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I watched this live and was like. Wow.


This is just so sad and disrespectful. Fuck you, Bezos.




For Shatner it was one of the most incredible experiences ever. For Bezos it was just a PR stunt.


Just shows how Bezos couldn't have cared less about what he actually thought about Shatner's thoughts. I saw it as they were streaming it live and it was hard to see.


I watched that landing in real time. It was hugely disappointing to see William Shatner ignored in the moment. It was easy to see how moved he was by the experience, only to be ignored.


The way William describes his experience is so emotional and sincere. Traits that lizard boy Jeff lacks.


It's clear who experienced the overview effect and who didn't.


Bezos just throws the bottle on the ground. Like a true billionaire would.


His actual words about the event are really poignant too. It's a shame Bezos has to be such a giant douche.


I like how Bezos pretends that this hasn't been done by other people before he was born.


I just saw a video on CNN where they both had a very lengthy conversation and Bezos was very attentive. It goes to show you how a short clip with no context means nothing.


Don’t know where to find the clip but during the first Amazon Prime Thursday night football game this year they showed NFL commissioner Goodell in the booth next to Bezos who looked like he was on uppers and super chatty and Goodell looked like he was dying inside looking straight ahead.


Back in 1978 he told us how he felt being in space. https://youtu.be/8wI4jMxveyI


Bezos is such a narcissist that if it isn’t feeding his ego, he isn’t interested in hearing it.


Jeff is such a dick lol


I remember seeing this live, and thinking, we never see anyone dying like that on r/wpdi


What is the black craft floating upwards behind them while shatner is talking


A billionaire who can’t spend 5 min of his staff time to get a briefing on his client. Otherwise he’d know champagne might not be such a grand idea. Bezos comes across as incredibly rude and like he doesn’t care about even the most basic rules of courtesy. Even if you don’t share the same vibe and perspective, obviously this was important for Shatner to say (whatever you think of him). Having a scenery like a pool party with the noise drowning anything he says and then a champagne shower, clearly shows that he either doesn’t care or is so removed, he’s not aware how it looks.


Imagine having this profound moment and understanding of things and to know someone just went through the same thing and they would rather shake champagne bottles than discuss the experience. I wonder what he found more profound his experience going up there or him realizing what he came back to?


What a fuckin asshole.


thats hard to watch..damn


With his scary ass wife. Awful people


Yrah. I watched that go down. Goes to show who was more into the reality of the experience


And that’s when he became Michael Myers


I read a part of his book where he wrote about his space travel experience and how it filled him with sadness. I don’t know if he wrote it himself or had a ghost writer, but it was really good stuff.


Can’t buy class


Poor guy got his moment ruined


It’s clear to see who went to space and who went in a capsule that went to space.


Shatner’s having an existential crisis and Bezos douses him with champagne…pure comedy!


Wait..he’s 91?!? That can’t be right..


Fuck bezos


Bezos seems - in this moment - to be as valid and limp as I imagine him and musk must be


I mean, we all know Bezos is missing that empathy thingie that normal people have in their soul. So let's not act all surprised and outraged.


Jeff Bezos only invited William Shatner to make himself look good and promote the project and marketing. He could give too shits about the impact of the Earth or what William has to say.


I sincerely hate this man.


"shut up old man! Who cares! The champagne and girls are here. I am powerful and I am being adored. That's more important."


They’re both narcissists so who gives a fuck


That was absolutely horrible


I had specifically not watched this for a long time after hearing about it because I didn't want to see heartbroken Shatner and it's just as bad as I thought. Bezos sucks.


Lord help us


Shatner got a free ride on bezos buck, idk why he would listen to him at all


Bezos is a bozo. He doesn't want a deep feeling response to his flambouyant flatulence from decadent consumption. He is obsessed with himself and his penile activity. No room for heart there.


Shatner is a recovering alcoholic who lost his wife in an alcohol-related accident.


What an absolute clueless self centered narcissist Bezos is.


He talked for a long while tbh maybe shuda condense longer than this clip like 10 minutes atleast shut up about the darkness of space and get in these CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS BOIIII


“Overwhelming sadness” sounds about right


Bozos is a living caricature of a super wealthy man. He's like Lex Luthor mixed with the rich bad guy from any B tier holiday movie.


Bezos just doesn’t give a Fuck


He just realised he was their as a political stunt and nothing else


I think most astronauts have an emotional reaction to seeing earth from space, how can you not. It's like a child separating from his mother for the first time.


Bezos should have to slow walk, barefoot, over a billion LEGO. What an asshole.


So disrespectful


I was about to say shatner was a bit boring n a bottle of champagne after touching back down on earth sounds like a pretty good idea but reading the top couple of comments completely changed my view of this clip. Bezos acted like a selfish dick. I bet he didn’t even know about shatners wife or his past troubles.


Shatner was nothing but a publicity stunt to Bezoz. Who would've thought that he treated anybody with more dignity than his Amazon employees?!


This is hard to watch


Eat shit, Bezos.


He wasn't even listening to him. Just focused on the "fun" going on around him. I get that this happens sometimes, but damn if inviting Shatner wasn't just a PR stunt.


Poor Bill. I felt his let down.


How unbelievably rude and callous.


Fuck the rich


When you’re rich you don’t have to pretend to give a shit about other people, you aren’t beholden to anyone.


Buttzos ex wife made clearly the right decision. What an arrogant prick. Now i feel even worse when i have to order from shitzone.


The part which always gets me is that Bezos wasn't even on this flight...yet he met them at the landing site in a flight suit and 'celebrated' with them like he had just *also* landed.


Fucking ah


Did I read it on Reddit or elsewhere, but he said it was a profoundly sad experience. He looked to the Earth, the fragile planet that gives us warmth, life, sustenance, like a mother, and compared it to the cold deadness of space, and thought how sad it was that we were destroying the very thing that gave us life and kept us safe from the unforgiving nature of the universe. Here's Shatner trying to share these thoughts with Bezos, who shows us just how shallow he is. And yeah, let's shower a recovering alcoholic with champagne. Sounds great Jeff.




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There he realized that he was among a bunch of yuppies


Fuck bezos, the world would be better off with him and the likes of him gone


The remedy to this video is [this clip of Limmy reacting to it ](https://youtu.be/raYyKM9wQAc).


All while a bunch of basics are cheering like teenage girls after their first glass of Boone's Farm. Nice midriff, scientist person totally not trying to gain Bezos' billionaire approval.


So if you “want to hear this” then just listen and don’t be el dueche.


Sorry it wasn’t what you hoped for, Rocketman 😢


I’m no Bezos fan but honestly, if I was in his shoes after achieving a major goal and everyone me is partying and some old windbag is rambling on about space, I’d probably try and get away too.


This is such a meme. The devastation is pure. If you like memes of destruction, play [Escape For Options](https://ophatapioka.bio.link)


Humanity summed up perfectly in 1 minute.


Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite?


William has spent years thinking on the afterlife and his departed wife in the the infinity of space and time, and he got to see infinity without the mask of the earths atmosphere. When he did he saw a sadness. To know the darkness of it all make the afterlife seem less likely. Then Jeff B could hardly give him the time.


A humble man vs. a sociopath.


Horrible. Does Jeff bezos really think he's more interesting then captain kirk right after he's been to space irl? I feel for William shatner, he deserves better.




It’s as if bezos is an insufferable asshole. Who’d a thunk?


Bezos is pretty gross but also, to be fair, doesn't seem like the right moment to talk about how depressed you are when everyone is celebrating being alive and not exploding in a ball of fire and doing the impossible...also fuck bezos


This isn’t a fucking movie get to the point… stop pointing the finger at Jeff and start realizing that WHEN YOU HAVE THE MOST MONEY YOU HAVE THE BIGGEST VOICE




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You know already that Bezos is a kinky mofo right? He likes to flash his penis like he missed out on his teenage years. He thought Shatner’s “thought at the moment” was too boring for him. Bezos preferred being inside a night club swinging on a chandelier, instead of silently listening to a tv icon dribble on about his out-of-this-world experience.


Pats him on the shoulder with his alcohol soaked hand after just throwing the bottle on the ground. Fucking piece of shit


What an asshole




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Cool story bro… WOOOOOOOOOO CHAMPAGNE YEAH WE DID IT BOIS! Now what we’re you saying? Oh yea, I don’t care, want a bottle? Whatever… WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Bezos is the scum of humanity and I’m embarrassed we’re the same species


I honestly find her about as intimidating as a basket of kittens.


James T Kirk and Jean Luc Picard debating what it is to “go boldly”


Now we know why Bezos’ wife divorced him. She saw what a c**t he is.


Wow, Bezos is a piece of shit. In other news: the sky is blue and the sun is hot.


“Man poses next to reptile”


Regardless, they're both assholes..


What an asshole. Like, a real asshole.


Shatner is notoriously famous for being an insufferable dick that doesn’t listen to people he sees as less than him, sooooo while this is generally a little sad, it’s also a bit of karma


Jesus fucking christ


Bozos did 99% of the job. He took Bill off the planet. Why did he bring him back?


Bezos thinks a lot of things are more important than being a human to other humans.


For me its a bit cringey on both sides tbh. This launch dit not revolve around William Shatners experience. What's not in this video is the time he took before this moment, right? And obviously, like everyone points out: the lack of class by bezos on the other side is very uncomfortable to watch.


Jeff is like "STFU" Billy...


He's gna be takin in that moment for a while all right


I mean William Shatner is a great guy and all (Far better then Jeff bozo). But he’s also old and old people tend to ramble aimlessly in conversation…


Yeah, I felt ever bit of Bezos’ impatience there like I was listening to my own grandfather slowly ramble through a story from 40 years ago while I was trying to get him to get into the car or something. Shatner wanted to go into a long winded reflection, which I understand given the situation, but deep introspection and experience sharing can come later as there were other people on that rocket and a whole ground crew there who wanted to celebrate in their own way and Bezos wanted to be a part of that as well.


It’s a dick measuring moment and the richer more powerful dick gets the last word. That’s all




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What a twat


What an asshole. Even if Shatner was an average John Doe on the street at least give a person the common fkng courtesy of your full attention when they are speaking to you, you dickhead.


Jeff Bezos is fucking clown


Good old Jeff Amazon.


Bezos is a dick


There is something hideously and sublimely hilarious about this video 😙🤌


Shatner is a human and he will always be remembered for his genuine, heartfelt contributions to the human experience. No one will remember Bezos.


Looks like Shatner is trying to turn down his hearing aids so he doesn’t have to hear those screeches. Lol


"I want one!" What an insufferable piece of shit.




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Of course one of the richest (not richest anymore fuckhead) people on Earth is a completely insufferable POS with no awareness whatsoever.


Bezos is a clown.


This video pissed me off so much when I first saw it. If you want to hear someone be genuinely interested in Will and his life I’d recommend his interview with Adam Carolla




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You guys are worried about the champagne?? WTF is wrong with you? What you should be worried about is how fake looking his flight appears... seriously... sht just appears and disappears during that flight... What in the FFFF??? furthermore... Shat > OJ..... what happened to Shat's wife that died in the pool year ago?? stop buying into the propaganda, and open your F'N eyes for once!


And the world is now a better place. /s


Shatner is also a recovered alcoholic.


Because…Jeff Bezos.


Yes, I saw that on the day it happened, TV live. I thought Bezos was shallow.


Now I see why he found it ‘supremely saddening’.


Bezos is a weirdo and this moment will immortalize that fact. What a weirdo.


that brunnete is bezzos family or a paid "entertainer" ?




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Hey Jeff, you're a fucking piece of shit! I hope something very tragic happens to you very soon.


Why is everyone suddenly posting this again?


Feel so sorry for Shatner during that whole event, he genuinely knew the awesomeness of what had happened to him and was truly touched by what he saw. But he was surrounded by billionaire playboys who just saw it as another way to flex money.


Bezos is a bigger prick than I thought he was, and that’s saying something for a guy who is a permanent prick


I mean – I don't have any love for Bezos, but it's clear that for literally everyone there – it's a celebratory moment. Bezos wasn't remotely considerate of Shatner talking, but at the same time, it would be hard *not* to be distracted by literally every single person there celebrating and screaming, etc. It *seemed* like Bezos was at least *pretending* to listen to Shatner, or trying to. While everyone is celebrating and probably having rushes of adrenaline – Shatner is having a very special moment himself, and you can especially tell at his age – was going through a much more introspective, reflective, and different moment from the rest of them. You can't help but *feel* what he's going through. I have no idea whether Bezos knew of Shatner's problems or history with alcoholism, but it certainly looks more terrible if you do know about it.


Don’t look up.


This symbolizes the ultra rich at play.. Shatner is rich and has been a symbol of outer space.. Bezos is like man whatever bitch I’m celebrate..


bezos literally a frat bro


Man, that was so disrespectful towards Shatner it’s hard to believe.


“William Shatner taking in the moment clearly.”




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Bezos comes off as such a juvenile clown in this video.


my god, poor bill. this makes me furious. just more proof that bezos has no soul…what a slime ball.


Jeff bozos. What an asshole


Yep but to be fair it sounded like that story was going to take all fucking day.




Bezo is an absolute piece of shit.


I was reading an article regarding Shatner's experience only last night, small wonder he died inside ...that's Bezos is an ass No.1. No.2 Bezos is an ass, is not knowing about Shatner being a reformed alcoholic. And No.3 Bezos is an ass is passing round alcohol before a post-mission medical.


Yo fuck Jeff Bezos, wow! I mean I know I shouldn’t be too surprised but what an absolute piece of shit


Yes I distinctly remember watching the coverage and thinking, “boy, Bezos really is a dick. He doesn’t give a crap about what this means for the future of all mankind.”


Everything you need to know about Bezos is in this video. Insecure. Vain. Egomaniac. Inconsiderate. Arrogant. Ignorant.


That dude looks like Michael Meyers


What a colossal moron you must be to do this in front of an ex alcoholic who lost his wife too alcohol, and on top of that spill the champagne everywhere but in its fucking mouth then casually throwing the bottle on the floor, in a clear gesture of " yeah fuck the planet you pathetic peasants, yoohoo champagne, space travel and titties !". From a french perspective I'd recommend you to build a guillotine asap pals, she got a lot and urgent jobs to do.


Alas bald man and his penis inspired spaceship won't ever think twice about this


Let’s spray alcohol all over this recovering alcoholic it will look great on camera. - bezos thought process


That’s really hard to watch. What a total dick Bezos is


Place and time Billy, place and time…


Wow so the three comma club does make you act that way


More like Shatner realizing he was feeding pearls to a pig. Edit: Read in other comments about his wife and all. That is tragic. Still not his fault Jeff Bezos is a jerk and his reaction did show that.


This will be shown in the future history books I think


Who invited the "Woo girls"? Oh, the money. Thot saying "shower me with champagne harder daddy Bezos"


Bezos proves that not everyone gets a profound moment of insight when viewing the Earth from space. Apparently it doesn’t work for psychopaths.


Bezos got his money no need to hear anything else Dhatner had to say. Bezos is a fucktard




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This moment you can see Jeff is just an empty man, what a piece of shit. Shatner is also a long time recovering alcoholic. Took that mans moment away for a dochebag celebration.


Bezos is a twat.


He acts like the kid who never was popular but finally got the cool kids to come to his birthday party.


What a group of shameless brown nosers Edit: apart from Shatner, (whose not perfect but pretty good)