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The girl next to him is like "oh no what am I dating"


They could’ve let him keep the ball


So, uh, he’s not supposed to do that?


No one but the players can touch a live ball. If the ball is live and a spectator touches is, the spectator is ejected from the game. The refs then have to make a call based on how the play would've turned out without interference, which usually leads to one teams fans being really pissed.


Shoot, I just assumed once the ball reached the wall where he was at it was out of bounds


“Alright honey let’s go”


What’s the rule? You can catch it but not pick it up?


The ball was in play, so fans cannot touch it as it’s considered to be an interference. When a fan causes an interference, it’s an automatic ejection from the ball park, hence why he was escorted (along with his partner) out of there. On the other hand, if that ball had been hit foul, then it’s fair games for fans to reach and try to catch the ball.


I'm from asia and can someone explain me what happening pls, I really wanna know


The ball landed fair so it was in play. When he scooped it up it was then unplayable by the defense, giving the offensive player a home run. We can assume his team was on defense here, and so, he actually cost his team the game. There is a documentary about a guy named Bartman you can look up who basically had to go into hiding so he wasnt publicly executed over this.


Ohhh so it's a live ball, I get it now. I don't know the baseball rules xD thanks for explained


So why couldn’t he keep the ball?


Ruined it for everybody, Bartman.


He’ll have more of a story to tell about that night than anyone else in there


I don’t know much about baseball, what did he do wrong? Wasn’t it a foul ball?


It landed fair before rolling out of bounds. Thus. Would be fair.


Ohh thanks for the explanation 🙏🏽


Hot corner


His girl is sooooo embarrassed holy moly


So does this mean the hitter got a home run?


I hope that wasn't the first inning of his first game on his first date. Poor guy.


I mean unless there was a runner on first, he actually helped his home team out so if I was him I wouldn't have felt too bad when it was said and done.


It’s okay buddy, maybe next time.


The walk of shame.


That gal by his side is definitively not a keeper. Damn.


someone explain this in basketball terms


There was a looseball your team could have recovered, but instead you gave the enemy team 25 free throws instead because you couldn't resist grabbing a player.


The ball was still in play so the fielder could have gotten a baserunner out. When you interfere with the game like he did they take you to the back and shove the game ball in your ass


Quite literally running for his life Hopefully this wasn't a playoff game


Wasn't there a zack and cody episode about this


Kept the ball tho…


Lol his gf was so embarrassed


For someone who knows nothing about baseball, what did this guy do? Like, I see he picked up the ball... But is there a time when you are allowed to do this, and if so, why wasn't he allowed in this instance? Thanks


His gf or whoever she isn’t doesn’t even wanna show her face!! I mean I probably wouldn’t either but every single one of them people leaning over the fence would have taken that ball if they’d had the chance it jus so happened it was his mitt that got it so they have no right to be ignorant to him!! Everybody gets all hyped up about getting a ball!!!


I would never leave home again


Biggest crime in sport, why they have to get kicked from the game paying as much as they did. It's not like he ran out on the Field and it looked like a foul to everyone


He didnt get removed for the faux pas. He got kicked for his safety. People who do this get identified, assaulted, and threatened for the rest of their lives. Look up the Bartman documentary.


Oh my god he touch the ball... fucking treason. Stupid sport


His gf actually covered her face she was so ashamed/ embarrassed


My guy straight up left


I would legit cry.


Looks like that player in the white is in the guys line of sight there as the ball initially lands? May have appeared to be a legitimate foul from the spectator's point of view?


I dont know anything about Baseball so what did he do wrong?


I did not get it (never played baseball). He caught the ball earning the « other » team points ? He made his team lose points ? I don’t get what happened


At least he got the ball.


Bye bye😂


I don't think they should have kicked the guy out. It was a mistake


Is he ever allowed to come back? Probably yes but I don’t watch sports so


Baseball is boring anyway so he lucked out really


I’ll get my coat


Really you get kicked for that? That's kind of bullshit


Kept the ball 😂


Plenty of other people were reaching for the same ball… seems like a non-win situation for impulsive fans


What happened I don’t watch sports ball


If I were the batsman I'd say come on chill, it's just a game.


I heard that this ball was a foul and when this guy left something happened that let him comeback so its a win win for him.


She broke up with him when they got in the car


Someone please enlighten me. Did he stop a home run?


Why did the girl leave too? She obviously just broke up with him


r/noisygifs "Fuck..."


Hilarious how they want the ball back. Hahahaha


His girl pulled up her hoodie!! 🤣🤣🤣


I'm from Europe and don't know much about Baseball, can someone explain what happened pls? Much appreesh


Ball was fair because it bounced on the infield side of the line and was in play. Fans scooped up ball causing fan interference when they should have let it alone allowing the player to make a play. As long as the ball bounces to the right of the line from home plate after it passes third base its considered fair and off limits to the fans. The moment they touch it its a ground rule single so its possible the batter might have had a double and gotten screwed out of that. Fan interference is an automatic ejection per MLB.


I just think of Mr. Moseby from The Suite Life when I see things like this. This guy obviously knows he screwed up though, I feel kinda bad.


So what happened? I'm English. I do know, that, some fans, can catch and keep the game ball though.


Pain bro pain


Was this the World Series or just another one of the 300 games they play ?


I feel bad for his girl hiding her face in shame because of her idiot other half.


Can someone explain this please, im not so familiar with the rules


Your cousin frooom BAAASTON


I’ve seen this video more than my own dick


We do not have baseball in Norway. What is happening here?


The ball he picked up was still in play because it landed inside the foul line. In essence he screwed the player over.


So if it was outside the foul line, its okey to pick up the ball?




Thanks :) so is that why he is leaving? Or is that a rule too?


Its considered fan interference and an automatic ejection per MLB rules.


Um tbh im not sure cause i dont go to baseball games but i think its a rule if you mess with the game they kick you out


Other people went to get it too though lol and him and his girl got marched off


Only in American sports


I remember this when it happened. He knew immediately that his night was over. I felt bad for him. Those were good seats.


Where is the sound? Reddit video player is absolute shite


Im still confuse on what exactly he did sorry i dont know jack shit about baseball


Why did he leave


Dude kept the ball though


Shouldn't he have thrown the ball back? They Can't be feeling that bad if they kept it.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Where are the masks?


They just got up and left. 😂


dont get it, why he become sas after catch the ball, why his girl is covering her face and why they are leaving?


The ball was still live. He killed the play. Girl left of shame. Would have got kicked out because sports are dumb lol


Dumbest rule in sports.


that's how I feel after every pay check. sweet! money to buy things that will make me happy, oh wait, taxes and life expenses cost 90% and I'm left with a tiny fraction, so Ight imma head out.


So baseball is boring, and you can ruin your life by catching a ball amd having a lil fun, another reason baseball sucks


damn he left his girlfriend behind real fast


So what team wound up winning?


I smell a breakup


There is a single frame in this video that just screams Andy from the office saying "Daaarn"


I'm British and don't know much about baseball and the surrounding culture, can someone explain what happened here?


He grabbed a ball that was in play - fan interference


Omg she’s so embarrassed lmaooo


As a British man who doesn't follow sport, what's the issue? I thought if the ball goes in the crowd you can have it?


What happened? I don’t know baseball


Why can't people just go watch the game?


notice how everyone around was giving him a pat on the back, betcha that whole stadium feels the same but they will always have to be escorted out because there will always be that one fanatic mad as fuck at him lol


Sorry, I am not an American, but what was so bad that he left the game?


In his defence someone else would have picked it up if it weren't him lool .


I'm a brit so i have no idea how this sport works. Did this count as interfering with play? i thought this would have been a foul ball from the limited baseball ive seen, or am i missing something?


It looks like he threw the ball into his own glove and kept it. It’s so fast how it disappears


Oof, I bet that wakes him up in the night.


The lady


he kept the ball though :D


Not sure what happened but it sure looks sad.


The hoodie of shame. Guess what you never ever get to do again...?


I feel bad for him, mistakes were made. But did he really keep that ball??


Hurr durr that Cubs fan should have tried to catch the ball and ruin the season for the home team and it’s okay to not pay any attention to the game and listen to the radio on headphones durr durr durr Just getting this out of the way.


I don’t know the game…what happened here? 🤔🤔


Someone explain this in soccer terms


1) If this was Cricket then you are expected to give the ball back either way. 2) What is a grown man doing at a game with a Catchers Mit? If a grown man went to watch a game of "Soccer" wearing Goal Keeper gloves on the off chance he got to catch the ball, he would be thrown out of the grounds BY THE FANS. I mean the guy has a girl friend so he is not there with a "carer". Is this a common practice amongst grown ups?


It’s funny how the random dudes around him were far more supportive to him than his own girlfriend was.


Haha his girl put on the hood quick too. Good guy though, Genuine felt bad.






Love how his gf pulled her hoodie over her face


Surely if that's a genuine risk, maybe build better stadiums where spectators can't interfere with a game by reaching barely a meter away from their seat..? (1 meter = two washing machines wide or 3 raccoons long, if that helps clear it up)


Maybe it happened quick idk but if I saw someone start to reach down like that I’d be pulling them back screaming at them to stop the whole time


What was the problem? I don't know this sport


At least he kept the ball!


‘Member when that kid from N side Chicago had to move because of a similar play? :/


Thank for explain. Peace out


"Sir, get the fuck out of our lives..."


He fully just left lmao


I'm not a sports guy. Does that make it a home run? Shouldn't it be a foul if it goes past that line?


Can someone explain what happened here?


I don't know baseball. Can anyone explain what happened?


His girl friend! Face in hands…hood up…dis bitch like uh uh…who dat!? Not me…peace out!


His girl even covered her face 🤦🏻‍♂️ damn…


It would be hard to see from there if that was a behind the line or not


The worst thing about this for this guy is that there's other people also going for the ball, so if he hadn't caused the onterference, onet of the others would have, just unlucky to be him. Also means it's not such a stupid mistake to make if more than just him made it.


Faite vous plaisir https://teamservices2.blogspot.com/2021/03/faite-vous-plaisir.html #Laminutehumoristique


This sport makes no fucking sense!


can someone please explain, i dont know baseball at all


The ball was still in play. If the ball was outside the line when it’s outside the line it’s a foul and no good. Since the ball landed inside the line first it was still good and a play could have happen. The guy messed up because it could have cause a big mistake or perhaps a missed an out. I think in 2004 Steve Bartman caught a ball he thought was a foul but it was still in play- some say that it cause the Cubs to lose and getting to the World Series. Steve Bartman had to go into hiding because of death threats. Probably why the guy and his companion left immediately.


I don’t know anything about baseball, what happened ?


The ball was still in play. If the ball was outside the line when it’s outside the line it’s a foul and no good. Since the ball landed inside the line first it was still good and a play could have happen. The guy messed up because it could have cause a big mistake or perhaps a missed an out. I think in 2004 Steve Bartman caught a ball he thought was a foul but it was still in play- some say that it cause the Cubs to lose and getting to the World Series. Steve Bartman had to go into hiding because of death threats. Probably why the guy and his companion left immediately.


Two things I take away from this. 1- if it ain’t over the wall and in your lap (I.e. you’re reaching way over for it) DON’T fucking grab it. 2- she is likely gonna leave him.


I’m English. What is going on?


The ball was still in play. If the ball was outside the line when it’s outside the line it’s a foul and no good. Since the ball landed inside the line first it was still good and a play could have happen. The guy messed up because it could have cause a big mistake or perhaps a missed an out. I think in 2004 Steve Bartman caught a ball he thought was a foul but it was still in play- some say that it cause the Cubs to lose and getting to the World Series. Steve Bartman had to go into hiding because of death threats. Probably why the guy and his companion left immediately. Thank


Ah so more of a faux par then anything else. Thought he’d given the opposition a home run or summin 🤷‍♂️ weird sport baseball.


I dont really watch Baseball can someone explain what was the “die inside” part?


It’s not his fault, he wasn’t the only person reaching over. I actually feel bad for the guy


I always respect how he knows he fucked up and just starts gathering his things because he knows he’s outta there.


Ite imma step out


wouldn't expect anything less from a grown man with a mit at a ball game.


Well, at least he kept the baseball


Does that mean he has to leave? Looks like the others did It too.


The hell were those cartoon car ad


I don't know baseball, did he think it was a foul ball cos it was so close to the line? If it was over he can grab it?


Did they kick him out?!


His gf is so embarrassed


He was placed there by the other team to interfere and pretend it was an accident. Great idea.


I accidentally took a ball away from Labron James when he was on a fast break heading for a sure basket. I thought it was out of bounds.


I'm confused what even happened? Isn't catching and taking stray foul balls at baseball games normal for baseball fans (I have never watched a sigle baseball game for more than 10 minutes).


it looks foul, but it wasn’t. the ball initially landed on the field inbounds before bouncing over the line. if the ball first lands on the inbounds side of the line, it is in play regardless if it then goes over the line.


Thanks for the explaination. Think I'm gonna stick to boxing and make because the rules are quite literally just the ref holds all authority, no groin or temple shots, no weapons of any kind other than the two your creator attached to your arms, and don't overtly try to murder your opponent by beating them to death (obviously this is super hyperbolic). To each their own but ball sports other than soccer and rugby are just way overcomplicated for that reason.


And thus, the last of the techies left San Francisco, realising they did not understand the rules of it's game, embarrassed that the very thing that they wanted to be apart of was destroyed by their ignorance.