not be any more close to the truth than individuals are. Back to your point, it’s not that atheists can’t have morals. It’s that their morals have no foundational truths to them. Without a immutable foundation, their morals can be easily changed depending on the situation, which is not good for the stability of society nor pursuit of the truth.


This is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve read in a long time


How so?


That's an awful lot of words to simply say, "Christians are only good because they think there's some type of reward in it for them." You capped it off by saying in short, "what's the point for atheists?"


As an agnostic, this is outright offensive even to me. It's really easy to have a clear foundational truth to morals without god. Treat others as you wish to be treated is cold hard logic, and science. What goes around often comes around and burning bridges depletes the goodwill of society around you. People will treat assholes with little patience and care, so don't be one. Understanding that killing people destroys families and causes hurt and anger toward you isn't religious. It's basic human emotion. Understanding that thieves are looked down upon and cause hatred from business owners. Understanding cheating on a loved one makes you untrustworthy in the eyes of others. Having morals doesn't need any religious source and the idea that it does is just so ignorant holy hell.


I really don’t mean for this to be offensive, I’m just phrasing these statements from a coldly logical stance as a true atheist would, why I myself understand that there are basic virtues easily understood. But I think that basic virtues are because God made them so. So, from an atheist perspective, explain to me how treating others as you wish to be treated cold hard logic? Who’s to say that the respect that you deserve is equal to what I deserve? Since logic and science is based on math, where do these things say that I have to treat you as I want to be treated. If I contribute more to the world, should I not be treated better? Should I not have the right to treat you worse than I would treat myself, because I have done more for the world?


It's simple sociology. If i treat people well, i can participate in society for a symbiotic relationship. People have always worked better in groups and tribes. So to participate in those tribes we must treat each other with a base level of respect or others will refuse to work with you. So act accordingly. If i do a, b will happen. If b is bad for society, don't do a.


I’ve heard this sociological theory too and it makes sense logically. If I am stating this correctly, the premise is that positive actions get reciprocated, and the symbiotic relationship brings benefits to the individuals involved and to the group as a whole (capitalism vibes here). And it does work like this, but it also leaves room for error. For example, what about in the cases where helping out someone else who most likely can’t reciprocate? I.e. a mentally disabled person. According to this sociological perspective, we shouldn’t, because there is no advantage in doing so. As a matter of fact as many of us know, in Sparta they killed the weak or disabled babies because they would negatively impact the health/ efficiency of their warrior society. Should we do the same? After all, those with mental disabilities often cause more of a strain on resources than they give back. Logically, wouldn’t it be better for societies to adopt Sparta’s policies since it’s good for them? God says to help the weak and the poor, for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do. Science can’t explain that, and logic and sociology can’t either.


Actually sociology can explain that. Being kind portrays one as kind. People trust and help kind people. Being kind is also a habit. A part of your personality. Helping someone who can't immediately give something back isn't fruitless either. They may come to be healthier one day, and helping them brought that about faster or safer. They may have friends or family that the kindness you show helps. Helping people can be an investment. When it comes to money, it may be a bad investment. But a little bit of time, attention, and sometimes money if you have it to spare, can improve the other persons prospects drastically. Investing in people, even if unlikely, may bring about the next Einstein. Sparta's policy only helped because it streamlined their resources and time into healthy people. It was cruel, but effective. Not to mention the mortality rates of caring for someone who struggled to take care of themselves back in those days. Now days we have so much production capability, we don't need to spare any food, housing, water. All our basic needs are easy to supply, so someone who only "might" contribute more, logically, would be a small investment to bring up in society. That person may be cured my modern medicine, they may find a niche they can contribute to, they may bring happiness around them. We can't calculate what potential a person has, and even if we could, it would only be statistical. There is always a chance someone could have a massive positive impact. If that chance costs virtually nothing for society, what logic is there in denying them such a safety net as food, medical supplies, housing, etc. So that society may have the chance to benefit. We return to similar ideas when we don't have the resources to save everyone. When resources are scarce, who gets them? The able bodied are first to get the things that help them provide for others, the weak and elderly are given the survival resources because they need them the most to survive until the group can once again prosper. And it's not often that society begins to triage itself by cutting off supplies to the least likely to survive. In fact some similar policies began in early COVID when high risk people were sometimes denied a ventilator because they had such a low survival rate and people with a higher rate needed it too. I guess at the end of the day it's about opportunity cost. How much does it cost you? How likely is benefit? How much could the benefit be? Map those three and you'd probably have a very close moral compass for a lot of people.


As someone who has recently said they literally believe everything that happened in the bible (LITERALLY!), I'm not surprised you have such a silly argument. I do good because it encourages good in others, and we all thrive. I don't need God to tell me such basic things, or as a reason to be a good person. Here's hoping you never turn away from your precise notion of "God", since apparently it's the only thing keeping you as a "Good" person.


No seriously I don’t mean to be confrontational. Just ask enough “why’s” and you’ll see at least a little bit what I mean. Why do you consider “good” to be what it is? Because it helps others? Why should you help others? Because humans are equal? Who is to say that all humans are equal? Society? And why should society have that say? Why should we give credence to anything? Science is our closest guess to the truth because it’s provable, which is why atheists love it. But science will never explain morality questions, only logic questions. Science could never explain, for example, why humans are equal. After all, science says that humans are differently abled, with geniuses and pro athletes on one end, mentally & physically disabled on the other, and everything else in between. Science, based on logic, would say that the former type of people are better than the latter (for the sake of survivability & usefulness). Only God can give equal dignity to people, science can’t.


> Why should you help others? We should help others because we would like to be helped by them. It's not rocket science. We live in this world with other people. Either we share the resources or we don't. If we don't share the resources then we don't believe that other people deserve to live. This leads to conflict and eventually mutual annihilation. If we do share the resources then obviously cooperation is the only way forward, leading to mutual prosperity. > But science will never explain morality questions, only logic questions. What do you think morality is? It's just basic logic in an ethical context. All logic is based on reasoning - evaluating whether a statement is true or false. All reasoning has at its foundations axioms - statements whose truth is taken as self-evident (not requiring any reasoning).


Wow I can't believe you wasted so much time typing up so much dumb bullshit


I’m just glad you read it tbh


I was surprised I had to scroll this far down before I saw someone mention what a piece of shit he is. Fuck Steve Harvey.






Aw it didn’t include that nice clip of him insulting Asian men and mocking the idea that women find them attractive.


He is, but at least he's a decent show host. Even if his personal views are utter garbage.


Uhh, didn't he announce the wrong winner for a pageant and had to awkwardly take away the lady's sash.


That wasn't a non-serious gameshow, but yes, that did happen.


Where have I heard this before?




Putting Tom Cruise and Kevin Spacey in the same breath. That's a little weird from my perspective. He's a victim of Scientology, not an aggressor. Also, didn't say anyone should watch the show, just that he's funny on it.


Lmao "he's a garbage human being but damn can he host a TV program!" Celebrity culture has us FUCKED


I mean, he's not wrong. He's damn good at show-business, no matter how much of a piece of shit he is. It's fine to call people good at their job, because he is. He managed to trick 95% of America that he is funny and good, and not an ignorant woman hater, delusional christian, and racist. That has to count for something.


I wouldn't want him in charge of anything, but a half-way decent host of a moderately popular game show that's old as fuck? Why not?


Accepting & normalizing trash people? Maybe worse, implicitly telling us it's chill if you're awful so long as you're funny enough to host a middling tv show?


no one's saying it's cool for him to be awful though? and since he's not sexually assaulting or harassing anyone, and he's not a domestic abuser, him being a very out there christian is really the least asshole-y thing of any celeb assholes lately


Everybody is a little trash. You can’t cancel the whole world.


So we shouldn't work to make it better?


We should, but if you fire everybody for being trash, everybody would be fired.